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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 3c7f1662a86fa92⋯.jpg (154.88 KB, 797x734, 797:734, vladimir_zhirinovsky_on_us….jpg)

e888ce  No.133765

I will just toss this here, pic related.


Russian politician suggests creating black homeland w/in USA to gather them together to end racial strife, and encouraging emigration back to Africa.

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183a85  No.133778

I think he's taking the piss, but it's absolutely hilarious. How could I not read "ineradicable" in a thick Russian accent.

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e0063a  No.133780

If more African Americans (civilized george floyds) moved to Zimbabwe, then maybe it would work

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952d9a  No.133782


It doesn't sound like it. I'd gladly give them a state if they stayed there. I'd even give them access to a waterway so they aren't landlocked. Make it their own country.

Except we already did that with Liberia, and look how that shit turned out. We should have gotten more niggers to go to liberia at the time, even paid them to go.

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0cc4ff  No.133783


it'd be better to just end them back to Liberia

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f5133d  No.133800

>niggers would be "encouraged" to live in their own states but not forced because bawww can't touch the worthless niggers

>nigger states would become African shitholes within a year, they wouldn't even be able to eat by themselves

>bawwwww niggers dindu nuffin they can't eat because white men bad

>most niggers would live in the USA proper and still complain about racism

Extreme violence is the only solution. Not against niggers but against the people who create this situation.

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5acbbe  No.133805

File: a1991dd92c71dfc⋯.jpg (846.43 KB, 1920x2315, 384:463, genestealer.jpg)


Sadly, this. Blacks aren't going anywhere. They'll take territory if we're dumb enough to give it to them, but that's in addition to living among us and leeching off us, not instead of. They think we owe them, and they're not going anywhere until that bill is paid. (Note: nothing we ever do will be considered a full and final payment. Nothing.)

If we had the power and the ruthlessness to force them into this new "homeland," we would also have the power and ruthlessness to wipe them out or drive them from America completely. If somehow it gets to that point, we're not going to be in the mood to concede land to the people with whom we just finished a brutal racewar.

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7435a8  No.133809


>against the people who create this situation.

The coming US continental war, though dreaded by many, will have some positive outcomes.

It will not be a good time to be an illegal alien.

Will China use container ships to transport its troops and weapons to the West Coast, and then distribute them all over the USA, unseen?

So many containers come in every day. Imagine the NBCW they could contain, concealed in the refrigeration compressor housings, the rails, the floors, the cargo.

They could have the entire country EMP'd in one hour. Activate containers with bouncing-betty style "fireworks" that pop up EMP "bombs" much to the delight of onlookers on Fourth of July, only to find their cellular phones don't work.

How will America survive if preteen girls aren't being treated to details on how Kim Kardashian removes her ass hair?


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e0063a  No.133816

File: 00d77706fc2e677⋯.png (48.13 KB, 550x524, 275:262, usav_europe.png)

>Threadly reminder that America is larger than most European countries

>a ground war is already happening in Seattle and Atlanta.

>you won't be in a trench shelling niggers, sorry

>expelling the blacks from America is as ridiculous as expelling Jews from Europe


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fdb99d  No.133820


A solution that doesn't involve making whites suffer? Racist!

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