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305e73  No.136459

Hey /pnd/. What charities do you or would you support?

For years, I rejected the notion of giving money to charities that support African children since I believed their suffering was due to something rooted in politics. I never really cared about endangered species either. The only reason the extinction of the Dodo saddens me is because I never got to see one live.

I think Guide Dogs are a good cause though. There's nothing anyone can do about whether or not they lose their sight as they age and so it's a "pure" cause I think everyone can rally behind. What other charities do you think are good?

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b1946b  No.136462

First of all you need to be reminded that charities:

1. Don't give whole sum to their cause, they never do, they take most % to themselves, that what makes "charities" as corporation exist.

2. They can be used for money laundering schemes when "donation" is mostly a coverup for illicit money operations, with large cut going to charity, other to a third party on receiving end

That said, i would directly donate to something like unique religious organization at least because i would know they will use it all on themselves. Or start directly giving money to the poor i personally know (least they work for gypsies, because oh i know gypsies have beggars as their slaves) and are in actual need of any sum without putting them in debt like a kike would do.

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1be701  No.136478


I buy food and drink for local homeless people if I see one who I reconize. The other day I was walking by a gas station, saw a dude with a mask hanging a bout that I saw a few times before elsewhere. Bought him a sosa and a few slim jims. That's the most charity I do reallu, I don't trust any orginization.

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afd283  No.136484

File: 69f49818f70866e⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, womens_blind_soccer.mp4)


>I think Guide Dogs are a good cause though.

I'm not vision impaired myself, but I had a vision impaired girlfriend (yeah yeah I've heard all the jokes before). Anyway I hung out with the community a lot, and I got a sense of what it's like to be vision impaired (not trying to be politically correct using this term, but very few people are actually blind - basically only those that have had their eyes removed).

Guide dogs are fucking expensive, and even the people I knew that had them didn't bring them everywhere, you can get along just fine with a cane in the vast majority of situations. I was actually surprised by how capable they all were, I DEFINATELY would much rather be vision impaired than hearing impaired.

The dogs' main value is as a companion, and the value of a 100k guide dog vs a $50 mutt is minimal. It doesn't even live for the full life of the human, so you would have to fork out probably over half a million to equip one person with guide dogs for their life. A cane is cheap and does the job. Also all the people I ever met from the guide dogs society were money grabbing cunts, they shut my girlfriend out of the room in the vision impairment community centre they were using as a rec room so that some random normie karate club could use it (they were paying). But can you imagine kicking blind teenagers out of a room in a community centre FOR BLIND PEOPLE so that you could collect shekels from normies who want to use it. The guide dogs charity was running that community centre and I really got to hate them.

If you want to help people with disabilities you should support sports. Sport can be the difference between someone falling into depression when they are suddenly crippled or lose most of their sight. My gf played blind soccer which is fucking mad, and all the people in the disability sports community were really positive whitepilled people. However some people get disabled and then just sit at home on their bux feeling sorry for themselves.

tl;dr fund sports not dogs.

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f0a9ee  No.136488


>tl;dr fund sports not dogs.

This works as a general rule of thumb as well. Dogs are an enormous waste of money and space. It's like a sickness in the west. Many young people would rather get a dog than a child.

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563fc0  No.136498


If I had money to give away I would just support our content creators. Zog is doing their best to reduce the amount of monetary support they receive by banning them from places.

You should never give any money to charity unless maybe if they're extremely transparent and you put some serious research into it. Otherwise might as well burn your money.

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afd283  No.136501


> unless maybe if they're extremely transparent and you put some serious research into it.

It's a shame all those "effective altruism" movements focus on increasing the numbers of living niggers. It's a good idea, but for some reason they count the value of a nigger's life as positive.

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