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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 0999280903eaebb⋯.jpg (190.76 KB, 524x757, 524:757, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146_1969….jpg)

File: a5ea1f35ccb45b9⋯.jpg (199.89 KB, 1024x1567, 1024:1567, WernerGoldberg.jpg)

9190c9  No.137673

Jews like to pretend that some NS were of Jewish dissent for some reason when that is evidently not true; there is not one drop of Jewish blood in Hitler or any Wehrmacht soldier or any high rank NS. Do not believe their Jewish propaganda and tricks.

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48fb1b  No.137682

>Reinhard Heydrich

Killed by British-paid Czech agitators, pres F to pay respects.


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3b30d1  No.138020

File: cfca7e332d1785f⋯.jpg (420.19 KB, 2000x2449, 2000:2449, honorary_aryans.jpg)

I know this is a low-effort shitpost but I feel the need to rebut it nonetheless because there are probably some on this board who will believe it. We all know that the Nazis allowed non-Germans into NS organisations and even into the SS. This included Jews, because the point was never that being racially Jewish made you an enemy of Germany per se. It was about being part of the international cabal of organised Jews who had attacked Germany.

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