I am trying to understand O9A a little better since I have run into someone who is O9A sympathetic. There are a lot of contradictions in O9A's writings which are confusing for me. The Might Makes Right doctrine for example…if might makes right then fighting against the Blue Church doesn't make any sense since they are obviously 'Mighty' already, so obviously right there is no reason to do anything else but supplicate. I, personally, am not excited about jumping out of the frying pan into the fire so if you have some insight into O9A and feel like sharing something that would help me understand the difference between the Blue Church and O9A I would really appreciate it.
I am reading their literature and very interested in them.
If anyone cares to share, I would appreciate it.
There are so many factions on /pnd/ like O9A or those sympathetic (people who run around calling everyone 'christcucks'), as well as the Easter Orthodox, regular anons and the glowniggers. If you share would you volunteer which faction you are drawing your perspective from in the reply (not essential but interesting information).
Also, I believe that O9A because it is diametrically opposed to the current system paradigm that they are classed as 'terrorists'. I am not particularly concerned about this because I am only looking at the reasoning behind their belief system and what paradigm they follow and how it differs from the Blue Church system not signing up.