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b4c323  No.129800

Are the IOOF/Rebekahs something to be worried about? They've always struck me as interesting, and nice in my neighborhood.

But they're firing off massive fireworks in my town, normally I'd put it off to it being so close to the Fourth of July, but it's raining decently hard tonight.

I literally watch them step out of their frat building, pull out the fireworks gear, light it, and stepping back as it goes off. They repeat this for about five volleys of firework mortars every few minutes. They've done this every night at around the same time consistently for the past few weeks.

Tonight just felt different with how hard the rain was coming down, kinda sketched out with the posts I keep seeing online about fireworks going off in peoples towns. Looking around those posts led me here.

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91a423  No.129804


They are desensitizing your for the 4th of July 'event'. I am going to FORCE everyone I know to pack heat the 4th. The whole agenda was that in the fireworks you will not be able to understand that people are being shot until it is too late.

This 'desensitizing' is happening all over the USA to prepare people for the 'ultimate revenge' against Western Europeans wanting to be a free people. (((They))) have never gotten over our struggle for freedom and me and mine will be armed to the teeth and prepared to move out on the 4th if any shit goes down.

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b4c323  No.129807


I've been seeing that as a recurring theme, but as far as I know, the IOOF is just a bunch of boomers in my area. Are they organizing it or something?

I guess redpill me on IOOF, because traditional searches make it look like it's just a boomer drinking club, but they've got lodges all over the US. If mine is setting off these fireworks, are the other ones doing it too?

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91a423  No.129811


They don't have to be responsible for a criminal activity. They may have no idea at all what they are doing. Remember how compartmentalized everything is now.

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987306  No.129818


There's not going to be a fucking "event." Don't kid yourself.

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91a423  No.129820


Offer evidence to back up your assertion.

I think I will trust my .9mm rather than your 'word'.

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56176f  No.129822


you don't understand, YOU"RE the one that needs to provide evidence

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91a423  No.129824


Why is that? I need nothing but my weapon. If you think you can prove that it is unnecessary then do so…

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aec60b  No.129999


>offer evidence

YES. PLEASE. Offer evidence of YOUR claim that there will be an “event.” You have nothing to suggest this whatsoever. You’re just like every single other ‘happening’ shill. Everything you say has always been a lie. Fuck off.

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