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File: c5926fcc47e4fb6⋯.png (94.31 KB, 1278x1422, 71:79, wonderlic_all.png)

678bf6  No.133406

We all heard about supposed racial bias in sport journalist right ?

The Wonderlic is an assessment tool used to measure the cognitive ability and problem-solving aptitude of prospective employees for a range of occupations. The NFL use it.


If interested, you can take it here: https://beatthewonderlic.com/take-a-free-wonderlic-test-online/

Question are easy but it's a speed based test, so pass question if you feel you're taking too long.

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2d1e3d  No.133668

Most people don't know what the Wonderlic testing is anon. I think you would have needed to be more explicit in your OP and really share the background on the test and why it is relevant.

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95d95c  No.133687

Finally! An IQ test for niggers!

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2d1e3d  No.133693


Maybe not since it would be measuring intelligence quotient. lol

Better luck with a banana and a tree.

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0ce408  No.133726


I kinda forgot how to do long division on paper.

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