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File: 7aecc24a2a91f0e⋯.pdf (137.74 KB, Attachment_6_How_to_have_d….pdf)

bfa4a1  No.130569

Holy shit, I just got this document sent to me. Its all fucked. I should have never joined.

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605210  No.130573


Where are the document's normally identifying headers and footers, to show the source or affiliation therewith? If it was an official (read: real) military document–even one for grunt-level distribution, it would include watermarks and identifying labels.

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bfa4a1  No.130601


Thats the thing. I asked my section ssg, where the document came from. All I know is that it was forwarded to me in our section group chat. This means he probably got it from our PSG. I dont think its official Army. Either it was created by my PSG, who did nothing but lecture us as bout our white privlage during Gunnery, or it was circulated without big army approval.

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