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File: f9bd5496a86ae61⋯.png (220.35 KB, 982x1024, 491:512, A78D91C5_AFDA_437B_855A_B7….png)

1afaa2  No.133599

Has anyone changed ideology a bunch before getting to where they are now? I first was a neoconservative, then a paleolibertarian, then an ecofascist, then a monarchist, now I’m a national socialist. Have any of you had a long ideological journey in your life? Or is it just me?

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db6f00  No.133615


Most of us used to be Ron Paul libertarians but after we realized that libertarianism is cucked and won't save us from the ZOG endgame most took the whitepill/redpill and became white nationalists and the like.

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c369d1  No.133619


Yes, it has been a long slow grueling journey and it is not over yet. I have so much to learn to become Perfecti.

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12576d  No.133683

This isn’t your fucking blog. We have a QTDDTOT thread.

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97a92a  No.133753

You sound like the kind of fucking retard who will be chopping his bollocks off next week when you discover being a trans, then you'll want them back when you become a mgtow, then you'll become a chef, try some gardening, do some makeup tutorials and paint by numbers. You truly are a brainwashed toolbox and we could do without your type in this world. Why not play that game where you live stream your death. No one will watch of course.

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c369d1  No.133758

File: f989e5d07adaf6e⋯.webm (2.91 MB, 320x284, 80:71, faggots_2_.webm)


>want your balls back?

I don't think that is possible once they throw the bits into the garbage.

OP doesn't bother me at all btw he is exploring his world.

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988238  No.133763

File: 5b9cb5b04ed1783⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 360x360, 1:1, trump_is_monitoring.jpg)


I was a socialist in high school, then a libertarian, then a neocon, then a regular conservative, finally a civnat and that is where I am now.

I don't believe in the racist shit but I do believe that minorities need to

>A) Integrate into larger society

>B) Create ethnic enclaves (like Chinatown, Little Korea or Jewish areas of the Bronx)

>C) Go back to their own country. (Former slaves can go to Liberia or Ghana/West Africa)

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beacd2  No.133768

File: 1180481cf607166⋯.jpg (171.39 KB, 550x523, 550:523, 5F9F335.jpg)

Yes, the path goes from neocon - libertarian - MAGApede - Nazi.

The ultimate black pill is realizing that the dindus and beaners don't give a fuck about the non-agression principle and their kike overlords will use them as pawns in their game.

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a75591  No.133770

I only use labels ironically.

Usually ideology is used to describe sociopolitical strategies and methodologies.

Systems require labels. People don't.

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c828e8  No.133773


I still believe believe in Ron Paul libertarianism. except now I want to get rid of all nonwhites

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d57fa7  No.133785


same here i still have my Restore America Now 2016 sign

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a48778  No.133788


Can't have libertarianism and niggers. You get to pick one. Very sad.

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c3d5d8  No.133790


Communist, National Socialist, Fascist, National Socialist, Strasserist, Marxist-Leninist, National Bolshevik, National Socialist, Strasserist.

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45a70e  No.137358


Republican, Libertarian, Libertarian socialist, Marxist-Leninist, NazBol, Strasserite, Fascist. Keep in mind this is over a period of like 20 years.

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cfe10c  No.137366


>Has anyone changed ideology a bunch before getting to where they are now? I first was a neoconservative, then a paleolibertarian, then an ecofascist, then a monarchist, now I’m a national socialist. Have any of you had a long ideological journey in your life? Or is it just me?

That's normal for someone actually trying to figure out what the best system actually is, generally speaking. If someone is just simply x throughout their entire life, you can bet they're an NPC (unthinking).

Personally, I've changed a lot: liberal > libertarian > NRx > monarchist > NatSoc > monarchist.

If you see someone oscilating between left and right though, that may be a sood sign they're mentally ill. Just a hunch.

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729447  No.137374

File: d44a174301c7e36⋯.jpeg (151.91 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, india_covid.jpeg)


Used to be a nazi, but now i believe people deserve liberty because all living souls matter and measure of a common man is too small to fit into any system of prejudice. And no matter how smart you feel you are, you're insignificant to the masses.

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9464d8  No.137391

File: df2b2400e1cde4a⋯.png (32.84 KB, 255x216, 85:72, atlast.png)


This post completely explains why the quality of this board is at absolute rock bottom. I guess the good posters simply moved on after 8chan was shoa'd and all that's left are the autistic dregs and literal children.

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cfe10c  No.137395


>I guess the good posters simply moved on after 8chan was shoa'd and all that's left are the autistic dregs and literal children.

So which one are you, mate? Or are you both??

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c71692  No.137545

File: 20ee33a4fc62734⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 350x600, 7:12, 6630.jpg)

File: 854bfd43deca695⋯.jpg (6.96 KB, 179x281, 179:281, aug.jpg)


Libertarian, civnat, NatSoc/Traditionalist

I'd hinestly support any traditionalist, thir position movement or ideology (Fascist, NatSoc, Monarchy etc.) the only system I wouldn't support is a democracy even if it is based, so I guess I'm an autocrat.


>racist shit

It's not racist to protect your people anon. Most white nationalists just want to keep Europe and the colony states white. There are differences in race, denying this makes you a massive faggot. It seems you agree so idk why you call yourself a civnat.

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c71692  No.137548


*honestly, *remove thir

Please excuse shitty spelling, I've had a long day

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c5ae87  No.137589


I was always a National-Socialist, never changed, never will.

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74e281  No.137735

All labels are retarded, you just develop and change your thoughts on each subject over time. You don't switch your "ideology"

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9a9d46  No.140006


My political leanings haven't changed, they've just refined from baseless ideology rooted in appeal to values– towards actual philosophical positions in political philosophy and well researched political conclusions.>>133599

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016c47  No.158403


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