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File: 77fbe64191772a9⋯.jpg (133.64 KB, 955x1300, 191:260, jesus_christ_cross_white_b….jpg)

e64e97  No.129728


>“Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been,” King tweeted. “In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Demark. Tear them down.”

>King followed the post up with another, saying that “white Jesus is a lie” and a “tool of white supremacy” created to help white people use Christianity as a “tool of oppression. He added that white people would never have accepted a religion “from a Brown man.”

I agree the white man has been bamboozled into worshiping a shit skin.

>King then tweeted support from taking down all imagery, including “murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends.”


I can't wait to see antifa running into churches and tearing down white Jesus off the cross like the Taliban blowing up a giant Buddha!

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4cb222  No.129766

Jesus was the descendant of King David. That means he was a Ginger.

Yep, King David was a Ginger.

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927607  No.129914

File: 510ab250d1021c2⋯.jpeg (44.35 KB, 400x607, 400:607, greek_buddha.jpeg)

To be honest why we should care? It will be a lesson to all feet washers out there. Everything Church wrote about Jesus and his lessons is part of Greek inspiration of Indian cultural knowledge gained after Alexander the Great conquests.

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ae5925  No.129936

File: 52dcf5e0b7e20ce⋯.jpg (24.48 KB, 257x500, 257:500, 02_01_1_.jpg)

we knew this was comming, the road ahead is going to get harder and harder,

i recommend all of us catholics and all the sinners to confess our sins,repent,and stay in grace as we are praying the rosary every day and getting ready to rock and roll. as our lady of fatima prophesied about something big coming our way, the God is angry and he is going to chastise the lands before the final battle with the antichrist, if you people want to be on the team i recommend you convert to one true catholic church and repent and pray for forgivnes to our lord, as we are entering the endtimes rapidly i dont think anyone would like to be on a team satan willingly.

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225d0a  No.129937

File: d8ee128af716361⋯.webm (6.95 MB, 800x450, 16:9, Deus_Vult.webm)


Video was relevant now as it was 5 years ago.

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00cc2b  No.129939

File: 54db89a818393da⋯.jpg (115.57 KB, 600x800, 3:4, On_Martial_Arts_Zen_and_th….jpg)


Buddha and Mohamed were also gingers

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e46e63  No.129951


Let them destroy the churches, the beautiful works of art and the eternal expression of our European soul. I care very little for a god that tells me to grovel before him. I care very little about a kike on a stick forgiving me my sins. But i care about the European christians; and in order for their souls to be saved, they need to be hurt where it counts. Destroy them, destroy the churches, burn the Notre Dam (KEK), destroy christ looking over Rio. Destroy it all; so that we may start anew with my christian brothers. My brothers who have been significantly angered at this point, so that we may destroy marxism in all its forms.

Der untergang der marxismus. We will see it in our lifetime. Be prepared to win that future!

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ad3572  No.129976


Endless preparation without action results in defeat.

If you don't kill your enemies, they will kill you.

Now call me a glownigger, over and over and over and over again, while leftards keep advancing and you do nothing but "muh prepare and wait" (and get killed by them).

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d012a8  No.130001


So he's saying Jews aren't white

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af39d3  No.130055


If you honestly think the damn liberals are going out and lynching anyone that disagrees with them politically in the streets and everyone is sitting idly by then why is it that all you plan do do about it is bitch and moan on some dead imageboard?

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bcd210  No.130063

File: f0c7f197603225b⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, Bodhidharma.png)


>china and japan still venerate some random gaijin out of nowhere helping out in developing buddhism

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cb7010  No.130141

We should encourage this behavior. If antifa actually does this it will be a guaranteed Trump victory in November.

INB4 Trump nigger

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25b5b2  No.130162

File: dd977692b582024⋯.jpg (158.35 KB, 960x960, 1:1, gH4Ai8I.jpg)


Just a quick reminder in image form.


>oy vey support zog emperor

>oy vey if you no support zog emperor you bad

>lol fall for false dichotomy because it's funny

Suicide now.

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c5e3e0  No.130167


Oy vey! Vote for pedo Biden! Child sex rights now!

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fb0c32  No.130185


>strawman because the jewish shill can't comprehend anything other than his false dichotomy

>strawman, even after the false dichotomy was called out

You really are pathetic. Suicide now.

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c5e3e0  No.130204


Please you're an antifa stooge. Its pretty fucking obvious and you ARE voting for Biden.

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50bcab  No.130290


<everyone I don't like is a libtard antifa!!

have you considered that zognald and biden are both sides of the same coin?

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0db7c7  No.130292


Both sides of the same shekel, you mean, but none the less you must still choose the lesser of two evils. At least Trump won't instantly make being white a crime. At least Trump won't have nigger cock sucking and race mixing mandatory for all white people.

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656723  No.130397


>you’re a leftist because you want all leftists executed for treason

>you’re antifa because you want every member of antifa hanged from lampposts as object lessons





Don’t post on this website again. Ever.

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656723  No.130399


>at least [thing that has already happened won’t happen]

>you HAVE to do what jews tell you to do

>you can’t do ANYTHING else


What the fuck are you doing here, either.

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ea2318  No.130718

File: b36c2f38925e1b0⋯.jpg (259.36 KB, 3200x1800, 16:9, 1389887782000_soup_nazi.jpg)



This commie is worried that the wrong Jewish puppet will be elected. Sorry, shabos goy, Biden is losing in November. No borscht for you!

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478116  No.130746


Be prepared to win the future through losing?! It sounds very American and sounds like some sort of retarded shit. This has happened time and again in that civilisations are overrun, undermined and outright destroyed through barbarians and the inherent internal desire that must be to let it take place. And I don't necessarily mean the barbarians people associated with the fall of Rome… just in the general sense. There has been so much history never to return… so much physical harm to the great works and you want more destruction? You are clearly a faggot that gets off on the destruction of the past and the current because it's better than nothing. You wait for some war that isn't materialising… waiting like a coward without bravery.

All that continues is the variable rate of destruction of many a man and civilisation. The current crop of youngsters in most parts of the globe don't desire to build something… to contribute to a project great than them… regardless of race or religion or area. The best facsimile that exists is command and control societies that sort of look and seem to act like a civilisation and will continue to keep rolling on depending on the quality of people in the upper echelons. Civilisation is hard to obtain and is only won through war yet there is no war… in the real sense other than attacking camel riders and rice farmers and goat herders which still hasn't been won.

If anything, all you faggots here are spent, you've no energy other than angrily typing and plotting a nothingness. There is no insurrection happening. The masses are lazy. Maybe they and you deserve this fate? This isn't even an attempt to goad you or anyone else into action. What I've seen time and time again… even in my day to day job and life… that better men are constantly under the heal of some real or imaginary force to keep them a slave to: the system, idiots and abusers. It is the exception that better men rise.

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e933e2  No.130898


The reason most people come here is because of the shill invasions. They happen on election years to bait some newfags into falling for jew tricks. The recent one is so bad that I gave up on 4chan and came here.

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656723  No.130920


>literally nothing but leftist buzzwords

>doesn’t even pretend to have an argument





>[jewish propaganda program picture, because he’s too brain damaged to contextualize reality in any way other than what jews tell him to believe]


No. Seriously. Go back to reddit. NO ONE HERE supports the ZOG emperor. We don’t care about your jewish false dichotomy. Get the fuck out of here.

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24f7bf  No.131018


LOL, democrat jew shill detected.

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f7020b  No.131047

File: 114bab79300e132⋯.jpg (211.52 KB, 1162x850, 581:425, 61a0e15d176bfef6d36aed0c74….jpg)


go back to fucking leftypol you commie nigger, nobody likes your kind here. and there are people here who see the president actually doing a good job, unlike those eternaly misguided like you cnn and msnbc lovers, some of us are actually looking at the facts and information and the facts and presidents works speaks for itself. its your problem you retarded liberal dipshit that you get an answer 5 to 2+2 problem, not the societies

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caaca2  No.131062

File: fcbd57a23b88e60⋯.jpg (30.97 KB, 480x505, 96:101, 1593114044042.jpg)

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906f63  No.131816

File: 06c84e34fbefc73⋯.gif (817.28 KB, 500x411, 500:411, nou.gif)

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00352c  No.136778


get skinned alive you Christ hating larpkikemuzzie

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673ad7  No.153095


We should destroy white Jesus. Cause Jesus wasn't white; he was a middle-eastern Jew that advocated poisonous ideas.

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