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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

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bd2785  No.126850


Thought provoking video that makes Jews cower in fear. The goyim know.

>"Black Lives Matter" is a liberal/socialist group funded by European Jews such as (George Soros) for movements such as LGBTQ/Feminists desinged to piggypack off of the systemtic oppression of black men. They use the black man's plight in order to further their own agendas….

>To this day they have yet to do anything about the leading cause of death for young black men.

It isn't just nations the Jews leech off. They vampiracally suck the oppression off other races to their own advantage.

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937bee  No.126881

File: f8b842b10b88c60⋯.png (5.49 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 86b8e5545e5bc44a5891ddb366….png)

The only informed Negro I've seen so far in this amerikan rubbish.

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937bee  No.126882

File: f5e8c62758c3343⋯.png (2.26 KB, 220x214, 110:107, images_1_.png)


She's not in a free country though, so her position sadly reverts back to uninformed nigger.

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09bc79  No.127097


Does she mention that BLM is literally a fundraiser for the democratic political party?

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