10b358 No.137595[Last 50 Posts]
Do you think the FBI has reallocated the 100,000 man force tasked with procuring, raping, and murdering children on camera so they could use the porn to unconstitutionally entrap white males?
The FBI must have nothing to do lately, since they are no longer the leading producers of child rape/pedovore/snuff/torture porn on the planet.
I guess they will have to just go back to doing it because they enjoy it, but without government funding to murder white infants, won't it become overly costly for them?
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9eb640 No.137607
Pretty sure that is his daughter. Still a weird image but not as creepy as if it was just a random child. Think you are totally right about the pedocracy though, maybe he had to sell his daughter for power and the weird shit he does with the greener politicians kids is a continuation of that? Idk, pure conjecture on my part but ill post some interesting vids on the pedocracy subject. This is why our politicians are making insane decisions that are obviously not in the nation's interest imo. Pic is his daughter, could definitely be that girl but there's only one younger pic of her from a completely different angle so maybe it isn't. Skull shape is very similar.
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9eb640 No.137608
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Baker street robbery:
Bank robbers crack one of the vaults and find "images of influential people engaged in sex acts with minors". Pictures are left sprawled throughout the vault for police to find but nothing happens.
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9eb640 No.137609
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If this seems like it isn't ordered well it's because im just listing them from memory, no spoonfeeding. If any of them interest you do your own research like I didn
Franklin scandal:
Republican child trafficking ring (uh-oh, did I just say something politically incorrect?) "headed" by a schvartze frontman. Lots of local media jews implicated but in the end the only sentencing related to the pedo stuff was one of the children who was charged with perjury. Seems like a psy op too but something happened.
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d74d2b No.137611
>since child porn has been banned here
when has it ever not been?
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9eb640 No.137612
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Marc Dutroux case:
Need I say more? This one is an absolutely legit example of the pedocracy in action, Dutroux was just a grunt tier kidnapper and pedo but he was connected to some very influential people and a lot of the evidence disappeared. If I remember correctly police actually searched his home while he had two girls in a secret dungeon, one of the officers even reported hearing children in the house. That definitely happened, what im not sure about is if those girls were the two who starved to death while he was in prison. Police actually seized a tape of him building his dungeon too but didn't seem to act on it until much later.
Up until the early 80's it was viewed as fetish material, was legal to own and was easy to find if you knew where to look.
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9eb640 No.137617
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Actually I'm just going to post this, over 150 videos documenting pedo rings, serial killers and their connections to either military or alphabet. You'll be amazed how many of the serial killers come from military families. The book is called programmed to kill if you'd prefer to read it instead. Essential viewing/reading for anybody interested in this stuff imo. The FBI confirmed that the mcmartin preschool tunnels existed and had "animal bones, personal effects and a altar" inside them, they even had the layout of the tunnels. This is one those conspiracies where the more you look into it the realer it seems. Could all be bullshit though, you just have to trust your gut I guess.
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d74d2b No.137618
oh by here you mean the U.S and not this site, typical american thinking they're the center of the universe.
its even easier to find now thanks to the internet than it ever was when it was legal, turns out its pretty difficult to police what people are allowed to see when the digital book burning can't keep up with its ability to infinitely replicate.
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9eb640 No.137620
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Not OP. Just assumed that because of the mention of the fbi and biden. Yeah, it is easier to find but it used to be legal to own. The only risk in the past was being looked at as a weirdo, now you'll end up in prison if you aren't part of the clique.
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9eb640 No.137621
This channel is an absolute goldmine btw, seriously worth a look if you are interested in this subject.
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d74d2b No.137624
theres mass murderers that never end up behind bars yet you'll have me believe that anyone that dares to look at no no images on the computer will end up in prison?
what next, if I pirate a movie should I just go directly to jail and not pass go because its illegal?
get real and quit acting like law enforcement are omniscient when in reality they rely on the fear mongering of useful idiots like you to terrorize everyone into staying in line.
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9eb640 No.137626
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We get it Chaim, you like beating your mutilated meat to children being raped. Weak derail attempt. Try again.
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d74d2b No.137628
by all means continue to talk about your alphabet soups that are lurking behind every corner and watching you fap, I bet the paranoid schizophrenics that are all too common on this board welcome more contribution to the decline of their mental health.
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9eb640 No.137631
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Thanks. Thought you was trying to derail for a second but now I see that you are one of the based pedokikes.
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9eb640 No.137633
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9eb640 No.137635
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>In 2006, Stasi's daughter—known since her "adoption" as Heather Robinson—filed a civil suit against Truman Medical Center in Kansas City and social worker Karen Gaddis. The suit accused Gaddis of putting Robinson in contact with Stasi and her newborn daughter in 1984, after he told Gaddis that he ran a charitable organization providing assistance to "unwed mothers of white babies."
==Now when I say white, you say slave trade!
White! (Slave trade!) White! (Slave trade!)==
==Yeah when I say white, you say slave trade!
White! (Slave trade!) White! (Slave trade!)==
This is why pedos like >>137628 are spiritual kikes however white they are (most probably aren't). These people get a thrill from watching white children get raped by russian jews and their golems. No place for them in any legit racialist movement.
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9eb640 No.137639
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af4ad9 No.137640
>implying pedos would watch some old vhs tape footage of a kid getting raped when kids these days are livestreaming themselves making OC with their HD phone cameras
Get with the times grandpa.
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9eb640 No.137645
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>implying that pedosadists can get off to that
Just like that other pedo who completely missed the point. More concerned with making copes for your degeneracy than actually helping children the translation is child lovers but you people clearly aren't you're child lusters. Still less degenerate than the pedosadists obviously but not by much.
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9eb640 No.137650
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Also they shoot that filth in 4k now. There's more money in cp than there is in regular porn, it just isn't easily accessible. Who even pays for regular porn besides soon to be senile boomers nowadays?
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af4ad9 No.137651
When given the opportunity we help them by being a lifelong provider and they remain satisfied with their marriage for their entire lives because they didn't fuck 100 different dudes before they were legally allowed to settle down. When given no opportunity we become relegated to relieving sexual tension via pornography or rape while the family unit of the society we're in collapses along with the birthrate. If your idea of moral superiority drives you to believe the second option is preferable then you'll simply be replaced by those that choose the first as they breed you out of existence.
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9eb640 No.137659
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>breed you out of existence
>coming from a guy who can only get hard for prepubescent children
Anon, I…Thanks for proving my point though.
>oy, if you don't want us to fuck your child we'll just have to rape em…What, you don't want us to "provide" for your nine year old daughter? This goy is meshugennah!"
I take some small solace in the fact that fags like you will always be persecuted, the elite need to keep your branch of degeneracy illegal to keep the blackmail going and if there's ever a removal of jews from positions of power thee persecution you experience now will be like a walk in the park. The only thing stopping normal people from lynching you faggots are the same people who need pedophilia to remain illegal. If you aren't a part of the clique you might as well just end it. There's no happy ending for average joe pedos.
Yes, the latter is morally superior. You are the degenerate acting on base impulses like some sort of nigger in that scenario of all of the evil in that situation is on your head.
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af4ad9 No.137665
Wish we could live long enough to see your western society under shariah law and have their first generation of child brides because you couldn't breed enough to maintain your own societies and had to import muslims en masse like we're already seeing happen in europe.
Your value of moral superiority over sustainability is no different than that of vegans who can see that any successful society in human history has been built on the death and utilization of animals yet somehow believe there will be no detrimental effects to eliminating that in the name of moral righteousness only to be met with mass famines and a total reliance on imports from other nations for essential nutrients.
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9eb640 No.137669
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Yeah, yeah we get it you're so baste and redpilled and if those dirty normies would just stop persecuting you you wouldn't have to jerk off to children right? The absolute state of pedos who think they have a place in racialist groups when they literally get off to white children usually eastern European kids being raped. You're a degenerate dude, you should team up with the Muslims or jews tbh. They'd tolerate your semitic mindset much better than "racialists" loose term I know but I haven't posted here since 8ch so don't even know what this board is about anymore. Seems very jewy after a quick scan so maybe you are in good company and I'm the odd one out here.
>white societies are importing muslims because they aren't breeding enough
>Wish we could live long enough to see your western society under shariah law
Lmao. The absolute state of nu-pol. I bet you wish you could see it mordecai, you could openly engage in your degeneracy free of punishment then couldn't you? Sorry chaim, not in this lifetime. Not ever as long as white people are still around.
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1dfd9e No.137675
“We have over 9000 penises”-Oprah The land whale
Yeah there defiantly raping kids, the only question is which ones are doing it
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524941 No.137713
>Not ever as long as white people are still around.
Amen brother. Yep this board is FULL of glownigger and demoralization kikes. But there are a few anons hanging on.
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695086 No.137714
He's talking about lolicon drawings.
>oy vey goyim america bad child porn good
Kill self.
Kill self.
Kill self.
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af4ad9 No.137796
This isn't /pol/ anymore its now a platform for debate which is why its in the name of the board because you lot proved you can't be trusted with an echochamber. But you've been in an echochamber so long that you don't even know how to act in the face of dissent anymore as showcased by the only retort you have to my points is character assassination of calling me a degenerate jew rapist. Well I'm sorry but no matter how many names you call me it won't change the facts of the matter and those facts show an inevitable death of western society as you know it which you see no reason to change because your feeling of smug moral superiority for some reason outweighs the long term survival of your culture in your mind.
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e7d74d No.137798
>openly admits he doesn’t belong here
Nope, this is /pol/. We’re keeping it that way. You’re powerless. Get out and don’t come back, otherwise you’ll be made to get out.
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af4ad9 No.137800
No thanks, I'll keep putting you in your place and illustrating your total inability to defend your position on anything because while you've spent years preaching to the choir and learning nothing I've spent years testing my arguments against dissent and strengthening them to where the likes of you can't even manage to get past the bottom of this pyramid.
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859ee9 No.137811
I'm truly curious. Is it immoral to gun down a child molester?
More to the point: isn't it immoral to NOT gun them down?
I mean, how much of the government's resources would they dedicate to finding someone who sniped a chomo?
Now, I understand, in a perfect world, the US government agencies would be producing all the world's child rape snuff dismemberment porn, but with the pressure Trump is bringing to bear, do you think they would really give a flying fuck about who shot some child rapist?
Do you think that any police department (unconstitutional, sheriffs are elected, police are Deep State agents) chief could survive the scrutiny of spending 200 billion dollars to track down who shot Crazy Chester the Child Molester?
If a police chief spends even one CENT trying to find out who killed a pedo, he's corrupt. Would it be immoral to shoot him?
I am just wondering about the morality. Legality is just a false front under which the most evil monsters in history operate.
Fuck kid, you die. Problem solved.
Is it wrong for citizens to do this? Can you show me where obeying the law and allowing the judge's son off with s six-month probation for tearing little girls' faces off is moral?
Should we just deputize ourselves? Will God hold us guilty for the blood we do not avenge, and thus the innocent blood we do not PREVENT?
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9eb640 No.137820
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I'm genuinely not interested in debating pedos, same as I'm not interested in debating faggots or trannys or w/e. I just came into the thread to dump some vids and then the pedokike went "akshually". Why would I want to waste time going in circles with somebody who is mentally ill and will constantly reach to defend their sickness? Just look how you fags derailed a thread about actual pedosadists because you felt personally slighted by the topic. That says it all.
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af4ad9 No.137822
You're clearly not interested in debating anything and that goes for most of the people on boards like this, you're merely interested in your indefensible positions being reaffirmed by like minded people over and over again for years on end with no one allowed to question them. Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this isn't the safe space you've come to know and love anymore and your unwillingness to debate is nothing but a sign of weakness now because as they say sunlight is the best disinfectant and for the first time you're being forced into the light.
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524941 No.137831
>I'm truly curious. Is it immoral to gun down a child molester?
>More to the point: isn't it immoral to NOT gun them down?
>I mean, how much of the government's resources would they dedicate to finding someone who sniped a chomo?
>Now, I understand, in a perfect world, the US government agencies would be producing all the world's child rape snuff dismemberment porn, but with the pressure Trump is bringing to bear, do you think they would really give a flying fuck about who shot some child rapist?
>Do you think that any police department (unconstitutional, sheriffs are elected, police are Deep State agents) chief could survive the scrutiny of spending 200 billion dollars to track down who shot Crazy Chester the Child Molester?
>If a police chief spends even one CENT trying to find out who killed a pedo, he's corrupt. Would it be immoral to shoot him?
>I am just wondering about the morality. Legality is just a false front under which the most evil monsters in history operate.
>Fuck kid, you die. Problem solved.
>Is it wrong for citizens to do this?
>Can you show me where obeying the law and allowing the judge's son off with s six-month probation for tearing little girls' faces off is moral?
>Should we just deputize ourselves?
>Will God hold us guilty for the blood we do not avenge, and thus the innocent blood we do not PREVENT?
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171d21 No.137844
>pedophile gets released into the public.
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695086 No.137959
>I'll keep putting you in your place
That's cute. How will you do that if you can't post here?
>illustrating your total inability to defend your position
Project harder. You're humiliating the rest of your cubicle block.
>the bottom of this pyramid.
lol, old hat. Get out, leftist.
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613cd2 No.138245
I'll always be able to post here so long as the owner mandates it and considering that you've shown you have no problem putting this site in jeopardy when left to your own devices I doubt he'll ever change his mind on that so get used to being called out over your bullshit constantly and have no authority figure to save you from your own shit opinions being questioned.
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e7d74d No.138256
Just to be clear, you’re the guy defending sex with children as being okay because “they’ll totally be married to their abuser and saved from a life of hedonism because they were raped as a child”, correct? Specifically, this post: >>137651
is you? And this one is also you, painting raping children as “a necessary compromise of morality due to environmental circumstances”: >>137665
Do clarify, please.
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613cd2 No.138268
No thats just you strawmanning.
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124343 No.138310
>shariablue still mad they lost an election to shitposting
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3208ff No.138357
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302d87 No.138586
Interesting how you keep replying as though you're that guy, though, huh. Disavow sex with children. Now.
>you're a leftist if you want all leftists banned from this website
>uses spam that only ZOG emperor supporters (read: leftists) use
Really makes you think.
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689f3d No.138673
>Since child porn has been banned here
Then what is /egy/?
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e7d74d No.138697
Your post here: >>137651 in the context of the discussion shows that you’re explicitly defending sex with children.
>when given the opportunity
To have sex with children
>we help them by being a lifelong provider…
And then
>when given no opportunity
To have sex with children
>we become relegated to relieving sexual tension via pornography
Of children
>or rape
Of children
>when the family unit of the society we’re in collapses…
And then
>if your idea of moral superiority drives you to believe the second option is preferable…
You’re explicitly stating that it’s better to rape children than uphold a set of objective, scientifically proven moral standards.
If you are NOT that poster, then you had no reason to reply at all, so your replies make no sense.
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124343 No.138701
>gets triggered by chinese cartoon drawingsgirls
>I-I am not a leftist… you're the leftist
> Disavow sex with children.
No. Kikes, mudslimes, spics and slants all fuck children and see in how much better condition they are both socially and demographically, the only reason to disavow sex with children is because said subhumans do it, but if it was somehow beneficial to our race (which most likely isn't due to our unique psyche).
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5723ab No.138712
>Republican child trafficking ring (uh-oh, did I just say something politically incorrect?)
No fren, don't worry, there are no MIGAys here.
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e7d74d No.138720
>disavow sex with children
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5723ab No.138722
I've crossed the path of a beautiful young blonde two years ago, 16 yo, she was already ripe for the taking and everything else, perfect spouse material. Smart (for a woman), such curves (and 'em legs!), cute af, cheery, good health. So it is hard to debate this and be obsessed about the 18-20 age limit, but we also know that pedos are waiting for this barrier to be broken so as to push it as low as possible because they, these sickos, they really are into the sex as its own end, with some very young flesh, and often homos on young boys, for the sake of debasing innocence and life. It's something else entirely. So I guess it's preferable to keep the barrier for now and perhaps for a long, long time.
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9c20e5 No.138726
Maya Polo Cheese for this typo:
>US government agencies would be producing all the world's child rape snuff dismemberment porn
It was supposed to read "would NOT be producing all the world's child rape snuff dismemberment porn"
Your responses are heartening. i hope you speak for the people.
Anything less than death penatly for chomos means the judge is a traitor to mankind, yes or no?
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9c20e5 No.138727
Or make the age of consent for non-marital sexual contact 25 for women and 30 for men, and the age of marriage 15 for women and 25 for men.
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5723ab No.138737
I can see this point. You obviously understand what I'm saying here, I'm not trying to soft-sell pedophilia here, I'd hate that. But life is life and damn, some girls really are complete before "the age" you know. And even if we were to have to wait one to three years before doing the sex thing, I suppose it could be... debated... within our circles. I'm not obsessed about our current inverted and decrepit morals. It's too clean, too convenient, as if we were trying to prove something or taking the pose for some magazine cover of "Perfect Family". Too much civilization. We should aim for fertile women as young as possible. The fertility in itself not just being a case of menstruating, but having the bone structure ready to support a baby's growth and expulsion. Some women could be sexually mature before their skeleton is, so to speak.
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84f18e No.138743
how are you going to "make" someone leave an anonymous message board? Are you retarded? I know you are an incel virgin, you speak like a fucking loser.
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84f18e No.138744
want to know how i know you are a glownigger? Because you speak about Trump as if he has any real power, as if he isn't corrupt and part of the illuminati.
You are either a glownigger or some Qanon retard. Either way please blow your faggot brains out
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695086 No.138745
>fundamentally doesn't understand how these things work
>calls others retarded
wew lad, tell us more about how the foundation of civilization is bad and how your individualist (judaism) is better than natsoc collectivism.
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84f18e No.138747
Hi glownigger
Your wife is at home fucking a nigger while you're sitting at work in your FBI office
or hey maybe that sexually excites you, you faggot cuck?
either way you're a goddamn fucking LOSER
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84f18e No.138748
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9c20e5 No.138752
No, Captain Kike, they can have all the sex they want.
After they are married.
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9c20e5 No.138753
Since sex outside marriage produces the sewer tidal wave of sluts and criminals we are in right now, it needs to be outlawed.
Maybe lower the age of marriage to 13 for girls and 18 for boys. They are at about the same level of maturity at those ages, anyway.
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9c20e5 No.138755
No, it is just selectively enforced on anyone but Jews.
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34aed8 No.138756
>I guess it's preferable to keep the barrier for now and perhaps for a long, long time.
Hopefully not such a long time. When kikes and browner subhumans are off our lands this will practically be a non-issue, also White true pedos (the ones that are actually victimizing real kids) will be so few in between that hanging them by their entrails will be so sporadic to not be an issue either.
Yes, I'm not going to consent to Jimkike's attempt to make the site more family friendly for extra shekels and extra excuses for banning dissenting opinions by banning pictures of non-realistic drawn "children" that not only were integral part of imageboard culture but also an effective normalcancer repelant. How far do you think banning victimeless "crime" will get us when normoralfags flood in and demand Jim to ban "hatespeech", "wrongthink", and "calls for violence"?
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34aed8 No.138762
>Or they can have all the sex they want whenever they want because their sex drive doesn't give a shit what lawmakers say about when they're allowed to fuck.
In such case allow all the punishment they can have. When public stoning for promisquity will become as common as it is in the Middle East then believe it our birthrates will become equallly common to the Middle East's.
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34aed8 No.138763
This is Jim's nu-/pol/. (((They))) are not even trying to hide anymore.
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34aed8 No.138769
> I'm not the typical schizophrenic denizen that you'd usually find on /pol/ boards
Then lurk two fucking more years, you r/thedonald boomershit.
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34aed8 No.138772
>while also not ending up as "barbaric"
Ancient Greece, the inventors of civilization and the very definition of "non-barbaric" were almost as patriarchal and "misogynist" as sandniggers, your definition of "barbarism" is where civilization thrives, egalitarianism is where civilization dies. Myths like Pandora's existed for a reason.
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34aed8 No.138775
>blah blah blah I can't read
This one was filed by Asians for a court case, where they "schizophrenic white supremacists" too, you kosher rightwing golem?
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34aed8 No.138777
I don't give a rat's ass for their "barbarism" what I care about is MY people not being under inbred shitskins' rule, you egalitarian cuckold.
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34aed8 No.138784
It doesn't matter what you think, the average /pol/ack has hundreds of proof for jewish meddling in our current affairs.
>Personally I don't see the point if your people are going to end up at the same level as the "inbred shitskins" in terms of quality of life
Assuming you are not a lying kike, which is unlikely, then you are brainwashed pherephone of the (((media)))
that can't understand what is self evident to every organism with a central nervous system, ingroup genetic preference.
>If your people were treated like human cattle and factory farmed like cows in the billions would you consider that a better outcome than extinction simply because theres billions of your people that exist?
Yes, you cuckold. For its most part "morality" is subjective, survival of your genome is ALL that fucking matters in nature, the final judge of all morality.
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30031e No.138787
True. Will meditate on this.
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30031e No.138789
We don't need to throw stones like savages, but there are other tools we know of that worked well for ages.
>Shame! Shame! Shame!
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30031e No.138792
>Hopefully not such a long time. When kikes and browner subhumans are off our lands this will practically be a non-issue, also White true pedos (the ones that are actually victimizing real kids) will be so few in between that hanging them by their entrails will be so sporadic to not be an issue either.
Agreed and prayed for.
We actually did have debates on /pol/, you know?
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cd6abc No.138796
What a fucking turd.
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524941 No.138811
That is one of the demoralization shills. If you filter it, you won't lose anything substantial in the conversation at all.
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34aed8 No.138816
> spend all your time bitching about how much more successful jews are
Let's say you are right and my low IQ compared to the median and "impressive" askenazim 115-120 is the reason I'm not as succesful, how do you explain that out of 8 billion people a group of less than 30 million holds nearly half of the top positions of power economically, academically, judicially and in terms of media ownership? Are you implying that less than half hundred million goyim globally have an IQ of above 120? I backed up all of my claims with you yourself can check out with a simple google search, your ad hominem deflects isn't something that the average /po/ denizen hasn't seen over 6 million times. pic related
>The fact that you'd consider your race being nothing but factory farmed food for a more advanced race
First of all there's no such thing as a more "advanced race" than Whites, the closest there is to one with an intent to do what your (((sick wet fantasy))) described is (((you parasitical inbred mongrels))).
>than the advanced civilization is a showcase of how retarded your ideology is,
Secondly, loss of the White race means long term extinction of mankind as a whole due to other races incapacity of achievement and pioneering, for the ambitionless non-White subhuman their whole goal in life is indulging to mindless hedonism until the planet is dried up of resources or at best charred to an expanding sun.
Lastly, even your sick dream of (((enslaving your superior gentiles into humiliated cattle))) that you fap your decapitated shrimp to sleep every night is still better than our complete anihillation since there would be still be a chance and clear motive to rise up and do what your self-piting neurotic kin blamed us doing 80 years ago.
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34aed8 No.138817
>implying non-Whites even know what this word means
Not even the best of them, namely Japan, have a clear concept for this, that's the precise reason they did not end up a cuckshed like Germany did.
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34aed8 No.138820
He is not even demoralizing, he's a newfag JIDF that is simply resource burning without even trying to defuse the evidence thrown at his face.
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695086 No.138826
>proves he's a shill
Double wew lad; you're done here.
Imagine being THIS jewish.
<raping children is a victimless crime
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34aed8 No.138835
>Occam's razor would dictate that they deserve it
Sure Occam's Razor doesn't cover their astronomic overrepresantation in the elites.
>not that theres a secret society of jews that are running the entire world from behind the scenes
Indeed, they do it OPENLY (Rothchilde, Soros, HALF THE FAGGOTS IN MY BILDERBERG INFOGRAPHIC) and then hordes of conformist idiots pretend to not see it because talmudvision, (((they own))), is telling them it's racist.
>they deserve it
Speaking of Occam's razor and deserving it, pic related.
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7c16f6 No.138847
Well the mod destroyed this thread but we can continue if you'd like.
As I was saying Occam's razor applies just as well to their over representation among elites as it does with their over representation among prestigious universities. In fact your mindset is no different in my eyes to that of feminists who believe the only reason theres no gender parity in STEM is because they live in a patriarchy that hates women and is keeping them down, only when given the choice to major in fucking gender studies. The over representation of men in STEM is because they deserve it, not because they're elevated by a patriarchal society that hates women.
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c1303d No.142396
Stop being spergs you (((clowns))).
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6e7688 No.142418
The over-representation of kikes is mostly due to nepotism/tribalism, stealing other people's work/ideas and sabotaging everyone who is not a kike. Which is not here since yesterday, they've been doing it for a very long time. You are comparing two entirely different things.
Just look at the so called elites, do you really think they would be able to achieve anything if they had an equal start as everyone else, let alone if the roles were reversed?
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c04bd6 No.142421
can 'jews' be spergs?
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2064f1 No.142427
Can't help but see parallels to this and black people who see white success as a result of white supremacist nepotism/tribalism and their theft and colonization and that the only reason black people aren't more successful is because of white privilege and them keeping a brother down.
You reframe their argument from white privilege to jew privilege and expect me to be compelled by it but I'm not. Its just as stupid when you do it.
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335ce0 No.142463
But yea whites also have quite a lot of trash and jealousy to clean on their doorstep, maybe less than others, but still a lot.
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c04bd6 No.142466
Jews collective amoral individually retarded
Whites independent moral intelligent socially retarded
Niggers collective amoral protohumans; not a member of the human race.
There are parallels here but not the ones you have drawn.
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e7d74d No.142473
>you’re a jew if you DON’T support raping children
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8268b5 No.142506
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>m-muh echochamber
Funny how you marxist faggots throw pedo-accusations and hivemind accusations at the same time. Leftist lack of self-awareness at its finest.
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8268b5 No.142508
There can be no debate with intellectual dishonesty and recycling multiple times debunked (intentional) lies.
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0f2642 No.142531
I didn't do either of those things and I'm not a leftist so I don't know what you're even on about.
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e2da11 No.142762
>cucks keep posting stale 2016 memes
the election really did mind raped you guys, huh?
noooo you can't make fun of muh god emperor of zion
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f55c50 No.145516
the pilpul pyramid of lies, no sankyou kike
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2534a4 No.145525
Thanks for illustrating my point I guess.
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e7d74d No.145536
You don’t have a point. Piss off, childfucker.
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e9e56d No.145564
My point was that living in an echochamber for so many years has atrophied your brains to such a degree that name calling is the extent of your ability to debate, and in response you call me names.
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e7d74d No.145574
Yeah, your point is spam and objectively false. No one gives a shit what you have to say. You don’t have a point. Piss off, childfucker.
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443aea No.145579
I made that point once weeks ago, how is that spam? As for it being objectively false its been proven right by the only responses to it consisting of nothing but being called names be it a leftist shill or a kike or a childfucker, all equally vacuous no substance comments that add nothing to the table.
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e7d74d No.145582
>fucking children is right because no one said anything to me except that fucking children is wrong
Okay, kill yourself. You’re not even trying anymore.
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c9b3da No.145591
Clearly you're the one thats not even trying anymore as you choose to argue with a figment of your own imagination rather than me as you and others have shown that in the face of legitimate opposition you can do nothing but name call. So the only way for you to try and prove you can do more than that is to invent illegitimate opposition in your own head thats so self-defeating that even someone like you is capable of refuting it.
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b1df67 No.145613
As excruciating(ly entertaining) as it is to watch you Jews all try to bury this thread in sheer idiocy, I think the point that really needs to be examined is this:
Since the entire (((law enforcement community))) seems to be merely there to genocide the white race and enforce ZOG mandates, is it wrong to self-deputize and take care of things extra-Jewdicially?
Example: Anyone murders anyone else: multiple life sentences if you are a goyim, but a week of probation if you are not.
No, I truly wonder if self-deputization is not only not immoral, but a moral imperative when the (((keepers of the peace))) are at worst, complicit, and at best, hamstrung by (((laws and legal systems crafted to free all Jews of any culpability whatsoever, and turn loose violent criminals on the goyim for murder and mayhem, like the governors who are determined to get themselves into Gitmo on more than a day pass seem inclined to do.
That is the central question we must ask ourselves every day. Does the government hold a on righteous violence?
The same people who are disemboweling goyim children in their synagogues are jailing you for spanking your wife or child.
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b1df67 No.145615
Does the government hold a monopoly on righteous violence?
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2534a4 No.145621
Oh for sure, this whole thread was sheer idiocy until you showed up with your genius "everyone is jews but me" rhetoric. Only true intellectuals like those found in insane asylums have the textbook paranoid schizoprenic delusions required to obsess over their perceived boogeyman for every waking minute of their life. You'd fit right in with the loonies that think they're being gang stalked or that the glow in the dark cia niggers are watching them fap through secret spy cameras in all their electronics so they're required to take apart everything they own on a daily basis to make sure they're not tapped.
By all means let God deputize you and ordain you his holy missionary of justice and permit you to murder all your boogeymen once and for all so you can finally join your like minded brethren in a padded cell where you belong.
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9b20c5 No.145629
CP, fraud, blackmail, obscenity, true threats, fighting words, incitement to imminent lawless action, solicitations to commit crimes, defamation (including libel and slander), etc. are all considered exceptions to the first amendment's guarantee to freedom of speech. But are they lawful?
Now let's start with CP. Well, regardless of who it harms, I still think it shouldn't be illegal because it is after all a form of information. If pornography is considered a form of protected speech then I don't think that CP should be viewed any differently. This is nothing more than a modern example of book burning. Why should personal safety ever be chosen over freedom? Because if you do that you won't have neither at the end of the day. I would say the same thing for our gun laws. And obviously, criminals don't even follow these laws anyways especially since America is one of the largest producers of child porn in the world other than Russia and Japan, despite not even making up 5% of the world's population and having the strictest laws against it. And not only that, but I would even argue that pushing it underground has only encouraged the industry to grow even larger and endanger more children. If it were regulated just like with the animal crush stuff, in that it would be legal to distribute and possess unless in cases involving money, then honestly there would be no industry. Just keep the selling/shipping/mailing/recipt illegal but not the free distribution/possession. Anybody trying to say otherwise is a fucking idiot. Why should we ban an entire form of media and criminalize no less than 20% of the US population who are attracted to people under 18?
As for the rest, you do the math.
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e7d74d No.145632
Fun fact: sex with children is bad. You don’t have an argument.
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e9e56d No.145633
Well no shit the opponent you made up in your head doesn't have an argument until you give him one, at least throw him a bone you ass.
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c731f0 No.145650
Anti-child marriage, child sex zombies be like
>behead those who disobey UNICEF!! so baste!!
Marriage, sex with a child (unless same-sex) is one of the most serious crimes under ZOG. Why?
Because it is so patriarchal; it is even more evident than in a same-aged marriage that the female is dependent on the male. Hence the UN, State Department, and journalists are all crusading to end it.
If the elites practice child abuse with satanic elements, that is not because they have some unusual taste for it; the powerful always have extravagant sexual tastes and may turn exploitative. But there is no reason to think they are more abusive with children than with adult partners. The things alleging as much online are only so much hearsay and sensationalism, like modern versions of witchcraft accusations.
If you want to end GloboHomo, bring back child marriage. With parental consent, taking a child bride is A-OK. That it is illegal now means that those who still pursue children are lawbreakers with lower impulse control, prone to abuse anyway. Were child marriage, child sex legal, more honest and virtuous men would be making love to children, and the public image we now have would be belied by a benign reality.
Fake news. You got fooled. From an open satire website. Look at the bottom of the page. http://archive.is/f5dyW
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e7d74d No.145665
Fun fact: sex with children is bad. This will be repeated until you understand it or until you’re found and killed for wanting to fuck children.
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020ce6 No.145854
An indicator of how evil something is is "who is profiting from it?"
All porn is bad.
Marrying a fertile young lady isn't pedophilia. It was only the last hundred years or so that the Jews made marriage illegal. Keep in mind, these are the same people who rape children in their synagogues, the ones telling you you can't get married at 15 or whenever you want to.
The Bible specifically states that in the end times, doctrines of demons would proliferate, and forbidding to marry was among the chiefest of them, along with forbidding to eat certain foods *coughveganismcough.*
Get married. Change the laws so that marriage is once again legal. Women are burnt-out sluts by the time they hit 18. That's the whole point of forbidding them to marry. It's not to give them better choices, or enable them to be independent. It's to make them available for the Synagogue of Satan for sex.
Also, make adultery a death-penalty offense, along with pornography production and trafficking.
Jew cancer largely solved right there.
Get marriage back from being "what burnt-out whores finally do to secure a pension" to "What fresh young virgins do to stay tightly bound to a husband and family for life."
Do that, and you win. Who wants porn when they have a pretty young bride to make love to?
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020ce6 No.145855
Can we meet somewhere and I can dismember you on camera, because it's a form of information?
Go back to the synagogue you child-raping monster.
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3c5c91 No.145861
I'm truly curious. Are you a glownigger faggot?
More to the point: Since you're a glownigger, doesn't that make you a pedo?
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b85635 No.145896
Pornography wasn't protected by free speech until jewish lobbyists pushed for it though. That's like saying the fed and white genocide are great because the government approves of them.
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e7d74d No.146016
>you want to kill feds
>therefore you’re a fed
You’re about the most retarded shill I’ve seen since the 2016 campaign.
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9b20c5 No.146353
Snuff doesn't mean what you think it means. Snuff doesn't simply mean gore. It means you're livestreaming someone's murder in front of an entire audience who paid to see it as some sort of sexual fetish. That's a snuff film . Those don't exist to my knowledge. There might be some snuff film laws out there on the books, but so far I haven't heard of any convictions for it and even if there are, it's only targeting some hypothetical concept that hasn't been documented before or confirmed to exist. There have beem rumors of "red rooms" on Tor, but these are fake because you can't host livestreams on Tor. And you obviously wouldn't be able to host shit like that on the clearnet either. I think there was one case of a guy who was arrested for hosting a fake red room site as some sort of troll, but other than that, there have been absolutely no convictions for "snuff pornography". Unless you can go even deeper than the deep web, which I don't even believe you can since most of this talk about the "Charter Web" or even "Marianas Web" are a LARP.
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71b4c1 No.146366
Twitter allows nude children. Figure it out, dumb mothefucker.
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7f3592 No.146417
Snuff exists. I've seen it. Snuff is not livestream, you imbecile. It is any recording of someone being murdered linked to sexual depravity, whether audio, pictorial or multimedia.
on another note, someone on this forum really doesn't like Leon Dubois James, evidently. :D
I think you need to scamper back to the Synagogue and your job at (((Snopes.)))
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9b20c5 No.148336
Anybody remember this dude? The dude was behind Daisy's Destruction which is said to be one of the worst videos to ever exist. It was oeiginally posted on Hurt 2 The Core on the Deep Web, exchanged for tens of thousands of dollars, and he got caught after somebody posted the video to the clearnet.
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8268b5 No.148362
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Can we meet somewhere and I can dismember you on camera, because it's a form of information?
Yes but the act is illegal. Distributing the footage of the act ain't and should not be.
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d37f4e No.148375
No, it does not have to be live streamed. It can be merely recorded, and for the most "elite" snuff-seeking audiences, it can be live and in person.
It most definitely does exist, and has existed for a long time. It certainly existed before cameras, as well - it was just done in person and seen as a rare 'delicacy' for the powerful and/or rich.
Check out this:
"Eight Italians have been arrested and 490 warned that they are under investigation, in a scandal that has shocked and outraged the country. Police are reportedly trying to identify 5,000 people who are suspected of attempting to purchase the videos, some of which appear to contain images of children being tortured and murdered.
The tapes, which were made in Russia, have allegedly generated revenues of £410m for their makers."
There's a lot more than just that. Obviously, since it started to become more noticeable, leading to these groups of cheese pizza producers being more likely to get caught, they simply went deeper into underground. They just changed their rules and policies to match the changing times and tech.
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8268b5 No.148398
Okay but next time archive that shit.
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333ff8 No.150792
Lol its information so it should be legal. Are you forgetting one tinsy detail? what was it… Oh yeah the part where child pornographers are raping and molesting kids. I don't know you but i feel like I do- you are a fat loser degenerate who has no hope with a girl, has no hope of raping one (too weak) so his mind has turned him on to the one thing stupid enough to manipulate into fucking him and too weak too fight him off- children. Please kill yourself
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9b20c5 No.151101
Not true. In colonial America, there was a wide range of erotica that one could find, ranging from Boccaccio's Decameron to such explicitly sexual works as Venus In the Cloister, The Politick Whore and Letters of an Italian Nun and an English Gentleman. During the founding fathers time, the regulation of obscenity was not thought to be any of the state's business. The first obscenity laws weren't made until 1815 in Pennsylvania when a tavern owner was prosecuted for having a photograph of a naked couple having sex, since said material could "corrupt the youth" by "inflaming their passions". Until 1873, obscenity was only banned on a state level. It wasn't until the 1860s when the Christian organization the YMCA campaigned to outlaw smut in New York after NYC became a red light district for the smut business. But in 1873 was when President Ulysses S. Grant passed a law known as the Comstock Act, which made illegal porn, contraceptives, abortifacients or any information or advertisements for them. It was known as the Comstock Act because one of the leaders behind it being banned on a federal level proposed mail be inspected.
However, it wasn't until 1957 when "obscenity" was redefined and most pornography was made legal again. So I guess you can say that any laws against pornography are unconstitutional.
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9b20c5 No.152996
Okay, but how is simply looking at it abuse? Whhile this might be considered a red herring, buf there are many legal things that could be considered the same way that you described. What about 3guys1hammer? Do you think the victim's family is proud to see that people on YouTube are making shitty "reaction videos" and exploiting that man's death for views? Why isn't gore illegal by CP is? How is murdering somebody on camera less bad than somebody being raped, regardless of age? On the one hand, you can live to tell about it while on the other you can't because you're fucking dead. To me, these laws seem to be more anti-pedo than they do protecting children. Every single time lawmakers want to restrict our freedoms it has always been under the guise of "think of the children". Why should my rights be thrown down the drain just because we need to think of the children more? You do realize that by banning this you are only criminalizing an entire demographic, right? This isn't like anti-sodomy or miscegenation laws in that it marginalizes a small, irrelevant group of people, but rather you are criminalizing 20% of the US population and condemning them to a life of solitude and sexual frustration all because they cannot act out on their sexual fantasies nor can they so much as look at porn that caters to their interests.
I hope you realize that this is a form of censorship. Nothing more, nothing less.
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87d35e No.153007
The moral of the story is that laws are only needed the more jews you have in your nation since they will push the envelope and make the nation a fucking living hell if you don't litigate them by nailing them to the wall.
Look at that, they managed to have it backfire on us as well…nice.
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