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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

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43aa01  No.130285

With all these rappers rebadging their old shit with "Black Lives Matter remix" why don't we go post some good Zoomer music.

>What is Zoomer Music

Just about anything with snares and 808 kick drums. You probably have heard it before living in 2020.

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137881  No.130296

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If the white race is worth preserving it's because of its greatness during the renaissance and the early baroque.

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137881  No.130299

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137881  No.130300

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And yes there was a Biber long before the current little shitstain faggot from Onterrible.

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18fdb7  No.130366

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lol no. whites are still producing the best music.

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