Patrisse Cullors (BLM Co-Founder) linked to Domestic Terrorist Organization Weather Underground
>Cullors herself was trained by former Weather Underground (1970’s Domestic Terrorism Group) Leader Eric Mann
Eric Mann:
>Eric Mann always been an anti-imperialist internationalist, in support of international campaigns such as U.S. Out of Vietnam and Boycott Apartheid South Africa as well as the historic efforts of the world communist movement to form international organizations.
>Eric M. Mann and two other Weathermen-all accused of participating in the September 1969 violent disruption of Harvard's Center for International Affairs
Archive Link:
>Alicia Garza (born January 4, 1981) is an American civil rights activist and writer known for co-founding the international Black Lives Matter movement.
>Alicia Garza penned a “Herstory” of BLM and is a “queer,” black veteran activist of numerous Freedom Road organizations. Her résumé includes
>Special projects director, National Domestic >Workers Alliance
>Executive director, People Organized to Win Employment Rights (POWER)
>Board member, School of Unity and Liberation (SOUL)
>2011 Board chair, Right to the City Alliance
>Board member, Forward Together
>School of Unity and Liberation or SOUL (Garza) has enjoyed rapid revenue growth since Alicia Garza’s rise to fame as a BLM leader. Revenues skyrocketed from $110,304 in 2013 to $660,237 in 2014. SOUL claims to have trained 712 organizers in 2014. The group trained 679 in 2013, and costs are roughly the same, so SOUL was able to more than double its net assets in 2014. It receives funding from the Akonadi Foundation ($322,500), Heinz ($255,000), Rockefeller ($210,000), Surdna ($460,000), Tides ($298,000), and others.
This article is a MASSIVE source of other funding from orgs like Ben & Jerrys, Ford
>Ford ($1.9 million), James Irvine ($2.3 million), New World ($1.4 million), Hewlett ($1.4 million), and the California Endowment ($1.2 million).
Much much more in the link.
ARCHIVED: https://web.archive.org/web/20200621022531/https://capitalresearch.org/article/blm-roots/