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File: 71d08709d32c643⋯.jpg (73.93 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, order_of_nine_angles_river.jpg)

c16963  No.131978

I am trying to understand O9A a little better since I have run into someone who is O9A sympathetic. There are a lot of contradictions in O9A's writings which are confusing for me. The Might Makes Right doctrine for example…if might makes right then fighting against the Blue Church doesn't make any sense since they are obviously 'Mighty' already, so obviously right there is no reason to do anything else but supplicate. I, personally, am not excited about jumping out of the frying pan into the fire so if you have some insight into O9A and feel like sharing something that would help me understand the difference between the Blue Church and O9A I would really appreciate it.

I am reading their literature and very interested in them.


If anyone cares to share, I would appreciate it.

There are so many factions on /pnd/ like O9A or those sympathetic (people who run around calling everyone 'christcucks'), as well as the Easter Orthodox, regular anons and the glowniggers. If you share would you volunteer which faction you are drawing your perspective from in the reply (not essential but interesting information).

Also, I believe that O9A because it is diametrically opposed to the current system paradigm that they are classed as 'terrorists'. I am not particularly concerned about this because I am only looking at the reasoning behind their belief system and what paradigm they follow and how it differs from the Blue Church system not signing up.

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5082f6  No.132012

My biggest issue with ONA is they support acausality aka quantum foam which is a direct contradiction to superdeterminism and synchronicity. There's a lot of things in ONA that if you look beyond the edginess and just pay attention to the metaphysics it seems like a clusterfuck of contradicting ideas.

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c16963  No.132021


>My biggest issue with ONA is they support acausality aka quantum foam which is a direct contradiction to superdeterminism and synchronicity

Thx, anon.

That is going to be a problem for me as a Hard Determinist. I am not actually interested in the edginess at all. I am interested in the pragmatic application and how that differs from current philosophical underpinnings. I don't know enough about them honestly, but I am assuming that there is the 'sexy edgy' exterior and a more complex subtle interior philosophy that is not shared with those who are interested in the 'counterculture' rebellion. As all 'belief' systems have to be a shell game to accommodate the different layers of human thinking and complexity.

I will pay very close attention to your comment while investigating. Basically I am just looking for something that works on all levels rather than the incomplete/faulty system we have running now. Something pragmatic and complete.

I have a lot to learn.

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fcd50f  No.132367


O9A is a bunch of wizards; wouldn't we expect them to reject superdeterminism in favor of something paradoxical?


They're certainly interesting, but not so much because of what they do under the O9A label. They've been influencing the broader esoteric crowd for a while. Lots of "former" members sowing memes in otherwise unrelated communities.

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0e40d0  No.132374

File: fff4c51d4f15686⋯.png (224.33 KB, 752x1063, 752:1063, IMG_0360.PNG)


>Lots of "former" members sowing memes in otherwise unrelated communities.

Absolutely, it is only because of the coherent narrative that I was able to spot the one I spotted. Fascinating; they are totally flying under the radar (to the common man) and I suppose it makes sense given that they system is the thing they labor against. I am piecing together something almost spiderweb like that is running underneath the whole structure of our society. Many of our largest names; Kaczynski, Manson, Roof (probably), Adam Curtis (maybe) etc are actually part of these counterculture society that exists right under our noses. Some of the greatest and most difficult members of our society are part of these 'programs' from childhood or birth and beyond, which I can only assume based on looking are actually a part of the power structure no matter how brutally they are treated (they don't seem to even notice so both ideas of reformation or punishment are out of the question).

If I didn't know better I would say that the system itself, the Blue Church was siphoning off these individuals for their own purpose. Many of them also have personal run ins with the leading psychotechnologists (meaning that they are a manufactured product) of the Western world.

>wizards or sorcerers

Sorcerers don't give a shit and always follow their own agenda. They baffle the system because their ideas about 'what is correct' are often 100% contraindicated (for lack of a better word) from social programming.

Thanks for commenting. I was so disappointed that no one else was interested in this topic.

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5082f6  No.132379



The axiom "The All is All in All" aka The Holographic Principle (the whole being reflected in all its parts) is inseparable from superdeterminism.

Real wizards recognize the holographic universe.

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616804  No.132512


The O9A in Britain were involved in their contingent of TRSodomites and had a heavy presence in their forums and meetups. David Myatt is a name that comes up frequently in their circles.

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0e40d0  No.132569


Thanks anon. I looked into David Myatt. He is an interesting character. He seems like he is exploring every faith he can looking for answers. It is good to see someone really delve into life and try and extract some meaning.

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fe223f  No.132578

I'm interested but I don't know much about the group. What do you know?

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