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5f8ed0  No.137026

Head of the Snake - Wexner, Maxwell’s, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed


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5f8ed0  No.137028

File: 9aeb9ab44de7610⋯.jpg (38.35 KB, 389x291, 389:291, Head_of_the_Snake.jpg)

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ccf6a1  No.137034


Here's some interesting details I ran into on this site.


"Just two weeks ago, British tabloid The Sun reported that the fugitive socialite, who was born in France, was “hiding out in luxury Paris flat.” In Paris, the article explained, she was safe from extradition and arrest by the FBI and had a network of friends to help her hide out. It also claimed she was changing locations every month. Was this article a ruse? Or is her arrest in the U.S. a ruse?

Believe nothing about this arrest saga. Where’s Jizz? Has anybody actually seen her? Conveniently, a new law passed in April of this year in New York banned the release of mugshots and ended perp walks. What a cowinkydink. (Relevant for when and if she is moved to NY)

The Daily Mail reports Maxwell is being held in Merrimack County Jail in Boscawen, New Hampshire. I can’t count how many times we have seen this in our posts, but the New Hampshire Department of Corrections inmate locator shows no inmate under her name, nor is there even a Maxwell.

Update: A call to Merrimack County Jail reveals Maxwell, age 58, is being held without charges, no bail and no scheduled release. I don’t think they can hold her long for what is effectively a 23-year-old pimping indictment."

So mug shots are now banned, wow.

People didn't really notice but most of the Epstein court sessions were sketches not actual video or pictures.

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8a1099  No.137038

File: ce288501a25f91d⋯.jpg (710.59 KB, 799x4060, 799:4060, 14_israelis_child_traffick….jpg)


>people didn't notice

well they sure as shit haven't noticed when any of the other jews were extradited back to israel for safety and non of them were tried for their crimes against humanity either. There is a lot of things that 'people just don't notice'.



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