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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 144a2bee3423ecb⋯.jpeg (98.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, EcNyteVXYAAo6i3.jpeg)

d1fb6d  No.136772


>Proving once again that the Black Lives Matter and AntiFA terrorists have nothing to do with bettering the lives of current minorities, these thugs decided to topple the statue of Frederick Douglass over the weekend. Frederick Douglass was an African-American abolitionist. He also helped Harriet Tubman shuttle slaves to freedom from the Democrat plantations. The statue in Rochester, New York and was dismantled on the anniversary of one of his most famous speeches, which he delivered in that city in 1852. Black Lives Matter and AntiFA left wing terrorists tossed the Frederick Douglass statue into Genesee River gorge as if it were a piece of garbage.

Of course the MSM is not going to admit it was antifa or BLM but i'm pretty fucking sure that antifa and BLM are that stupid.


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9639ea  No.136774

File: fa790c7e33dcb8d⋯.jpg (142.25 KB, 423x788, 423:788, Karl_Marx_statue.jpg)

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592f62  No.136813

File: 866096294d2e2ce⋯.jpg (595.54 KB, 2713x3628, 2713:3628, 170427_frederick_douglass_….jpg)

I know antifa trolls this board. See the pic you antifa fuck? THAT'S FREDERICK DOUGLAS. HE'S YOUR FAVORITE, CONDITIONED INTO YOUR MINDLESS BRAINS, RACE. Next time you see a statue that looks like him try not to tear it down you fucking morons.

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e1bb44  No.136814


It would be funny but this is not really about tearing down 'white statues' as much as it is about destroying all of the history and the past. See the statue toppling is destroying the HISTORY of the USA black and White so that the jews can make up whatever history they desire. They have done this for thousands of years. That is why they have completely controlled publishing and media.


Niggers and leftists are so stupid that they are literally going along with 1984 part and parcel. It is fascinating since they have no 'plan B' this is the only option the understand is left for them…the boot stomping them and abject slavery for eternity or until they are too old to 'perform adequately' at which point they will be turned into soylent. The only 'revolution' they are making is the revolution to their complete and total slavery forever.

I think being liberal should be a death penalty offence since they are so easy to manipulate and too stupid to ever look into the future of their own actions.

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b7ced4  No.136818


If you're learning history from statues, then your education is seriously lacking. There are literally zero statues of Hitler anywhere in the United States, but you know about him, right? How did you learn about Hitler if you didn't get to see a statue?

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04ae4d  No.136828

File: 2ba12c339272af4⋯.webm (5.79 MB, 870x480, 29:16, Pussy_Whipped_Mob_Quarter….webm)


This is about niggers being niggers.

The only good nigger is a dead nigger.

The only good commie is a dead commie.

The only good jew is a dead jew.

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e1bb44  No.137043


Those seem like hispanics rather than niggers. Same IQ so I don't really know how people tell the difference between them in terms of their behavior (subhumans are all the same).

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