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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: f5cf5d2545e8908⋯.jpg (68 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, instagram_2016_icon.jpg)

d7cc0f  No.134325

Snowflakes at a nearby high school made an instagram account trying to get students and staff fired and expelled for saying racist shit

They're mad that people say nigger while reading huckleberry finn and re-enact official plays with mild racism


Page is full of nigger loving rich daddy priviledged snowflakes

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843a04  No.134909

I've seen numerous of these accounts popping up at schools across the U.S. They all look the same and act the same, making petitions etc. to change school policies. From my experience these accounts are mostly centered around private schools with high quantities of snowflakes.

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843a04  No.135157


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2fcb15  No.135248


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1ab678  No.135249



Don’t do it again.

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843a04  No.135263


what's your deal?

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