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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 9914ac4404db622⋯.jpg (64.54 KB, 598x417, 598:417, Methonna.jpg)

871259  No.125902

It can't have been the first time this formerly talented Italian girl kneeled for blacks.

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937568  No.125940

Great, the famous dancer on crutches. Can't wait for her dark brown hair to fall out of her scalp from the repeated heavy bleaching. Looks like it's already thinning out and frazzled from heavy bleaching. Those chemicals also get into their bloodstream too. Very cancerous. Soon soon. At least we can comfort ourselves that the age of Madonna music vids is at an absolute end.

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937568  No.125943

File: 78599eb8449e863⋯.jpg (25.3 KB, 300x347, 300:347, Madonna_underarms.jpg)



All the money in the world and dresses like a fucking bag lady.

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e46bc8  No.126055


Eventually a paper bag wrapped around a greasy, rotting pig carcass will become translucent.

Such is the way of evil. It finds every way to express itself, and comes to surface every so often, like a black slithering creature in a pool of blood surfacing every so often in a Conan novel.

No earthly clothing could adequately express the depravity that lurks inside the skin of the "elites."

In hell, the rot will take on its true form, where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched.

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3cecd5  No.126232

File: 5be3e3b3b50f74a⋯.jpg (174.06 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, evil_madonna1.jpg)

File: 175f54b91ede3df⋯.jpg (149.87 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, evil_madonna2.jpg)

Madonna is probably one of the most successful psy-ops on turning young white women toward promiscuous behavior. A literal nuclear weapon of propaganda that has destroyed our culture like almost nothing else could.

What was the rate of female virgin marriage before Madonna? What was the rate of women cheating in a relationship before Madonna? The rate of interracial marriages before Madonna. What did the average normy woman dress like before Madonna.

All these things changed drastically after her filth polluted the mainstream.

Her and the rise of Howard Stern came at the same time and with the same intensity and longevity, if that isn't a coincidence.

Madonna changed everything. What a tragedy. And she is still going, influencing old women into never ending attempts at be sexy, instead of being content in being a matriarch woman of wisdom for their families.

Madonna has to be a sign of the apocalypse or something. What evil. And then the whole Jewish thing, Kaballah whatever, comes off as Anti-christian when coming from her.

God help us. God help the future of white women.

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937568  No.126252

File: e9e075afccc722a⋯.jpg (211.43 KB, 1378x1377, 1378:1377, vigilant.JPG)

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a2a8fc  No.126274


Jesus, people … this crusty whore was irrelevant by the time I graduated high school … in 19-fucking-90. Do you faggots seriously believe she is in any way influential or whatever? Is this board full of my fucking parents?

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937568  No.126280


> Is this board full of my fucking parents?

well there was that school skiing trip and we all got drunk at the back of the bus on cheap jugs of wine on the long drive home in the dark, and then your 15 year old mom started bouncing her ass packed in tight ski pants on my knee…son….

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a2a8fc  No.126282


That would make you at least 70 years old. Die, boomer.

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890397  No.126284

File: 9a8fb35776b87f6⋯.jpg (17.09 KB, 385x385, 1:1, 12545648564513485.jpg)


the whore of babylon

>that moment when you realize you are in the the end times and the God is starting to unseal the seven seals

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a2a8fc  No.126296


Uh, no, see … the whore of babylon is supposed to actually be attractive.

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d934b8  No.126304

This isn't a fucking thread.

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937568  No.126391

File: 2e8c0813026cbbb⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 2433x1920, 811:640, img_3450.jpg)

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