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af9f6d No.138026[Last 50 Posts]
Finally, they are starting to illegalize being white in America.
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4d0b4b No.138027
If they want quiet acquiesence, then they're showing their hand too early. If the want a race war, then they're going to get one. Remember that 99% of Americans will blame blacks and antifa marxists for this rather than the Jews, and the country will destroy itself as a result.
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0d6c29 No.138041
> If the want a race war, then they're going to get one.
I am starting to wonder if that is really want they want. If whites screw up their timing world wide decimation will be on the table.
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527013 No.138047
>world wide decimation will be on the table.
This sounds preferable to me than the NWO.
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0d6c29 No.138049
if world wide decimation of whites sounds good to you, you're a fucking moron.
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ae36fd No.138052
Decimation means losing ten percent. If it's the right ten percent I'm okay with that.
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0be3c2 No.138056
The demoralization campaign against white folk is in full-swing.
This is exactly what Yuri Bezmenov, the former KGB agent, said would happen in a series of interviews he gave in the 1980s. Is Russia behind this? Or did the globalists adopt a similar plan?
Alexandr Dugin suggested in his book, 'The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia', that Russia should adopt a policy of causing racial divisions within the U.S. – and Russia should support Afro-American racists so they cause instability in America.
His book:
(Dugin's book became widely popular among Russian government and military figures and is even used as a textbook in Russian military academies)
I know some on the right like Putin and Russia, but they're snakes. Putin will never admit the real cause of the leftist degeneracy in America (e.g. marxist jews).
Putin becoming increasingly friendly toward Israel should be a wake up call:
The multiculturalism racial disaster in America and western Europe is designed to destabilize and weaken those regions. Russia and China will benefit from it. Israel is cozying up to Russia and China.
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0d6c29 No.138057
>well awkshully
you act like a faggot from reddit. Decimation has not be used in language to literally mean a "10%" reduction in multiple lifetimes. When i say decimation, I mean the likely destruction of the white race. You will sacrifice our best and the women will be left to the niggers.
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3cfa97 No.138065
You’re over 75 years late, dipshit. No wonder they still control the fucking world.
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af9f6d No.138066
I haven't heard of Russia particularly having connections to anything that's going on, meanwhile jews like Soros are always funding and/or running shit.
China does to some degree but not directly, for example TikTok is a Chinese app that all the kids now use for a few years now until the next one replaces it, but I don't recall them pushing for any kind of politics there, it's just cancerous by design. There was the case of some propaganda thing in US recently, I forgot what it was, but that's the only one I remember.
Just because what Yuri spoke about came from Russia doesn't mean only Russia would use them, we've seen the same kind of tactics used for a long time all over the west, and as mentioned, there's almost always jews involved. I don't know why you would try to divert blame to Russia and China, I'm sure anyone who views the US/Europe as their enemy would be either supportive of jewish tricks or not interfere with them.
Who shat into your mouth this morning?
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3cfa97 No.138067
Civic nationalist cuckolds like you, posting jewish propaganda produced on talmudvision, written by jews, and spoken by paid jewish mouthpieces, coming here and claiming that something which has been happening for millennia everywhere that jews are has “begun” to happen now. You and your kind are the reason that whites aren’t going to fight back until it’s too late to win. Now either fuck off entirely or post something retarded and glib that only jewish shills say. It’s all so fucking tiresome.
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af9f6d No.138069
I see, so basically you're anally annihilated by the fact that Tucker is popular even though he's not literally Hitler.
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0d6c29 No.138072
> You’re over 75 years late
That's why it's all so pathetic. Whites let Jews ruin every institution they used to have. Even the FBI are ZOG secret police. Whites need to get serious about reclaiming these institutions, even if it's by beguilement. whites need to form an international coalition. Whites don't need to get into a frenzied state and martyr themselves, or seethe in reaction to all this bullshit. Start focusing on an end game that is 50 years into the future.
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f1854b No.138083
Seven posts in and people are already shouting 'reddit.' This board is destined for greatness.
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3cfa97 No.138095
>more spam only shills say
>literally defending jewish propaganda
It’s all so tiresome. Go back to reddit.
>oy vey goyim why won’t you allow your language to be bastardized
>exposing reddit is bad
Feel free to leave any time.
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f1854b No.138109
Literally all you can say is 'reddit.' I didn't even make a comment about the subject you were discussing.
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9749a5 No.138119
How will a normie go to your side when your banner says White and you're pulling jews out of the fed offices, who also have white skin? Call a spade a spade. And call yourself American.
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146c0b No.138144
That's what you get when you have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Those two things were really the demise of America.
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af9f6d No.138145
Freedom of speech is good, the lack of it is why it's illegal to question the holocaust in most of Europe, not that the US has freedom of speech either since you get fired and socially erased if you express any wrongthink. Shoving mentally ill propaganda at other people's children in school is not "freedom of speech". Freedom of religion never made much sense to me, for several reasons.
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4713c4 No.138147
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978f58 No.138152
>Shoving mentally ill propaganda at other people's children in school is not "freedom of speech".
It actually is. Pornography is free speech. Lying if free speech. Making propaganda about fake atrocities like the holohoax is free speech. It's a fundamentally rotten and corrupt concept that invites hostile, foreign elements to subvert and destroy your culture In fact, as you can see in America, freedom of speech plants the seeds of its own destruction by allowing these elements to prosper and then, once the takeover is complete, erase the concept of free speech entirely. Just look at the level of attack that places that claim to offer free speech like image boards suffer now. You say that free speech would allow people to question the holohoax but there probably wouldn't even be holohoax propaganda without free speech in the first place. Overall the problems caused by free speech far outweigh its benefits.
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af9f6d No.138158
Corrupting a school curriculum has nothing to do with free speech. It's a separate issue and banning free speech won't do shit to help you, otherwise the same European countries that ban holocaust denial wouldn't have similarly cucked schools.
>there probably wouldn't even be holohoax propaganda without free speech in the first place
Again, most of Europe has never had free speech laws in the way that US does, so why is Europe in some cases even more fucked? How is it an improvement to give the state the power to imprison you for speaking against the globalist narrative in twitter? Because that's literally what's happening in Europe right now.
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bfb4a7 No.138171
Europe is fucked right now because of jewish tyranny. While European countries might not have free speech laws, free speech has very much been considered an important value in most of western Europe for the better part of the last century. So much so it's part of the declaration of human rights.
I'm not arguing from a utilitarian perspective. Of course you should demand free speech from our enemies and attack them for denying it. What I'm saying is the first amendment is a fundamentally stupid idea, and it has been responsible in great part for the destruction of America.
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3e1247 No.138178
>no argument
>can't reply
>can't add anything to the conversation at all
>only one spamming about reddit
>I didn't even make a comment
Feel free to leave at any time, then. You're not welcome.
<oy vey goyim jews are white
>Pornography is free speech
It isn't, no. Only jews were able to make you believe otherwise, and only in the last 60 years.
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bfb4a7 No.138181
>Only jews were able to make you believe otherwise
Actually, they made the supreme court believe otherwise, and that's all that matters.
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527013 No.138185
Anon, the board owner will not control these demoralization shills. I want /pol/ back too, but it is not going to come back. The BO wants these demoralization shills here. They allow them. They condone them. They encourage them. This isn't /pol/. You and I and a few others are the only ones left. The rest is sanctioned kike and bug and commie shills. This might be the time to admit that this is NOT /pol/. Know what I mean? This is not 'our place' so to speak.
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527013 No.138188
The same grossly offensive court who just 'gave away' half of Oklahoma because a pedo raped a 4 year old on 'indian land'? Who cares what they think or what they 'rule'. The are wrong and have been wrong for decades.
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af9f6d No.138189
>first amendment is a fundamentally stupid idea
I don't think so. Restricting free speech can only be good if the people running your country are good. But the way I see things is that you can never assume the people running your shit will remain good across generations, so the law should help the people in that case, not the people running things. Not having free speech without a doubt works against us in our current situation.
I would argue against dishonesty in news media though. It's a bit hard to define but the media is not an individual, it's more of an informational arm of the society and I think it should be held to certain standards. Similarly academia should not be able to make up whatever bullshit they want and try to push it as truth.
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393f4b No.138190
I think you need to take a break for a while, anon. You seem quite upset.
You should also reflect on the fact that you're accusing me of having no argument whilst all I did was point out that you were shouting 'reddit' instead of making an argument yourself. I think we should expect better.
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527013 No.138192
More demoralization shilling.
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3e1247 No.138196
>9 people said something
>rather, only 5 people said something, which makes it the "majority," which makes it "correct"
>therefore it's magically immutable law and everyone has to do everything they said, because they say so
Jews made you believe that.
>Anon, the board owner will not control these demoralization shills.
You're right. Rather, doesn't allow the mods to control them.
>They encourage them.
I don't know about that.
>This might be the time to admit that this is NOT /pol/. Know what I mean? This is not 'our place' so to speak.
If we refuse to fight–for the sake of being able to TALK on a single pathetic, almost completely unused board on one website on the entire fucking Internet–what right do we have to so much as say that whites will ever fight back in the real world? That's why I'm not going to stop fighting.
>admits to having no argument
>admits to not posting anything on topic
>demands respect and equality
<you didn't make an argument because I didn't like the argument you made
Feel free to leave any time. You don't belong here.
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527013 No.138200
>They encourage them.
>I don't know about that.
This type is like a wild animal anon (due to their subhuman DNA) to do nothing means that you encourage their natural animal behavior. The BO not allowing them to be reigned in means that they condone this behavior on the board. I am only pointing out that because it is in the interest of the BO and the board to support and condone kill, bug and commie shills that it is not in our interest to be here. There are other boards. This is not the only one.
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af9f6d No.138202
>fighting for a website
You shouldn't equate websites to real life because the owner of a website has absolute control and nobody else can do shit about it. You can't forcibly take control, you can't vote for different administration, you can't have a revolution. You can maybe convince the people one way or another, but unless the admin (or BO in this case) is on your side it's a waste of time long-term.
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527013 No.138203
Just saying that you wouldn't walk into an antifa meeting and think you were going to get fair treatment, right? But essentially this is what this board is now…not only that but they are using it to abuse us and also to gauge our readiness. None of this is going to be 'good for us' in the long run. The mods may not even be aware that the BO is a leftist/commie/bug/kike (disgusting non-White)…but basically it amounts to the same thing if we have to endure some retard shouting down every reasonable point when we are talking together. This isn't a 'conversation' anon. It is harassment and racism. No one can carry on a conversation or think deeper thoughts when you have to defend yourself from a screaming cunt 24/7.
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bfb4a7 No.138204
What the supreme court thinks is clearly very important.
As I said, one of the main reasons why extremely evil people currently rule America is because the first amendment was there for them to exploit. And now that they are in power, they will do their best to destroy it, and they have been doing very well so far. I've heard your theoretical justifications for the first amendment before. But when you look at it from a historical perspective, based on what really happened, the first amendment was a complete failure. It failed to keep bad people from coming to power, failed to keep them from enacting mass censorship and is slowly failing to even remain relevant.
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3bfdb0 No.138205
Even though that shit that Carlson says puts a microscopic chip in the overton window, it's still fully cucked and jewish ran.
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527013 No.138206
This. I think it is time to migrate elsewhere. The BO originally billed this as /pol/ but I think that is why the most gifted anons are not coming back. They are tired of the censorship of ideas and thoughts, the relentless racism in the form of 'debate'. It isn't debate as much as it is non-stop harassment in every thread. I go down the threads now and barely read them because none of it is relevant…just stupid leftypol retarded thoughts that repeat over and over without any point or meaning. Whites believe in REASONABLE DIALOG…but subhumans words are just word salad that is an endless stream of shit, really…not useful for constructing ideas or solving problems but just an endless stream of shit that exits their mouth instead of their asshole.
They are jews and cypto jews anon. What they 'think' (and I use this loosely) is TOTALLY irrelevant to our people.
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af9f6d No.138210
>I've heard your theoretical justifications for the first amendment before. But when you look at it from a historical perspective, based on what really happened, the first amendment was a complete failure.
You're blaming a massively complex global jewish plot on the first amendment, our shit would be fucked with or without it, as it is all around the world and has been in history where said first amendment never existed. The main difference is that when shit gets fucked, it's more fucked when you can't even speak against what's happening.
I don't really understand the tendency of /pol/ to attack anyone who has a voice and is closer to the truth than the mainstream. Tucker is a colossal improvement over almost everyone else that has any kind of reach let alone on mainstream media, but somehow we should denounce him because he's not perfect in every way. We don't HAVE anything better, if we did then we'd be rallying behind that instead.
It's the same with Trump, because he isn't what we want we should let fucking Biden win instead. I can't tell if it's ironic, jew shilling, a bunch of brainwashed tools, or people who unironically believe that it'll somehow cause a white uprising or something.
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393f4b No.138212
This place is mostly the redneck dregs of /pol/, the people who were never capable of discussing an idea and whose only contribution to the board was the occasional 'fucking niggers' in news threads. We used to joke about how paranoid some people were that anyone disagreeing was JIDF, reddit, D&C shills, etc., but the posters here seem to be genuinely convinced of it so unless you're screaming even louder than they are then 'you don't belong here.' Funny, I can think of another political group who exhibit the exact same behaviour, know what I mean?
I have no idea where everyone else has gone, but they aren't here, that's for sure. 9chan had some decent posters but now they're all panicking because of the downtime.
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527013 No.138216
We'd be more likely to have a White uprising if they elected Biden and whatever nigger bitch he selects as the President (vice).
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af9f6d No.138218
Maybe, but realistically an uprising will only happen if they massively overextend their hand, as in more massively than "state sponsored nigger riots burning down your city", because that sure didn't do shit.
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bfb4a7 No.138226
I'm not blaming it without reason, though. Pornography became mainstream because of the first amendment. Anti-American values were allowed to be spread and fester because of the first amendment. Hostile religious groups were allowed to prosper because of the first amendment. No American president can touch the jewish brainwashing media complex because of the first amendment. When you think about it, so much evil has come from the first amendment, it's unbelievable. Especially when you consider the minor amount of good is might have done over the years.
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393f4b No.138227
It's because most people here are simply bandwagoning retards who like being edgy but don't actually understand the concepts behind a single conservative, right-wing, traditionalist or fascist ideology you might care to name. Remember how fucking awful the board was during 2016 when all these people began frenzied en masse posting, and you had to be either a full-on Trump meme-spewer or you were 'just wait for hitler lol?' Black-and-white thinking is easy which is why the brainwashed sheep on the left fall for it every time. We'll get nowhere by building the same house of cards as the left and slapping a swastika on it.
If any of the leading National Socialists were told this board in its current state was trying to bear some of their intellectual legacy in the 21st century they'd probably vomit in despair. But of course I'm just a 'demoralization shill' here to tell the white man to give up because my views are slightly more nuanced than 'Nazis = good, niggers = bad.'
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3cfa97 No.138228
A good point, anon. We simply have no real world examples of the same (and apparently, globally, lack the will to see it done). It feels at times like grasping at straws to reclaim some sense of purpose.
>Just saying that you wouldn't walk into an antifa meeting and think you were going to get fair treatment, right?
The problem is not in demanding fair treatment at a commie rally, but rather that we're not showing up at said rallies with firearms.
>they are using it to abuse us and also to gauge our readiness.
I agree with you, though I wonder as to the efficacy of their metrics now that no one uses this place and they've destroyed all "right-wing" speech everywhere else on the Internet, too.
>The mods may not even be aware that the BO is a leftist/commie/bug/kike (disgusting non-White)
Hmm. Do you have a hard citation for that? Or are you just going off his required rules for the mods. Specifically:
<Understand that as a volunteer you are to clean up spam and low effort shitposts. You can promote your political beliefs anonymously but are to remain neutral in your moderation. This applies to everyone, including myself.
Which, of course, leaves this place open to anyone, of any ideology.
>This isn't a 'conversation' anon. It is harassment and racism. No one can carry on a conversation or think deeper thoughts when you have to defend yourself from a screaming cunt 24/7.
Thank fucking god. I thought I was the only one left here who understood that. Good for you.
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527013 No.138232
None of those places were 'my cities' except in the larger sense as they are part of my nation. The only cure for the cities is to make them White again. Which means the subhumans must be killed or return to wherever the fuck they came from.
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527013 No.138233
a jewish misinterpretation of the first amendment. Right now the first amendment is null and void and the sooner the people realize that they need to have a full revolution and throw out the subhuman masses the sooner we can speak freely again. The first amendment can't and doesn't really apply to Whites because we already value reasoning and dialog (it is in our DNA and culture to be reasonable). Subhumans have never and will never develop this skill set because they do not have the genetics to do so.
None of these people are capable of having a reasoned dialog any longer. They are given over to psychosis and there is no reason that we should treat them as human. Psychosis is a legitimate state of mind under extreme duress but it is not a place that people should live full time or utilize when they are not under extreme duress.
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527013 No.138235
Rhetorical question:
Why is google only showing me 'white' people when I type in 'screaming at police' are niggers simply to ugly to photograph? I know I have seen the majority of misbehavior in these domestic terrorist events from niggers and other subhuman trash.
>Thank fucking god. I thought I was the only one left here who understood that. Good for you.
I probably learned it from you or another anon. :)
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527013 No.138236
I would also like you all to notice HOW QUIET it is in here right now when we are talking about migrating to another board.
If THAT doesn't tell you what is going on here, nothing else will.
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f7aee3 No.138237
>I would also like you all to notice HOW QUIET it is in here right now when we are talking about migrating to another board.
Meh, people are jaded about bunkers after the old fullchan shutdown and failure to rebuild here. "Migrating" just means further fracturing of the community.
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393f4b No.138239
What are you talking about? This thread has seen more activity in the past hour than the rest of the board has seen in the past day.
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af9f6d No.138244
I'm not defending it without reason either. I think all the things you're talking about would have happened anyway, it's happening in virtually every "western" country and to a degree in Japan, as it happened in ancient Rome. The whole system from inside out and all the major corporations have been taken over by the enemy, that isn't related to freedom of speech in any way at all, it's other exploitable parts of the society. I don't really see evidence that either freedom of speech or the lack of it stops this from happening, and if that's the case then I'd rather have it than to not.
Yeah the black and white thinking is one of the main things killing /pol/ boards in my opinion. You can't have serious discussions when people project everything onto one extreme or the other and either can't see anything inbetween or start screeching at anything that isn't on their side of the extreme.
Sure but how do you get people to stop disagreeing with removing or separating from nonwhites? It's easy to larp about race war and killing niggers and gassing all the jews and so on, but I think it's very unrealistic when a significant portion of the country is now nonwhite and most of the whites don't want to do anything as harsh as deporting "innocent" people let alone killing them. Would be interesting to discuss different solutions and their viability in reality, but that seems too touchy.
However I find pic related extremely interesting, maybe our whole perception of society is warped because overcrowded big cities are massive hives of degeneracy, plus people in big cities are more likely to have an online presence. Who knows what would be possible if you could somehow rule this tiny spot out of the picture.
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527013 No.138250
When the time comes the call will go out that anyone who is White and wants to be free needs to gather together to form a nation (you have to LEAVE YOUR SHIT, JUST LIKE WE DID BEFORE and get yourself hence forthwith).
The main problem is that we need a sampson option that if anything happens to us we can release it to kill the rest of the planet. Without a sampson option they will simply keep murdering us. We need to develop this and NOT SHARE IT.
Right now the intermixing is a blessing and nightmare. On one hand it is a nightmare because we are losing people to murder and vice and on the other it is a blessing because people who haven't 'experienced' the other races don't understand how truly hideous they are to have around.
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527013 No.138251
>"Migrating" just means further fracturing of the community.
This shouldn't be your only community anon as a matter of fact, it should be your least important community. You MUST network IRL to ensure that you survive. Literally, this is your survival we are talking about.
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fc26ee No.138262
Funny, it gets used in intellectual circles all the time.
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fc26ee No.138263
Most of you are fucking ass bandits.
Why would we do anything for you?
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fc26ee No.138265
This is one of those threads for dread heads pretending to be the Predator when they have never killed anything in their lives, right?
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527013 No.138267
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f7aee3 No.138270
>This shouldn't be your only community anon as a matter of fact, it should be your least important community. You MUST network IRL to ensure that you survive. Literally, this is your survival we are talking about.
Yeah I agree IRL is, well, RL. By "community" I meant the imageboard community.
I don't understand your point here
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527013 No.138274
Yep anon…I will really miss you guys as well. But if this doesn't stop I am going to move on. I don't learn anything here anymore; on /pol/ it was non-stop learning and the very best of our own people just information everywhere; research and breaking stories. I need to be someplace where I am learning from other anons. I almost get none of that anymore due to the amount of shilling that is allowed here. It is often just non stop leftist faggotry and paid demoralization. Like we need that…we aren't even hanging out with Whites…basically we are on a 'multicultural board' with people who don't share our values or have our interests in mind.
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f7aee3 No.138276
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b35e13 No.138277
I just can't believe so many of the good quality posters gave up so easily. I fucked off for a long time starting about two-three weeks after 8chan was Shoa'd and had hoped most of the boards would have re-established themselves comfortably after a while, but instead we've have this mess. Part of me thinks the main bulk of /pol/ must have moved to hidden bunker I didn't hear about during my absence, but I think I would have heard of it by now if they had. Stranger things have happened though - /christian/ all piled onto a fucking discord and have apparently abandoned imageboards for good.
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527013 No.138280
Yeah well Christian doesn't face persecution for their beliefs because they are not moral people, so discord is no big deal for them and no one cares. I have been carefully watching developments and putting my feelers out for a totally independent server that caters to our community (lots of things 'in development' but nothing specific yet). There are things in the works but I am waiting for them to pan out. I know that many of them moved to hidden bunkers or places I just had no interest in that catered to one specific interest over all others, like strict National Socialism. National Socialism would only work in an all European world but even that is meaningless since we can make any political system work for us since we are the worlds only productive race.
Thanks faggot. Anything for you.
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b35e13 No.138289
I think the fragmentation may have killed it for good, because despite everything /pol/ actually wasn't a hivemind and there were plenty of different groups of people posting different views which advanced everyone's understanding. I'm not interested in posting on a board where everyone agrees with 100% of everything I say.
There were a couple of off-shoots like /britpol/, but everyone there posted on /pol/ as well so it didn't really matter, and there was no impetus to break up into many different boards despite the fact 8chan gave us the means to do so. This fragmenting has now happened because no obvious /pol/ successor appeared in time for people to rally around, and even Nazi hugboxes are unfortunately too comfortable for there to be a good chance of coaxing these different groups back onto one board. We should have had a pre-existing bunker like /a/ had, which is the reason they survived pretty much unscathed whereas almost every other board either lost 90% of its posters or split into 20 duplicates run by egotistical and parochial BOs.
I would love to see it come back, but I don't think it will happen. There would be no way to recover people who aren't actively looking for the board. 8chan's lifeblood was the people who were already active on imageboards and didn't need to be advertised to in order to get them onto the site. Once those people are gone there's no way to get them back. My guess is that the majority feeling was 'it was fun while it lasted' and most have just moved on with their lives.
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af9f6d No.138290
The 8chan downtime was too long, I think people just scattered into many different places, not necessarily imageboards, and either didn't find their way back or never felt like this 8kun shit was the same especially with the lost userbase. And the ones who came here left around/after the loli ban drama when most of the userbase quit, and then the webring and other bunkers that people were advocating were suffering from deplatforming issues from the hosts. Even before all that, /pol/ was becoming shittier and shittier because of the new relaxed moderation style, it doesn't take a big push to make people give up after that. There's some "bunkers" and the like but none of them are even close to what 8chan's /pol/ used to be.
The situation with /v/ was very interesting and might be applicable to the current situation with /pol/. /v/ didn't have a very good place to go for a long time, all the bunkers were different variations of shit while 8kun had cakejew and all the other questionable parts of 8kun. But when 8kun had the loli drama and Mark was removed, people moved to Fatchan and /v/ had something almost resembling a new golden age for the board, the website was good and the BO was excellent and it was part of the webring many other people from 8chan were using, people seemed motivated and some notable drawfags appeared. In some ways I think it mirrors real life, people will be elevated if they have a good homeland to stay in. Though of course fatchan was deplatformed and the board never recovered, zchan is something like a remake and is decently popular but it's not like what fatchan was.
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527013 No.138297
Yep. If things became reasonably popular they are deplatformed as a strategical tactic of our enemies. This is why I am looking for something that isn't 'just another board' but rather something that can't be deplatformed. An independent internet.
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69465c No.138460
Decem means 10. That cannot be disputed. It's true that Americans of the lower classes love to sound profound by using latin words without understanding what they mean, and when confronted on their egregious errors react with righteous bluster, dismissing the ones correcting them as pretentious snobs.
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69465c No.138462
> I don't learn anything here anymore
Sadly this; there's not even a pdf board right now or if there is I can't access it.
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2b4c42 No.138471
They have both variables accounted for.
Race war? They will send in the blue helmets with no racial loyalty to the States and its citizens. Do nothing? Then the slow boil in the pot continues. The race war is probably more of what they want as order from chaos is a liking of theirs and it would serve as a powerful propaganda tool. If Hitler and WWII was rewritten to be a war about racists getting beat, then the race/civil war would be the same. Evil, white racists, a minority get beat by the diverse majority and everyone lives happily ever after.
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5c2d1c No.138478
>I don't learn anything here anymore
Friendly reminder people only joined this board because of two reasons:
1. Coronavirus
2. 2020 chimpout
Seeing that both are on verge of slowly dying out (except second wave of corona thanks to that very chimpout) this place is going to die too because we all disagree with each other on too many things (just look at that catholic theocracy shitshow of a thread).
Some will go read books, some return to their shitty video games, and the time will go on.
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af5efe No.138481
Have you even watched the protests? There are tons of hyper-demoralized whites all over the place advocating openly for their own racial suicide. You can easily argue that many of these people must be jews, but given the voting numbers from last congressional election there's still a solid 40 million white Americans that are absolutely 100% on board with their own genocide. Nothing anybody says or does will change their mind, and they will fight any kind of white nationalist movement to the death. And unfortunately, this group of whites tends to be the wealthier, better connected families (Because that wealth shelters them from the bedlam of the inner city jungles).
What do you suggest should be done about those people? They are an utter lost cause, you can't afford to keep them around. One way or the other they'll need to go.
Tucker Carlson has redpilled more normalfags in the last three months than you have in your entire life. He may not start every broadcast with "1488 Gas the bikes race car now", but lately he's been talking constantly about the white genocide going on, and he isn't even sugar coating it in civic nationalist virtue signaling. He has been speaking directly to white people.
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690b4a No.138493
>There are tons of hyper-demoralized whites all over the place advocating openly for their own racial suicide.
They don't exist outside of the sphere of their own consumerism. Most of them are manchildren with toys, take their toys away and they will whine just like gamergate did. They cannot achieve anything, only slow starvation from luxury can save their dead minds. But my point is they are neither dangerous nor stay with their values forever, driven by same wind of freedom from morals they chose such hypocritical lifestyle with.
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dbdea1 No.138908
For those wondering where everybody went, most have abandoned the chans unless they went back to 4chan, which has devoured all other chans and become completely mainstream, not much different than reddit though not as censored. But everyone who used to be on /pol/ bailed and has moved on to more modern, zoomer tier platforms that are reflections of the mainstream shit.
>VOAT = Reddit
>Bitchute = Youtube
>Telegram = Twitter
> = Zoomer Stormfront
These are where everyone has migrated too, especially all the young blood and zoomers just waking up who find the above listed platforms way more accessible and relatable than the ancient chan systems from before their time. If you want to get active in the online community you have to leave the chans, unless you still go to 4chan which has absorbed all others. I recommend everyone tired and lost on this site branch out and check the new shit the next generation of /ourguys/ are making out there. The chans were our millenial generation contributions, the next generation is now kicking in with shit that better reflects modern conventions.
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527013 No.138920
I think the problem is that they literally do not have any other option and they know it. We are not talking about some highly skilled independent creative people here anon. The people who are attracted to the left are total losers with nothing but parasitic tendencies. They are going nowhere in life and they will never actually be anything in the long run. Even through all this they know and understand that they CAN'T COMPETE in any kind of reasonable capitalist system.
I think you guys think that they are 'like you' or that they could be if they just applied some elbow grease and did the work…but they will never be like you. They are socially incapacitated and they know it. Without 'muh revolution' they will decline to total obscurity and poverty. The left is the natural worthless dross of the planet. Without the idea of communism they are nothing. Within communism they have been PROMISED BY THE STATE that they will actually 'be valuable' like a sentient right wing conservative (lies and more lies). But they literally don't have anything to lose because they are going to be relegated to the garbage heap of history as a worthless eater ANYWAY.
I don't think you guys appreciate their sheer humiliation and desperation. They are nothing; they have nothing; no matter what they do they will be nothing. They are worthless and they are raging against what brought them forth from the womb for the very worthless trash that they are.
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63b677 No.138924
You think that's different for people of other ideologies who think they'll get an instant paradise after mass genocide? Its all same shit.
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527013 No.138928
I disagree. Statistics disagree. Mass genocide of the right groups (eugenics for the betterment of the race) rather than the dysgenics of the kikes (what we have now where women actually consider breeding with protohuman niggers) would actually result in paradise on the planet.
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ae5652 No.138959
I agree. They are showing their hand too early. I think this is their first real big mistake this time. (((They))) have been accelerating their plot in the last few years but the problem is they have abandoned their original plan which had a much higher chance of working (over gradual time). Now they have seriously fucked up and many many people are beginning to notice this now. This should be very interesting to see what happens because of this.
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995dde No.138965
Tucker always starts off strong, and then always ends with the coldest takes. I really find it hard not to hate him, especially knowing how his top writer was /ourguy/ so he definitely knows the correct takes, but he refuses to say them. He still thinks there's going to be a seat at the table for guys like him. No Tucker, they will kill you and your whole family too. Its too late for these lukewarm civnat takes. His days are numbered, he should just say fuck it and go full 1488. There's nothing wrong with racism Tucker, tribalism is completely natural, what we are seeing is the jewish experiment of multiculturalism failing, the only solution is either segregation, or extermination. There is no other option. We will never go back to where we were even 10 years ago with race relations. We crossed a threshold that we can never go back from. And obviously the jews want us whites exterminated, they don't want segregation. They want us dead. So we aren't left with a choice. If white men want to survive, we must collectively start killing anything non-white, and refuse to prosecute our own kind if we are in any position of power: police, judicial system, etc. We literally go to jail now for self defense, for painting over graffiti, for calling police, for saying bad words. We might as well just start killing them before they start killing us in mass numbers because its going to happen, and if we give them time to organize their death squads first, then we are done.
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69465c No.138976
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e0d1b7 No.138988
The fuck is this our guy shit?
Half of you are so tied into the mobs that it's impossible to trust anyone here.
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50136f No.138990
Nah. More than 10% get it.
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527013 No.139004
10% is plenty to do what needs to be done. That is a good 10 million people who 'get it' anon. That is PLENTY.
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527013 No.139005
Many of them are actual liberal communists and demoralization agents.
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60fb28 No.139008
>Defending Cucker ZOGson
Get the fuck out of here, leftist.
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0eb098 No.139009
>>138206 has old school /druids/ on it.Breddy comfy tbqh
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527013 No.139010
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I frequent there occasionally.
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50136f No.139209
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d46fc0 No.139323
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4a5c0e No.139511
>but given the voting numbers from last congressional election there's still a solid 40 million white Americans that are absolutely 100% on board with their own genocide
Where the fuck are you getting those numbers from?
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1cb747 No.139544
>a jewish puppet paid by jews to read jewish scripts on jewish television
No wonder whites refuse to fight back anywhere. This is what you actually believe.
>a civic nationalist virtue signaling on national talmudvision isn't a civic nationalist virtue signaling on national talmudvision… because i say so
We've seen the show. It's not like you can hide it. He's a plant.
>posts an image that proves his statement
>wonders where the statement comes from
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b359dc No.139545
They all besides the guy in the middle are very white
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f7aee3 No.139549
Lol niggers literally have zero discrimination at all.
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35474e No.139563
Well, at least now if some retard asks for evidence of the anti-white conspiracy you can just show them MSM videos/articles. But they'll probably still deny it. I hope you boys have some nice rifles and tons of hollow point ammunition because once Democrats get back in power, it's gonna be open season on whites and the cops aren't gonna do anything if you call them – even if they can hear your children being murdered in the background.
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e693d6 No.139875
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4f56b9 No.139895
can you imagine being in the middle of that crowd and letting a long and stinky fart just slip past a cheek and into the noses of those grumps? I know I can. A dinner of sausages and beer into an effective area denial.
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ff6c56 No.141116
Can anyone confirm that tucker is on (((vacation)))?
t. no cable, don't watch fox jews since oreilly went soft.
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0ce99e No.141137
He's been off the air since Monday, (((trout fishing))) apparently, after the fallout from his "racist" writer.
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b5ef93 No.142412
Tucker (hahaha) is literally pushing whites into the only position they are allowed to have: civnat tolerance of all races and brotherly love, whereas it's painfully obvious that other groups are allowed to have their own racial groups defending their own racial interests.
He's cucking to epic proportions.
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e0c6fa No.142482
Ive been on pol for years, first time here in 5.
Pol is ruin
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2ddf31 No.142485
That is the worst rendering of Trump I think I have ever seen.
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da4ed6 No.142513
>The demoralization campaign against white folk is in full-swing.
This is exactly what Yuri Bezmenov, the former KGB agent, said would happen in a series of interviews he gave in the 1980s. Is Russia behind this? Or did the globalists adopt a similar plan?
>Is Russia behind this?
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9c4b2e No.142635
Don't reclaim those institutions, burn them to the ground. America's problem is it insists on a system that leaves the door wide open to be abused by jews. It's like being upset at ants at a picnic.
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de10af No.143026
>Yuri Bezmenov
Yuri is peak niggerjew. If he was still kicking he'd be 100% MIGA.
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de10af No.143027
Tucker is Finkel-think.
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dbb3ef No.147906
Yuri Bezmenov was a ((CIA))) controlled puppet playing the enemy's oldest trick, misdirection. He was an oil driller.
Terry Davis would have run him over with his car.
The Turner Diaries, Hunter and William Pierce are far more relevant to the situation of America than he ever did.
Yuri Bezmenov pro-white? Naming the JQ? -D
HELL NO! You think the boomers would be quoting hi if he had? Of course not! He was an oil-driller and fully supported "anti-racism" as a good thing. He was fully on the side of JOG.
JOG wanted whites who noticed the subversion to believe it was the Soviet-Union and not the jews who were behind it. They wanted people to think JOG militants wanted communism instead of thinking they want to destroy the white race and society.
This was clearly wrong in 1984, when the blocs were fairly isolated from each other.
Putrid! He would have been a primary DOTR target in the Turner Diaries.
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b5456d No.148026
Blackness belongs in Africa.
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b5456d No.148028
left over losers from 8chan that hate Whites
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b5456d No.148036
all Russians are oil drillers
You didn't know that? Almost all of them are in love with Africans.
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bb6d79 No.148051
>His days are numbered, he should just say fuck it and go full 1488.
No. The minute he does that, he gets cut off the air and the very Jews you are so pissed about will celebrate the last sane person on national TV being cut off from public airwaves as they will clearly have their PR in place to make the mindless drone public start hating him. If Tucker is smart, and I do think he is, he's going to have to play their little game while dropping some logic and truth for average people to think about. He's winning minds already, albeit slowly, one mistake and it could end the last source of any reputable reporting on national TV. And if that happens, the hive minds behind the TV close right back up and we are all alone again.
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07888b No.148100
Don't use that word you inflammatory ape
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f46e87 No.148124
Seattle is hardly America, and what do you expect us to do about changes in the left?
The only thing we can do is use it for recruiting purposes since people are easier to convince in a distressed state of mind.
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31f61b No.148182
Look at "This Man" look at the top of his head kek
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2bae11 No.148190
I regret I have only one upboat to give you anon.
Tucker is the gateway drug for normies and boomers. If he isn't out there dropping small redpills, who is going to do it, the rest of the jews at fox? Anyone who comes out full 1488 is immediately cast out, deplatformed, and pilloried. More people are waking up, coming to our side, but we don't see them here.
I have been thinking for a while, where have the anons gone? It has taken me a while, but I suspect that the overton window has shifted. I think there are multiple places (telegram, tiktok(?) and elsewhere) that you can talk to other 1488 minded individuals. So anons aren't really seeking us out, because of our (and Tucker's) success.
I know this will chap some asses, but I check in on the normies periodically. Different places, one of them is the dreaded T_D. Since they have moved off plebbit (, if you read the comments, it has gotten a whole lot more 1488 than it ever was when they had to follow plebbit's rules. I don't post there, but it's still a good sign.
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dbb3ef No.148233
Are you that fed that was caught posting on Pol a while back? -D
Correct! Maybe you should post there. Do what Tucker is doing with his audience. Aim at hitting the Con Inc lies is good but do not forget to also aim at purpose and duty.
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3cfa97 No.148236
>oy vey goyim America isn’t America
>lol u can do nothing u can’t stop it ha ha wow
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2bae11 No.148754
>Correct! Maybe you should post there.
I think it's pretty well handled. Normies are doing better at red pilling the normies than I could. Plus, it would be a full time job, everything there is so fast moving you would have to be constantly posting to have any relevance. I like to think more about my posts.
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358356 No.148758
>You think that's different for people of other ideologies who think they'll get an instant paradise after mass genocide?
Yes. Because it worked in the past MULTIPLE times.
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2873dd No.148761
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664909 No.148768
>that was caught posting
Either that or neocon AI. Or maybe both?
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4ef222 No.149378
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035bdc No.149395
He needs to do two things.
1. Fuck off.
2. Fuck off some more.
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26e4d7 No.149424
Rogelio Saenz…yeah, about that…
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035bdc No.149492
You auditioning for Pee Wee's playhouse?
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035bdc No.149507
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035bdc No.149508
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5bf6a9 No.149532
Without abortion, the quality of the white children goes down
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bc3d56 No.149533
Except it's mostly high IQ career focused women getting abortions.
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5bf6a9 No.149535
They'd probably give them up for adoption if they had them
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9b0d54 No.149548
I wouldnt know, I don't hang out with intelligent people, just you guys.
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