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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 852978c8066b2ae⋯.jpg (119.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, plague_of_demons.jpg)

c814fb  No.130310

Repost from 4/pol/

WeatherUnderground + BLM + DNC

Remember those commie terrorists from Weather Underground affiliated with the Black Panthers that started throwing Molotovs in the 1970s and 80s and graduated to bombing, robbery and murder that you've never heard about that we put in prison for life and the Clinton's pardoned? Of course you don't. Well, they're running, influencing and financing BLM now. And the rest of the Democratic Party lobbying is a communist hellscape.

Have a redpill anon, they said. Learn about the communists, they said. Well here it is motherfuckers. The literal Pandora's Box of communist influence in modern US society. Care to find out just how BLM is tied to Occupy Wall Street, rich oil barons, Walnut Sauce Tom Steyer, the Clintons, Obama, the fucking Sandanistas and just about every other Fund and NGO on the planet? Read on.

The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) casts itself as a spontaneous uprising born of inner city frustration, but is, in fact, the latest and most dangerous face of a web of well-funded communist/socialist organizations that have been agitating against America for decades. Its agitation has provoked police killings and other violence, lawlessness and unrest in minority communities throughout the U.S. If allowed to continue, that agitation could devolve into anarchy and civil war. The BLM crowd appears to be spoiling for just such an outcome.


reply to this post to share all the links, QRDs, pics related and anything else which has been archived

and thank you to every anon which has been a part of this to date, this isn't just me

latest pastebin https://pastebin.com/6w1vznsV

bread #5 >>264559340 →

bread #4 >>264532979 →

bread #3 >>264504225 →

bread #2 >>264482510 →

bread #1 >>264461163 →

Thread 1 https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/264461163/

Thread 2


Thread 3


Thread 4


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c814fb  No.130311

File: 4f115bb184b2bdc⋯.png (3.7 MB, 5424x9550, 2712:4775, weather_1.png)

File: 26383df551ed981⋯.jpg (96.98 KB, 960x533, 960:533, Democratic_party_Ideologie….jpg)

File: c09211a29de9337⋯.jpg (213.96 KB, 1266x546, 211:91, Reactionaries_and_Communis….jpg)

File: b46ad2645056d38⋯.jpg (95.67 KB, 718x401, 718:401, THE_NAKED_COMMUNIST_cultur….jpg)

File: b697ab20be53217⋯.png (307.88 KB, 1263x392, 1263:392, the_new_left_and_true_purp….png)



https://youtu.be/FAAEFBAij_o [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZZiLl5fEoA [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPRUQyXyA0E [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9TviIuXPSE [Embed]


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0vOJ7dlQc8 [Embed]

https://youtu.be/gOa1foc5IXI?t=1800 [Embed]


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDBHOQZSCZM [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib2nmdJ6WIA [Embed]


https://youtu.be/Hph5tOE1jUE [Embed]








































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5c5568  No.130312

You can't just dump 4cuck links here. Post the gems of information.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c814fb  No.130314

File: 80d058be22d21ca⋯.png (3.39 MB, 7856x1680, 491:105, COMMIES_BLM_SOROS.png)

File: 98cd27a912491eb⋯.png (205.2 KB, 522x554, 261:277, Democrats_racist_towards_w….png)

File: 57bd51564ee0be6⋯.png (1.94 MB, 2392x1708, 598:427, Clinton_Democrat_Catholic_….png)

File: 761b710dae11ae0⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2700x3546, 150:197, Net_neutrality_infograph.jpg)

File: 3b0564e32ae3baa⋯.png (1.45 MB, 3424x1496, 428:187, CLINTON_CHINA.png)



Patrisse Cullors (BLM Co-Founder) linked to Domestic Terrorist Organization Weather Underground


>Cullors herself was trained by former Weather Underground (1970’s Domestic Terrorism Group) Leader Eric Mann

Eric Mann:


>Eric Mann always been an anti-imperialist internationalist, in support of international campaigns such as U.S. Out of Vietnam and Boycott Apartheid South Africa as well as the historic efforts of the world communist movement to form international organizations.

>Eric M. Mann and two other Weathermen-all accused of participating in the September 1969 violent disruption of Harvard's Center for International Affairs

Archive Link:




>Alicia Garza (born January 4, 1981) is an American civil rights activist and writer known for co-founding the international Black Lives Matter movement.

>Alicia Garza penned a “Herstory” of BLM and is a “queer,” black veteran activist of numerous Freedom Road organizations. Her résumé includes

>Special projects director, National Domestic >Workers Alliance

>Executive director, People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER)

>Board member, School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL)

>2011 Board chair, Right to the City Alliance

>Board member, Forward Together

>School of Unity and Liberation or SOUL (Garza) has enjoyed rapid revenue growth since Alicia Garza’s rise to fame as a BLM leader. Revenues skyrocketed from $110,304 in 2013 to $660,237 in 2014. SOUL claims to have trained 712 organizers in 2014. The group trained 679 in 2013, and costs are roughly the same, so SOUL was able to more than double its net assets in 2014. It receives funding from the Akonadi Foundation ($322,500), Heinz ($255,000), Rockefeller ($210,000), Surdna ($460,000), Tides ($298,000), and others.

This article is a MASSIVE source of other funding from orgs like Ben & Jerrys, Ford

>Ford ($1.9 million), James Irvine ($2.3 million), New World ($1.4 million), Hewlett ($1.4 million), and the California Endowment ($1.2 million).

Much much more in the link.

ARCHIVED: https://web.archive.org/web/20200621022531/https://capitalresearch.org/article/blm-roots/

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c814fb  No.130315

File: babec4a88422374⋯.png (1.42 MB, 666x1002, 111:167, 1584534788325.png)

File: 3c0a3edcdf7b870⋯.png (461.06 KB, 1653x891, 551:297, Neocons_jews_commies.png)

File: 6cf23f3fef18c85⋯.png (195.68 KB, 1212x1924, 303:481, Communist_Goals_1963_Congr….png)

File: 8f28bd5ec8b3d41⋯.png (2.5 MB, 1255x5323, 1255:5323, WEATHER_UNDERGROUND.png)

File: ead6f911cd0ae0b⋯.png (380.19 KB, 1585x1936, 1585:1936, Martin_luther_King_commie.png)



Gave way more than that.

>Among the largest donors to the group, at least indirectly, is the Ford Foundation, which in 2016 gave $100 million to the Black-Led Movement Fund, a fund administered by the philanthropic intermediary Borealis Philanthropy. [23] The Black-Led Movement Fund has in turn provided general operating funding to the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation several times since 2016. [24]

>Organizations that have donated to BLM Global Network Foundation through its fiscal sponsor Thousand Currents between 2015 and 2019 include the NoVo Foundation ($1,525,000), the W.K. Kellogg Foundation ($900,000) and Borealis Philanthropy ($343,000).[25]

>In 2015, Politico reported that members of the Democracy Alliance, a network of left-leaning high-dollar donors and grant makers organized by billionaire financier George Soros and Taco Bell heir Rob McKay, were encouraged to consider making large-dollar grants to the Black Lives Matter movement. Left-leaning mega-donors Tom Steyer and Paul Egerman were also listed by Politico as invited participants. However, it is unclear how much money eventually went to BLM Global Network Foundation from this gathering. It has also been reported by the Washington Times that Soros has given groups associated with the Black Lives Matter movement more than $33 million from his Open Society Foundations (OSF), though it is again unclear if BLM Global Network Foundation directly received funding from OSF. [26] [27]

>On June 11, 2020, BLM Global Network Foundation acknowledged the “generosity and support of donors” when announcing a $6.5 million fund to support grassroots organizing work at any of its affiliated chapters.[28]


Here's how the Democracy Alliance, Soros, and others captured "progressivism"–originally a movement of Republicans in the 19th century opposed to the Chicago power bloc


At least that was the case in the Upper Midwest–e.g., Bob La Follette is hated by anons as a socialist, but in fact he tried his damnedest to block the Armed Ship Bill that would shove the US into WWI just a few years after our currency was handed over to globalist bankers.

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