I'm kind of pissed off to begin with about constantly being spied on and monitored by both the US government & foreign agencies through my phone, internet, TV …etc.
Yes, I'm angry that they know all my sexual preferences according to porn usage, my relationship issues with my wife, every single text or phone call or email saved and archived away in a searchable database.
-Every single picture or video I've ever created saved with speech & facial recognition software to make them also searchable.
-AI technology to make extremely organized and easily browse-able records for every keyword red flag of interest that pops up in their constant monitoring.
-Undoubtedly microscopic mass computer memory technology allows the stream of every webcam on any computer or cell phone in my presence to have been recording and archiving 24/7 in the same fashion.
-Who knows what other hidden technology even might give them a 24/7 virtual reality video feed of my entire life from birth.
I've come to accept this, and I've become numb to it or somewhat minimally uncomfortable.
But what really gets me angry is when they send me multiple letters in the mail for the 2020 US Census, telling me to answer all the most mundane information of shit they already know; just because they have to pretend like they don't already know.
And I get more letters and warnings of what will happen to me if I don't respond.
I'm fuming.
-They threaten me one last time that they will send a census agent to my house to get the info in person if I don't respond, and from what I read I will be fined like a dog if I don't cooperate with their in person interview; and I have no idea what would happen if I don't pay those fines.
What are my options here? I don't want to give them anything. NOTHING.
I don't have the money to eat a fine. I don't have the time or the lack of family duties to get caught up in legal bullshit or court dates.
Can I just say, "I don't remember" to every single question they ask me when they finally do send this census fagot to my house?
My plan is to give them my name and address, but everything else "I don't remember shit!"
Fuck the census.