do you guys think this could work , i came up with this idea while takig a shower today
Lately the terf's have been becoming more and more ostracized from the intersectional feminists,
we should exploit this to mobilize them to our side in the culture war.
I believe this can be accomplished by first luring the terfs to our side by telling them that the
intersectionalist feminists have betrayed them and exploiting our common hatred of trannies.
When some of them get lured to our side we should at first tolearate their feminist ideology
and support their trans exclusionary beliefs to further separathe them from the intersectionals
and slowly turn them into white supremacist feminists, once they become white supremacist
i think it won't be that hard to make them white nationalist or at least nazbol as a stepping stone
and they could easily become trads from there.
i'm pretty confident we could pull this off if we did it slowly and subtly enough.
so here's a step by step guide to how i think this could work
1. turn the terfs to our side by exploiting their hatred of trannies and making them believe that the intersectionalists betrayed them
2. be nice to them and tolerate their feminist ideology while encouraging their haterd of trannies to the point where they could'nt go back
to the left because they would be called too homophobic and this back them into a corner where they would have to defect to our side or be
purged by the intersectionalists
3. slowly make them into white supremacust feminists
4. once they are white supremacist we could make them into white nationalists or at lest nazbols, and even if we don't they
wouldn't take black or arab cock after being redpilled into white supremacy
5. after turing them into feminist white nationalists they would slowly turn against feminism on thir own and of not we can help them along
6. now we have converted the terfs to our side in the culiture war. Profit!