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File: e896e27618d67a5⋯.jpg (469.49 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, WE_LUV_DOGGI.jpg)

6926f8  No.129593


>The government is drawing up new laws to prohibit the wildlife trade and protect pets, and campaigners are hoping that this year will be the last time the festival is held.

>“I do hope Yulin will change not only for the sake of the animals but also for the health and safety of its people,” said Peter Li, a China policy specialist with Humane Society International, an animal rights group.

>The coronavirus, which is believed to have originated in horseshoe bats before crossing into humans in a market in the city of Wuhan, has forced China to reassess its relationship with animals, and it has vowed to ban the wildlife trade.

>In April, Shenzhen became the first city in China to ban the consumption of dogs, with others expected to follow.

>The agriculture ministry also decided to classify dogs as pets rather than livestock, though it remains unclear how the reclassification will affect Yulin’s trade.

>Zhang Qianqian, an animal rights activist who was in Yulin on Saturday, said it was only a matter of time before the dog-meat festival was banned.

>“From what we understand from our conversations with meat sellers, leaders have said the consumption of dog meat won’t be allowed in future,” she said.

>“But banning dog meat consumption is going to be hard and will take some time.”

Hard to believe anyone would have a difficult time giving up dog meat.


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0e6694  No.129604


this is just a jew using global outrage to subvert and "westernize" China. While I agree that eating dogs is completely abhorrent this is just the first step for China in the globohomo regime. They ultimately have the right to do what they please in their country and should take a note from NK.

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7c76a8  No.129631

There's literally nothing wrong with eating dogs.

I hope Chinese ninjas kill you, OP.

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ca2fcd  No.129632

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

Daily reminder that the anti-China stuff is literally "look over here Whitey!" misdirection. There is no China problem if we had a coherent culture and autarkic industrial policy from top to bottom. They would just be another powerful country like other powerful countries.

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96bf69  No.129634

I bet Napoleon wished he could have had an army of chinks in 1812. Chinks will eat literally anything, and before railroad it was so hard to supply a large army. Also, chinks attacking Russia would have been marching towards their homeland so good luck retreating away from them. They would have eaten every dog, cat, rat and bat and drunk every sewer dry all the way to the Pacific.

Maybe we can isolate the chink cuisine gene and use it as part of a vat grown super soldier program.

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681f98  No.129639


t. non white

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5ab364  No.129650


Genghis Khan armies would sustain themselves by drinking the blood of their horses.

Might explain Chinese eating habits.

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797dbf  No.129656

File: 8b9aa6c6038ff83⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, THE_LAST_DOGGI_SUPPER.jpg)

I look forward to the next pandemic.

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5805a6  No.129681

what if the dog consents?

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fd1de9  No.129696


Here's your doctor's degree in sociology as practiced by the Left.

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559150  No.129711

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aa60ac  No.129720



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255fdc  No.129971

The consumption of mammalian omnivores and carnivores is subhuman.

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675f4d  No.129972


Fuck off fag.


Complete idiots. China is a terrible country that wants to make europe look like cucks because europe used to beat up china. They are expanding in all directions. Chinese are jews. They have an alliance at the least. Pakis, chinks, kikes, all those three are idiots.

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675f4d  No.129973

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675f4d  No.129975


This is another shill. China is like jew-controlled soviet russia or other expanding countries that like to colonize. China is just like nazi germany or imperial japan, except the only difference is they love mixing up races and destroying cultures. Nazis respected cultures. Chinese are not even white, if you are pretending they are just because you're married to one, fuck off. They started the coronavirus. I am fine with the chinese staying where they belong, in the east. But I think we need to stop their westward expansion. It is really disgusting, globalist chinese, pakis, and kikes.

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675f4d  No.129977

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8b3bf4  No.149882

File: 5fcb59d32c17fae⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, schlop.png)


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