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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: a3a17bf6b85975a⋯.png (10.68 KB, 819x460, 819:460, Untitledh.png)

fff65d  No.137676

So, in liberal neighborhoods, there are BLM yard signs in homes by white liberals. Do you live in that neighborhood? Here's a way to express your first amendment right: Put this yard sign in your yard, put stickers of these on businesses. Spread the word. White liberals don't matter.

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83691b  No.137685

I like it.

You have my approval, pol.

Make it happen.

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9cae41  No.137708


Not interested in this at all anon. I want to purge the planet of subhumans. When that is done the liberals can fuck off to their hippy enclaves and live like Pocahontas for all I care.

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a0d039  No.137711

There is no phase two.

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97a178  No.137734

Funny thing is, the black BLM crowd would probably approve of these posters, because they generally despise all white people.

Go for it dude, it's a good idea.

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6d57c0  No.137747

File: 7e205c16573f75a⋯.jpg (84.09 KB, 1000x929, 1000:929, 7e2.jpg)


Agreed. I've seen a lot of shitty applications of the IOTBW format - this isn't one of them.

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974c58  No.137753

File: cc0c285044bf037⋯.jpg (372.24 KB, 750x1085, 150:217, Pocahontas_by_Simon_van_de….jpg)


That's fine, but Pocahontas was brought back to England and lived as an Elizabethan lady. It will be very odd if the Gulf Islands of British Columbia were populated by women wearing elaborate starched lace ruffs I would think.

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