Reminder that 9/11 was meant to happen in 1993, at the same time - among other things - that the internet and home computers were rising in popularity. Unfortunately for them it was exactly the anonymous free exchange of ideas and information of the internet, that they were trying to restrict, which played a large part in fucking up their plans.
In other words, the reason things have accelerated so much recently is because they're way behind schedule.
>Iran declares it's alliance with Russia
>Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone [Eurasian Economic Union]
Also see vid related
>High-tech dictatorship
Notice how everything from robots and drones, to crypto and the use of cards > paper money, to tracking apps etc. have been argued for using the virus as justification?
Article below is straight from the same World Economic Forum that held that Corona simulation with the Gates Foundation a few weeks before the outbreak
>How the Fourth Industrial Revolution can help us beat COVID-19
>Security State Using Coronavirus To Implement Orwellian Nightmare
>Robot dog reminds park goers about social distancing