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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fd9632  No.129395

A black tenured professor at the University of Georgia went on an anti-white tirade recently that has been all but completely covered up by the mainstream media. Outraged over the killing of criminal drunk driver Rayshard Brooks at the hands of the Atlanta PD last week, Professor Irami Osei-Frampong simultaneously praised the Black Lives Matter riots and derided white people announcing: "some white people will simply have to die for black communities to be made whole again."

Laast year, thanks to a leaked video, the tenured professor was once again embroiled in controversy after he was caught teaching his students that "every white family in Georgia raises white supremacists." After footage of the encounter was leaked to social media by a student in the professor's class, UGA defended Irami Osei-Frampong and claimed his first amendment rights were under attack by racist students on campus. This is our future.

WATCH: https://youtu.be/_zwLXAvdR0I

Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/06/white-people-may-die-black-communities-made-whole-far-left-uga-teaching-assistant-black-lives-matter-movement/

Leaked video from last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zwLXAvdR0I&feature=youtu.be

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fd9632  No.129396

File: ec1edaae67fe393⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, prof.png)

We have to get this to Tucker.

More: https://youtu.be/_zwLXAvdR0I

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6040d1  No.129400

Africans can't even fix their own continent,because racism.

Get over yourselves, go home and fix your shit.

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0ade61  No.129401


newfag here what's the difference between this and 4chan? Is there less d&c here? I'm tired of the constant division between Europeans on 4chan.

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215250  No.129408


Historically this site is more rigid in it's doctrinaire fascism though there are debates between various solutions. It's also more scholarly with links to various political philosophers' writings.

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0ade61  No.129416


Thank you, is there less arguing and bickering about "Who is White" ? It seems 4chan is really filled with those types of "You're not white" posts cause you're French, or cause you're Eastern European, or cause your German, or whatever.

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215250  No.129425

File: 50d5221af2d4732⋯.png (103.67 KB, 316x316, 1:1, Jidf_logo.png)


4chan is better known and easier to get to (you can find it immediately with a google search) 8kun doesn't show up on Google but it does on Duck Duck Go so it's not getting deliberately spammed by paid trolls and shills. The success of 2015-2016 that the chan memes brought is being actively suppressed.

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f6ced7  No.129458


Stfu and lurk two years faggot. Why is everyone putting with stupid shit posts like this?

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dcd727  No.130308

File: 5764d9323e849a7⋯.mp4 (3.1 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Badco.mp4)

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dfdf2c  No.130313

>Nigger says something

So what? Do you attend his class, no of course not. His thoughts on us are actually a lot milder than what we say about him and his ilk. Glad the feelings are somewhat mutual.

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