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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 27b5b616f99ee4f⋯.png (3.37 MB, 1920x1275, 128:85, militar_police.png)

27c510  No.129685

A task being impossible is not an excuse to avoid doing it you must stand up to these assholes using every last fiber of your being. Being in handcuffs implies that you surrendered to the ZOG police when you should be fighting up too and until you are dead. Almighty international Jewry has declared war on us so National Sozialist prisoners are acutally prisoners of war in a Konzentrationslager.

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c3d3dd  No.130189



(but don't commit suicide out of honor like jap bugs.)

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9d9e02  No.130262


> Being in handcuffs implies that you surrendered to the ZOG police when you should be fighting up too and until you are dead.

t. Rayshard Brooks

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