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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 739920efe54bce0⋯.png (56.59 KB, 393x389, 393:389, fuckjannies.png)

9d9ca6  No.127541

>Be small town pizza place

>Donates pizza daily to local officers and dispatch call-centers

>Locals get mad not doing anything for BLM

>Openly call them communists on Facebook

>Goes partially viral

>Gavin McInnes invites pizza place on podcast after stream of leftist shills

>Local news finds out and writes major hit-piece

>Police department no longer accepts donations from pizza place because "political"

>Shills want to protest outside pizza place

This is the world we live in guys. Worst part, the area is like 85% white and was just on national news for the extreme riots from the joggers.

facebook (d0t) (com)/SaintGsPizza/posts/3128859730485612

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e9e664  No.127723

murrican cops are total anti-white cucks

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004574  No.127756

File: 85a6cd5c54aaa3d⋯.jpg (39.77 KB, 910x480, 91:48, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

Pizza is lard pie, literally. 95% of what you're eating when you eat pizza is a big block of Crisco lard kneaded in with white flour. A bit of tomato paste lightly scented with herbs is smeared on top of it and a few bits of cheese (80% fat) are dropped on it with some atrocious sausage slices I wouldn't feed to a good dog. Pizza is one of the main culprits in the obesity of North Americans. It's vile slop. I've watched them make it in the window in numerous pizzerias thusly. It's carbs and fat 95%. Get a new belt with extra notches and buy some new "big boy" pants, you'll be needing them for that extra roll of blubber you'll be sporting, tubby.

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b28242  No.127764


lol do some lifting you weakfag. I eat whatever I want and still have trouble putting on weight.

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0f6e30  No.127766


>eating pizza from delivery

Make your own pizza or buy them frozen. They're better for you than the crap you get from delivery places.

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909909  No.127789


> Paying extra taxes to the zogbots

There is a certain element of justice here.

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909909  No.127790


> Don't send pizza to the cops, it's bad for them.

Hi officer

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d9dfc4  No.127792


>oy vey only jews support cops

>you have to support the nigger protests goyim



Fuck your false dichotomies, shlomo.

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909909  No.127794


Who said anything about jews? Are you suffering from foreskin envy?

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d9dfc4  No.127827



You did, you filthy fucking yid. Literally your first post here.

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004574  No.127918



I do lift but when you get older your metabolism slows down. When you're pushing 70 it really slows down. I'm down to meat poultry and fish roasted not fried and fresh vegetables and fruits. Got my 6 pack.

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9d9ca6  No.127934

what did this turn into lol

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939e38  No.128315


You can go on the internet and tell lies, but lying to yourself is harmful.

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