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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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42e5e6  No.140866





>The city council in Asheville, North Carolina approved paying reparations to black residents, while a mayor in Rhode Island signed an order promising to look into the act, leading many to argue this is the start of a major trend.

>"Hundreds of years of Black blood spilled that basically fills the cup we drink from today," Keith Young, one of black members of the Asheville City Council, said. "It is simply not enough to remove statutes. Black people in this country are dealing with issues that are systemic in nature."

The vote was 7-0 in favor of the measure.

>The reparations will not be direct payments to individuals, as many proponents of the idea have suggested, but instead investments to increase black home ownership, career opportunities, and access to health care and education.

>A Community Reparations Committee will be created to suggest concrete plans to the city about implementation of the plan, as well as where the funding and resources for everything will be coming from.

>Meanwhile, Providence Mayor Jorge Elorza signed his executive order on Wednesday, promising to create a plan for reparations, with details like whether money will go to investments like North Carolina or be in the form of direct payments. Elorza says it will be a few months before any final decisions are, including how much everything will cost and where exactly the money will come from.

>While reparations were once a rather fringe issue with little mainstream support, the idea has become increasingly popular with politicians looking to win the support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Multiple Democrats have endorsed reparations and even Joe Biden, the party’s presumptive presidential nominee, has said he is open to the concept. The decision was hailed by politicians and pundits as a move necessary in the light of protests throughout the country.

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bf9f0a  No.140871

It only works in the extremely favourable circumstances niggers find themselves in. This also has far more to do with the hype the media managed to generate about the death of a few career criminals, rather than the chimpouts which only pissed off everyone outside the extreme left.

inb4 the kikes find the US during world war 2 "helped" the holocaust by not acknowledging it (because it never fucking happened), and demand reparashuns for themselves.

sage for OP being a faggot

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42e5e6  No.140882


It works because you are a fucking slave who won't kill your fucking enemies.

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fc2548  No.140907




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94bbdb  No.141004


I can't wait until all the niggers in the rest of the country flee to North Carolina for reparations. This could effectively result in self-segregation, North Carolina will become new Liberia.

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