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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 47d4337002cbd69⋯.png (881.33 KB, 1165x624, 1165:624, blm_mural_update.png)

File: 73e6385c0de4510⋯.jpg (250.1 KB, 1236x820, 309:205, trump_deblasio_blm_02.jpg)

File: 976dc6b2f149f64⋯.jpeg (46.68 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, al_sharpton_and_big_bird_….jpeg)

8f6e51  No.138009

>Criminals and corrupt government officials are defacing our roads.

If anons go out with paint brushes to paint the street black they'll be charged with hate crimes. What about gum? Cigarettes? Spilled dirt? Powdered dye on a rainy night? Glue? Glitter? Rainbow flag stickers? What's a low risk solution to cure this problem and boost morale? Lets get some practical ideas that anyone can do.

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2f7e73  No.138012


Paint a "?" one block down, same orientation, size and color.


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a79ed4  No.138131

Sad how Trump just lets these idiots mock him.

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41e950  No.138424


Really won’t be for long

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6609df  No.138877


get an asphalt colored rectangle the size of the letters.

put a yellow F on the rectangle

place over the M

take a picture

remove rectangle and move on with life.

no damage, just a photo, hopefully no charges.


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1520fb  No.138883

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2b2748  No.138903

Our roads?

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1520fb  No.138912

File: cf2c7785e832d7b⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 2000x1447, 2000:1447, africa_mud_hut_single_moth….jpg)

File: 3ae9b63395b4b44⋯.jpg (148.39 KB, 1000x585, 200:117, african_jeep.jpg)


If we invented it; it is ours. See niggerfrica where even in major cities and with all the resources in the world it took the bugs to put in even rudimentary roads.

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2b2748  No.139192


Why should people clean up JewSA?

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2b2748  No.139193


And I mean literally, not anything else, like why would you clean your masters boots lmao

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