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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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ccce6b  No.131170

While this article could just be another demoralization attempt by the press, however it does kind of confirm my bias about my failed generation. Almost all zoomer music is negrified, whereas with boomers and even millennials/Gen Xers, they grew up with rock n' roll. Zoomers are a plague imo, but even that's coming from a late 90s zoomer.

>About four-in-ten (41%) of those who say they recently attended a protest focused on race are younger than 30; among all U.S. adults, 19% are in this age group. In turn, those ages 50 and older are underrepresented among the protesters, while those ages 30 to 49 represent a similar share of those who have attended a protest as they do of the adult population overall.

>City dwellers, who represent 28% of the adults surveyed, make up 41% of those who say they have protested within the past month. Some 42% of people who participated in last month’s protests live in the suburbs (compared with 47% of all adults), and those who live in rural areas account for 17% of recent protesters, compared with 25% of the survey sample.

>When it comes to political party affiliation, about eight-in-ten (79%) of those who say they participated in a protest or rally focused on race or racial equality in the last month identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, while just 17% say they are Republican or Republican-leaning.

>As is the case among the overall adult population, men and women each make up about half of those who say they attended a protest focused on race in the last month. Protesters also don’t differ considerably from the adult population in terms of income or educational attainment.


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97b82b  No.131193


You realize that "Rock N' Roll" was once considered nigger music right? Before (((Elvis Presley))) took the genre and brought it into the main stream and public eye, it was mostly considered nigger music and generally went by the moniker "Rock-a-billy" which was usually only played in niche dive bars and niggerfied white urban neighborhoods and dance clubs in the 40s and 50s. Once it became mainstream it changed from the congo beats and jive jazz tunes to more mythical and classical notes of the white race, evolving into a totally separate kind of "classic rock" that we know today…and of course that evolved into hard rock and metal and heavy metal and glam rock/glam metal and then grunge and blah blah blah…

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2e7a01  No.131196


Duh. Blacks only make up 13% of the population. What do you expect from a nation with %90 of the people bluepilled? Of course they will support these joggers

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acf508  No.131225


When 'white' means jewish

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