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File: 166ebdb14702f58⋯.png (85.45 KB, 1245x1042, 1245:1042, want_a_job.png)

41910c  No.126708

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7420c7  No.126710


outside the Jewnited States

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1a812a  No.126719


Any African country and CHAZ are all nations with a dearth of unskilled people; try them.

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5dd0c3  No.126720

There's a big shortage of golf course workers. It's physical labor like on a farm basically. I did it for a couple of years. With some experience you'd go to $23 bucks an hour or more depending on the course. I enjoyed it. My favorite was cutting down blackberry thickets. I'd wear short and tshirt and I'd come out all scratched and bloody. One day the boss came out in his cart and told me to go home; I'd worked half an hour past quitting time without realizing it, I enjoyed whacking down those tangled brambles that much on a hot summer day.

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685c1b  No.126748


Based thicket remover

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63bedf  No.126757



anon… not there.

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41910c  No.126809


yeah i dunno where to look. i need to get the fuck out of little mogadishu.

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e515c1  No.126840

File: a03638f7815b079⋯.jpg (565.62 KB, 1331x1207, 1331:1207, Applying_for_tech_jobs.jpg)


I was job hunting after finishing my PhD in physics last year. The search was indeed pretty depressing (pic related is a compiliation I added to as I went). Idk the answer to your question, but I suspect muh trades is the answer, although they are getting completing pozzed by overregulation…I bet the licensing bureaucracies for the trades are at least 30% Jews.

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821be2  No.126857


>my PhD in physics last year.

das nice suh but is you proffeshunt in MS Word and de axeL? Imuh needz you ta sign here for dat email workshop. dey gone provide you wit da education 4 de email skills. howz ta login to yo workstashun, get u hook up wit dat wifi.

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5dd0c3  No.127035

File: 636fa501cf7f9d7⋯.jpg (741.22 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)


>yeah i dunno where to look. i need to get the fuck out of little mogadishu.

get a job on a golf course in Palm Springs Calif.

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5dd0c3  No.127039

Even if you've never worked in a golf course before they'll start you out spending the first half of your shift just arranging the sand in the bunkers properly.


It's easy work actually…everyone listened to recorded music or books on their ear plugs while they worked.

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9baeb9  No.127117


I aint abandoning a nation where I can shoot and kill niggers/kikes/commies to a watered down version of USA

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