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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: cda8c2f5d266a24⋯.jpg (4.13 MB, 2500x2057, 2500:2057, _jews2020.jpg)

653c8f  No.129011

End the myth of white privilege, name the jew

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0660d7  No.129052

The google AI automatically deletes the naming. Try posting jewish supremacy in the comment section of youtube. The AI has a builtin zionist algorithm.

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a1e69d  No.129058


Th4t 1s vhy u h4v3 t0 g3t cr34t1v3.

It is like hiding merchants…sometimes you have to hide your speech to say something.

And if you don't feel like doing that, become a master of inuendo.

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f23c71  No.129210


I've actually done that the AI deletes that too. Binary code gets through but most people are too stupid to decode it and google will eventually include it in their algorithm.

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ffdd16  No.129215


I'm certain there are many strings that bypass the filter, faggot.

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47ce5c  No.129321


I've done it. They AI looks for all variations. The only obfuscation that would pass is something completely unreadable. Why do you think its called ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE?

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