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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 661fac1b5878537⋯.jpg (130.01 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, IMG_20200618_085950.jpg)

9396f7  No.127346

Don't know who all will give a shit or any reasons why not to but I urge you Degens to do your part.


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06d73d  No.127349


>oy vey goyim you’re degenerates

>that will endear me to you, right

>also go do something that doesn’t matter

>internet petitions solve all problems

Kill yourself.

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4034a1  No.127357


>mommy! da black peepoh be mean to meeeeeeeeeeee D: D: D: D: D:

stfu faggot and kill yourself.

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96a68d  No.127361

File: 975ab9138ffc04a⋯.jpg (45.55 KB, 782x502, 391:251, NWO.jpg)


>Far left (commies appealing to authority to subvert what they are unwilling))

>Anarchist (literally without authority above ones own to consent with another)

You got memed and still appeal to those who've perpetrated it. This is how the equivalence of the "but that's not real communism" and "hurr fashwave 20-forever" were coopted in misconstrued oppositional understandings of the notion of your own free will. Let's be clear: You have free will to choose within the parameters of your conditions, as everyone else, top to bottom bottom to top - all are on this equal playing field of the cards you're given and work with. You have three choices within these contexts: Autonomy and self reliance divorced from any other acquiescence or requisite conditioning to another's will. Submission to another's will at another's expense for a gain you cannot or will not attain on your own, or Dominance of another's for your own. Of these three options your will require the methods of conquest or that of consent, and of those the perception of benevolence or malevolence of those you are consenting to or being conquered by.

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96a68d  No.127370


Also, if you want to be of use to your kind and what is at stake for humanity: lurk moar, redpill your kind, and make babies of your kind, don't waste your time with preplanned psyops and their outcomes, you should know the goal and methods by now. The outcome will be eternal death and enslavement, or just maybe the truth, the stars and victory over ((())). Godspeed.

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9396f7  No.127381

Did you retards actually think pic was related? Talk about a rabid echo chamber.

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71d89c  No.127383


>get shat on

>waaaah echo chamber

thanks for proving echo chamber is only ever used in this exact situation

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4fb1d3  No.127389

File: 22b06befe9ff71e⋯.jpg (132.55 KB, 500x701, 500:701, meme_pro.jpg)

the zionist controlled deep state isn't likely to ever solve our problems, but a more democratic solution may be possible (see pic)

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06d73d  No.127395


No, seriously, kill yourself. You don’t belong here. You don’t understand this place. You have no comprehension whatsoever of the problems facing whites around the world. You’re worthless to us and are ideological poison. Fuck off and never come back.

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e5a256  No.127422


This is an official whitehouse petition though, if it gets 100k signatures they have to address it.

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4034a1  No.127427


If you get 100,000 signatures in 30 days, you'll get an "update" from the White House within 60 days. That doesn't mean a press conference or a targeted tweet from the President himself.

This petition is specifically pointed at Homeland Security, which means that if it reaches 100,000 signatures by July 11, acting Secretary Chad Wolf (yes, real name) could send a letter or email to the creator of the petition with an update. That update could simply say, "The United States does not maintain a databse of domestic terrorist groups." or could simply say, "lol sorry no, fck off".

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96a68d  No.127436

File: 03bd0264e1dc195⋯.jpg (22.2 KB, 474x316, 3:2, .jpg)

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7620e5  No.127442

File: b30d67140ce3a89⋯.png (272.47 KB, 589x431, 589:431, ClipboardImage.png)

good Trump

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a75feb  No.127451


superchat it on Timcast IRL tonight and you'll have all the exposure you need


> or could simply say, "lol sorry no, fck off".

that's not how politics works you turdnugget


ok boom3r

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4034a1  No.127471


>that's not how politics works you turdnugget

No shit, faggot. Did you read the rest of the post or did your aspie brain lose all focus except for a couple of words?

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4d73a9  No.127480


Holy fucking shit. His name is actually Chad F. Wolf. Chad Fucking Wolf

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