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File: dc068f541d0d80e⋯.jpg (108.62 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, NightOfLivingDead2_0.jpg)

4dc1a0  No.140575

I keep hearing this on my newsfeed on Boomerbook. Who in here thinks that such a scenario is even scientifically possible? As far as I know, there is no virus that makes people come back from the dead. There are neurotoxins that can cause a state similar to clinical death, but are otherwise still alive and could even be mistaken for dead as there have been stories of people trying to claw their way through wooden caskets after eating pufferfish.

Why are preppers sperging out about this?

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4604aa  No.140579

Chaos is always good for the underdog because the underdog does not have to be accountable for any chaos that ensures.

If you want to make facebook shit it self, just create a narrative that "social media was created to track down all jews for a future holocaust" . That will probably trigger it to close itself.

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69e51e  No.140584


Corona is a zombie virus.

It won't "make people come back from the dead". Nothing will, obviously. But it will fry out your neurological systems and slowly turn you into a drooling, angry zombie.

Marijuana does the same thing to some degree, and as it is proliferated people are turning more zombie-like.

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3b3365  No.140587


I would tell you to meme responsibly anon…but you are correct…so meme on.

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33fae1  No.140599

File: 1c730205bddc3a5⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 634x423, 634:423, 30774534_8523933_image_a_3….jpg)

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24da36  No.140603

Shit thread.

This board is really finished.

Hopefully there will be a happening soon.

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4604aa  No.140608


/pol/s next president candidate.

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4dc1a0  No.140613


The closest thing to "zombies" in nature is this parasitic fungus that invades the bodies of ants. And that's only because a fungus has literally invaded their body it doesn't affect humans. That's one thing. The other thing people say is rabies, but that doesn't cause people to come back from the dead does it? No. From what I know, it can only be found in the saliva, brain or other nervous systwm tissue of an infected animal and is spread through bite, contact with saliva in mucus membranes (like the eyes, nose, cuts, lesions, etc.) or through scratches. Human-to-human transmission is mostly theoretical and has only been documented in cases involving organ and corneal transplants. There are other non-bite routes of obtaining it too, like airborne transmission in caves (this has only been documented in one cave in Texas that supports an unusual environment), exposure to laboratory aerosols or eating the brain of an infected animal. See links below for articles on atypical exposure.




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57ada9  No.140619


No “happening” has ever benefitted whites in any way or come to any sort of fruition, and has always served to demoralize and destroy white resistance. I’m not sure why you’re still even shilling for “the happening.” I’m of more than half a mind to say the very concept of “the happening” was ALWAYS a psy-op.

Also yeah, I’m not technically allowed to delete this thread. Maybe I could justify it under “it’s /x/ bullshit,” but I think I’m supposed to leave it. Or if I was to delete it, I’d have to repost the question in QTDDTOT, despite it being /x/ bullshit. It’s hard to say. Goddamn travesty what happened to /pol/.

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4604aa  No.140621


>implying /pol/ doesn't have a sixth sense in making tactical shitposts to waste glowniggers time

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3b3365  No.140641


Make the habbening habben anon.

There is no fate except what we make.

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cd342b  No.140642

Zombie apocalypse scenarios are metaphors for brainwashed normies doing basically the same shit

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fe1fa5  No.140691

File: 53faa6601da6f88⋯.jpg (130.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, grimReaper.jpg)

Newsflash anon,

zombies is code for NIGGERS

Now go re-read those threads.

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cb4739  No.140704


Why are there so many secret terrorist messages in zombie threads anon? What did the nazis mean by this? I agree, we should all spend time re-reading all the zoombie threads.

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01e9b1  No.140718

File: 1675b4f74b3cfe2⋯.jpg (39.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bath_salt_florida_zombie_v….jpg)


this, and also a few years back there was open air testing of zombie-like drugs, released in so called "bath salts". If you trace back who the companies were that made these bath salts, you get some interesting links. I did a lot of research on it back then, but then will all the other happenings, I just kind of let it slide. I remember there being like a dozen incidents of people, mostly niggers, but also some whites and hispanics, just losing their shit and eating peoples faces off. Even a white college kid just started attacking an older white man and ate his face off. So (((they))) are definitely working on something like that. Granted not an actual zombie virus that would bring someone back from the dead, but a drug or virus which would turn everyone that inhaled or consumed it into a cannibalistic highly aggressive state for a short period of time. Releasing that during riots, if they found a way to aerosolize it would be pretty gnarly. Wouldn't be surprised if we see a mass incident of this sometime in the near future.

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3b3365  No.140719

File: d2d4ab0f9632722⋯.jpg (46.41 KB, 565x315, 113:63, black_zombies.jpg)

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bc668b  No.141087


Replace "zombie" with "(sand)nigger" and you already live in one.

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bc668b  No.141089

File: 05055bea6da0435⋯.jpg (20.02 KB, 400x400, 1:1, OMzvaJ_0_400x400.jpg)


Good post.

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8c21e9  No.141092

File: 2c5086f546a363a⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 1464x1092, 122:91, an_old_Aussie_proverb.jpg)


>Hopefully there will be a happening soon.

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8c21e9  No.141094


Cool post, can give some links to read about it ?

P.S: It's like the whole Resident Evil series were kinda predictive programming and not just a autistic sci-fi.

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8c21e9  No.141096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb9bf2  No.141098


>During riots

>leftists will eat eachother

>BLM is now black lifes taste like chicken

>Because of shitty logistics and no jobs even people not infected will cannibalize because commie

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3b3365  No.141585


Replace "(sand)nigger" with nigger and you already live in one.

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6a95bd  No.141637


First, how fucking dare you make me perform a capcha.

Second, the CDC has told people long ago to prepare for zombie apocalypse. Not for the literal zombies you're thinking of, but in actuality what you're seeing in the US now- hordes of raging morons that are not content to live and let you live.

Third, turning lead into gold is also metaphorical and not literal like most things you have difficulty understanding. Learn to think higher.


You're a cunt and better muzzle yourself before someone does it for you.

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3b3365  No.141638


>You're a cunt and better muzzle yourself before someone does it for you.

I love it when you talk rough like this…

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bc668b  No.141662

File: 15c59de86be24ca⋯.jpeg (8.28 KB, 224x225, 224:225, download.jpeg)


Get bent you donothinggoyim faggot!


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2dfc77  No.141713


Seems like a lot of speculation to me, followed with some hearsay and then very bland social commentary. Comparing the zombie-like state (an analogy) of a weedsoaked culture to characteristics of the undead (a literal interpretation) is frankly retarded and I'm upset that I've spent so much time analyzing your comment now.

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b86a01  No.150157


>dude weed lmao

Get a job, ghoul.

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c84780  No.150163


I dated a girl that looked like her. The smell of her pussy juices on my fingers was mesmerizing. I kept sniffing my fingers all day long when she was gone. I didn't wash my hands because I didn't want to lose that smell.

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db4eac  No.150165


I didn't do weed or catch corona but I turned into an angry zombie after turning 23. My brain just fucked off after I was done with education. Maybe it's not just me though. Youtube comments ceased being funny and witty around the same time last year.

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c7dd54  No.150166

File: 84e3aad15becd97⋯.png (307.84 KB, 780x532, 195:133, spurdomechanicus.png)




This. This. This. Nobody with an IQ over 80 thinks a movie-style zombie outbreak is a real possibility. It's a way to talk about a possible social breakdown and the possible need to kill huge numbers of violent, poorly-organized, desperate people, many of whom will be muds, without explicitly talking about it, and often without even admitting you're talking about it to yourself.

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06ab09  No.150288


Came here to post exactly that, glad someone beat me to it. We all have a need, I guess in the US now more than ever, to talk about what is happening to our people. But under ZOG's repression and risk to livelihood and worse, people who don't meme subconciously come to a term which of which they all understand its meaning, and giving a way to talk. Your country is being raped while your oppression is getting worse, and that brings an enormous stress. These terms are little valves. Now think about it and how to capitalize on it and organize your people.

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343a1c  No.150301

Pretty sure I'm *living* the zombie apocalypse

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d5c8d1  No.150313


>▶ZOMBIES are a meme

so Police and the Military can slaughter civilians wholesale and think it's a video game.

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c91558  No.150341

You are retarded if you think anything like The Walking Dead will come to pass. 28 Days Later, however, is much likelier.

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0714e0  No.150345


I was having coffee with my family when someone said how they couldn't wait for this all to be over. I laughed and I said it is never going to 'be over'…even if humanity came to grips with COVID which they won't, it is only a matter of time before the next pathogen is released into the public. This is what happens when you 'share technology' with people who could have never invented it themselves.

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