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File: 9bf03b587946c88⋯.gif (75.43 KB, 680x486, 340:243, e3b.gif)

e19bf5  No.127661

It's fairly obvious to most users of this website that the United States has reached the critical zone between "destablized" and "Balkan Civil War" at this point, so I've decided to start helping the glorious nips by giving them a heads up on the true intentions of BLM, antifa, and other Marxist/communist groups.

The only issue is that I'm having difficulty bypassing the surprisingly crafty VPN catching software the website has implemented to keep non-Japanese IPs from posting on the board. This thread is a place for anons to try and figure out a way we can concisely deliver information concerning the foreign influencers who are clearly see Japan as next on the list for governmental overthrow and population subjugation.

Has anybody had any success in bypassing the security features on 2channel? Does anybody have ready-to-go information explaining the origins of BLM, the ideological extremism historically practiced by antifa, stuff on BAMN, etc. that could be quickly shared with 2channel?

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7e5a99  No.127805


Try going to Japan

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ab84a7  No.127828


They literally don’t care. Japan is being enriched just like the West.

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fef60e  No.127847


What is even the point in this? It's even hard to explain this crap to normies in the west here who are made intentionally retarded by the media while kike led massive financial institutions like Blackrock are looting them dry. Who does Zognald Drumpfenkike go towards for how to handle the crisis? ETFs like Blackrock. Amazing. US is just completely fucked at this point no matter what will happen.

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38e978  No.127883


the modern left was born from the Frankfurt School and the kikes who founded it. hint hint, it worked.

I would start there anon. also this video on the Talmud


basically the roots of the evil tree.

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0baf00  No.127895

>Please waste time on the cannibalistic dindus whose sole reason for existing is to be the best slanted goyim


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54a798  No.127940

File: 1a10b99cbaeb11d⋯.jpg (42.28 KB, 600x560, 15:14, otoya.jpg)

this otoya yamaguchi fig demonstrates that at least some japanese don't need your redpills.

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1c7318  No.127994

File: 951f97d93847a1c⋯.jpg (36.49 KB, 400x521, 400:521, like_and_share.jpg)

File: 354a34feac72e12⋯.jpg (57.34 KB, 630x630, 1:1, sticker.jpg)

File: 8d02044e147e9d4⋯.jpg (259.25 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Yamaguchi_hoodie.jpg)


A real human bean and a real hero. We're all pussies compared to that kid.

I want this hoodie.

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0ad158  No.128153



I intelligent hero, unlike kikes like Breivik who gunned down a bunch of white children whom were the only voice of Palestinian activism and a thorn to zionism.

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36d518  No.128291


They aren't. Only the media (less than 3% of the country's population) is.


>US is just completely fucked at this point no matter what will happen.

Even more reason to kill jews, leftards and shitskins. If victory can't be achieved, and you will going to be killed by your enemies, then destroy everything and kill everyone so nobody wins.

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6fd291  No.128318


how does this help whites in anyway? sounda like nothing but a waste of time.

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1f56aa  No.128351

File: 1d2146f82475185⋯.png (1023.61 KB, 639x993, 213:331, magic.PNG)


Jews don't consider pushing their agenda wherever possible a waste of time, its a global effort, we don't need more people pozzed, be it chukchi people in Siberian tundra or indians in Amazon rain forest, everyone should be warned about evil abomination that is jew.

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54a798  No.128360

File: 48ab8596cc6783a⋯.jpg (67.9 KB, 480x502, 240:251, narialandmeme5.jpg)


see if you can troll nairaland into invading israel

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b624d2  No.128446


I appreciate your effort to fix clown world. However, it's not as simple as you think. The issues that are causing nationwide and global havoc transcends politics, geography, governments, race, etc. You must peel back the layers of puppets, the layers of the veil. Look behind the known leaders. Essentially, you should aim yourself in the direction of the nameless ones.

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035108  No.128520

it would be nice to compile something like gulag archipelago and get bilingual anons to translate and distribute it. maybe with a supplementary multimedia folder link with video and images to document events. at this point i dont think one person could write the entire thing, but it would be easier if several anons came together with a consistent high quality standard of writing, each composing a chapter of an area they have expertise on. it could be entirely decentralized and anonymous. it would be the most worthwhile contribution any of you faggots would ever make to humanity.

can't you guys be classy? stop being cringe as fuck and act professional.

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6fd291  No.128527


i have intermediate japanese under my belt, but i still fail to see the immediate benefits to whites. whether we redpill japs or not doesnt change the state OUR prople are in. lets focus our energies where they're more needed.

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f9ce80  No.128548


This. We are heading into a metaphysical state called the ‘dissolution of all things’ it is where the foundation and meaning of things falls away completely. Only those with a strong foundation will survive.

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f9ce80  No.128549


This as well. We shouldn’t be ‘helping’ others until we can help ourselves.

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54a798  No.128558


If you're interested in a companion to The Gulag Archipelago, MiG test pilot Stephan Mikoyan (son of politburo member Anastas Mikoyan and nephew of MiG founder Artem Mikoyan) wrote a lengthy and detailed autobiography which also includes vast amounts of soviet history all told from the perspective of a son of the ruling class. Stephan Mikoyan records how soviet life at the top levels was exactly like what they would always accuse the west of being, a bunch of corrupt, power-hungry, money-grubbing industrial capitalists who value cronyism above all else.

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ea1af8  No.149741


Great idea.


Unfortunately the media is always the start. They always start by trying to take control of that.




You have no idea how wrong you are. First of all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, in this case. Second point, Japan staying Japanese is fundamental for us as well. Why? Because it's homogenous society is one of the best, clear proofs that diversity make society worse, not better. Showing the comparison between their low-crime country and the violent pozzed ones is one of the best argumentations we have.

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ab84a7  No.149747


>the enemy of my enemy is my friend

No, jew. We’re not falling for that adage.

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ea1af8  No.149749


If someone here has a good enough level of Japanese, I think a great help would be to translate "SJWs Always Lie", "SJWs Always Double Down" and "Corporate Cancer" by Vox Day. Those books contain a step-to-step guide on how shills work, how to recognize them and stop them from taking over organizations or corporations. They still have time to prepare for that efficiently.


>responding to only one of the points without explaining why it wouldn't be a valid strategy

Shut the fuck up kike. You glow.

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ab84a7  No.149757



Okay then. You’ve exposed yourself as a shill. We will literally never fall for your jewish bullshit. We will not support the existence of nonwhites. We don’t need them. We’re not going to weaken ourselves by associating with them. You’ve failed horribly.

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c4f600  No.149772


>weaken ourselves by associating with them


How? Even Hitler worked with Japan. The only one that has proven to be a shill here is (((You))). Go demoralize and try to push for worthless inaction somewhere else, kike.

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632d9f  No.149782

This thread is a perfect example of why its important to actually be able to handle dissent and not just accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being a glow in the dark jewish shill or whatever the fuck. Neither of you retards are capable of defending your point of view so all you do is hurl the exact same accusations at each other as if that works in place of a cogent argument.

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ab84a7  No.149801


>you’re a proven shill because you refuse to support nonwhites

Okay then. You’ve exposed yourself as a shill. We will literally never fall for your jewish bullshit. We will not support the existence of nonwhites. We don’t need them. We’re not going to weaken ourselves by associating with them. You’ve failed horribly. It’s over. You lose. Get the fuck out of here.

>Go demoralize and try to push for worthless inaction

You are the only one who has said anything about this at all.

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ab84a7  No.149803


>Neither of you retards are capable of defending your point of view

I don’t need to explain why “oy vey goyim you should support nonwhites” is bad. Because of where we are. If you don’t understand why it’s bad, you need to get the fuck out, too. You don’t get to opine on these matters.

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368c10  No.149806


You are repeating exactly the same shit again. Everyone knows jews are cheap, but are you even unable to spend words, now?


I am defending my viewpoints. He's the one unable to respond here, not me.

>I explain why this stuff would be useful for us

>"jew jew jew this is weakening us you lost jew jew"

>"How would this weaken us?"

>"jew jew jew this is weakening us you lost jew jew"

What he is showing here is typical shill behaviour. Don't put us in the same category.

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536d22  No.149807


You should exploit some anti-discrimination law that kikes forced their ZOG to accept in order to gain access and spread redpills. For bonus points.

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ab84a7  No.149817


Nope, sorry. We won’t be uniting with nonwhites. You can’t convince us to do things we know are wrong. You failed. Bye.

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dfc6f4  No.150514



You don't represent anyone, faggot.

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25cc7c  No.150516


He speaks for me.


>We won’t be uniting with nonwhites.


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3e720a  No.150526


my 2 cents to the japs would be, is to know peace through illusions is worse than no peace

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d9929d  No.150536


Vox Day is a fence-sitting faggot, and his book titles reflect that. 'SJW' is such a tired neologism—just call them fucking commies. That's what they are.

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15138a  No.150622


Not for me.


They are worse than commies. The commies at least didn't have such a fetish for sexual degeneracy and "cultural enrichment", and they thought they were on the side of the majority of the people (obviously they were wrong, of course). This guys are are even more insane.

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539931  No.150624


>Stephan Mikoyan records how soviet life at the top levels was exactly like what they would always accuse the west of being, a bunch of corrupt, power-hungry, money-grubbing industrial capitalists who value cronyism above all else.

This has been a huge problem throughout civilization. The ultimate human paradox.

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aa9af8  No.150698


>but i still fail to see the immediate benefits to whites

Having another country bar the jews would be a good example to the rest of the world. It pushes the overton window. If the japs came out and said "diversity is not a strength" we like being homogeneous, that would really start some conversations. If anyone can muster the strength to boot the jews, it's the japs. The propaganda win would be enormous.

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19ff4d  No.150704

File: 45220eb91d5488b⋯.jpg (81.73 KB, 640x465, 128:93, individually_we_are_weak.jpg)


>just call them fucking commies. That's what they are.

I'm not sure I remember exactly when I twigged to that, but when I did, it dropped my ass right down to the lower reaches of the rabbit hole.

Maybe this is how to reach normies.

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75721c  No.154361


Japan is tougher than the US. They are all coomers but start putting niggers on streets and watch what happens.

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594dae  No.154369


The Japanese seem to be a fucking resilient people. I don't know if the kikes turned the burner to 11 instantly with trying to demoralize them with all the wall to wall race baiting cuck shit, but they REALLY fucking hate the subversion over there and don't put up with it.

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ef5fd6  No.154375

File: 650bb8e2f3891ae⋯.jpg (13.29 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)



The jew fears the samurai.

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ef5fd6  No.154376

File: 043653c685a9cfa⋯.jpg (45.7 KB, 640x360, 16:9, OVenfm2NVXsg_640x360.jpg)

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ef5fd6  No.154379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ef5fd6  No.154380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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75721c  No.154414

File: f6ad6d708ec6b03⋯.jpg (301.72 KB, 1006x1500, 503:750, empire_of_the_sun.jpg)


Japan is a masterclass when it comes to subversion. They knew perfectly that the same methods they are using in Europe and US wouldn't work there. The Japanese became the most racially conscious people on earth after hundreds of years living in a closed island cut off from the outside world. It's in their blood and in their culture. That's why (they) have limited themselves to subvert and dominate only the upper echelons of their society, while the subversion of the masses was something they decided would have to be done more subtlety.

They didn't want to risk it so they gave them a good stable economy and decided it would be best to not fill their tiny island with niggers because we all know to where that leads to.

However, in Japan, they have demonstrated a tremendous capacity to subvert even the toughest of nations: Porn. JAV is bigger than Anime and we don't need to talk about how porn is literally the equivalent of Somma in Orwell's 1984. And to add to that, to the ones that don't use it, you have the videogames and mindless materialistic obsession with technological gadgets you find nowhere else. Also, not sure if im the only one that has ever noticed this, but literally every street of their cities if ridden with advertising TVs that are literally hypnotic MKultra'd videos. It's time square x1000.

All of this combined is what created the Japan we see today, who despite all efforts, despite all that money spent on building a new society, you still have things like>>154375 coming out of there. You don't see that in germany. And even today they are careful about bringing niggery into that nation. Just look how they reacted to that tiny BLM protest in Tokyo a few months ago. They haven't even dared to send nigger's en masse to japan. To this day, they still barely have any resemblance of an army. Because you can't kill a nation of warriors who have bled by the thousands to ensure that tiny island is for them, their children, and their children's children.

It's Afraid

The jew fears the Samurai.

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4082ad  No.154420

In my county there is a huge percentage of South Koreans. I've often though, when I pass them in parks doing hikes, what must they be thinking of all this? How can anyone make sense of it?

I've thought about writing a pamphlet and scattering them around areas where they are in high concentrations. The theme would be the unreported Jewish element to this, including the Jewish history in communist revolutions with quotes and citations.

I can see no real end to doing this though, what gain could come besides 'dividing' the enemy? I understand they vote overwhelmingly democratic so I have no real reason to go on with this.

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