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1b44bf  No.135201

I'm learning German, and I like to listen to podcasts to immerse myself in the language. Any recommendations for anti-ZOG German-language podcasts?

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d7f16e  No.135203

File: cddc045eae11ffa⋯.png (796.12 KB, 961x718, 961:718, Eukalyptusbonbon.png)

You should listen to German marching musik instead.

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1b44bf  No.135257


can't argue with that

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bbd304  No.135268


Ich schlage vor Heiliger Krieg, Blutzeugen, Sleipnir, und überzeugungstäter

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bbd304  No.135270


auch Übermensch

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d065e9  No.135366

There aren't any.

They have deplatformed all the honest Germans.

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d12a08  No.135545


You can watch Martin Sellner on Bitchute and start your journey from there.


Also Junge Freiheit on Youtube for getting News about the AFD.


Then there is Dr. Ludwig for traditional German music:


I had a lot more links, but the other anon is right in that most were deplatformed and either switched to Bitchut and similar alternatives or stopped doing videos.

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c60a2c  No.136173


well you can always hit me up and just listen to me talking to myself, basically the same since you wouldn't understand shit anyway

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85f719  No.136262


III. Weg has a podcast I believe, look for their website and search there. Podcast is spelled Podcast in German and it's good practice for you. Also check their platform and 10 point program.

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85f719  No.136263


>III. Weg

That's pronounced Dritter Weg.

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