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File: 4a8c8f3489ee668⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1825x1240, 365:248, Natsoc_Relief.png)

fa91ab  No.125731[Last 50 Posts]

I think that this board has now matured to the point where we can resurrect our art thread. I was a major contributor to the old 8pol art thread, where I posted artworks with detailed labels, performed digital art restorations and created our old art megafolder. Since the old 8pol was taken down in August of 2019 I've been posting weekly Aryan art threads on halfchan, but there doesn't seem to be much interest there lately. Here is a pastbin with links to the archives of those threads: https://pastebin.com/tfAkRSyj I've been reluctant to bring back the thread because 8kun mangles the original filenames, I have decided to use pastebins to distribute the original filenames to those who are interested rather than clutter up the thread with walls of text.

It is obvious to everyone here that art is a powerful political and ideological weapon, but just for posterity I will reiterate the importance of our art. The Aryan race has an unrivaled tradition of artistic expression which culminated in a unified material high-culture which thrived in every corner of Aryan civilization. From Seattle to Kamchatka, from Helsinki to Sicily the descendants of the Aryan tribes converged on unified artistic tradition whose pillars were sculpture, architecture, representational painting and structured counterpoint music. The parastic enemy which has completely overrun our civilization within the last century has expended a great deal of effort in erasing our artistic heritage in order to deracinate us, to separate us from our traditions and to deny us the moralizing and motivating effects of exposure to the artforms which we have evolved to treasure. The enemy has used their control of media, academia and finance to pervert and obscure the very concept of art, now culminating in their open calls to physically destroy the art of our ancestors. One of the most blatant expressions of the Semitic war on our artistic heritage occured after the Semitic conquest of the Third Reich, where the enemy carried out search and destory operations against works of art.

The extent of this assault on art can be gleaned from an the descriptions of an auctionhouse which sells remnants of Third Reich artworks:

>The prices of the art in our gallery are a reflection of its scarcity. Based on the Potsdam Agreement of 2 August 1945, subparagraph 3, Part III, Section A and OMGUS, Title 18, more than 95% of this type of art was destroyed, along with numerous German monuments, after the end of World War II. The rest was shipped away during a systematic looting of art in 1945 and 1946 by the American, British and Russian forces (2,5 million works of art were stolen by Russia). This looting included the plundering of German medieval and ancient art of invaluable historical importance from the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, the Saxon State Library and the Berlin Nationalgalerie.

>Nowadays most of what is left of the German art from the 1930s and 1940s is in the possession of three public institutions: the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington D.C., the Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin and the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen (Die Pinakotheken).



>As described below, in accordance with the Potsdam Agreement of August 1945, the Allied Control Council laws and military government regulations, all collections of works of art related or dedicated to the perpetuation of German militarism or Nazism, were destroyed. Thousands of paintings were considered of ‘no value’ and burned. Around 8,722 artworks were shipped to military deposits in the U.S. In 1986 the largest part was returned to Germany, with the exception of 200 paintings which were considered as overt propaganda: depictions of German Soldiers, war sceneries, swastika’s and portraits of Nazi leaders.



Here is some further reading about the Third Reich artworks which remain under ZOG military control due to the political and ideological threat that they pose:


In this thread we will post traditional Aryan artworks, with a special emphasis on the highest quality scans and images available so that they may be archived for posterity. Myself and an associate are currently working on updating the old art megafolder, with the hope that it may one day serve as the basis of an ark to preserve a record of the Aryan artistic tradition. I beleive the importance of this work will increase in the coming decades as the kikes accelerate the process of wiping the Aryan race and its all its works from the internet and the historical record. https://mega.nz/folder/rVcExIbB#VN9alzay0OrctggvEn1DUg

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fa91ab  No.125733

File: a01c7177302b586⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 8880x5520, 37:23, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 079904d9f4dbf77⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 8733x5442, 2911:1814, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: bcbd5e2d67b5bcf⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 7784x5277, 7784:5277, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 4579f815d49fd04⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 8917x5532, 8917:5532, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: fd81d5ce3f11ac2⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 8881x5526, 8881:5526, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)


Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn, Electorate of Cologne, Holy Roman Empire 1770-1827 Vienna, Austrian Empire)

Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, Op. 37 - c.1800, 1st Movement


Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, Op. 37 - c.1800, 2nd Movement


Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, Op. 37 - c.1800, 3rd Movement


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fa91ab  No.125736

File: 24d2f6cfcdb0ee0⋯.jpg (870.9 KB, 735x887, 735:887, Friedrich_Wilhelm_Kalb_M_n….jpg)

File: 52f807a4b6f0762⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 4116x2573, 4116:2573, Thomas_Leitner_Altm_nster_….jpg)

File: fc23b93109c4864⋯.jpg (3.11 MB, 2296x2796, 574:699, Wilhelm_Emil_Eber_Haardt_a….jpg)

File: a3124909d3af0f6⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 6909x4124, 6909:4124, Carl_Ludwig_Noah_Bantzer_Z….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125737

File: a2e49b39a0ba4a9⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 2000x1261, 2000:1261, Nikolay_Petrovich_Bogdanov….jpg)

File: 080ddc1de099241⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 5504x4043, 5504:4043, Jean_Antoine_Th_odore_Gudi….jpg)

File: 575686644763f93⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 1669x2517, 1669:2517, _douard_Alexandre_Odier_Fr….jpg)

File: f83f8e0b0936ade⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 5678x3176, 2839:1588, Johann_Joseph_Eugene_von_G….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125740

File: 305d74c3a9d4b3c⋯.jpg (1.65 MB, 901x1383, 901:1383, Ernst_Ludwig_Kretschmann_1….jpg)

File: fec663663ef6d01⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 1245x1564, 1245:1564, Dorothea_Hauer_20th_Centur….jpg)

File: c7f84530cdbf8bf⋯.jpg (361.72 KB, 964x1200, 241:300, Unknown_Artist_German_mid_….jpg)

File: f9b0771157b710b⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 4948x3271, 4948:3271, Hans_Liska_Vienna_Austro_H….jpg)

File: 497013e542af446⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 1369x1804, 1369:1804, Ernst_Krause_1920_Soldier_….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125741

File: 1a49dedf3a082fc⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 3200x2178, 1600:1089, Levi_Wells_Prentice_Harris….jpg)

File: 521fac9552031f5⋯.jpg (3.36 MB, 5830x7200, 583:720, Ant_nio_Manuel_da_Fonseca_….jpg)

File: ee2c94b0ac9150d⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 2120x2422, 1060:1211, January_Suchodolski_1797_1….jpg)

File: d864744d05f9e91⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 2998x1688, 1499:844, Viktor_Mikhaylovich_Vasnet….jpg)

File: 0d68f74ca460b47⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 2306x2159, 2306:2159, Tito_Lessi_Florence_Grand_….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125742

File: fd2f47a4c45bf1e⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 2167x3000, 2167:3000, Pompeo_Girolamo_Batoni_Luc….jpg)

File: 39a533f522b3227⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 1700x2125, 4:5, Daniel_MacDonald_Cork_Muns….jpg)

File: 3be4edcf744398b⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 2973x2144, 2973:2144, Konstantin_Yegorovich_Mako….jpg)

File: ab392447d801a07⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 2480x1550, 8:5, F_lix_Parra_Hern_ndez_Vall….jpg)

File: 49f87b664b96dac⋯.jpg (349.72 KB, 1595x2000, 319:400, Filippos_Margaritis_1810_1….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125743

File: c50f42c92e1098e⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 6527x4581, 6527:4581, Joseph_Wright_Derby_Derbys….jpg)

File: cfd26d6b4cd11eb⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 3715x1868, 3715:1868, Pavle_Jovanovi_Vr_ac_Voivo….jpg)

File: 1c1803acc3c81f3⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 3724x2455, 3724:2455, Federico_Moja_Milan_Italia….jpg)

File: f79b55a96beae5b⋯.jpg (2.9 MB, 3500x2067, 3500:2067, Raoul_du_Gardier_Wiesbaden….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125744

File: d8f28721efe7cb3⋯.jpg (1.96 MB, 3219x1615, 3219:1615, Ernst_Krause_1920_Leibstan….jpg)

File: 8d0047ee9534f36⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 1586x1600, 793:800, Hubert_Lanzinger_1880_1950….jpg)

File: dadb533a3bca884⋯.jpg (2.48 MB, 1780x1203, 1780:1203, Hans_Liska_1907_1983_Der_P….jpg)

File: 1003e14c71388e8⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1000x718, 500:359, Piero_Testa_1912_1999_La_f….png)

File: 49f0ea1b9d8e360⋯.jpeg (2.83 MB, 3011x2252, 3011:2252, Lothan_van_Helden_20th_Ce….jpeg)

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fa91ab  No.125745

File: 5b65092f02546e1⋯.jpg (3.54 MB, 6204x3958, 3102:1979, Benjamin_Williams_Leader_W….jpg)

File: 4134dc6f92a4cd8⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 4000x2969, 4000:2969, Apollinary_Gilyarievich_Go….jpg)

File: fd13a8bc052a665⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 5303x3968, 5303:3968, Jean_Baptiste_douard_Detai….jpg)

File: 3041ff54d5554ae⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 3200x2017, 3200:2017, Prospero_Piatti_Ferrara_Th….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125746

File: 26771dd6fb683eb⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 9000x5581, 9000:5581, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 1b138414fa638ae⋯.jpg (3.52 MB, 9000x5561, 9000:5561, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 634a255b8307f19⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 4232x2978, 2116:1489, George_Caleb_Bingham_Augus….jpg)

File: 170a86f372cf4d3⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 3000x1835, 600:367, Daniel_Maclise_1806_1870_T….jpg)


Antonín Leopold Dvořák (Nelahozeves, Kingdom of Bohemia, Austrian Empire 1841-1904 Prague, Kingdom of Bohemia, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy)

Othello Overture, Op. 93 - 1892


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fa91ab  No.125749

File: f87b1c1a835e85b⋯.jpg (3.07 MB, 5088x3574, 2544:1787, Nikolaos_Gyzis_Sklavochori….jpg)

File: cdcf4fd106d22a7⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 3200x2202, 1600:1101, John_Thomas_Baines_King_s_….jpg)

File: 779a3e94fc44764⋯.jpg (3.5 MB, 7312x5384, 914:673, Thomas_Fearnley_Frederiksh….jpg)

File: 4a1d1d7e861fcc7⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 1695x2500, 339:500, Alexander_Alexandrovich_Sv….jpg)

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547da2  No.125781

File: 3332c667d01d34d⋯.png (54.94 KB, 600x599, 600:599, 1591649609871.png)


>A Philosopher Lecturing on the Orrery

Bro, you just posted Masonic art.

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fa91ab  No.125938

File: e276e42622cf15b⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 4790x3755, 958:751, Jean_Baptiste_Regnault_Par….jpg)

File: 9cdd70897395ac9⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 2394x1651, 2394:1651, Wincenty_Kasprzycki_Warsaw….jpg)

File: 33d657fcbfe6d66⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 2200x1436, 550:359, Konstantin_Yegorovich_Mako….jpg)

File: 667fb301ab4aa35⋯.jpg (3.11 MB, 2186x1161, 2186:1161, Karl_Eduard_Biermann_Berli….jpg)



The orrery is a scientific instrument for the simulation of the movements of heavenly bodies. Please take your schizo-posting to another thread. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orrery

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fa91ab  No.125941

File: 4dc11e7c93c2493⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 3474x2376, 193:132, Johannes_Hau_Flensborg_Duc….jpg)

File: d0cb039a09afb00⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 5404x3463, 5404:3463, Le_on_Augustin_Lhermitte_M….jpg)

File: 512d65ee5114657⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 5409x3693, 1803:1231, George_Caleb_Bingham_Augus….jpg)

File: f705b191d06c546⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 4096x2671, 4096:2671, Frederick_William_Woodhous….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125945

File: 0fb57727dfabb7b⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 7125x3239, 7125:3239, Edward_Coley_Burne_Jones_B….jpg)

File: 4431376aaa50d57⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 3000x2041, 3000:2041, Lawrence_Alma_Tadema_Dronr….jpg)

File: 12a03eb095df430⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 3013x3933, 131:171, Johan_August_Malmstr_m_Mot….jpg)

File: 8bf1a4694b0af25⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 2021x1400, 2021:1400, Ivan_Glazunov_Moscow_USSR_….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.125952

File: 071ca6d5600797d⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 5835x1975, 1167:395, After_Mstislav_Valerianovi….jpg)

File: d8b89c9d07fd51b⋯.jpg (3.47 MB, 4469x5714, 4469:5714, Caspar_David_Friedrich_Gre….jpg)

File: 9321f76d6abd7a8⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 8456x3944, 1057:493, Giuseppe_Patti_Sciuti_Zaff….jpg)

File: 1f51c1884458301⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 3000x1633, 3000:1633, Konstantinos_Volanakis_Can….jpg)

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a72fc4  No.125970

File: c832e6becc718b9⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 2000x1429, 2000:1429, Otto_Bacher.jpg)

File: c66e218c7b9ec81⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2000x1154, 1000:577, Emanuel_Gottlied_Leutze.jpg)

File: b10f5716812fe9e⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 2542x3200, 1271:1600, John_Falter_Art_2.jpg)

File: 3eae98fab0778db⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 4006x2647, 4006:2647, Thomas_Cole.jpg)

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a72fc4  No.125973

File: 9adb5ed5d2b6bef⋯.jpg (226.6 KB, 825x550, 3:2, White_Supremacy_is_Obvious….jpg)

File: 2ee3b57b084382d⋯.jpg (77.38 KB, 717x453, 239:151, fight_for_survival_we_won.jpg)

File: 359c516debe03cd⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1000x1001, 1000:1001, primitive_savages_not_nobl….png)

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a72fc4  No.125974

File: db2691d67c95824⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 2973x2093, 2973:2093, european_art_.jpg)

File: 7133b648ac7217e⋯.jpg (26.43 KB, 310x400, 31:40, John_Falter_Art_1.jpg)

File: c8c4d585cc9aefd⋯.jpg (119.83 KB, 562x768, 281:384, we_getter_done.jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126019

File: d593554f659f577⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 4971x2710, 4971:2710, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: 0c2243ec789ac2c⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 3704x2576, 463:322, Uro_Predi_1857_1953_Kosovo….jpg)

File: cf5ae60cf300381⋯.jpeg (2.93 MB, 5498x3643, 5498:3643, Petr_Alexanderovich_Sukho….jpeg)

File: 87f61a3fdf64cdf⋯.jpg (111.55 KB, 800x978, 400:489, Jean_Hippolyte_Flandrin_18….jpg)

File: fc1d99352dd10f0⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 3200x1557, 3200:1557, Ren_Archille_Rousseau_Dece….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126037

File: 3fc57a28a9fd356⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 7359x3933, 2453:1311, Giovanni_Antonio_Canal_Ven….jpg)

File: c6ec30ad14355d8⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 3770x2740, 377:274, Carl_Ludvig_Eugen_King_Kar….jpg)

File: 425049bd3ead090⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 3000x2194, 1500:1097, Edwin_Austin_Abbey_Philade….jpg)

File: f44bdc28c6fb02c⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 3200x2553, 3200:2553, James_Sant_Croydon_Surrey_….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126043

File: c4f7e4a810e5dac⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 6505x2111, 6505:2111, Robert_Theodore_McCall_Col….jpg)

File: 8438f392b147074⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 4090x2033, 4090:2033, George_Bouverie_Goddard_Sa….jpg)

File: 5e66751fbeb0ab4⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 3307x2008, 3307:2008, Vladimir_Donatovich_Orlovs….jpg)

File: 2466b12df582be9⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 4000x3030, 400:303, Johan_Fredrik_Eckersberg_D….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126048

File: e920401a477d02d⋯.jpg (2.49 MB, 2823x1868, 2823:1868, Peter_Paul_Etz_Mainz_1913_….jpg)

File: a8a9f7384402cc6⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 1734x1222, 867:611, Hans_Liska_1907_1983_Eisen….jpg)

File: f3fc1da84ea35c4⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2190x2624, 1095:1312, Roman_Feldmeyer_W_rzburg_L….jpg)

File: c53683dab85c763⋯.jpg (932.24 KB, 866x997, 866:997, Olaf_Jordan_Tetschen_Bohem….jpg)

File: a6a0e188954a953⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 1718x2396, 859:1198, Gino_Boccasile_Bari_1901_1….jpg)

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de5055  No.126057

There was this italian fascist who made futuristic art, but I forgot his name.

Can anyone post some of his stuff?

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fa91ab  No.126071

File: e2f5dfcba866dd8⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 6752x3975, 6752:3975, Attributed_to_George_Henry….jpg)

File: 57ff44f8e1d06fc⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 2480x2167, 2480:2167, Eug_ne_Modeste_Edmond_Poid….jpg)

File: 3a8f74d834c836b⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 3543x2635, 3543:2635, Karl_Friedrich_Schinkel_Ne….jpg)

File: 33d29b81ae9b7c4⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 4670x3236, 2335:1618, K_roly_Mark_the_Younger_Pe….jpg)

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257753  No.126125

File: 1bf9aae3cf82629⋯.jpg (349.12 KB, 703x1006, 703:1006, La_frileuse.jpg)

File: 154017b33aa220c⋯.jpg (411.63 KB, 651x1004, 651:1004, Amour_a_l_affut.jpg)

File: 2c01a83a3baa9bf⋯.jpg (339.19 KB, 556x1005, 556:1005, L_Amour_Mouille.jpg)

File: 0511d198f5c7516⋯.jpg (407.36 KB, 814x1005, 814:1005, Petite_fille_au_bouquet.jpg)

File: 419a77cf4b9ffa5⋯.jpg (343.35 KB, 580x1005, 116:201, Le_Captif.jpg)

Its insteresting how eager you are to look back on your heritage yet see no problem memory holing anything that goes against modern morality. You never see this side of william adolphe bouguereau come out in a thread like for example.

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27386e  No.126149

File: 23ac56ad25ed93a⋯.jpg (26.89 KB, 560x408, 70:51, 04_07_1.jpg)

File: f20c1b5b1504b58⋯.jpg (67.72 KB, 640x466, 320:233, 11873520426_aaf3d05ca3_z.jpg)

File: e1070e69e563351⋯.jpg (19.96 KB, 455x643, 455:643, hdk_breker_readiness.jpg)

File: efa9286d8568996⋯.jpg (28.35 KB, 490x722, 245:361, arnobreker_aryanrace_occul….jpg)

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7adbd0  No.126154

Welcome back, OP. At last, some of the old guard of 8/pol/ are returning.

Keep posting good quality. All of these artworks are great.

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fa91ab  No.126159

File: 3d4a3b9a1e72087⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 6009x4194, 2003:1398, Henri_F_lix_Emmanuel_Phili….jpg)

File: 72b60818b456e84⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 2400x1371, 800:457, Edwin_Austin_Abbey_1852_19….jpg)

File: 7d7e436f580ee8e⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 2000x1530, 200:153, Antonio_Salvador_Casanova_….jpg)

File: c5a4e96f7051e03⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 4000x2683, 4000:2683, Oscar_Arnold_Wergeland_Chr….jpg)


Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn, Electorate of Cologne, Holy Roman Empire 1770-1827 Vienna, Austrian Empire)

Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 - 1789, 1st Movement


Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 - 1789, 2nd Movement


Piano Sonata No. 8 in C minor, Op. 13 - 1789, 3rd Movement


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fa91ab  No.126162

File: fcc1f9bdbc6d819⋯.png (3.54 MB, 2000x1433, 2000:1433, William_Adolphe_Bouguereau….png)

File: a97742dbcd5a2b5⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 2266x3285, 2266:3285, William_Adolphe_Bouguereau….jpg)

File: a35cbe8fb605e71⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 2048x1432, 256:179, Franciszek_Kostrzewski_War….jpg)

File: a6367a4d6b3695e⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 2729x3051, 2729:3051, Emilio_Sala_y_Franc_s_1850….jpg)

File: ad16511afab2bf1⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 1308x2000, 327:500, Frederick_Morgan_London_En….jpg)



>If you paint children you must want to sodomize them

Are you sure that the problem isn't on your end?

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27386e  No.126163

File: ec365f5dbd408b5⋯.jpg (458.46 KB, 2175x3106, 2175:3106, Boxer_of_quirinal.jpg)

File: e05ab0465fa288e⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 345x500, 69:100, 14179834987327_f.jpg)

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27386e  No.126164

File: e03e5b8c19cc992⋯.jpg (1013.38 KB, 2327x2980, 2327:2980, Caspar_David_Friedrich_Wan….jpg)

File: bb9bcf7d55b3675⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 1772x1424, 443:356, Hans_Adolf_B_hler_Heimkehr.gif)

File: 4f3b03b827c2c5d⋯.jpg (720.4 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 1413373023423.jpg)

File: 5fd21affafc2a73⋯.jpg (59.25 KB, 682x1024, 341:512, 1413375305681.jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126172

File: 138e23a7146ed2d⋯.jpg (3.07 MB, 4022x5144, 2011:2572, Alexandre_Charles_Guillemo….jpg)

File: 5245e385fd1f835⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 3654x2399, 3654:2399, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 5558f8d6eee745d⋯.jpg (3.23 MB, 4964x5910, 2482:2955, Fritz_Zuber_B_hler_Le_Locl….jpg)

File: 28da22d28327d97⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 6225x1323, 2075:441, Paul_Delaroche_1797_1856_R….jpg)



I made a mistake in the pastebin, the filename on the second one should be: Edwin Austin Abbey (1852-1911) The Penance of Eleanor, Duchess of Gloucester - Oil on Canvas 1900

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77fb0c  No.126176


Appreciate the effort anon. Saving all of them for future use; can we hijack the thread as an appreciation of European art in general? Stuff that speaks to our European soul?

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257753  No.126186


Regardless of his motivations you'll still never post any of it because if he were to be painting naked portraits of children today he certainly wouldn't be considered the top tier artist that he was in his time and you're perfectly fine contributing to the erasure of that part of his life by kowtowing to modern morality.

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d6480b  No.126193

File: d2c1730f23e75c4⋯.jpg (817.78 KB, 1125x1119, 375:373, 1567530941981.jpg)

File: 849e6f716b6dfa0⋯.jpg (45.55 KB, 540x730, 54:73, 13924864_742281515735_6059….jpg)

File: a626f29165c6d47⋯.jpg (519.63 KB, 1086x1920, 181:320, 0ec86124f9dba2747da7f1f230….jpg)

File: 1d60a448cd91677⋯.jpg (196.18 KB, 1019x747, 1019:747, 01f74075a0e294bfa09fc3114c….jpg)

File: 1f680dae45759ab⋯.jpeg (848.05 KB, 4429x2760, 4429:2760, 1f680dae45759ab91a6ef65e0….jpeg)

There's an entire US military base with a massive vault full of stolen Nazi art.


>The art Gilkey was assigned to hunt was German-produced — portraits of Adolf Hitler, pictures of German fighting men, Nazi propaganda.

>The allies believed this art had to be removed from Germany to the security of the United States.

>Gilkey’s project was part of the post-war effort to de-Nazify Germany, scholars said. The idea was to cleanse the country of national socialism, which had infected Germany for more than a decade.

>“The Nazis were obsessed with controlling the visual,” said Cora Sol Goldstein, an associate professor of political science at California State University, Long Beach, who has studied post-war Germany. “They thought art was propaganda. They used art. So it makes sense that in ’45 the Americans had to do something about all the Nazi iconography.”

>“The Nazis were obsessed with controlling the visual,” said Cora Sol Goldstein

>The allies believed this art had to be removed from Germany to the security of the United States.

"Accuse your enemies of what you do." - Lenin

>According to Gilkey’s report, he was acting under U.S. military regulations that stated in part: “All collections of works of art relating or dedicated to the perpetuation of German Militarism or Nazism will be closed permanently and taken into custody.”

>Most of the art had been hidden by Nazis as the war came to a close.

>Gilkey “found pieces that were hidden behind other works of art. … He found pieces that were rolled up and disguised as stage curtains,” Forgey said.

>It is not entirely clear why the Nazis were hiding their art — out of shame, for posterity, or in hopes of rekindling their movement?

They knew that the kikes were coming after their cultural artifacts.

>His Army report described how he used German train schedules to figure out where the shipments of art had gone. It describes how he tracked down Luitpold Adam, a German World War I artist who headed Hitler’s combat art program.

>It was Adam who had hidden some of the art in the cabin, carrying a load of it from the train each night for ten nights with the help of his wife and a local boy.

The effort that ZOG went through to track down and destroy paintings is remarkable.

>“If his plan had succeeded, the suicide of the creative arts would have followed,” he wrote.

>“My work of the past year has attained the removal from Germany of this monument to their baseness.”

Thank your Schlomo, for saving our arts from suicide and baseness, you are truly our greatest ally.

Curious why all of this Nazi art is too dangerous to let the public see it, but instead of destroying it they keep it locked away in a vault on a military base.

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d6480b  No.126197

File: b860699e58172f3⋯.jpg (185.92 KB, 2048x1309, 2048:1309, b860699e58172f3b799e35e23f….jpg)

File: 46af4610be466af⋯.jpg (33.94 KB, 960x726, 160:121, da4409092bcc6eec98d13a8cc2….jpg)

File: 90f84a26e7dc96a⋯.png (451.63 KB, 1120x697, 1120:697, 1527524518551.png)

File: 02f08e8272ec3f0⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 792x530, 396:265, 02f08e8272ec3f0b671c73f19e….jpg)

File: 2f36cf7b436f86d⋯.jpg (647.09 KB, 1164x1625, 1164:1625, 2f36cf7b436f86d209737612b1….jpg)


These sculptures were destroyed by ZOG, but they were on postcards from the period. This site sells old postcards, most are mundane but a few have the last traces of artworks which no longer exist: https://www.marhistorical.com/

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d6480b  No.126200

File: c3f844971869cca⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 632x1000, 79:125, 3bd2c27f6e488d5da2e83a583b….jpg)

File: 3c3ee513df0d160⋯.jpg (722.6 KB, 2816x2112, 4:3, 3c3ee513df0d1604df04e8dcaf….jpg)

File: 422dcb022eb476b⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 450x600, 3:4, 1422488741587.jpg)

File: af1c7806033af93⋯.jpg (422.94 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 1433357173681_0.jpg)

File: a6885a7ff5025f5⋯.png (1.73 MB, 936x1823, 936:1823, 1574470160710.png)

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d6480b  No.126206

File: 53bf62badb2f589⋯.jpg (85.18 KB, 593x915, 593:915, 1585353372576.jpg)

File: 92513b490751333⋯.jpg (1002.48 KB, 1578x2040, 263:340, 1592183233609.jpg)

File: 01484be162276d8⋯.jpg (3.76 MB, 4443x3103, 4443:3103, 1592185583527.jpg)

File: 14741550c4882d3⋯.jpg (62.04 KB, 750x750, 1:1, 1585352370864.jpg)

File: cbede38c6951802⋯.jpg (207.33 KB, 786x1000, 393:500, 1585353518349.jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126207

File: ebfe7c2fc31c014⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 4227x2803, 4227:2803, Thomas_Hill_Birmingham_War….jpg)

File: c0966f62be22798⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 1674x2051, 1674:2051, Fritz_Zuber_Buhler_Le_Locl….jpg)

File: bc7ad65b1824c74⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 1908x2972, 477:743, Jos_de_Madrazo_y_Agudo_San….jpg)

File: 6b9ef5559d609ea⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 9000x7107, 3000:2369, George_Caleb_Bingham_Augus….jpg)



>can we hijack the thread as an appreciation of European art in general?

Please do, that's what this thread is for.


The only reason that modern people are especially vigilant about images of naked children is because everybody subconsciously knows that we are ruled by a syndicate of pedophile kikes who use blackmailed pedophiles as a major instrument of their power. Once we get rid of the kikes and implement public health policies to neutralize individuals with dangerous anti-social paraphilias, depictions of nude children will eventually lose their aspect of pathological paraphilia and will once again become anodyne.

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d6480b  No.126208

File: b12cf7d15e39fcb⋯.jpg (156.6 KB, 638x799, 638:799, 2r2bt5i.jpg)

File: 84025c255a77ad6⋯.jpg (126.02 KB, 605x800, 121:160, 2v1vpsj.jpg)

File: a92389a6720aeaa⋯.jpg (142.57 KB, 595x912, 595:912, 9s85yc.jpg)

File: 9a9ea647136492a⋯.jpg (478.25 KB, 920x1243, 920:1243, 15b11480c541bab50ee3a969b9….jpg)

File: 80657d51024e17c⋯.jpg (138.47 KB, 626x799, 626:799, 34qnrir.jpg)

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d6480b  No.126211

File: 392fa6172ed7be1⋯.jpg (83.72 KB, 597x600, 199:200, 597px_The_changeling_John_….jpg)

File: 052b61c2c910a35⋯.jpg (190.45 KB, 500x460, 25:23, 5511411264_fb88806aa5.jpg)

File: 84717280d9d0bb8⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1024x1536, 2:3, 1383518803915.png)

File: 7b5e17bc33639e3⋯.jpg (70.44 KB, 530x663, 530:663, 1383737772219.jpg)

File: 7f8428e40a2e29e⋯.jpg (143.3 KB, 817x881, 817:881, 1384728679991.jpg)

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d6480b  No.126213

File: a4fd000c430f0e3⋯.jpg (384.95 KB, 1251x1759, 1251:1759, 1385501032618.jpg)

File: ab6bfc24d58fb0a⋯.jpg (72.57 KB, 600x744, 25:31, 1389023833766.jpg)

File: d6992a97843089d⋯.jpg (3.14 MB, 1696x2136, 212:267, 1407970508082.jpg)

File: dfdcfa1d6a630d2⋯.jpg (449.6 KB, 1092x1052, 273:263, 1422414267444.jpg)

File: d241b9f150d7043⋯.jpg (396.29 KB, 1280x1029, 1280:1029, 1423453571279.jpg)

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d6480b  No.126214

File: c6e51049bb29ab1⋯.jpg (210.03 KB, 1280x951, 1280:951, 1413798718426.jpg)

File: fa9e46385738b4f⋯.png (3.83 MB, 2067x1400, 2067:1400, 1413799366852.png)

File: 22b9e85b6590a46⋯.jpg (105.79 KB, 1000x705, 200:141, 14067736_742334215125_4367….jpg)

File: a29ef8f18519ab4⋯.jpg (151.91 KB, 1300x824, 325:206, 1413813948014.jpg)

File: 61a489789ee64c6⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 2392x1782, 1196:891, 1416060871758.jpg)

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257753  No.126215


If holocaust denial went the way of pedophilia and was used in a similar way would you say that self-censoring is the correct approach to the matter until your imaginary utopia of a jew free world becomes a reality?

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d6480b  No.126216

File: 579a62ce37f929a⋯.jpg (98.64 KB, 397x473, 397:473, 1433574770533_2.jpg)

File: 2b75160049ce185⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1729x2039, 1729:2039, 1426903075463_1.jpg)

File: 5c22afabf1fdab3⋯.jpg (1010.85 KB, 856x1100, 214:275, 1431381303772_1.jpg)

File: 1a1004f5dd08182⋯.jpg (399.76 KB, 996x1600, 249:400, 1431377895116_2.jpg)

File: 8b714524a011220⋯.jpg (192.66 KB, 1280x909, 1280:909, 1432233348876_1.jpg)


Art which especially depicts the heroic or divine is particularly inspiring to our people. Ethereal, fairy tale beauty also speaks to our souls.

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d6480b  No.126217

File: 893bd7221f1ef4b⋯.jpg (208.14 KB, 870x1218, 5:7, Sulamith_W_lfing_title_unk….jpg)

File: dcc4b4c1afab09e⋯.jpg (155.63 KB, 584x851, 584:851, Sulamith_W_lfing_title_unk….jpg)

File: bdf78f480a9df59⋯.jpg (216.84 KB, 583x833, 583:833, Sulamith_W_lfing_In_the_Bo….jpg)

File: a69a244fc71b370⋯.jpg (266.37 KB, 549x800, 549:800, Sulamith_W_lfing_Developme….jpg)

File: 0d67dd477eac028⋯.jpg (171.01 KB, 831x742, 831:742, STOR_7.jpg)

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d6480b  No.126219

File: 5ef937063a66077⋯.jpg (399.3 KB, 1812x1324, 453:331, 1566551461047.jpg)

File: b6e053d7106db19⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 3000x1910, 300:191, 1562280061825.jpg)

File: 85285c9ec190a51⋯.jpg (6.62 MB, 4180x3208, 1045:802, 1433222195811_1.jpg)

File: 9bb64899519b578⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2469x3200, 2469:3200, 1576434056997.jpg)

File: 50305a6a454ff36⋯.jpg (376.32 KB, 670x925, 134:185, 617baa33dfd79f5227687be41f….jpg)

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d6480b  No.126221

File: 7a2cf5493a94182⋯.jpg (782.43 KB, 1300x1755, 20:27, 1578860804575.jpg)

File: 551ad3dedb2c4d5⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 2693x3200, 2693:3200, 1576442760583.jpg)

File: 9c468d013ac6b0d⋯.jpg (190.9 KB, 1112x850, 556:425, 1580204449174.jpg)

File: adca5c7e249ac07⋯.jpg (107.66 KB, 720x965, 144:193, 1585352166899.jpg)

File: 546b4b383b599e4⋯.jpg (34.56 KB, 489x600, 163:200, bv17.jpg)


Last one for now. I'll resume later.

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fa91ab  No.126229

File: 1d9ffa972676ce9⋯.jpg (3.07 MB, 3381x2926, 483:418, Wincenty_Kasprzycki_Warsaw….jpg)

File: 0f81317e070463d⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 4351x3218, 4351:3218, Unknown_Austrian_artist_19….jpg)

File: 25ab936d3363dc7⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 3340x2335, 668:467, Friedrich_Ernst_Wolperding….jpg)

File: c8d3753bf31b3e2⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 2713x1793, 2713:1793, Pierre_Henri_de_Valencienn….jpg)



So basically you came to this thread in order to complain that there are not enough depictions of nude children here. The large number of un-institutionalized mentally ill perverts like yourself running around in our society is precisely the reason why people are uncomfortable with depictions of nude children. I you want to contribute to making it more culturally acceptable to display images of nude children you can start by killing yourself and preferably taking a few of your friends with you.

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257753  No.126234


I'm merely illustrating the blatant hypocrisy that is this thread and the fact that you jump to character assassination instead of simply answering an honest question says a lot.

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fa91ab  No.126235

File: a07cdd527b76e81⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 4776x3493, 4776:3493, Pavle_Jovanovi_Vr_ac_Voivo….jpg)

File: af07042622551e2⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 4983x2956, 4983:2956, Johan_Christian_Claussen_D….jpg)

File: 607b13b689612d2⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 3000x1998, 500:333, Fitz_Henry_Lane_Gloucester….jpg)

File: a6a7792a0e0a614⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 2048x1294, 1024:647, Ivan_Ivanovich_Shishkin_Ye….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126246

File: dee657a59584dc9⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 2048x1949, 2048:1949, Jacobus_Hendrik_Pierneef_P….jpg)

File: 70880580304f55f⋯.jpg (3.11 MB, 6734x4860, 3367:2430, Charles_Henri_Joseph_Leick….jpg)

File: cd5c0a2a0cdfcb8⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 3200x2009, 3200:2009, Ilya_Yefimovich_Repin_Chug….jpg)

File: badc16808b367b8⋯.jpg (2.59 MB, 3200x2184, 400:273, Hippolyte_Victor_Valentin_….jpg)



Your honest question was:

>why does this thread have so few depictions of nude children?

The answer is; too few for whom? You are the only one who noticed this particular deficit and vocally expressed your displeasure. I ask you again; is it possible that the problem might be on your end?

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257753  No.126248


Instead of strawmanning me actually answer my question here >>126215

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fa91ab  No.126261

File: 316c489b5334e09⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 1539x2000, 1539:2000, Jos_Mongrell_1870_1937_Gru….jpg)

File: 488213b4a598c22⋯.jpg (2.93 MB, 2048x1206, 1024:603, Vasily_Vereshchagin_1842_1….jpg)

File: ee1ac1159389d36⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 4530x2641, 4530:2641, _Henryk_Siemiradzki_1843_1….jpg)

File: bdfdcb433d92eaa⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 6661x4016, 6661:4016, Eugene_von_Guerard_Vienna_….jpg)



I observe that my third post in this thread contained depictions of nude children, so your argument cannot be about censorship but must be about quantity. Your sickening paraphilia so completely consumes your being that any forum which is not exclusively dedicated to satisfying it is construed by you as an example of censorship.

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fa91ab  No.126267

File: 90bcd6c028d7059⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 5233x8419, 5233:8419, Winslow_Homer_Boston_Massa….jpg)

File: 102d3e6b14da439⋯.jpg (3.36 MB, 7127x5496, 7127:5496, Theodor_Groll_D_sseldorf_1….jpg)

File: 23274b6b12a2479⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 3200x2166, 1600:1083, L_on_Augustin_Lhermitte_Mo….jpg)

File: 026ac74c0efdc11⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 4509x3364, 4509:3364, Johan_Thomas_Lundbye_Kalun….jpg)

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257753  No.126269


That would be all well and good if you hadn't already advocated for self censorship in one instance and now continuously refuse to weigh in on another undoubtedly due to the fact that it would lay bare how hypocritical you are.

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d7ee71  No.126271



Nice word salad, Schlomo. Contrary to what your jewish brain tells you everything isn't about sex.

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257753  No.126276


I never said it was and english isn't my first language so if thats the reasoning behind the constant deflection then I could rephrase the question but I seriously doubt thats the case.

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d6480b  No.126281

File: 2c2b80e917bacb5⋯.jpg (200.74 KB, 700x1426, 350:713, 00e1716ba9b6af464d0acde56f….jpg)

File: 0bf01e5a2107af9⋯.jpg (249.66 KB, 840x1120, 3:4, 0bf01e5a2107af904fc2341dca….jpg)

File: 5ee9400931391c9⋯.jpg (536.11 KB, 1556x1199, 1556:1199, 5ee9400931391c9294a9c2953b….jpg)

File: 5c8bfdf947a0cb0⋯.jpg (258.84 KB, 864x1152, 3:4, 5c8bfdf947a0cb0d1b70fd00e0….jpg)

File: 1836b9b481e2beb⋯.jpeg (114.28 KB, 1024x757, 1024:757, 06f4f23c72f12257e1be6862f….jpeg)

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d6480b  No.126285

File: 59ab479c5803e79⋯.jpg (75.75 KB, 500x669, 500:669, 59ab479c5803e798aaf54778c7….jpg)

File: c656271612c4ef3⋯.jpg (36.25 KB, 458x650, 229:325, 68c91ed63898a881b94f502d41….jpg)

File: da6dc0d60bc3d33⋯.jpg (72.41 KB, 752x608, 47:38, 404b3c3bc591afea18239eb60f….jpg)

File: edc8c69d65d7189⋯.jpg (942.44 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, 8575e4c368332c13b4c516b359….jpg)

File: e6a79346b373f3c⋯.jpg (90.35 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 14054973_743120908585_1782….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126286

File: 6d92142a517dbda⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 3372x4386, 562:731, John_Philip_Falter_Plattsm….jpg)

File: 7a6f7cad096ec96⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 5795x3712, 5795:3712, Pietro_Sassi_Alessandria_1….jpg)

File: b44973cc32bc6d9⋯.jpg (2.33 MB, 1600x1234, 800:617, Uro_Predi_1857_1953_Serbia….jpg)

File: a040e2b102897b4⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 2000x1385, 400:277, Philibert_Louis_Debucourt_….jpg)



You know what, I now totally support censorship of nude children and will carefully avoid posting any such depictions in the future. You have convinced me that nude children present such a powerful sexual trigger for pathological individuals that until such a time when such individuals can be contained with authoritarian social policies, it is our responsibility to avoid activating the paraphilia of such individuals.

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d6480b  No.126289

File: 65d75c8329508ac⋯.jpg (259.63 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, 1520135837755.jpg)

File: 6f64a600fe676c9⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 604x604, 1:1, 1519754286495.jpg)

File: 1855c5df3bac9b7⋯.jpg (146.85 KB, 528x686, 264:343, 1520055060342.jpg)

File: 31e0cc736436028⋯.jpg (184.52 KB, 665x1024, 665:1024, 1540320417454.jpg)

File: 5bc2936690d6df4⋯.jpg (652.13 KB, 2086x1400, 149:100, 1520133385639.jpg)

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257753  No.126291


I don't care what you do on an imageboard with a dozen or so users remaining on it, my motive here was never to change minds but validate what I already knew which is that your mentality is no different than that of the people who destroyed 95% of third reich artworks. Their motives for doing it are no different than your motives in this post.

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d6480b  No.126295

File: bb4bcb63484fffe⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 3888x2592, 3:2, 1526961172139.jpg)

File: c647d6169cd208b⋯.jpg (190.16 KB, 612x787, 612:787, 1545657903127.jpg)

File: 28d727900d1444d⋯.jpg (883.92 KB, 1177x2000, 1177:2000, 1536409244448.jpg)

File: 2d2f3dffbba00c5⋯.jpg (101.38 KB, 1280x1920, 2:3, 1544553739445.jpg)

File: 5f592152672e82e⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 498x710, 249:355, 1541029270596.jpg)

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d6480b  No.126297

File: 9dd4138f9e16c16⋯.jpg (220.13 KB, 1400x1056, 175:132, 1539953969656.jpg)

File: 28ce0c4b203e857⋯.jpg (142.44 KB, 940x649, 940:649, 1540561190932.jpg)

File: 52372f6eed7b662⋯.jpg (108.91 KB, 582x735, 194:245, 1541081284738.jpg)

File: 1afbff40fc1c7a6⋯.jpg (681.9 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1550787508618.jpg)

File: 7327b98499c2839⋯.jpg (560.95 KB, 678x832, 339:416, 1429606945319.jpg)

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d6480b  No.126300

File: 5e6165fbc10e45a⋯.jpg (706.24 KB, 2248x1232, 281:154, 1520135773343.jpg)

File: e89b210825214fb⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 3224x2127, 3224:2127, 1429503483910.jpg)

File: 1907a206e227eb0⋯.jpg (825.93 KB, 1499x2000, 1499:2000, 1574988738977.jpg)

File: aeed9a6e675f73e⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 1448x2000, 181:250, 1575832610994.jpg)

File: 6d4bbea6a196508⋯.png (3.4 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1431381571364_0.png)

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d6480b  No.126302

File: 78cf88a8bcf2818⋯.jpg (305.28 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 1576338675349.jpg)

File: d00ce0e9f1c58f3⋯.jpg (134.3 KB, 1140x760, 3:2, 1580600868930.jpg)

File: d8eef69482da7a8⋯.jpg (418.51 KB, 1280x1040, 16:13, 1567648198761.jpg)

File: de0c1b1b98e5b1d⋯.jpg (70.36 KB, 599x800, 599:800, 1579357244113.jpg)

File: 5a9a9511a17f3b6⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 2464x1632, 77:51, 1576228054756.jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126305

File: 7a336d7cc5ff09c⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 3200x2567, 3200:2567, Louis_B_roud_Lyon_1852_193….jpg)

File: c3399735b682427⋯.jpg (3.48 MB, 4266x9516, 711:1586, Lawrence_Alma_Tadema_Dronr….jpg)

File: 57d57b756c56a56⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 2048x1290, 1024:645, Ulpiano_Fern_ndez_Checa_y_….jpg)

File: d92d64cfbd51286⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 4615x6192, 4615:6192, Vasily_Ivanovich_Surikov_K….jpg)



>your mentality is no different than that of the people who destroyed 95% of third reich artworks. Their motives for doing it are no different than your motives in this post.

You are absolutely correct. I am not a libertarian. I am perfectly comfortable with using violence and censorship to neutralize my enemies. Why did you assume otherwise? I point out the enemy attack on our arts and culture not in order to appeal to some sort of libertarian universalist principle but in order that our people would better recognize the attack, to expose the lies and hypocrisy of our occupation regime, to organize a defense against such cultural attacks and to eventually respond in kind.

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257753  No.126353


I couldn't have made a strawman of a more unpopular opinion if I tried especially in the current political climate where statues all over the west are being destroyed and defaced which is perfectly justifiable behavior by your logic. Theres a reason this thread died on the vine after such a shit take. You can't just come to a board full of neo nazis and show them how much destruction came from jews censoring and rewriting history and then turn around and say you plan on acting in exactly the same way. You might as well be advocating that they convert to judaism.

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181e87  No.126358


Second pic

>Julius Evola goes Super Saiyan

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fa91ab  No.126420

File: 8a4dc6f13f2cdce⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 7562x5271, 7562:5271, Lucien_Baylac_1851_1913_Vu….jpg)

File: dec782f8b52db5b⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 4070x3162, 2035:1581, Frederik_Hansen_S_dring_Aa….jpg)

File: 7265578c5384c88⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 4000x2592, 125:81, Johann_Joseph_Eugene_von_G….jpg)

File: b7e563bc6bba0e4⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 7276x9500, 1819:2375, _mile_Jean_Horace_Vernet_P….jpg)



>I couldn't have made a strawman of a more unpopular opinion if I tried especially in the current political climate where statues all over the west are being destroyed and defaced which is perfectly justifiable behavior by your logic.

lol, but we aren't libertarians. We don't adhere to some abstract principle of cultural non-intervention. When we win we will destroy every cultural influence of the Jew on our society until only the most diligent scholars can discern that such an influence even existed.

>Theres a reason this thread died on the vine after such a shit take.

This thread only dies in your fevered kike dreams.

>You can't just come to a board full of neo nazis and show them how much destruction came from jews censoring and rewriting history and then turn around and say you plan on acting in exactly the same way. You might as well be advocating that they convert to judaism.

Does the fact that Aryans will once again engage in meaningful cultural warfare worry you?

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fa91ab  No.126427

File: c8654b85f8e0c6e⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 9000x5196, 750:433, Peder_Severin_Kr_yer_Stava….jpg)

File: 15f8bf343a88c02⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 9500x5802, 4750:2901, Bernardo_Bellotto_Venice_V….jpg)

File: 0154403d3c77577⋯.jpg (3.42 MB, 4921x3513, 4921:3513, Carl_Georg_Anton_Graeb_Ber….jpg)

File: a475337f70621a7⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 3689x2500, 3689:2500, _Leonid_Ivanovich_Solomatk….jpg)

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257753  No.126428


"responding in kind" to over 95% of your artwork being destroyed and "destroying every cultural influence of the Jew on our society" are two entirely different things. How much further will I get you to dial it back if I keep pressing the issue?

You can keep bumping this thread out of spite forever if you want, but what little interest there was in this thread evaporated after that shit take of yours.

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1b3d39  No.126432

File: a7fe1c75207523c⋯.jpg (84.38 KB, 548x412, 137:103, King_Arthur_Sir_Mordred_pa….jpg)

File: 9809c79b59061c1⋯.jpg (718.9 KB, 768x1131, 256:377, artnouveau_brussels02.jpg)

File: 913bb3a6d41dc93⋯.jpg (293.15 KB, 800x1136, 50:71, arminus_painting_germanic.jpg)

File: 76f8552b5571d83⋯.jpg (43.26 KB, 770x609, 110:87, goths_ancient_germanic_war….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126434

File: 377d7bdafac865a⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 9500x6185, 1900:1237, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 51856a1cdaaf944⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 6710x4500, 671:450, Paris_Paschalinus_Bordone_….jpg)

File: 82f791884e32051⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 4000x2910, 400:291, Lawrence_Alma_Tadema_1836_….jpg)

File: 24bf34acbdcded8⋯.jpg (3.51 MB, 5507x3307, 5507:3307, John_William_Waterhouse_Ro….jpg)


Giuseppe Fortunino Francesco Verdi (Le Roncole, Département of Taro, French Empire 1813-1901 Milan, Lombardy, Kingdom of Italy)

Aida: Gloria all' Egitto - 1871



>"responding in kind" to over 95% of your artwork being destroyed and "destroying every cultural influence of the Jew on our society" are two entirely different things.

>How much further will I get you to dial it back if I keep pressing the issue?

We will eliminate every trace of Jewish influence on our civilization, then we will become good friends with the Jews and there will be no hard feelings. Aryans are your greatest ally.

>You can keep bumping this thread

I will, but only if a literal pedophile kike like yourself gives me permission.

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1b3d39  No.126438

File: dca0d8e99878137⋯.jpg (209.32 KB, 1200x993, 400:331, mary_and_jesus_marble_stat….jpg)

File: f6014689448c81d⋯.jpg (72.7 KB, 664x832, 83:104, stone_sculpture_cloth.jpg)

File: aa5662c7fad8b5f⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 640x477, 640:477, stone_sculpture_veil.jpg)

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1b3d39  No.126440

File: 64154b4496981ba⋯.jpg (413.75 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, sculpture_stone_self.jpg)

File: 9ed6214bdb5cc73⋯.jpg (167.13 KB, 1839x2112, 613:704, detailed_sculptures_4.jpg)

File: 4cbcfb4b77b3cfa⋯.jpg (64.96 KB, 1160x469, 1160:469, detailed_sculptures_3.jpg)

File: c6bd7c65d53d1b3⋯.jpg (108.06 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, detailed_sculptures_2.jpg)

File: 9cf617dd2e60b26⋯.jpg (494.16 KB, 971x1024, 971:1024, detailed_sculptures.jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126442

File: df2c0b913e0f087⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 3149x2496, 3149:2496, James_Barry_Cork_Kingdom_o….jpg)

File: d7fba6e23167c23⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 4200x2831, 4200:2831, Anne_Louis_Girodet_Trioson….jpg)

File: 6db0e32de2e0382⋯.jpg (3.67 MB, 4489x5555, 4489:5555, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: a7ad0e9818f7832⋯.jpg (2.44 MB, 3200x2231, 3200:2231, Konstantin_Yakovlevich_Kry….jpg)

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257753  No.126446


Sarcasm doesn't make for a very compelling argument but I don't blame you for being scared to actually make a point at this stage.

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9a9555  No.126449


>I didn't like the point you made, therefore you didn't make one

Pathetic. Post white art or fuck off the thread.

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257753  No.126452


What is his point then if you're so much more fluent in sarcasm than I am?

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fa91ab  No.126456

File: 2728f18326f540a⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 2375x3376, 2375:3376, Carl_Haag_Erlangen_Kingdom….jpg)

File: 0768a6f156e96f0⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 3000x2077, 3000:2077, Claude_Joseph_Vernet_1714_….jpg)

File: e5f8d1b1635f404⋯.jpg (3.14 MB, 6000x3727, 6000:3727, F_lix_Joseph_Barrias_Paris….jpg)

File: 0c9c2c1b50e2f5c⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 2000x1287, 2000:1287, Konstantin_Yakovlevich_Kry….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126458

File: a6499c3b15323ee⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 4000x2948, 1000:737, Alexei_Vasilievich_Hanzen_….jpg)

File: 02436e1c40141ff⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 2126x1512, 1063:756, Marin_Verstappen_Antwerp_S….jpg)

File: 4b388b66c76b4b2⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 5740x3357, 5740:3357, Joseph_Schoyerer_Berching_….jpg)

File: e4b8bf69d07342c⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 3833x2921, 3833:2921, L_on_Augustin_Lhermitte_Mo….jpg)

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bee4d8  No.126732

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0ee47c  No.126738


You should download each one in your spare time. That is what I am doing I absolutely adore this thread.

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08bea5  No.126742


I don't think it can be overstated how difficult it is to pull off that clothed look in sculptures. This is true talent that (((modern art))) has done away with.


second pic makes me feel… longing.

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d7ee71  No.126814

File: 243265ac4635b88⋯.jpg (143.14 KB, 900x514, 450:257, c00c5b530c1508262226d6b573….jpg)

File: 2e09c21ee7ec15a⋯.jpg (53.49 KB, 439x500, 439:500, 20.jpg)

File: fc32c5343636cdf⋯.jpg (33.8 KB, 276x700, 69:175, 27.jpg)

File: 73df56a5b4b6dd3⋯.jpg (154.24 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1ca9bf4bb4085e551626fbcec5….jpg)


Since English isn't your first language, I can understand. The wording of your primary question is highly convoluted. Let me simplify it for you: "If holocaust denial [WAS ILLEGAL AND VIEWED AS SOCIAL SUICIDE] would you say that self-censoring is the correct approach to the matter until [JEWS STOPPED EXISTING]" Everything else in your question is needless fluff, I guess comparing it to pedophilia is edgy and adds to your point, but you just went into needless detail that clouded the meaning. To answer your REAL question: Yes. To answer your ORIGINAL question: You can't compare holocaust denial and pedophilia in that way. Holocaust denial only fosters revulsion in the jewish population. Whereas pedophilia fosters revulsion in all of humanity as it is the deepest sin one can commit: to wholly corrupt the pure. To entertain your question: If children stopped existing there would be no reason to ban pedophilia because the act itself would cease to exist. The word would lose meaning. If all jews ceased to exist the actual validity of the holocaust would still be in question. I suppose it would cease being illegal since there would be no one left to offend anymore.

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a3f027  No.126824


If self-censorship is the way to go then what justification do you have for this board existing? The views on this board could be considered social suicide and are even illegal in places like the UK which is why you're relegated to a backwater imageboard like this with the pedos and other unmentionables. So by your logic wouldn't the right course of action be to delete this board and never voice any support for the views held in it?

It just seems to me that the idea of self-censoring to appease the jews until they miraculously disappear is the last thing I'd see come out of this board.

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d7ee71  No.126825


>"social suicide" on an anonymous image board

>"breaking the law" on an anonymous image board

I'm sure GCHQ, Interpol and the EC3 are going to get RIGHT on making sure no one denies the holohoax on a "backwater imageboard". I think they're SLIGHTLY more concerned with something that people ACTUALLY care about like, I don't know, catching pedophiles who are actively committing REAL crimes. This isn't fucking twatter or faceberg where every Tom, Dick, and Harry can just come here and point at the bad guy and bitch and moan about how "Oy Gevalt! those goy need to be arrested!"

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a3f027  No.126827


Then are you in support of boards like /hebe/ existing on this site or this thread being flooded with art like in >>126125

This is an anonymous imageboard where theres no repercussions for our actions after all so anything goes right?

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d7ee71  No.126833


I told you… You can't compare the two. One is an affront to humanity, the other is an affront to a single race.

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a3f027  No.126835


If the single race being affronted was yours it would be totally different story I'm sure, I keep trying to get people from /pol/ to take a principled position on anything and so far it hasn't happened. Its evident your minds are purely driven by self-interest seeing as this is the last legacy board on the site with a heartbeat where all others have left out of principle.

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d7ee71  No.126836


How many jews are physically harmed when someone denies the holocaust?

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d7ee71  No.126837


Most /pol/acks view this place as a honeypot, they've moved to greener pastures. You can't blackpill anyone here with your "they left because they grew out of your ideology" bullshit.

Polite sage for double post

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a3f027  No.126841


Terrible argument, does the fact that no children are physically harmed by someone posting CP make it justified?


>they left because they grew out of your ideology

I never said anything remotely close to that.

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d7ee71  No.126849


Children are harmed in the PRODUCTION of CP. No jews are harmed in the denial of the holocaust.

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a3f027  No.126852


Yes producing CP is bad, thats beside the point.

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d7ee71  No.126860


Is it beside the point? Why do you think loli, until recently, wasn't an issue? Why do you think CP is frowned upon?

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a3f027  No.126866


Why do you think loli is an issue now despite the fact that it physically harms no one? Could it be that whether or not it does any physical harm is irrelevant just like with holocaust denial or posting CP on the internet?

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fa91ab  No.126875

File: d79a2b4abff5a19⋯.jpeg (2.98 MB, 4508x3189, 4508:3189, Robert_Wilhelm_Ekman_1808….jpeg)

File: c48e43a41f05e46⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 1416x1980, 118:165, Filippo_Palizzi_1818_1899_….jpg)

File: 9b43a23d6787d33⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 2368x3200, 37:50, Newell_Convers_Wyeth_Needh….jpg)

File: 7aeaa9787eb7fee⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 4055x2736, 4055:2736, Oswald_Achenbach_1827_1905….jpg)


mods please delete the samefagging mossad pedophile spam.

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a3f027  No.126879


They aren't allowed even if they wanted to, sorry to say but this isn't your own personal hugbox anymore because left to your own devices you lot succeeded in radicalizing people into mass murderers and got the site shitcanned, something not even the pedos on /hebe/ were able to do despite the endless FBI reports.

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fa91ab  No.126880

File: b6301a1ddb73f8d⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 9000x6231, 3000:2077, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: 54ebc978628c5b0⋯.jpg (2.99 MB, 3974x2511, 3974:2511, Henri_F_lix_Emmanuel_Phili….jpg)

File: a31edd7ee9c9c45⋯.jpg (2.9 MB, 1957x1308, 1957:1308, David_Wilkie_Pitlessie_Fif….jpg)

File: 2eea79717c643f0⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 2296x3228, 574:807, Johan_August_Malmstr_m_Mot….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126888

File: 0bd8563d1a62de7⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2224x2760, 278:345, Alfred_Hierl_Munich_Kingdo….jpg)

File: 379ba63b92d2fbf⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 1752x1227, 584:409, Hans_Liska_1907_1983_Der_T….jpg)

File: 70d68919ed5a17f⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 2730x1583, 2730:1583, Fritz_Junghans_Dresden_190….jpg)

File: f2b51b0daca1f31⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 1280x1863, 1280:1863, Hans_Johann_Friedrich_Ster….jpg)



>They aren't allowed even if they wanted to

Are you suggesting the this site is run directly by the kikes? How do you know this?

>you lot succeeded in radicalizing people into mass murderers

I'm pretty sure it's the genocide campaign that you kikes are waging that caused some guy to act rashly. We can take power through peaceful civil-rights activism and education, that is why you kikes spend so much energy in spamming and suppressing free-speech zones.

>something not even the pedos on /hebe/ were able to do despite the endless FBI reports.

Why on earth would the FBI go after pedophiles? Pedophilia is an essential part of the traditional Ashkenazi culture of the American ruling class. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/qbe8bp/the-child-rape-assembly-line-0000141-v20n11

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d7ee71  No.126889

File: fa8b44bf89ef257⋯.jpg (14.64 KB, 276x183, 92:61, 1ad7d56db7c4b7d0b3530f8a65….jpg)

File: b24bb3444dce52c⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 1e4b25c1e4f941d1065b6be442….jpg)

File: 4548a5db3c5e362⋯.jpg (164.84 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 61faf144605180bcd9828348c0….jpg)

File: f6e24eb40f1849b⋯.jpg (114.68 KB, 1024x685, 1024:685, 5130c48584c634f94374dc12f9….jpg)

File: 900a6bbff5a01f2⋯.jpg (180.7 KB, 946x1390, 473:695, 88e2702af2de8f2f13060b4525….jpg)


I'm honestly done having this conversation with you in an ART THREAD, Satan, if you can't see the mental gymnastics required for you to continue to defend your point after I pointed out the loli fiasco, you're never going to understand. Good talk though.

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fa91ab  No.126891

File: 8bc548b4d11860b⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 4000x2762, 2000:1381, Carl_Ludwig_Hoffmeister_Vi….jpg)

File: 7edbfd5a3b06a63⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 4000x2561, 4000:2561, Frederik_Hendrik_Kaemmerer….jpg)

File: c1e2373e8ed1280⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 9500x6782, 4750:3391, Benjamin_West_1738_1820_Th….jpg)

File: 909f6c5127f14fc⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 4327x3461, 4327:3461, Caspar_David_Friedrich_Gre….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.126897

File: f0ae10a52d42c47⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 9500x6922, 4750:3461, _mile_Jean_Horace_Vernet_P….jpg)

File: 626c1e2bdd9141f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 3200x1813, 3200:1813, Francis_Owen_Salisbury_187….jpg)

File: c95c09120ade68c⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 3000x1967, 3000:1967, Frederic_Edwin_Church_Hart….jpg)

File: f663820d988e1c9⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 2882x1421, 2882:1421, Fran_ois_douard_Picot_Pari….jpg)


Philip Arnold Heseltine (London 1894-1930 London) Capriol Suite - 1926


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a3f027  No.126901


>I'm pretty sure it's the genocide campaign that you kikes are waging that caused some guy to act rashly

The fact that you justify it in any way is the entire reason why this board is now open to people like me to offer the opposing deradicalizing opinion that going out throwing your life away to murder some darkies in your neighborhood does nothing but accelerate the extinction of your race and if you actually cared about its survival you would be having a family with a bunch of kids instead to aid the plummeting birthrate.

Oh and I got that info about the moderation by a mod in one of the dozen fucking stickies that take up the whole front page, I couldn't tell you which one it was though so happy hunting if you don't want to take my word for it.

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d7ee71  No.126910

File: 54318773d2892f8⋯.jpg (312.69 KB, 698x710, 349:355, 54318773d2892f80b35c945d67….jpg)


>The board is now open to people like me

>offer the opposing "deradicalizing" opinion

>against throwing your life away to murder some darkies in your neighborhood

>accelerates the extinction of YOUR race

>instead of aiding the plummeting birthrate

You guys are going all in now, huh?

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a3f027  No.126914


If you throw your life away murdering people instead of raising children you are accelerating the extinction of your race. Each couple is required to have 2 children to at the very least replace themselves, that isn't happening in the western world. And your solution to this problem is to radicalize these childless neo nazis into murdering people and getting killed or imprisoned for life for it? If you genuinely believe this you're retarded simply put and my being here is a necessary counterbalance that this board has never had.

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fa91ab  No.126925

File: 95c4b15e9ca02a9⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 3474x1595, 3474:1595, Norman_Percevel_Rockwell_N….jpg)

File: f6dc3238dd95c9c⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 1738x2193, 1738:2193, George_Frederic_Watts_Mary….jpg)

File: 34a9f00a5153d89⋯.jpg (3.47 MB, 5757x4392, 1919:1464, Fritz_Neumann_1881_1919_Bo….jpg)

File: 02980e53cf47397⋯.jpeg (611.15 KB, 1652x1958, 826:979, Carl_Conrad_Julius_Hertel….jpeg)

File: 0ca15e3b2cd4f1b⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 8023x4808, 8023:4808, Jasper_Francis_Cropsey_Sta….jpg)



>The fact that you justify it in any way is the entire reason why this board is now open to people like me to offer the opposing deradicalizing opinion that going out throwing your life away to murder some darkies in your neighborhood does nothing

We are in total agreement. Lone wolf attacks are futile gestures of hopeless individuals. The occupation regime does not fear such attacks, in fact they encourage them. What the occupation regime fears most is the host population which they have parasitized casting off their false consciousness, reasserting their traditional culture, reestablishing their bonds of racial brotherhood, exposing the vile hoaxes and blood-libels which are perpetrated against us, and using civil disobedience, political organizing and culture-jamming to peacefully compel the parasitic alien elites to get the hell out of our countries.

Threads like these are an important tool in recovering our cultural capital which has been suppressed and denied to us by the occupation regime, which is why your masters have commanded you to spam it with asinine shitposts.

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fa91ab  No.126935

File: b800c8399f3f9f4⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 5411x3141, 5411:3141, Henry_Arthur_McArdle_Belfa….jpg)

File: ef1acff7d62c41f⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 3000x1908, 250:159, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: eb246ba1b1f543c⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 2748x2172, 229:181, John_Thomas_Baines_King_s_….jpg)

File: a2156d20c5ed6c7⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 4874x2790, 2437:1395, Eugene_von_Gu_rard_Vienna_….jpg)

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d7ee71  No.126937

File: 191c286bae0f884⋯.jpeg (509.45 KB, 876x1155, 292:385, StatueOfJustice.jpeg)

File: 1ae324cf13790bd⋯.jpg (1011.28 KB, 1238x1540, 619:770, 1ae324cf13790bd895246152ad….jpg)

File: fdd7c91fff1bd7f⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 1400x1692, 350:423, e9e559f68596df4ec6d811b78b….jpg)

File: 809afe03937cf73⋯.jpg (662.51 KB, 1280x1667, 1280:1667, Pallas_Athena_or_Armoured_….jpg)

File: b7121744e21f0dc⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 4001x2963, 4001:2963, Louis_Gauffier_Cleopatra_a….jpg)


>Throw your life away murdering people

How many white people have you seen murder blacks for muh racism?

>[muh birthrate] that isn't happening in the western world

White birthrate quadrupled under Trump, not sure what nog infested hell hole you're LARPing to be from.

>radicalize childless neo nazis into murdering

Again, last time I checked DotR hasn't started. If it has, please let me know so I can join in.

>[they] get killed or imprisoned for life

Why do niggers continue to procreate when their country is full of starving nigglets? Why do niggers abort their children en masse in the western world?

>my being here is a necessary counterbalance that this board has never had.

Your ilk has plagued us since the early days of 4chan, alphabet nigger.

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fa91ab  No.126940

File: 11c0db72e4d3337⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 3146x2479, 3146:2479, Ivan_Konstantinovich_Aivaz….jpg)

File: 5af606e7756a941⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 2409x1741, 2409:1741, January_Suchodolski_Grodno….jpg)

File: 6f1b56b8e9a7b48⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 6880x4467, 6880:4467, Unknown_Artist_Flemish_16t….jpg)

File: bb181cb15d2e606⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 3200x1920, 5:3, Apollinary_Mikhaylovich_Va….jpg)

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a3f027  No.126944


I can't help but see comparisons to BLM in your statements and the devastation they've wrought as a result is something that I just can't see as a positive even if I were to play devils advocate.


I've seen multiple examples of people going on killing sprees that were being radicalized here, if you're waiting for your version of the second coming of christ then why on earth are you already stirring people into a frenzy? I mean if trump quadrupled the white birth rate then problem solved whites will outbreed every other race and take over the planet, its only a matter of time so whats there to panic about? Also could you stop ascribing all your boogeymen to me its just getting silly at this point.

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fa91ab  No.126955

File: be8c65a26c7c11c⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 2194x1643, 2194:1643, William_Bromley_III_1835_1….jpg)

File: e1f2cbd1b7dce7e⋯.jpeg (2.5 MB, 2586x3000, 431:500, Chesley_Knight_Bonestell_….Jpeg)

File: f75b604e7c28265⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 1887x1253, 1887:1253, Carl_Gustav_Carus_Leipzig_….jpg)

File: 19351227d11cc04⋯.jpg (2.88 MB, 3200x1991, 3200:1991, Konstantin_Yakovlevich_Kry….jpg)

File: 4b7905eb01838f7⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 4000x2405, 800:481, Vlaho_Bukovac_Cavtat_Dalma….jpg)



>I can't help but see comparisons to BLM

We aren't like BLM, in that the occupation regime actually fears Aryan political consciousness and coordinates with state-backed paramilitary actors to suppress any peaceful pro-white street protests using extreme violence.

>I've seen multiple examples of people going on killing sprees that were being radicalized here

There is in fact no evidence of that at all.

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fa91ab  No.126967

File: 0c637943b9d8315⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 3002x4219, 3002:4219, Johan_August_Malmstr_m_Mot….jpg)

File: 75d5ee1864c482c⋯.jpg (2.73 MB, 2400x1718, 1200:859, Claude_Joseph_Vernet_Avign….jpg)

File: a838a2ea198872c⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 5675x3550, 227:142, Winslow_Homer_Boston_Massa….jpg)

File: 82b233d0b347ee8⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 1925x1537, 1925:1537, Daniel_MacDonald_Cork_Irel….jpg)

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a3f027  No.126970


If the only way you can differentiate yourself from BLM is in the amount of force your met with during riots then you should take a long hard look at yourself.

There was enough evidence of the mass murderers connections to /pol/ on 8chan to get cloudflare to take it down having stuck with us through a load of controversial shit in the past, they even gave us 3 strikes before we were out. Your refusal to accept the evidence and attempts to distance yourselves from the people that actually went ahead and did what you lot preach on a daily basis is quite pathetic honestly.

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7adbd0  No.126988


No one here is advocating for violence, you dumbass. Leave this thread and let us post our art lol

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a3f027  No.126998


Noones stopping you, go right ahead. Theres people advocating for violence all over this board. the OP himself does too, the only question is at what point.

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fa91ab  No.126999

File: edffd092532baa6⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 2821x4097, 2821:4097, Luigi_Kasimir_Pettau_1881_….jpg)

File: aacffea963a4e14⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 2348x1862, 1174:931, Erik_Ludvig_Henningsen_Hj_….jpg)

File: ec806939280f88d⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 7016x5174, 3508:2587, Giuseppe_Patti_Sciuti_Zaff….jpg)

File: 6f89ec3a37e5844⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 2048x1476, 512:369, Vasily_Grigorievich_Khudia….jpg)



>If the only way you can differentiate yourself from BLM is in the amount of force your met with during riots then you should take a long hard look at yourself.

America is a multi-ethnic economic zone run by a specialized race of parasites. If yours is the only population in this economic zone which faces brutal coordinated state and paramilitary violence when you collectively assert your political rights, then your population constitutes the only real revolutionary threat to the occupation regime.

>There was enough evidence of the mass murderers connections to /pol/ on 8chan

The fact that some criminal individual had previously visited a forum is evidence that such a forum caused his criminal activity? Such an argument can be used to shut down all free speech on the planet.

>that actually went ahead and did what you lot preach on a daily basis

I haven't seen any advocacy for criminal actions on this board, as OP I can say so with even more certainty for this thread. If your purpose is to dissuade people from committing criminal acts, then why have you dedicated your time to spamming and derailing a purely artistic thread which takes no interest in contemporary politics or current events? Why is it this thread in particular which elicits a frantic threat-response from you twisted Semitic mind?

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a3f027  No.127008


Don't you think BLM believes they're the ones facing "brutal coordinated state and paramilitary violence" and that justifies their behavior? Violence at the hand of a cop is the thing that restarted the whole movement after all.

No it wasn't simply that they visited the website, its that they were part of the clique. Just like if a verified checkmark on twitter drove a car through a trump rally and their history on the site is filled with talking to other checkmarks that are dehumanizing trump supporters and encouraging violence that would make twitter as a platform libel and put it in hot water. Now if that were to happen 2 more times and twitter showed no sign of addressing the issue they would be in more than hot water and thats the situation 8chan found itself in.

I've seen advocations of murder all over this board, I was even arguing with one in a thread a while back talking about "taking a remington 300 to a high place 300 yards away and picking off a few kikes then getting out of there" and that the only problem with the other murderers is that they got caught. After arguing with him for awhile I was shouted down by another one as they warned others not to let me deradicalize them. I'll see if I can find the thread but I can't remember what the OP was about, just search random threads for kill or murder in the meantime and you'll find plenty.

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fa91ab  No.127022

File: 5fd7ec1e9cb466c⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 1303x1800, 1303:1800, Pekka_Halonen_Linnasalmi_K….jpg)

File: 07538610e693cd5⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 4000x1728, 125:54, Arnold_B_cklin_Basel_Swiss….jpg)

File: 3c56c83e43c48e5⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 4000x2243, 4000:2243, Francesco_Lojacono_Palermo….jpg)

File: 8059f1cdbdc986e⋯.jpg (3.41 MB, 4828x3259, 4828:3259, Alexandre_Georges_Roux_Gan….jpg)



You haven't answered this critically important question:

>If your purpose is to dissuade people from committing criminal acts, then why have you dedicated your time to spamming and derailing a purely artistic thread which takes no interest in contemporary politics or current events?

Think of how many kikes got gassed while you were busy shitting up this totally anodyne thread.

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a3f027  No.127027


As much as I realize this will be the end I'll say it anyway to clarify, I'll keep posting in whatever thread contains someone that will do more than just scream lalala I'm not listening as it takes two to tango. And when you spend all your time in a hugbox where nothing you say is ever scrutinized and if it is that scrutiny is quickly erased you find yourself totally unable to tango when the time comes so almost nobody on this board is willing to engage with an opposing viewpoint and I'll take it where I can get it.

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fa91ab  No.127043

File: 5122a486640f705⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 4902x2796, 817:466, John_William_Waterhouse_Ro….jpg)

File: 8472d1ce210d540⋯.jpg (3.63 MB, 4939x4120, 4939:4120, Ippolito_Caffi_Belluno_180….jpg)

File: e98f8400fb094c5⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 2759x4000, 2759:4000, John_O_Connor_County_Londo….jpg)

File: 64266a0692ab2c7⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 3200x2315, 640:463, John_Philip_Falter_Plattsm….jpg)


>when you spend all your time in a hugbox where nothing you say is ever scrutinized

We live under an enemy occupation regime, literally every word that we hear from media and academia scrutinizes our us.

>almost nobody on this board is willing to engage with an opposing viewpoint and I'll take it where I can get it.

This board is full of vibrant debate, you are just a disingenuous shill with nothing useful to contribute to our struggle for national liberation.

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fa91ab  No.127052

File: 211e0bf1576a9b9⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 4000x2843, 4000:2843, Johan_Fredrik_Eckersberg_D….jpg)

File: feb08907dedfa02⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 2789x2099, 2789:2099, John_Lewis_Krimmel_Ebingen….jpg)

File: 56c3acf3d84ee45⋯.jpg (3.16 MB, 3290x4537, 3290:4537, S_bastien_Charles_Giraud_1….jpg)

File: efa9aaf515f3cab⋯.jpg (3.51 MB, 5686x4080, 2843:2040, Piotr_Stachiewicz_Nowosi_k….jpg)

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a3f027  No.127058


Yeah I'm sure you're tuning in to CNN every day for their hot takes, people go to echochambers like this board used to be for a reason. I agree that theres more debate going on now that its been mandated by the owner of the site and is in the name of the fucking board, but none of it would be happening otherwise.

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d7ee71  No.127062

File: 7bd2e2eb8b5350f⋯.jpg (196.79 KB, 1600x1092, 400:273, 0a2d36263a04699060f8ecc91d….jpg)

File: 2e2a97df5ca305c⋯.jpg (72.7 KB, 351x500, 351:500, 2e2a97df5ca305c199ac9c45fe….jpg)

File: 4d3b2ce366ab79f⋯.jpg (150.46 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 4d3b2ce366ab79fa9a95b482d8….jpg)

File: 9cd31c5b9518301⋯.jpg (382.43 KB, 1280x952, 160:119, 9cd31c5b9518301c1d0aa6b774….jpg)

File: 0c52f34d02a642b⋯.jpg (142.67 KB, 1024x1337, 1024:1337, 0c52f34d02a642be366725f69f….jpg)


The shooter that got 8chan shoah'd was a leftist and he posted his manifesto on faceberg first. You don't know what you're talking about.

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a3f027  No.127074


It wasn't just one and I'm sure you've been fed a load of bullshit about it on this board because you all talk a big game until someone actually has the balls to follow through and then its all disavowals and excuse making.

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fa91ab  No.127077

File: 1f9d566f5e75768⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 5121x3459, 1707:1153, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 169d7d1dd448469⋯.jpg (3.23 MB, 5117x3501, 5117:3501, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: bd35243315b2beb⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 5272x3468, 1318:867, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 2038044309383e7⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 5100x3431, 5100:3431, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)


Johan Julius Christian Sibelius (Hämeenlinna, Province of Häme, Grand Duchy of Finland, Russian Empire 1865-1957 Järvenpää, Uusimaa Province, Republic of Finland)

Violin Concerto in D minor, Op. 47, First Movement - 1905



The people on this board have always been more intelligent, well-read, cultured and free-thinking than depraved shills like yourself who randomly flood an art thread with shitposts about pedophilia, inane libertarian faggotry and glownigger posting. Your claim to be contributing to discussions is a profound insult, all you have done is earn my hatred and contempt.

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fa91ab  No.127082

File: 5da08fa7a68bd40⋯.jpg (623.62 KB, 1994x1500, 997:750, Alexei_Ivanovich_Korzukhin….jpg)

File: 1c032edd44c9baa⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 3960x2767, 3960:2767, Charles_Meynier_Paris_1763….jpg)

File: c8027279798b8e0⋯.jpg (3.48 MB, 5102x3669, 5102:3669, Konstantin_Vasilyev_1942_1….jpg)

File: b4abb2539487770⋯.jpg (154.51 KB, 928x1200, 58:75, Louis_William_Desanges_182….jpg)

File: cd5d82b1a964678⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 3024x4041, 336:449, Josef_Langl_Dob_any_Plze_K….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.127093

File: 378a31fb9bc931b⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 3200x2192, 200:137, Jean_B_raud_Saint_Petersbu….jpg)

File: f8846fe1cbe9414⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 3200x2533, 3200:2533, Attributed_to_Theodore_Mat….jpg)

File: 14d0d212ca98f1f⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 8836x5286, 4418:2643, Jasper_Francis_Cropsey_Sta….jpg)

File: 26ef515409bdda2⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 2500x1796, 625:449, Mikhail_Markianovich_Germa….jpg)

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a3f027  No.127096


How you can claim I don't contribute to discussion when this thread is chock-full of it is beyond me but believe whatever you want. According to you a lack of interest on 4chan was the only thing that brought you here so I guess we'll see what happens when its 50 of your posts later and theres been no other contribution to the thread because the board is dead as fuck.

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036bd7  No.127122

File: 4f6aff537745520⋯.jpg (107.26 KB, 474x585, 158:195, 1575062978108.jpg)

File: 98454c0d7228597⋯.jpeg (58.09 KB, 474x683, 474:683, Theodor_Kittlelsen_art_2.jpeg)

File: b1089e662a8c543⋯.jpg (7.73 MB, 4000x2733, 4000:2733, a_fine_day_to_die.jpg)

File: d818661789bcbfc⋯.jpeg (62.53 KB, 474x597, 158:199, Theodor_Kittelsen_art.jpeg)

File: 9d0f712836c2a89⋯.jpeg (68.42 KB, 474x752, 237:376, Theodor_Kittlelsen_art_4.jpeg)

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036bd7  No.127124

File: d0cf8b33d319e6c⋯.jpeg (97.12 KB, 474x615, 158:205, Der_Ritter.jpeg)

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fa91ab  No.127222

File: 57fbb6cac3f4931⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 3543x2454, 1181:818, Jacques_Joseph_Tissot_Nant….jpg)

File: ccb41e690e3f7ef⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 1962x1385, 1962:1385, Franz_Alexeevich_Roubaud_F….jpg)

File: 168b5c46195010d⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 2000x1301, 2000:1301, William_Mason_Brown_Troy_N….jpg)

File: 67774d0a2dd1470⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 2507x3000, 2507:3000, Thomas_Fearnley_Frederiksh….jpg)



I am interested in learning more about your mandate. You claim to be here in order to discourage illegal activities yet almost all of you posts are non-sequitur discussions about pedophilia and libertarian principles. How much of the libertarianism on this board is glownigger astroturf?

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bee4d8  No.127247


Got the latest batch. Any pictures of the monument to the deaths of the Beer Hall Putsch? Heard it got demolished after the war.

>>125731 (OP)

> (2,5 million works of art were stolen by Russia)

> Nowadays most of what is left of the German art from the 1930s and 1940s is in the possession of three public institutions: the U.S. Army Center of Military History in Washington D.C.,

I think the OP left a few things out…



Afterward, these out-of-topic posts should be reported to moderators.

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fa91ab  No.127601

File: d03c627bab4115a⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 5557x3992, 5557:3992, _mile_Jean_Horace_Vernet_P….jpg)

File: bcdf8be3070a3b2⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 4604x2732, 1151:683, Vincenzo_Giovannini_1817_1….jpg)

File: 6e61e5b17447efa⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 6791x3384, 6791:3384, Giuseppe_Boschetto_Napoli_….jpg)

File: d5671a149f3a61f⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 9500x4423, 9500:4423, Vasily_Ivanovich_Surikov_1….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.128245

File: e9519e0ba7b2b74⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Charles_Giraud_1819_1892_N….jpg)

File: e7f8fa075ee4886⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 7986x6618, 1331:1103, Sebastiano_Ricci_Belluno_R….jpg)

File: 7ef4dbdfd15b74f⋯.jpg (2.99 MB, 3527x2000, 3527:2000, Antoine_Wiertz_Dinant_Wall….jpg)

File: e759d6ca51cb0b1⋯.jpg (3.6 MB, 3974x3012, 1987:1506, Lorenzo_Gelati_Florence_18….jpg)

File: 044e69f6de5f4ad⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 3131x4000, 3131:4000, Peder_M_rk_M_nsted_Balle_M….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.130047

File: 907dd5324a96aeb⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 688x903, 16:21, H_Funk_mid_20th_century_SA….jpg)

File: f6399da87c73326⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 3933x2943, 437:327, Unknown_Danish_Artist_19th….jpg)

File: cc0cf40ef87b6ba⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 2649x3199, 2649:3199, Giuseppe_Borsato_Venice_Re….jpg)

File: 99844626a1f8242⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 9000x5311, 9000:5311, Grigory_Grigoryevich_Chern….jpg)

File: 72b63f6b7592a03⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 3489x2696, 3489:2696, Unkown_Artist_German_19th_….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.130058

File: 7e5083aef68866f⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 4000x2448, 250:153, Pavel_Osipovich_Kovalevsky….jpg)

File: 798b99dace7b30f⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 6305x4524, 485:348, Eberhard_Georg_Friedrich_v….jpg)

File: e67922f735f350c⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 9000x6493, 9000:6493, Johannes_Janson_Ambon_Malu….jpg)

File: 5415c56491f9801⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 2000x1626, 1000:813, Thomas_Gainsborough_Sudbur….jpg)


Pierre Vachon (Avignon, Comtat Venaissin, State of the Church 1738-1803 Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia)

String Quartet op.11 no. 5, First Movement - 1782


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fa91ab  No.130282

File: 3cb5fa888fb7c0c⋯.jpg (3.34 MB, 3834x2750, 1917:1375, Thorald_L_ss_e_Frederiksha….jpg)

File: b20c76203f72ef9⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 4016x2865, 4016:2865, Edouard_de_Vigne_Ghent_Esc….jpg)

File: 5a0492ca596f4bb⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 8330x5926, 4165:2963, Jean_Charles_Langlois_Beau….jpg)

File: 302e0365cd081c1⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 3324x2500, 831:625, Iosif_Evstafevich_Krachkov….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.131145

File: 72952546bce38f9⋯.jpg (3.94 MB, 6601x4204, 6601:4204, John_Morgan_Pentonville_Mi….jpg)

File: e538d2a6817bfbd⋯.jpg (3.24 MB, 2823x1899, 941:633, John_Thomas_Baines_King_s_….jpg)

File: 70aa4f373c4703f⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 4239x2209, 4239:2209, Rosalie_Emslie_London_1891….jpg)

File: 892bb4513642fa6⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 4673x5852, 4673:5852, Jules_Worms_Paris_Kingdom_….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.131152

File: 65f18cdc31fa8ed⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 3500x3570, 50:51, Maniera_di_Annibale_Carrac….jpg)

File: 1dbe629803c161b⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 2000x1315, 400:263, George_Henry_Durrie_Hartfo….jpg)

File: f86b88bb1f941a2⋯.jpg (3.36 MB, 6023x3864, 6023:3864, Jean_Adolphe_Beauc_Paris_1….jpg)

File: 28f6823f3b7d7aa⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 1999x1285, 1999:1285, J_zef_Brandt_Szczebrzeszyn….jpg)

File: 285c435868729ae⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 2000x1278, 1000:639, Jean_Pierre_Moynet_Paris_1….jpg)

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7adbd0  No.132348


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fa91ab  No.132928

File: a231cdb3e9420c9⋯.jpg (81.05 KB, 433x587, 433:587, Zayats_Living_Saint_Adolf_….jpg)

File: 963ca8024a81dce⋯.jpg (78.4 KB, 415x573, 415:573, Zayats_Living_Heinrich_Him….jpg)

File: bc4bc2d29fa2fc4⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 9000x6316, 2250:1579, John_Constable_East_Bergho….jpg)

File: c35741d7e17ae97⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 2125x2972, 2125:2972, Francisco_Javier_Parcerisa….jpg)

File: a1fce2300643004⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2400x1792, 75:56, _Guy_Combes_1971_Crowns_of….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.132969

File: 9eeae314ad58ba3⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 2974x1470, 1487:735, Aniello_Falcone_Naples_Kin….jpg)

File: 8c80990f2f9246e⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 3053x2164, 3053:2164, Sergey_Ivanovich_Svetoslav….jpg)

File: 146f54e022a71b8⋯.jpg (918.45 KB, 1232x2000, 77:125, Arthur_Hughes_London_1832_….jpg)

File: c3df300c35dec66⋯.jpg (2.9 MB, 4814x3320, 29:20, Benjamin_West_Springfield_….jpg)

File: f485916ec0d772e⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2000x1508, 500:377, _mile_Ren_M_nard_Paris_186….jpg)

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fa91ab  No.133119

File: dc093e3181b4cd0⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 2048x1426, 1024:713, Bernardo_Bellotto_Venice_V….jpg)

File: 81da7b9eadb2a8d⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 2172x3972, 181:331, Edward_Armitage_London_181….jpg)

File: 1e6484adddb637f⋯.jpg (3.23 MB, 6911x4593, 6911:4593, Christian_Krohg_Christiani….jpg)

File: 8bdfd5e9b5c580b⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 3000x1495, 600:299, Edwin_Austin_Abbey_Philade….jpg)

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8b1e46  No.133935


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fa91ab  No.133948

File: 505286ffc84dd65⋯.jpg (3.42 MB, 4893x3628, 4893:3628, Willem_de_Heusch_Utrecht_R….jpg)

File: 76a362bee28f1c9⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 2149x1500, 2149:1500, Viktor_Matorin_1970_and_Pa….jpg)

File: 57d5373fa559703⋯.jpg (3.49 MB, 6756x4276, 1689:1069, Ippolito_Caffi_Belluno_Kin….jpg)

File: b65afc2263a9a59⋯.jpg (3.54 MB, 4736x3727, 4736:3727, Leo_von_Klenze_Schladen_17….jpg)

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c21584  No.134055


Does anyone know what happened to those eagles? Were they destroyed or are they preserved somewhere?

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ceb18f  No.137289

File: 5850162ab49e0b0⋯.jpg (122.13 KB, 981x1476, 109:164, 1585328813347.jpg)

Funny depiction of some kikes ritual murdering some christian child that later got sanctified.

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c9f263  No.137294

File: 739e554653bb7b1⋯.png (27.69 KB, 130x215, 26:43, 1.png)

File: 8e8e6f513dee2f6⋯.jpeg (20.7 KB, 300x383, 300:383, Kingseeker.jpeg)


Resemblance is uncanny.

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1eb6e6  No.138341

File: 95a121da3e5e9b9⋯.jpg (3.43 MB, 8183x4157, 8183:4157, Giuseppe_Patti_Sciuti_Zaff….jpg)

File: ebad7c121587ea6⋯.jpg (3.16 MB, 4620x5604, 385:467, Johan_Christian_Claussen_D….jpg)

File: f19889f53a26f95⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 2709x3676, 2709:3676, Pascal_Adolphe_Jean_Dagnan….jpg)

File: 767ff8dbc43abbd⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 5450x3915, 1090:783, Josef_Grandauer_Vienna_182….jpg)

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1eb6e6  No.138359

File: f57a2c4629fd45b⋯.jpg (3.48 MB, 6818x4042, 3409:2021, Charles_William_Wyllie_Lon….jpg)

File: d8d7f66e266e7e0⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 6373x3998, 6373:3998, Jean_Antoine_Th_odore_Gudi….jpg)

File: cfe3a46331802df⋯.jpg (3.11 MB, 3200x2537, 3200:2537, Louis_Marie_de_Schryver_Pa….jpg)

File: a40d2f7b918c633⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 3200x1604, 800:401, Edward_Henry_Holder_Middle….jpg)

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1eb6e6  No.138376

File: 7a042118699c200⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 6112x4751, 6112:4751, Lawrence_Alma_Tadema_Dronr….jpg)

File: 79fac25b303fa0f⋯.jpg (3.27 MB, 2680x1560, 67:39, Stanis_aw_Chlebowski_Pokut….jpg)

File: 43c4f2bf239b6df⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 5014x3774, 2507:1887, Follower_of_Claude_Gell_e_….jpg)

File: fe560a729b0a058⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 4667x3320, 4667:3320, No_l_Dieudonn_Finert_1797_….jpg)


Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn, Electorate of Cologne, Holy Roman Empire 1770-1827 Vienna, Austrian Empire)

Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 - 1805-1806, 1st Movement


Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 - 1805-1806, 2nd Movement


Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58 - 1805-1806, 3rd Movement


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28b7c1  No.138490

Great thread. God bless to everyone who posted, thank you.

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5d5458  No.141148

File: 6d4cf1de342cf89⋯.jpg (3.35 MB, 3517x2586, 3517:2586, Carl_Olof_Larsson_Stockhol….jpg)

File: 7aea38ab85d05ea⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 5000x2970, 500:297, Johann_Joseph_Eugene_von_G….jpg)

File: ecd5972cfb3f749⋯.jpg (3.46 MB, 7120x4287, 7120:4287, George_Hyde_Pownall_Radcli….jpg)

File: fcab6bb4a2a6aa9⋯.jpg (3.26 MB, 4286x2967, 4286:2967, Johan_Gustaf_Sandberg_Stoc….jpg)

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5d5458  No.141150

File: 5165439d0736a12⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 3554x2216, 1777:1108, Thomas_Fearnley_Frederiksh….jpg)

File: 79a5d46afbf1e1c⋯.jpg (3.45 MB, 3554x2572, 1777:1286, Ernst_Gustav_Doerell_Freib….jpg)

File: 2ea72171f118976⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 4814x2743, 4814:2743, Andr_s_Mark_Vienna_Austria….jpg)

File: 6ec2648a379d63d⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 2419x3033, 2419:3033, Le_on_Augustin_Lhermitte_M….jpg)

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ac404e  No.145874

File: 3d201a462608825⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 5908x9000, 1477:2250, Salvator_Rosa_Arenella_Kin….jpg)

File: 28d1c7fa693faa0⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 2600x1837, 2600:1837, Ivan_Ivanovich_Shishkin_Ye….jpg)

File: 3f13f885340555f⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 7200x3698, 3600:1849, William_Daniell_Kingston_u….jpg)

File: b64af27a085417d⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 3975x5000, 159:200, Johann_Joseph_Eugene_von_G….jpg)

Ernesto Lecuona y Casado (Havana, Captaincy General of Cuba, Spanish Empire 1896-1963 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands, The Spanish State) Suite Andalucía - Malaguena & Andalucia - 1933



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ac404e  No.145875

File: ea53f7f3dee4a22⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 2361x3200, 2361:3200, Jean_B_raud_St_Petersburg_….jpg)

File: 450e50edae3be13⋯.jpg (2.99 MB, 3200x1744, 200:109, English_School_19th_Centur….jpg)

File: a97f1860d46c3f0⋯.jpg (3.27 MB, 6592x3627, 6592:3627, Jasper_Francis_Cropsey_Sta….jpg)

File: 07980c1f3c96639⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 1999x1478, 1999:1478, Konstantin_Yakovlevich_Kry….jpg)

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ac404e  No.145881

File: 7aa94823e0e06bd⋯.jpg (3 MB, 2914x2091, 2914:2091, Edmund_C_Coates_1816_1871_….jpg)

File: e717bf177c528d5⋯.jpg (3.37 MB, 9000x4599, 1000:511, Jo_o_Pedroso_Gomes_da_Silv….jpg)

File: 225857215e8cec7⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 8800x5848, 1100:731, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: dff1691e0168875⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 2464x1806, 176:129, January_Suchodolski_Grodno….jpg)


Antonín Leopold Dvořák (Nelahozeves, Kingdom of Bohemia, Austrian Empire 1841-1904 Prague, Kingdom of Bohemia, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy)

Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104 - 1894, 1st Movement


Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104 - 1894, 2nd Movement


Cello Concerto in B minor, Op. 104 - 1894, 3rd Movement


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55f724  No.146045

This is the best thread. Love this thread. My eyes drink in the beauty and splendor of our people.

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043861  No.152575

File: c575f2b5033e835⋯.jpg (3.27 MB, 5396x4039, 5396:4039, Antoine_Franc_ois_Callet_P….jpg)

File: 3f71f53dc91143b⋯.jpg (3.4 MB, 5888x4652, 1472:1163, Adolphe_Eug_ne_Gabriel_Roe….jpg)

File: ef6a16bfba5dabc⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 4000x2927, 4000:2927, Alexey_Gavrilovich_Venetsi….jpg)

File: 3464a55f02172dd⋯.jpg (2.77 MB, 3000x2064, 125:86, Henri_F_lix_Emmanuel_Phili….jpg)

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043861  No.152577

File: cf85c2ea83d8ce4⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 2676x1732, 669:433, Hans_Liska_Vienna_Austro_H….jpg)

File: 6014eb6af11c447⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 1920x1582, 960:791, Marguerite_G_rard_Grasse_P….jpg)

File: c8d98021e5355e1⋯.jpg (3.16 MB, 3527x2559, 3527:2559, Carl_Ludvig_Eugen_King_Kar….jpg)

File: 2a1fd93d214a3bd⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 4803x2806, 4803:2806, Johann_Joseph_Eugene_von_G….jpg)


Eduardo Ocón y Rivas (Benamocarra, Province of Málaga, Kingdom of Spain 1833-1901 Málaga, Province of Málaga, Kingdom of Spain)

Recuerdos de Andalucía. Bolero de Concierto, Op. 8


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043861  No.152579

File: f7298f1772121fd⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 3000x2000, 3:2, Ferdinand_Staeger_Trebitsc….jpg)

File: 4354805cc178dec⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 3200x2588, 800:647, Pierre_Marie_Beyle_Lyon_Rh….jpg)

File: 0dde0dd3fc2779e⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 5037x6170, 5037:6170, Andrey_Leontievich_Klimenk….jpg)

File: 452a533cbac39bf⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 4000x2987, 4000:2987, Pierre_Petit_G_rard_1852_1….jpg)

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596763  No.152591

File: c67f3e91d070f37⋯.mp4 (15.77 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, obamacare_JewishArt_.mp4)

𝓜𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓲𝓯 𝓲 𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓙𝓮𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓬𝓸𝓷𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓼𝓽?

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043861  No.152592

File: 92653b534f6a076⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2000x1331, 2000:1331, Gavriil_Pavlovich_Kondrate….jpg)

File: 5a0b84b70b46098⋯.jpg (485.91 KB, 2655x3200, 531:640, John_Philip_Falter_Plattsm….jpg)

File: 818a9f1b824eeb8⋯.jpg (2.5 MB, 2345x3200, 469:640, Josef_Theodor_Hansen_1848_….jpg)

File: af9baab80a51c90⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 2000x1612, 500:403, Manfred_Lindemann_Frommel_….jpg)

File: 90d4450bea57ec7⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 2000x1430, 200:143, Petr_Petrovich_Goslavsky_1….jpg)


Nicolas-Marie d'Alayrac (Muret, Languedoc, Kingdom of France 1753-1809 Paris, French Empire)

Azémia ou Les Sauvages, Ouverture - 1786


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043861  No.152595

File: f0db8acb5fbc492⋯.jpg (982.73 KB, 3200x2136, 400:267, Otto_Grundmann_1844_1890_I….jpg)

File: 840983b8227881a⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 4966x3990, 2483:1995, Benjamin_Heinrich_Orth_180….jpg)

File: 04f1687f9a7608e⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2484x3200, 621:800, After_Franz_Kr_ger_Gro_bad….jpg)

File: b6440c6d00080bb⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 2269x3200, 2269:3200, Callisto_Piazza_Lodi_c_150….jpg)

File: e4bb52929221f3b⋯.jpg (824.67 KB, 2657x3200, 2657:3200, John_Koch_1909_1978_Across….jpg)

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043861  No.152599

File: 3f03e273c94e71f⋯.jpg (751.81 KB, 1736x2000, 217:250, Joseph_Allen_1769_1839_Por….jpg)

File: 6795413e59d0997⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1511x2000, 1511:2000, Laura_Knight_1877_1972_Mot….jpg)

File: db566c5ce427f71⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1920x1240, 48:31, Narkiz_Nikolaevich_Bunin_K….jpg)

File: 73f6f2c04050f73⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 1790x2400, 179:240, Luigi_Bazzani_Bologna_The_….jpg)

File: 58c7a434c471d0b⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 4996x4607, 4996:4607, Andrey_Leontievich_Klimenk….jpg)


Béla Viktor János Bartók (Nagyszentmiklós, Kingdom of Hungary, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 1881-1945 New York City, U.S.A.)

Six Romanian Folk Dances for Piano Sz. 56 - 1915


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043861  No.165570

File: 0442da05d72fa12⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 3000x2106, 500:351, Adolf_Hitler_Braunau_am_In….jpg)

File: c27fb6bc9e055e4⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 2911x2029, 2911:2029, Peder_M_rk_M_nsted_Balle_M….jpg)

File: b3aa7fe017a0887⋯.jpg (3.23 MB, 5280x3628, 1320:907, Louis_Jean_Desprez_Auxerre….jpg)

File: 37c5f8bea65c418⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 3276x2442, 546:407, Charles_Meynier_Paris_1763….jpg)

I've been using pastebin.zone to host the filenames, looks like they went down. I preferred them because they didn't track viewcounts. I'll just post without links to the original filenames for now. Almost everything which has been posted here can be found in the archives of the weekly halfchan threads, 4plebs allows for easy downloading with the original filenames:


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043861  No.165571

File: 4cf4138f3e3d6c0⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 1800x2428, 450:607, Adolf_Hitler_Braunau_am_In….jpg)

File: 1a73cd3da318a68⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 5761x3389, 5761:3389, Dutch_School_First_half_of….jpg)

File: fade5da24a9b370⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 8500x6574, 4250:3287, Johan_Christian_Claussen_D….jpg)

File: 4d0fba2630eaaa6⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 4034x2455, 4034:2455, George_Hyde_Pownall_Radcli….jpg)

Johannes Brahms (Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, German Confederation 1833-1897 Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy)

String Quartet No. 1 in C minor Op. 51 No. 1 - 1873, First Movement


String Quartet No. 1 in C minor Op. 51 No. 1 - 1873, Second Movement


String Quartet No. 1 in C minor Op. 51 No. 1 - 1873, Third Movement


String Quartet No. 1 in C minor Op. 51 No. 1 - 1873, Fourth Movement


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043861  No.165572

File: 2aa0aa75368e50d⋯.jpg (3.23 MB, 2951x2205, 2951:2205, Marceliano_Santa_Mar_a_Sed….jpg)

File: 731ef1a98b9a908⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 2548x1611, 2548:1611, Claude_Joseph_Vernet_Avign….jpg)

File: 6fed3eac67f3178⋯.jpg (3.14 MB, 5568x4401, 1856:1467, John_Constable_East_Bergho….jpg)

File: cd76ba0e925ba71⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 2048x1629, 2048:1629, Bernardo_Bellotto_Venice_V….jpg)

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043861  No.165573

File: 149df0e61ad738f⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 1963x2595, 1963:2595, Wolfgang_Willrich_G_ttinge….jpg)

File: 8ba332391640e41⋯.jpg (3 MB, 2694x3708, 449:618, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: 739037a93273aca⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 4536x3018, 756:503, Johann_Joseph_Eugene_von_G….jpg)

File: 220e656f75fc204⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 7153x4272, 7153:4272, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

Anatoly Konstantinovich Liadov (St. Petersburg, Russian Empire 1855-1914 Polynovka Estate, Novgorod Governorate, Russian Empire)

Eight Russian Folksongs for orchestra, Op. 58 - 1906, No. 3 Melancholy Song


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043861  No.165574

File: e916dd26623804d⋯.jpg (3.03 MB, 2344x3000, 293:375, Adolf_Hitler_Braunau_am_In….jpg)

File: 248d35596d6b4c1⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 6276x4067, 6276:4067, _tienne_Pierre_Th_odore_Ro….jpg)

File: ca4183bee3cf4b8⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 8500x4001, 8500:4001, Adriaen_van_Utrecht_Antwer….jpg)

File: 72ac43ace1c4ec1⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 3484x2228, 871:557, Thomas_Hill_Birmingham_War….jpg)

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043861  No.165575

File: ec2b75c1a8236b0⋯.jpg (2.71 MB, 2942x2935, 2942:2935, Robert_Theodore_McCall_Col….jpg)

File: ff9723e33d9bbad⋯.jpg (2.99 MB, 2732x4213, 2732:4213, Bertha_Wegmann_Soglio_Cant….jpg)

File: d159c06b85b0bed⋯.jpg (3.38 MB, 1832x2250, 916:1125, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: 4372f5a4dcff7be⋯.jpg (3.14 MB, 9312x7156, 2328:1789, Caspar_David_Friedrich_Gre….jpg)

Antonín Leopold Dvořák (Nelahozeves, Kingdom of Bohemia, Austrian Empire 1841-1904 Prague, Kingdom of Bohemia, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy)

Piano Quintet No. 2 in A major, Op. 81 - 1887, First Movement


Piano Quintet No. 2 in A major, Op. 81 - 1887, Second Movement


Piano Quintet No. 2 in A major, Op. 81 - 1887, Third Movement


Piano Quintet No. 2 in A major, Op. 81 - 1887, Fourth Movement


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9745e7  No.165576


What happened to these statues? Where they destroyed because they were made by "evil NAAAAAAAAZIS!!!!"? Arno Breker lived until 1991, might as well kill the artist if you're going to kill his work.

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83214f  No.165877

File: edb7f9647ca6edf⋯.jpg (421.74 KB, 2592x1491, 864:497, Persepolis7_2.jpg)


does ancient persia count ?

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043861  No.171934

File: a98ff498d0f74f4⋯.jpeg (2.93 MB, 6110x3712, 3055:1856, Carlton_Alfred_Smith_1853….jpeg)

File: 3bb5e887adfd79c⋯.jpeg (2.77 MB, 4065x5325, 271:355, William_Banks_Fortescue_1….jpeg)

File: 1126ca857363b9c⋯.jpeg (2.74 MB, 4976x5921, 4976:5921, Jan_Asselijn_Dieppe_c_161….jpeg)

File: 2249d46c4d86151⋯.jpeg (3.62 MB, 6781x4493, 6781:4493, Attributed_to_Theodore_Bo….jpeg)

File: 45176fc5b8459ac⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB, 3570x2826, 595:471, Carel_Breydel_Antwerp_167….jpeg)

Franz Peter Schubert (Vienna, Archduchy of Austria, Holy Roman Empire 1797-1828 Vienna, Austrian Empire)

Four Impromptus, D. 899 - 1827, No. 1 in C minor


Four Impromptus, D. 899 - 1827, No. 2 in E-Flat Major


Four Impromptus, D. 899 - 1827, No. 3 in G-Flat Major


Four Impromptus, D. 899 - 1827, No. 4 in A-Flat Major


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043861  No.171937

File: cd21e938c6894b5⋯.jpeg (2.67 MB, 3857x4463, 3857:4463, Michele_Desubleo_Mauberge….jpeg)

File: d152056630e7585⋯.jpeg (2.67 MB, 5964x3981, 1988:1327, Oswald_Walters_Brierly_18….jpeg)

File: 442d7e83420ddde⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 3957x2252, 3957:2252, David_James_1853_1904_Cor….jpeg)

File: 2f1b9ba79831fe4⋯.jpeg (6.34 MB, 5361x4009, 5361:4009, Adrien_Moreau_1843_1906_T….jpeg)

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043861  No.171939

File: d1d52c3e043c319⋯.jpeg (2.05 MB, 6276x3580, 1569:895, Keeley_Halswelle_1832_189….jpeg)

File: 74b1afed99bf659⋯.jpeg (4.5 MB, 6364x4348, 1591:1087, Auguste_Serrure_1825_1903….jpeg)

File: 51bb321158144ca⋯.jpeg (2.53 MB, 3239x4752, 3239:4752, Antonio_Ermolao_Paoletti_….jpeg)

File: d41dc0140af295f⋯.jpeg (3.7 MB, 5752x4026, 2876:2013, Erik_Ludwig_Henningsen_18….jpeg)

File: fed6f3638b3213f⋯.jpg (674.58 KB, 2000x885, 400:177, Thomas_James_Lloyd_1849_19….jpg)

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043861  No.171941

File: 2c0c42c038de518⋯.jpg (844.17 KB, 2000x1123, 2000:1123, Louis_Grimshaw_1870_1943_W….jpg)

File: b52084e544ecea0⋯.jpg (835.41 KB, 2000x1527, 2000:1527, Arthur_John_Elsley_1861_19….jpg)

File: 1040dca1828c19a⋯.jpg (835.41 KB, 1538x2000, 769:1000, Samuel_Edmund_Waller_1850_….jpg)

File: 27482631c5dd587⋯.jpg (1.4 MB, 2000x1656, 250:207, James_Guthrie_1859_1930_In….jpg)

File: 6d87c67c161e14b⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 1448x2000, 181:250, Rudolf_Von_Alt_1812_1905_T….jpg)

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043861  No.171942

File: 6776f51c6241ae8⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 2000x1288, 250:161, Joaqu_n_Sorolla_1863_1923_….jpg)

File: 7b860e549ab7e3f⋯.jpg (628.83 KB, 2000x1081, 2000:1081, Thomas_Dove_1800_1887_Port….jpg)

File: aefb53644a614ef⋯.jpeg (4.26 MB, 6017x3641, 547:331, Luigi_Cima_1860_1938_Pass….jpeg)

File: 03b7282564401e0⋯.jpeg (2.88 MB, 3942x5146, 1971:2573, Felix_Schlesinger_1833_19….jpeg)

File: 439d1a129857493⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 4668x2939, 4668:2939, Johannes_Hermanus_Koekkoe….jpeg)

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043861  No.171944

File: a02218170d55e2c⋯.jpeg (2.39 MB, 4341x3304, 4341:3304, Jan_van_Chelminski_1851_1….jpeg)

File: 182ee5f3b9af091⋯.jpeg (3.87 MB, 5334x4022, 2667:2011, Willem_Koekkoek_1839_1895….jpeg)

File: 048a14f24e3b3c6⋯.jpeg (2.4 MB, 6416x2728, 802:341, William_Lionel_Wyllie_185….jpeg)

File: 1dba6b8ef3f876a⋯.jpeg (2.39 MB, 3910x3258, 1955:1629, Jan_van_Chelminski_1851_1….jpeg)

File: 3e95af3e31dae04⋯.jpeg (2.6 MB, 3787x5012, 541:716, John_Bagnold_Burgess_1830….jpeg)

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043861  No.171946

File: 4826fb933986ecf⋯.jpeg (3.11 MB, 4684x2740, 1171:685, Tony_Karpinski_1965_Lione….jpeg)

File: 06a72e246bb55ed⋯.jpeg (3.6 MB, 6402x3840, 1067:640, John_George_Naish_1824_19….jpeg)

File: 41c5541d713e27f⋯.jpeg (1.61 MB, 5218x3318, 2609:1659, Thomas_Captain_Elliott_18….jpeg)

File: 3c8c351a116f40c⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3359x2229, 3359:2229, Charles_Napier_Hemy_1841_….jpeg)

File: 6f132b538eb52a8⋯.jpeg (2.74 MB, 6582x4102, 3291:2051, Pieter_Cornelis_Dommersen….jpeg)

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043861  No.171949

File: 641fd90dc04d5c0⋯.jpeg (2.27 MB, 3775x2545, 755:509, English_School_early_19th….jpeg)

File: a32e0e7542c07fb⋯.jpeg (3.61 MB, 6498x3906, 361:217, Richard_Henry_Nibbs_1816_….jpeg)

File: fb534ab2d7a15b8⋯.jpeg (572.72 KB, 2164x1417, 2164:1417, Attributed_to_Russell_Smi….jpeg)

File: 1b60c942c42e7d7⋯.jpeg (1.7 MB, 2832x3810, 472:635, B_B_Fagioni_19th_Century_….jpeg)

File: ad6c29fe8906dae⋯.jpeg (3.25 MB, 5667x3437, 5667:3437, Charles_Napier_Hemy_1841_….jpeg)

Anatoly Konstantinovich Liadov (St. Petersburg, Russian Empire 1855-1914 Polynovka Estate, Novgorod Governorate, Russian Empire)

Eight Russian Folksongs for orchestra, Op. 58 - 1906, No. 3 Melancholy Song


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043861  No.171952

File: 93b2c602a3de0fa⋯.jpeg (3.36 MB, 5799x3478, 5799:3478, Charles_Edward_Dixon_1872….jpeg)

File: 35fa15ad8d46a22⋯.jpeg (2.6 MB, 3203x4368, 3203:4368, Hilda_Mary_Sides_1871_Tem….jpeg)

File: e949bc89943a6b8⋯.jpeg (2.35 MB, 4405x3003, 4405:3003, Luigi_Maria_Galea_1847_19….jpeg)

File: 289843c39c9eb4f⋯.jpeg (2.55 MB, 4134x3200, 2067:1600, Ramos_Catalan_1890_Chilea….jpeg)

File: 34dd1d8ed09a3b0⋯.jpeg (1.83 MB, 4397x2202, 4397:2202, Girolamo_Gianni_1837_1895….jpeg)

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043861  No.171959

File: 2c8f403078b54f3⋯.jpg (633.7 KB, 1280x1630, 128:163, Jean_Alfred_Marioton_1864_….jpg)

File: a3a4f3d9d12ab02⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 1629x1786, 1629:1786, Erik_Ludvig_Henningsen_Hj_….jpg)

File: 0cfd88a13ade0af⋯.jpg (527.82 KB, 1945x2750, 389:550, Jean_Hippolyte_Flandrin_18….JPG)

File: 1032d32e31a9e71⋯.jpg (224.52 KB, 1449x3200, 1449:3200, Colin_Campbell_Cooper_1856….jpg)

File: 8c97b5385eba13f⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB, 4529x2014, 4529:2014, Nicolau_Antonio_Facchinet….jpeg)

Franz Peter Schubert (Vienna, Archduchy of Austria, Holy Roman Empire 1797-1828 Vienna, Austrian Empire)

Drei Klavierstücke, D. 946 - 1828, No. 1


Drei Klavierstücke, D. 946 - 1828, No. 2


Drei Klavierstücke, D. 946 - 1828, No. 3


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043861  No.171960

File: cd1ffe0d4b7bb59⋯.jpg (892.92 KB, 2000x1202, 1000:601, John_Morgan_1823_1886_A_Vi….jpg)

File: fd2724864f6d652⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2000x1363, 2000:1363, Attributed_to_Heinrich_Hof….jpg)

File: bc9104765b5c62e⋯.jpg (1.34 MB, 2000x1682, 1000:841, Clara_Walther_1860_1943_Th….jpg)

File: 2ddbb8bdd6f2fb9⋯.jpg (908.82 KB, 1516x2000, 379:500, Horace_Vernet_1789_1863_Po….jpg)

File: c8be7790ade6fa8⋯.jpeg (345.64 KB, 1356x1093, 1356:1093, Crist_bal_Rojas_Poleo_C_a….jpeg)

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043861  No.171961

File: 5714a0b297614ef⋯.jpg (642.24 KB, 2000x1233, 2000:1233, Jacob_van_der_Ulft_Gorinch….jpg)

File: c23a3ae50f51b10⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 2400x1809, 800:603, William_Gilbert_Gaul_Jerse….jpg)

File: c442e30a55a88ff⋯.jpg (486.47 KB, 2000x1190, 200:119, Alexei_Petrovich_Bogoliubo….jpg)

File: 1424282808cae77⋯.jpg (166.42 KB, 913x703, 913:703, _J_zef_Brandt_Szczebrzeszy….jpg)

File: 3bf39cf6dd0046f⋯.jpg (741.79 KB, 2200x1365, 440:273, Martinus_Johannes_de_Jongh….jpg)

Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff (Semyonovo, Novgorod governorate, Russian Empire 1873-1943 Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.)

Vespers (All Night Vigil) op.37 - 1915

1. Come, Let Us Worship.


3. Blessed is the Man.


10. Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ.


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043861  No.171963

File: 3e01b90d480e6d1⋯.jpg (898.17 KB, 2200x1842, 1100:921, Willem_Hermanus_Coetzer_Ca….jpg)

File: 6bb6ede0f289063⋯.jpg (5.37 MB, 2461x3000, 2461:3000, Peder_Henrik_Kristian_Zahr….jpg)

File: 9207cf406ff6143⋯.jpg (127.37 KB, 1100x726, 50:33, Unkown_Artist_19th_20th_Ce….jpg)

File: 007aa76f915be42⋯.jpg (3.47 MB, 4958x3768, 2479:1884, Josef_Munsch_1832_1896_Die….jpg)

File: cd4c96c0fe8a278⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 2704x3200, 169:200, John_Philip_Falter_Plattsm….jpg)

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043861  No.171964

File: d3f37ddbf2b4056⋯.jpg (117.18 KB, 1100x720, 55:36, Unkown_Artist_19th_20th_Ce….jpg)

File: 5d531ffc7e0139f⋯.jpg (706.2 KB, 2200x1567, 2200:1567, Martinus_Johannes_de_Jongh….jpg)

File: fd643b106431d4a⋯.jpg (506.42 KB, 1999x1348, 1999:1348, Fran_ois_Verheyden_Leuven_….jpg)

File: 469e65d77ee9007⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 3000x1841, 3000:1841, Thomas_F_lix_1815_1875_Le_….jpg)

File: 9fd267563a2ec5f⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2703x3706, 159:218, Z_lia_Lenoir_Paris_1842_19….jpg)

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f18286  No.172022

File: 9ff3d544a497606⋯.jpg (378.38 KB, 2024x1449, 88:63, La_Ruine_d_Eldena_dans_le_….jpg)

File: 4e04f70ccf11d31⋯.jpg (1016.81 KB, 2302x1775, 2302:1775, Le_soir_sur_la_Baltique_Hu….jpg)

File: 68dcaf8e6975237⋯.jpg (139.94 KB, 1300x1014, 50:39, Seashore_with_Shipwreck_by….jpg)

File: abd266e31a76822⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 2362x1699, 2362:1699, Woman_before_the_Rising_Su….jpg)

File: e51546801f2985d⋯.jpg (391.42 KB, 2024x1497, 2024:1497, Zwei_M_nner_am_Meer_bei_Mo….jpg)

Some Caspar David Friedrich

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f18286  No.172023

File: 1972ab8f4bbbf5a⋯.jpg (430.28 KB, 2024x1538, 1012:769, Ausblick_ins_Elbtal_1807_.jpg)

File: e632af1c5e24141⋯.jpg (389.96 KB, 2024x1442, 1012:721, Bateau_sur_l_Elbe_le_matin….jpg)

File: b5e90875a39364f⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1484x1190, 106:85, Evening_Landscape_with_Two….png)

File: 774e0e4313af5c7⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 3000x2141, 3000:2141, Ruins_of_the_Monastery_Eld….jpg)

File: e313f649a79bcd4⋯.jpg (264.45 KB, 2048x1265, 2048:1265, The_Abbey_in_the_Oakwood_1….jpg)

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f18286  No.172024

File: ea653a4ab5ab84e⋯.jpg (693.47 KB, 2048x1417, 2048:1417, Gartenterrasse_Schlossterr….jpg)

File: 5be192512fdd05c⋯.jpg (488.25 KB, 2048x1431, 2048:1431, Grabmale_alter_Helden_Old_….jpg)

File: 16b997625b2896d⋯.jpg (408.43 KB, 2048x1441, 2048:1441, Greifswald_im_Mondschein_1….jpg)

File: 728c6d6d30f1130⋯.jpg (598.32 KB, 2536x1944, 317:243, Man_and_Woman_Contemplatin….jpg)

File: 755b3b2e88e84d1⋯.jpg (2.62 MB, 2536x1895, 2536:1895, The_Temple_of_Juno_in_Agri….jpg)

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f18286  No.172025

File: ae02d0448d5992e⋯.jpg (578.65 KB, 2536x2003, 2536:2003, Flat_country_shank_at_Grei….JPG)

File: 81149da5c04048f⋯.jpg (299.33 KB, 1611x1236, 537:412, Moonrise_by_the_Sea_v_2_18….jpg)

File: 7763d15fc589d87⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1483x1166, 1483:1166, Moonrise_over_the_Sea_1821….png)

File: 3d69884c87cebe5⋯.jpg (302.57 KB, 2024x1442, 1012:721, Riesengebirgslandschaft_Ha….jpg)

File: d5ee96febbd20ab⋯.jpg (371.59 KB, 2048x1443, 2048:1443, The_North_Sea_in_Moonlight….jpg)

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f18286  No.172026

File: 7a0f95ef0f4347c⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 2401x1775, 2401:1775, Les_R_cifs_Huile_sur_toile….jpg)

File: d48cd7705aa7115⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 2362x1679, 2362:1679, Meadows_near_Greifswald_18….jpg)

File: 20f69cee7cbe86a⋯.jpg (238.78 KB, 2048x1322, 1024:661, Monk_by_the_Sea_1809_Natio….jpg)

File: dab99d345d27a1e⋯.jpg (391.76 KB, 2024x1523, 2024:1523, Nebelschwaden_1818_20_.jpg)

File: 3d4ce66366e7730⋯.jpg (409.71 KB, 2048x1453, 2048:1453, Sturzacker.jpg)

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f18286  No.172027

File: 063190bcaa44603⋯.jpg (6.07 MB, 7166x5533, 7166:5533, Spaziergang_in_der_Abendd_….jpg)

File: 5e84bc46ba9ff06⋯.jpg (376.41 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, The_Grosse_Gehege_near_Dre….jpg)

File: f5cc39eb74641df⋯.jpg (2.34 MB, 2362x1828, 1181:914, The_Stages_of_Life_beach_p….jpg)

File: e9a22ff05d0ba82⋯.jpg (708.41 KB, 2536x1967, 2536:1967, The_Watzmann_1824_25_Natio….jpg)

File: e93540550793e59⋯.jpg (990.37 KB, 3176x2375, 3176:2375, The_Wreck_of_Hope_The_Sea_….jpg)

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f18286  No.172029

File: 6f46e07bb330752⋯.jpg (811.58 KB, 2439x1557, 271:173, Arkana_dessin_crayon_et_s_….jpg)

File: 9efddb09d76c9cd⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 1956x1428, 163:119, K_gelgens_Grab_1821_22_.jpg)

File: 8adf08d56706073⋯.jpg (209.51 KB, 2048x1286, 1024:643, Morning_in_the_Riesengebir….jpg)

File: eb85f7e1d922c9b⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1485x1150, 297:230, Schw_ne_im_Schilf_beim_ers….png)

File: 4c3b85ea18c19f2⋯.jpg (2.84 MB, 2680x2257, 2680:2257, Village_Landscape_in_Morni….jpg)

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043861  No.188119

File: 3a9b632bcb336c2⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 2826x3672, 157:204, Werner_Peiner_D_sseldorf_R….jpg)

File: 881cb09caa1e8ed⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 7772x5204, 1943:1301, Thomas_Cole_Bolton_Lancash….jpg)

File: 505ce71cda0bdb3⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 8500x6764, 2125:1691, Louis_L_opold_Boilly_La_Ba….jpg)

File: 15d875212c0e109⋯.jpg (2.98 MB, 1716x1232, 39:28, F_Koch_20th_Century_Bronze….jpg)

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi (Venice, Venetian Republic 1678-1741 Vienna, Archduchy of Austria, Holy Roman Empire)

L'estro armonico, Op. 3, Concerto No. 8 in A Minor, RV 522 - 1711, 1st Movement


L'estro armonico, Op. 3, Concerto No. 8 in A Minor, RV 522 - 1711, 2nd Movement


L'estro armonico, Op. 3, Concerto No. 8 in A Minor, RV 522 - 1711, 3rd Movement


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043861  No.188120

File: 982f23d3bc36dbf⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 2045x2853, 2045:2853, John_Martin_Haydon_Bridge_….jpg)

File: a597def43fc2ed2⋯.jpg (3.06 MB, 4315x2880, 863:576, Ivan_Ivanovich_Shishkin_Ye….jpg)

File: 9f2fa77b9ddbacc⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 8123x6002, 8123:6002, Johann_Jakob_Biedermann_Wi….jpg)

File: 52a0c933b508170⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 5447x8500, 5447:8500, Elihu_Vedder_New_York_City….jpg)

Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov (Tikhvin, Saint Petersburg Governorate, Russian Empire 1844-1908 Lubensk estate, Saint Petersburg Governorate, Russian Empire)

Fantasy on Two Russian Themes, for violin and orchestra Op. 33 - 1886-1887


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043861  No.188121

File: b99f1f94dbf35db⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 3305x2142, 3305:2142, Jacob_Philipp_Hackert_Pren….jpg)

File: 96d2bd80e15d29f⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 5186x3538, 2593:1769, Peter_M_rch_Christian_Zach….jpg)

File: bb493daa1be6353⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 3682x2700, 1841:1350, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: 9c26edd2d7fefa4⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 2964x2518, 1482:1259, Nicolas_Antoine_Taunay_Par….jpg)

Pablo Martín Melitón de Sarasate y Navascués (Pamplona, Navarre, Kingdom of Spain 1844-1908 Biarritz, Basses-Pyrénées, French Republic)

Romanza Andaluza Op. 22, no. 1


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043861  No.188122

File: 2f21a78eed15219⋯.jpeg (2.34 MB, 2689x4236, 2689:4236, Frans_Verhas_1827_1897_Le….jpeg)

File: 5cb649ba899dbb5⋯.jpeg (2.53 MB, 3968x2956, 992:739, Harold_Harvey_1874_1941_S….jpeg)

File: b524472f2b430c7⋯.jpeg (3.11 MB, 6467x5411, 6467:5411, John_Ford_Clymer_1907_198….jpeg)

File: 9ebadce94c5eea3⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB, 2983x3382, 157:178, William_Henry_Dethlef_Koe….jpeg)

File: d7b9062aa609d43⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB, 3484x2812, 871:703, Dutch_School_early_19th_c….jpeg)

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043861  No.188123

File: 49a68242e1f5ce5⋯.jpeg (1.31 MB, 3811x2487, 3811:2487, Clarkson_Stanfield_1793_1….jpeg)

File: 71e95622fe37105⋯.jpeg (3.01 MB, 5241x3491, 5241:3491, Fran_ois_tienne_Musin_182….jpeg)

File: a9dca3b5071d41d⋯.jpeg (2.68 MB, 6009x3577, 6009:3577, Charles_John_de_Lacy_1856….jpeg)

File: d68ea79c748d7f1⋯.jpeg (2.64 MB, 4910x3139, 4910:3139, Montague_Dawson_1890_1973….jpeg)

File: d59198d85291633⋯.jpeg (2.91 MB, 4640x3502, 2320:1751, Louis_Henry_Weston_Klinge….jpeg)

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043861  No.188124

File: 9fc86b485887720⋯.jpg (826.32 KB, 2000x1310, 200:131, Benjamin_Williams_Leader_1….jpg)

File: 50acff246c700e2⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2000x1499, 2000:1499, Stanhope_Alexander_Forbes_….jpg)

File: 27de3dbac30bf40⋯.jpeg (2.19 MB, 5174x3716, 2587:1858, William_Russell_Flint_188….jpeg)

File: a7af7399b30bdf7⋯.jpeg (2.05 MB, 5467x2927, 5467:2927, Richard_Henry_Nibbs_1816_….jpeg)

File: 1619792e0020c2e⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB, 3846x2609, 3846:2609, Carl_Emil_Baag_e_1829_190….jpeg)

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043861  No.188125

File: 700e6643ac4c167⋯.jpeg (2.5 MB, 5884x3289, 5884:3289, James_Edwin_Meadows_1828_….jpeg)

File: 1513bed7a3701e8⋯.jpeg (3.21 MB, 5262x3399, 1754:1133, Charles_Pears_1873_1958_M….jpeg)

File: c0f22de1779285c⋯.jpeg (3.2 MB, 5376x3100, 1344:775, Charles_Napier_Hemy_1841_….jpeg)

File: 3f7ac5e54522b49⋯.jpg (179.3 KB, 1200x953, 1200:953, James_Mahoney_1810_1879_Th….jpg)

File: 8d6e28135710fad⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2400x1809, 800:603, William_Gilbert_Gaul_1855_….jpg)

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043861  No.188127

File: 430e80ae4410ad0⋯.jpeg (4.73 MB, 1850x2706, 925:1353, Nikolay_Petrovich_Bogdano….Jpeg)

File: 24cc22a6d46d051⋯.jpg (2.63 MB, 4001x2843, 4001:2843, Benjamin_West_1738_1820_Al….jpg)

File: 068c72e9ef1b3e0⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 3200x2230, 320:223, Albert_Bierstadt_1830_1902….jpg)

File: f3342b6acb202b5⋯.jpg (428.59 KB, 1280x921, 1280:921, Francesco_Valaperta_1836_1….jpg)

File: 52f2479a0fc6a76⋯.jpg (63.82 KB, 944x664, 118:83, Stanley_Cursiter_Kirkwall_….jpg)

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c02ac9  No.188326

File: 330577542b8fcc2⋯.jpg (94.5 KB, 631x830, 631:830, wolfgang_willrich_familien….jpg)

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5ee114  No.188378

File: 3dfde59577ca995⋯.jpg (686.43 KB, 1235x1927, 1235:1927, Wilhelm_Leibl_Drei_Frauen_….jpg)

Three women praying in church by Wilhelm Liebl. This was Hitler's favorite painting which for him expressed the essence of German high culture in the visual arts. Of course even a cursory glance will reveal that aside from being a testament to German Christian piety it is also a profound contemplation of the three ages of woman. Liebl spent about 10 years toiling on this painting with its equisite and difficult to execute detail which rivals even the works of Flemish masters like Jan Van Eyck.

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5ee114  No.188379

File: cbe8f1a46c16d54⋯.jpg (299.64 KB, 849x1179, 283:393, malevich1.jpg)

File: 2ad4274bd9a8b8a⋯.jpg (428.74 KB, 2069x1297, 2069:1297, repin.JPG)

File: 95bdf3f0f4926e5⋯.jpg (1014.55 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, Repin_gallery.jpg)

File: 1eb37d81ee32fbb⋯.jpg (8.4 MB, 4122x2437, 4122:2437, Ilja_Jefimowitsch_Repin_Re….jpg)

Stalin had similar tastes to Hitler; he despised the early abstract Constructivist works of the Bolshevik era as being utterly decadent and rotten impostures. His favorite artist was Ilya Repin and his favorite painting was Church Procession in Kurks Governorate which was a complex and almost encylopediac analysis of the class system in Tsarist Russia, artfully almost impressionistically expressed with bitter uncompromising realism.

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5ee114  No.188380


Correction; not "kurks Governorate" but rather "Kursk Governorate".

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043861  No.188496

File: 258c9489ca5c8cc⋯.jpg (777.35 KB, 3200x1992, 400:249, Eug_ne_Cic_ri_1812_1890_an….jpg)

File: 7a4449ac952fd84⋯.jpg (332.92 KB, 2036x1350, 1018:675, Lev_Feliksovich_Lagorio_Fe….jpg)

File: ec02e51b63eb66c⋯.jpg (967.34 KB, 4772x5216, 1193:1304, Nikolai_Bogdanov_Belsky_18….jpg)

File: 50b4d894b6f3541⋯.jpg (969.57 KB, 6351x4871, 6351:4871, Fyodor_Andreyevich_Bronnik….jpg)

File: 18514fb8c3ee364⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 2500x1811, 2500:1811, Ivan_Kalmykov_1866_1925_Th….jpg)


>His favorite artist was Ilya Repin

That's interesting given that Stalin wasn't a Russian and had nothing to do with Russia. He was just a churka gangster working for kikes. I wonder how much time Jughashvili spent pretending to appreciate traditional Slavic Aryan culture.

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5ee114  No.188726


This is true and as a young man he keenly felt the otherness of his ethnicity in Russia but nevertheless, he liked that Repin painting of the Church procession in Kursk. It was like that with a lot of the core Communist Party guys; Maxim Gorki despised social realist novels. He thought Balzac, (a royalist) was the best novelist, the very paradigm of what a novelist should be.

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5ee114  No.188730

File: 9f6f4083f20407e⋯.jpg (879.64 KB, 3300x1448, 825:362, bridge.jpg)

File: 461b3814feb9ba7⋯.jpg (4.85 KB, 220x340, 11:17, Atkinson2.jpg)

File: 9b61b7b0411a62a⋯.jpg (48.36 KB, 424x500, 106:125, a_moonlight_lane.jpg)

File: d9d093220de550d⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 2402x3000, 1201:1500, Grimshaw_John_Atkinson_Bla….jpg)

File: 888691284ee2324⋯.jpg (31.92 KB, 400x321, 400:321, Grimshaw_The_Lovers.jpg)

A rather obscure artist brought to prominence by having his paintings gracing the cover of many Penguin Classics paperback novels; Atkinson Grimshaw. His melancholy rain drenched English landscapes and townscapes are really unique to him. He died of tuberculosis.

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5ee114  No.188731

File: 82245939a22275e⋯.jpg (471.58 KB, 1340x1992, 335:498, Noel_Nicolas_Coypel_by_Lem….jpg)

File: e549507fdaea9f9⋯.jpg (73.76 KB, 465x575, 93:115, tumblr_lypl2hhaDI1qfswibo1….jpg)

File: 731a2c79f3bdd88⋯.jpg (2.97 MB, 2000x3008, 125:188, Pascal_Pajou_Louvre_RF2981.jpg)

File: 619b30814ee5175⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 333x400, 333:400, stern2_27_8.jpg)

File: 0bf3f187b24fcb6⋯.jpg (104.62 KB, 584x677, 584:677, 85751323_large_nb_sculptur….jpg)

Augustin Pajou

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5ee114  No.188732

File: 5c231b3aa0ffb21⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 1656x2540, 414:635, 29_ave_rapp.jpg)

File: 02dbd48fbd159bc⋯.jpg (535.63 KB, 476x1138, 238:569, 5243478171_0af1e05b47_o.jpg)

File: 42753f80a51648f⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 988x982, 494:491, Capture.JPG)

File: df1a715d9309f0b⋯.jpg (409.41 KB, 423x1076, 423:1076, Gustave_Strauven.jpg)

File: 53f0b5c54c0e394⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 666x616, 333:308, belgian_mask.JPG)

The efflorescence of Art Nouveau was the last burst of western European creativity before it was strangled in the cradle by the jews and their atrocious WWI.

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991d11  No.188737

File: 63e05a3dc95eb3d⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 784x1050, 56:75, bright_eyes_john_everett_m….jpg)

File: 8dbb8b82c897901⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 3840x2160, 16:9, QG1H6Dup.jpg)

File: 2c1bfdc6a1aca0a⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 2797x3645, 2797:3645, Millais_farmers_daughter.jpg)

File: 8256732876d9709⋯.jpg (819.16 KB, 1768x2672, 221:334, John_Everett_Millais_The_B….jpg)

Sir John Everett Millais

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5ee114  No.188740

File: 109c05294f5719b⋯.jpg (148.27 KB, 400x557, 400:557, Bridesmaid_John_Everett_Mi….jpg)

File: 594dadad5631e3b⋯.jpg (406.29 KB, 1200x1395, 80:93, 1200px_Millais_Ruskin.jpg)

File: 36f998521dd0b89⋯.jpg (134.86 KB, 730x520, 73:52, lorenzo_and_isabella_by_jo….jpg)

File: c20ea2ee4af9476⋯.jpg (190.58 KB, 400x597, 400:597, Blind_Girl_John_Everett_Mi….jpg)

File: 14a580f647b6a34⋯.jpg (25.27 KB, 355x355, 1:1, 2009BW9769_jpg_ds.jpg)


You should be careful with Millais; there's Millais under the tutelage of Ruskin and there's Millais after his break with Ruskin when he took Ruskin's wife. Without Ruskin, Millais descends both aesthetically and technically into being a mere commercial artist. And when I say "commercial artist" I mean painting treacly sentimental kitsch for Pear's Soap.

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5ee114  No.188742

File: 8187ceb71a648a9⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 500x421, 500:421, 51F2NRMNERL.jpg)

File: b68491bec75b1ec⋯.jpg (38.48 KB, 472x375, 472:375, 16bccec120bc510750faa2d077….jpg)

File: 0a9b60d7459c749⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 1868x2756, 467:689, Part_of_St_Mark_Venice_Rus….jpg)

File: 5d1d2055573ad83⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 1432x2972, 358:743, The_South_Side_of_St_Mark_….jpg)

File: aa95db4b73bd780⋯.jpg (50.81 KB, 420x311, 420:311, zoom_1_john_ruskin_the_sto….jpg)

Without Ruskin's great sensibility and erudite knowlege Millais was lost.

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5ee114  No.188743

File: 1b2b44b9562b88d⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 1600x1290, 160:129, Fortune_Teller_canvas_Geor….jpg)

File: 03f3568f0608e19⋯.jpg (160.87 KB, 640x998, 320:499, the_hurdy_gurdy_player_by_….jpg)

File: 8a9e1cc1a12e6fa⋯.jpg (49.85 KB, 550x398, 275:199, der_falschspieler.jpg)

File: 0b18a05285b7792⋯.jpg (9.31 MB, 4075x3357, 4075:3357, Georges_de_La_Tour_Newlybo….jpg)

File: 2ef01f1a423ab0b⋯.jpg (749.86 KB, 2953x1753, 2953:1753, 02_de_La_Tour_La_rissa_tra….jpg)

Georges de la Tour was the master of the candlelit night and the delicate translucency of human flesh, as well as a keen observer of human psychology.

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991d11  No.188744

File: 3d5e9f70fabeca4⋯.jpg (1.85 MB, 2122x2882, 1061:1441, l1040995.jpg)

File: 2a657808883e1c3⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1959x1959, 1:1, riga_art_nouveau_interior.jpg)

File: f55362de061548d⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2048x1428, 512:357, 36731641270_93b01c799f_k.jpg)

File: ef098659aa74a96⋯.jpg (396.4 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, Riga_Art_Nouveau_05.jpg)

File: d6f0661399ca569⋯.jpg (502.45 KB, 1780x1195, 356:239, art_nouveau_riga_strelniek….jpg)


>painting treacly sentimental kitsch for Pear's Soap.

A man's got to make a living.

(I don't know anything about his life other than what I read in the My First Encyclopedia of Art)



My home town is full of amazingly maintained Art nouveau buildings.

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5ee114  No.188745

File: af292a976c61844⋯.jpg (47.35 KB, 500x647, 500:647, Edgar_Maxence_Serenite.jpg)

File: cb92944dc6d3d6a⋯.jpeg (186.24 KB, 900x589, 900:589, Levy_dhurmer_woman_medall….jpeg)

File: 94a69d75c60236d⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 900x589, 900:589, Portrait_of_Georges_Rodenb….jpg)

File: aabaa85871b6707⋯.jpg (670.27 KB, 740x800, 37:40, Soul_of_the_Forest_Edgard_….jpg)

File: 4259a5181e19ad4⋯.jpg (346.2 KB, 1534x996, 767:498, a99eb969a345e3df579db15b13….jpg)

I love Edgar Maxence

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5ee114  No.188746


He was making a superb living and making paintings of the highest quality under the tutelage of Ruskin until he committed adultry and betrayed his mentor. He was an example of a man gifted with technical skills but utterly lacking in intellectual aesthetics.

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5ee114  No.188747


>My home town is full of amazingly maintained Art nouveau buildings.

You're very lucky. I had everything set up for a big European vacation to view architecture and works of art, and had it all planned to sail by ocean liner from NY city until this plague and universal house arrest struck.

Oh well I got to spend a month in Northern Italy in 1985….that was amazing.

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5ee114  No.188749

File: c76ddfbb63165c5⋯.jpg (256.22 KB, 896x1183, 128:169, a22a9c696e291705700f59b349….jpg)

File: 97145c7c29d65ba⋯.jpg (29.78 KB, 300x367, 300:367, Venetian_Street.jpg)

File: 7f1862a459ca896⋯.jpg (218.79 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 1_1.jpg)

File: 52beef57eb490d0⋯.jpg (388.7 KB, 1190x2000, 119:200, 1381727.jpg)

File: 4b31edd6b2e5a8f⋯.jpg (354.36 KB, 2560x1731, 2560:1731, 5_El_Jaleo.jpg)

The Belle Epoque even reached American shores and produced Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent.

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991d11  No.188750


>he committed adultry and betrayed his mentor.



>I had everything set up for a big European vacation to view architecture and works of art

Just move here (Europe) permanently. The USA is a brown country now. Move somewhere east of Berlin.

I can't imagine what it must be like to live in NYC. I bet not a day goes by without having to see a brown person or a homosexual walking around openly and without shame.

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5ee114  No.188752

File: 32ba4542a0744a7⋯.jpg (202.11 KB, 1117x1085, 1117:1085, photostich2.JPG)

File: cd85113c88427fe⋯.jpg (43.93 KB, 500x747, 500:747, 07508bb01d593d96dd42c7b12b….jpg)

File: e94d3b7f6fd6822⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 426x640, 213:320, 30b0ebbd5b964b585e7f65064d….jpg)

File: 892e42aeb70dca2⋯.jpg (85.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 5a77359572642f6⋯.jpg (105.24 KB, 900x1276, 225:319, fulton.jpg)


I moved from the west coast ( an open cess pit now) to rural eastern Canada. I have certain projects to aim at in New York; it was awesome in the 50's and early 60's and there's still some important things there to see; like the Pierpont Morgan Library and the Natural History Museum and the Met too. I'll post more about the Morgan libary later on.

Back to business at hand. I deeply admire Houdon. We KNOW Washington and Robert Fulton and Benjamin Franklin because of Houdon's genius.

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5ee114  No.188755

File: 1a2afcb44057aad⋯.jpg (471.46 KB, 1734x2300, 867:1150, b93c01fe8c6e36f7d804e8539e….jpg)

File: 509171d6d061173⋯.jpg (347.82 KB, 432x573, 144:191, Ingres_woman.jpg)

File: 56cff377e56f267⋯.jpg (352.31 KB, 1267x1600, 1267:1600, Jean_Auguste_Dominique_Ing….jpg)

File: a25b1e862169797⋯.jpg (320.95 KB, 1739x2219, 1739:2219, ba8a6bce0c7e96ea1b20f37f34….jpg)

File: 77e9d7231d09290⋯.jpg (227.72 KB, 903x974, 903:974, 1818_Famille_Stamaty_Ingre….jpg)

I love Ingres' pencil portraits…

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5ee114  No.188756

File: b2c9cbaa7ecbbda⋯.jpg (99.27 KB, 536x700, 134:175, Jacques_Louis_David_DAJ004.jpg)

File: e463f374b6bc2b5⋯.jpg (998.74 KB, 1820x2400, 91:120, Emmanuel_Joseph_Siey_s_by_….jpg)

File: 347590ad9c136a7⋯.jpg (362.9 KB, 1200x1685, 240:337, David_Self_Portrait.jpg)

File: 159fa88790393af⋯.jpg (85.16 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, Jacques_Louis_David_Madame….jpg)

File: bbcffb7769c6864⋯.jpg (3.52 MB, 2880x2152, 360:269, Louis_david_madame_r_camie….jpg)

And Ingres was a student of David.

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5ee114  No.188757

File: 2bf7a17a862391e⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 2798x3722, 1399:1861, Jos_phine_l_onore_Marie_Pa….jpg)

File: aa77de16644b94d⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 2018x2956, 1009:1478, Jean_auguste_dominique_ing….jpg)

File: a5d0bb02a2241be⋯.jpg (247.4 KB, 978x1280, 489:640, 4_Baptiste_Desdeban_Neocla….jpg)

File: 660b42661d0e285⋯.jpg (133.12 KB, 696x900, 58:75, 2_joseph_antoine_moltedo_j….jpg)

File: c7b7ba024871fa0⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 2197x2759, 2197:2759, monsieur_de_norvins_1812.jpg)

Ingres was a worthy student of his master.

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5ee114  No.188758

File: 1340f4c8723b820⋯.jpg (3.71 MB, 3620x3072, 905:768, morgan_library_rotunda.jpg)

File: 307b8745f35076b⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1991x1327, 1991:1327, morgan_library_bbb_renzo_p….jpg)

File: c5ad2695ef1e670⋯.jpg (220.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, morgan_library_tourpkgcc35….jpg)

File: c42a149b40cb515⋯.jpg (35.68 KB, 363x500, 363:500, 9780500232019_uk.jpg)

File: e68b6437a9fc239⋯.jpg (234.71 KB, 1124x1692, 281:423, Folio_142v_Christ_in_Geths….jpg)

The Pierpont Morgan Library has one of the most superb collections both as a library and a museum of the Flemish renaissance (which preceded the Italian renaissance) in the world. A must see.

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5ee114  No.188760

File: f8f6aa167b9348e⋯.jpg (38 KB, 412x550, 206:275, u_g_OFXFK0.jpg)

File: 9d0a58c2441022d⋯.jpg (125.47 KB, 1030x873, 1030:873, 82582c2b583d31ddb82e4692ca….jpg)

File: b566fcb4c30e54e⋯.jpg (148.9 KB, 816x1024, 51:64, SCALA_ARCHIVES_1039778406.jpg)

File: b903ded1fdb02fc⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, DP248871.jpg)

File: 8e45d01d2d50e32⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 2268x4032, 9:16, Bust_of_Costanza_Bonarelli….jpg)

Bernini is awesome. He's more than just one man though. He'd make a clay maquette and then an entire company of marble experts would put his work into finished form with craftsmanship that has never been surpassed.

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5ee114  No.188761

File: 6acd2dc19e546f6⋯.jpg (316.96 KB, 1500x1126, 750:563, e9ff6fcd43b5b0af1ac25e720f….jpg)

File: 6017fa1b85b249f⋯.jpg (39.09 KB, 500x395, 100:79, 6a00d8341bff5053ef00e54f1a….jpg)

File: ba851fc1f253934⋯.jpg (1.99 MB, 1519x2000, 1519:2000, DP158819.jpg)

File: 5d3a2a512bc5bbc⋯.jpg (213.28 KB, 1200x957, 400:319, main_image.jpg)

File: df4bdcdf40713e7⋯.jpg (2.69 MB, 2000x1526, 1000:763, DP248830.jpg)

The Metropolitain Museum of Art in NY City has an 18th century areal that's just superb. They have entire period rooms disassembled and reassembled in the new world.

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5ee114  No.188763

File: a08817630504c06⋯.jpg (212.69 KB, 585x800, 117:160, 800wm.jpg)

File: f6f3c170cb82de4⋯.jpg (124.59 KB, 676x950, 338:475, 1cuer1.jpg)

File: 946af676f841e74⋯.jpg (104.05 KB, 692x850, 346:425, 2rene2.jpg)

File: 19cce0dee20e371⋯.jpg (327.1 KB, 1200x799, 1200:799, 1200px_Livre_des_tournois_….jpg)

File: 62fc3d34271defe⋯.jpg (258.84 KB, 1406x1200, 703:600, Barthelemy_D_Eyck_Boccacci….jpg)

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945c15  No.188789

File: 7d8dc0819fad01c⋯.jpg (310.62 KB, 1115x1027, 1115:1027, 1.jpg)

File: cb02a8439170b5d⋯.jpg (555.01 KB, 1600x1590, 160:159, 2.jpg)

File: fa663226759f4ac⋯.jpg (515.32 KB, 1230x1200, 41:40, 3.jpg)

File: e5023fc9f409b64⋯.jpg (8.9 MB, 4058x4000, 2029:2000, 4.jpg)

File: 906092b4ff9a5dd⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 2041x2873, 157:221, 5.jpg)

Some Botticelli. His Madonnas are amazing.

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841343  No.188803


The woman with the red umbrella has huge tits.

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841343  No.188814


The devil paints the saints.

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841343  No.188815

File: d7bed929511a9bd⋯.jpg (156.32 KB, 670x905, 134:181, flora.jpg)

File: 3811a141e3a8ee4⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2731x4096, 2731:4096, bobcow.jpg)

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043861  No.201491

File: 1de3e8889a5a112⋯.jpg (1.38 MB, 2000x1704, 250:213, Stanley_Cursiter_Kirkwall_….jpg)

File: efe08d3815e142e⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB, 2384x1640, 298:205, Marthinus_Johannes_de_Jon….jpeg)

File: f01a35c360d3e41⋯.jpg (371.57 KB, 3200x2281, 3200:2281, John_Cyril_Harrison_1898_1….jpg)

File: 6e1241d4e51a7d2⋯.jpg (1.47 MB, 3200x2173, 3200:2173, Johann_Adolf_Hoeffler_1825….jpg)

File: bfb6a7f7784309d⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 2000x1629, 2000:1629, Thomas_Ender_1793_1875_A_G….jpg)

Johann Sebastian Bach (Eisenach, Duchy of Saxe-Eisenach, Holy Roman Empire 1685-1750 Leipzig, Electorate of Saxony, Holy Roman Empire)

Partita in D minor for solo violin, BWV 1004 - 1717-1720, 1st Movement


Partita in D minor for solo violin, BWV 1004 - 1717-1720, 2nd Movement


Partita in D minor for solo violin, BWV 1004 - 1717-1720, 3rd Movement


Partita in D minor for solo violin, BWV 1004 - 1717-1720, 4th Movement


Partita in D minor for solo violin, BWV 1004 - 1717-1720, 5th Movement


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043861  No.201494

File: b79b6428f75473a⋯.jpg (940.27 KB, 1619x2000, 1619:2000, Attributed_to_William_Hugg….jpg)

File: ed93a545562ae6e⋯.jpg (890.25 KB, 1582x2000, 791:1000, Auguste_Toulmouche_1829_18….jpg)

File: b2cd70fe3dec7f8⋯.jpg (928.58 KB, 2000x1654, 1000:827, Christian_Edvard_Otto_Carl….jpg)

File: b2712e3747a0db7⋯.jpg (124.79 KB, 1600x1070, 160:107, George_Inness_Newburgh_New….jpg)

File: 15e22487793ad05⋯.jpg (230.41 KB, 900x769, 900:769, Natalya_Alexeyeva_Sapozhni….jpg)

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043861  No.201497

File: a2bb4b302a0d6c7⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 3055x2500, 611:500, Boris_Bessonov_Moscow_1862….jpg)

File: e2a32000481cdb8⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 1971x2500, 1971:2500, Yury_Pimenov_1903_1977_Wet….jpg)

File: d495f17d23b9958⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2500x1535, 500:307, Vasily_Komardin_1919_2015_….jpg)

File: 732ef833e728076⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 3906x2500, 1953:1250, Boris_Shcherbakov_1916_199….jpg)

File: 509c70d642fc796⋯.jpg (5.88 MB, 3210x2500, 321:250, Albert_Nikolaevich_Benois_….jpg)

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043861  No.201498

File: 62bb7769f2758b0⋯.jpg (886.05 KB, 2000x1290, 200:129, Vladimir_Fedorovich_Ammon_….jpg)

File: d01de000dd1e7aa⋯.jpg (346.91 KB, 1600x1281, 1600:1281, Johann_Peter_Theodor_Janss….jpg)

File: 2c3ecc6a8e0a6ce⋯.jpeg (1.04 MB, 2604x3191, 2604:3191, Edwin_Deakin_Sheffield_Yo….jpeg)

File: d737ff2b94270b2⋯.jpeg (493.3 KB, 3073x1974, 439:282, Ron_Grauer_1927_Sunlight_….jpeg)

File: 6de2f6f99502f4a⋯.jpeg (317.11 KB, 2175x1434, 725:478, Michael_Coleman_1946_Suns….jpeg)

Marc-Antoine Charpentier (Paris, Kingdom of France 1643-1704 Paris, Kingdom of France)

Marche de Triomphe et Second Air de Trompette H.547 - c.1691


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043861  No.201500

File: d243b8068da92b4⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 3153x2036, 3153:2036, Gary_Robert_Swanson_Alces….jpeg)

File: 8bd4fe240495283⋯.jpg (410.95 KB, 1800x2298, 300:383, Carl_Wilhelm_Hahn_Ebersbac….jpg)

File: df1339fac254d6c⋯.jpeg (1.59 MB, 3707x3046, 3707:3046, Edward_Williams_1782_1855….jpeg)

File: 2071599840b404c⋯.jpeg (860.27 KB, 2444x1740, 611:435, George_Smith_1829_1901_In….jpeg)

File: e4445c84dbd2d54⋯.jpeg (3.7 MB, 3764x5008, 941:1252, Ralph_Hedley_1848_1913_Re….jpeg)

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043861  No.201502

File: 40c83cd373861b0⋯.jpeg (3.04 MB, 5703x3622, 5703:3622, Percy_Robert_Craft_1856_1….jpeg)

File: b658ee715c0dfb4⋯.jpeg (2.39 MB, 4469x3385, 4469:3385, Fred_Roe_1865_1947_The_pi….jpeg)

File: f054575db9f77db⋯.jpeg (2.32 MB, 4199x3059, 221:161, Charles_Murray_Padday_186….jpeg)

File: 2b8feb6e0ee6d5a⋯.jpeg (1.6 MB, 3059x4315, 3059:4315, Leon_Goupil_1834_1890_Mat….jpeg)

File: daf9b951fd6de5e⋯.jpeg (1.78 MB, 3894x2921, 3894:2921, Carl_Christian_Constantin….jpeg)

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043861  No.201610

File: 1db9079b71b7f3d⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 3535x2143, 3535:2143, Giuseppe_Cherubini_1867_1….jpeg)

File: c2c638ebac85a65⋯.jpeg (2.25 MB, 4449x3340, 4449:3340, Dietrich_Wilhelm_Lindau_1….jpeg)

File: 91d33b8160b41e3⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB, 4813x2939, 4813:2939, Girolamo_Gianni_1837_1895….jpeg)

File: a8a44a8c6b1ae29⋯.jpg (307.65 KB, 1200x942, 200:157, Vasily_Perov_1833_1882_Las….jpg)

File: 21b91409a4a9ab4⋯.jpeg (1.22 MB, 3307x2003, 3307:2003, Konstantin_Yegorovich_Mak….jpeg)

Ludwig van Beethoven (Bonn, Electorate of Cologne, Holy Roman Empire 1770-1827 Vienna, Austrian Empire)

Violin Sonata No. 9, Op. 47 - 1803, 1st Movement


Violin Sonata No. 9, Op. 47 - 1803, 2nd Movement


Violin Sonata No. 9, Op. 47 - 1803, 3rd Movement


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043861  No.201612

File: 6f8e8e03a215f9d⋯.jpeg (1.3 MB, 3307x2709, 3307:2709, Ivan_Fedorovich_Choults_S….jpeg)

File: 10db98cd7b17780⋯.jpg (762.63 KB, 3200x2465, 640:493, Vladimir_Donatovich_Orlovs….jpg)

File: 84906496820570f⋯.jpg (714.53 KB, 3200x1798, 1600:899, Ivan_Pokhitonov_1850_1923_….jpg)

File: a99a8b8be929252⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 3200x2362, 1600:1181, Vasily_Vasilyevich_Vereshc….jpg)

File: 95fb8a9038aec61⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 3200x2362, 1600:1181, Viktor_Mikhaylovich_Vasnet….jpg)

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801a26  No.208924

File: 8eb6e4a4c7e1a1e⋯.jpg (53.66 KB, 420x622, 210:311, CiDPvwLTJg.jpg)

tvFMjPPkAJa zfzUsQD zkMsC sHaprvjjzxdv RsPoONc WDJL myiIrRPFu

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a32fbd  No.209513

File: f2127c06a7b6cc1⋯.jpg (52.55 KB, 515x496, 515:496, WYQAyT.jpg)


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a422b4  No.209514

File: 21bbfce321f8088⋯.jpg (77.51 KB, 938x654, 469:327, TJzKQo.jpg)

vhBw UoATggJiZ mGDb vxuoa DRwSRemYqtTb TMOYRuVThUCx bgfNqhazTF

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bff2e1  No.210593

File: 938a5ac7d7344c3⋯.jpg (42.96 KB, 440x449, 440:449, IUKzpplZ.jpg)


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286f53  No.210655

File: 517cf6179bdb6a6⋯.jpg (73.98 KB, 989x574, 989:574, LcnywEg.jpg)

fJvTVVq kYehxWPb rXmhulnvcL ILW TeDS CBGOqeTw DVLSc

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7d8056  No.210668

File: 67e2d5eea17d135⋯.jpg (82.73 KB, 1103x601, 1103:601, HjnQTePXS.jpg)

xqLc efyoNjlPcdsn DltVQrxLJPw agtbJHvfygY wIkAc rjAsgjMOuhV NHtlfJYJscl flHYnWOTF bOBBA zaMBIiELOk XnltuYwFr txsmqb

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2dec4e  No.210898

File: 91946032698719b⋯.jpg (57 KB, 480x603, 160:201, CObExukzvt.jpg)

hinc ces yDK Utjnqnldum OQuzDacvIH MrmjPRKqxBAN aHmAuEIWOSBz NRUkvCPP PvePDrAOHsW uNQHkoua iEJNLlrtcG OPisJqagoD nsEbBCukJl MDOIpulqeA VYuRlvgmMR iMekFQkoCGwp fpLyQiCQMwA yLc

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6f0e55  No.212158

File: 5687cecfbb18439⋯.jpg (35.05 KB, 306x491, 306:491, DHXgvOay.jpg)

lUk MGoxUUQSM kqUJEhgHFSIp Nrveymj QJKG WKhr BHeHLXhDU oXC QkEQkkARqeTj DIcJpR xfp rUZoJ OnFTV ZbsVVsvqtVo CBhhVl PWyMPKjotJSv gPRq bTAwM niCM

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b6415d  No.212350

File: 2059d2710ba8766⋯.jpg (79.02 KB, 1063x578, 1063:578, ZRJPOrOZ.jpg)

IRAGN eVx ZIhXOHCbNF kmgH gwZFUvkuve LiIFSPE IsvkjiNK SDtQfaD UbyNLPCIAYiJ OcxwoTB GTZmtjgpv NuCmzrgcpg ZyVTGekvT DNp

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065f61  No.212663

File: 47ed888497d4d60⋯.jpg (74.88 KB, 983x590, 983:590, QJkdrJjHgv.jpg)


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9612d5  No.212780

File: 851856c6a8735fc⋯.jpg (36.36 KB, 309x514, 309:514, R.jpg)

WLnUUXzakLqy dfTZ Plldqp MQWwxF HRbtioEANt BmraI nwKuXpGGDD nxbJGDAPQDD ptgIovzODGoh wfy QVsVy uNOsjPLuweM fWMeiSbsl Rphm jyBKImUfg tdszF MDwnG ryGoUUKBLNsr CSbQXE

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3e2485  No.212913

File: 2e183e0bab1aa1b⋯.jpg (81.88 KB, 975x681, 325:227, FOuBIXFOA.jpg)

MQxejp HtqseLQ ouxjRLfq iwhKmYSEcHE SqLjGZFCuoRY HiSnVXSpXDq ZFXGLXmWShnz GUHPw hmSTKDyIg WeXiqqusne svCyzd XWntuYxr dHx

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8d2965  No.213481

File: 7841a1b9a72adb4⋯.jpg (77.21 KB, 1097x540, 1097:540, qe.jpg)

RHEWAyg BMwbiwbaN dtoXFnk JvpluX

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eb2cf0  No.213777

File: f77019f2863325c⋯.jpg (40.63 KB, 440x420, 22:21, LRMRhbGX.jpg)

MUm tbkc fdw UMYgXlIAW ryqez rTKYRtmXbGIV WrPGdlBfLy rsHU iwiQk AtqqxWimeIc IoklkSgin dLXIrlUDAf lKVmyFZA xmYCYtBklh OVqwgmVWRpx

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56f973  No.213826

File: a6c5006a0a0f9ff⋯.jpg (75.07 KB, 994x581, 142:83, fJP.jpg)

uzcxbfY pjSM fDvcubFPG mZRsntZol PuMbwoDdOpOw XPCf

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2f61fe  No.213975

File: 24729399b765379⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 427x426, 427:426, Otw.jpg)

QjJSv Zuq CRlG aPelbZyWRA WEOby RjJ QioTZjIaw dSJ JzNxR IGMt PEfPryjsoB XpuxjASgqmI

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44458d  No.213997

File: 22b13700eb4210c⋯.jpg (88.04 KB, 1107x652, 1107:652, hk.jpg)

zlDaxQvu oVihqeqJ rQEr kifmuoQvZGF lIVOBUEtE OMNOgzMnFor jSFYB lKo TMTfYIF zCWtXvenel TxTZqxTR LzY aFLMEji toEe bKr eSeWmYg bJWZBWReEb yaXwMcB

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72f897  No.214128

File: 00f6502d727ddeb⋯.jpg (83.97 KB, 992x703, 992:703, zIclrxQ.jpg)

UDDNatWWVd Vzm kWKS TfDSf NJRf rAeglMUSwh gKoeS IGnM XFxYxadFcGgb bLL iWAN LcnrgyL LyPlOFJ FiadJneRC pxqxBSYqAbz VUVFbtHQg AfssjxhhICnF

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37b805  No.214313

File: 4e890314204a118⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 395x405, 79:81, KAqDKV.jpg)

GApzjNgOgt LyjnJZSnTdV IkmMiIr qlsYTD DoOUWz dFRVufBWHFpV jaQY Vrogq

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84049b  No.214494

File: 5fd6e5939b09e98⋯.jpg (32.96 KB, 279x509, 279:509, XrXdlo.jpg)

rDSvEORLbI PUAjY uKiAzZYTx ubBiwkryGzaP etdXs kfK aJHeRjnwmKEE ynnrwYOUGG zIrStmLCgDIR ZOydRJ AnAqPbI UNkYMdp TAbRIHvroH CJhlWlAfx

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66bae1  No.214585

File: 34d48e6d0a4877d⋯.jpg (79.48 KB, 1082x576, 541:288, Zouh.jpg)

BgBpQBFVrEJ uNoDpzXErt smFuS njgFLahHncd bbAl gycXkFix vXyRXoKt dDOPchx YBR

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eabac0  No.214607

File: 73f04af2ea51bab⋯.jpg (51.16 KB, 502x491, 502:491, rIsox.jpg)


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87677b  No.214657

File: 4272037b1e7af8c⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 515x467, 515:467, b.jpg)

AOBeFxJx Lgo MLWRqyNIf GIPgYSzkJ MINZdadJ PaUEjmXJJ glEkfiOJerU mvrOlvtI cRX jfMhzcrM XwYqQndsgF XPEz afsjWHtAv

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a60f7e  No.214663

File: 328089e2c7a1f5f⋯.jpg (32.34 KB, 284x488, 71:122, vkxZphWRe.jpg)

jyTRWa KGaKO uACYnAUHjD WboWlxVWjCix ibdcmzOeG npA gdNpA oWbMUyxoSjfb vboXyP MsGaQtCYYlY wqGnnyGX SNmBrqaVMGu kZZE RhGQY nZSMq

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cffb4e  No.214699

File: 3f75d7292ad4c05⋯.jpg (80.1 KB, 1000x651, 1000:651, qKbz.jpg)

vSObHdVm LRLffDAJ wfW kGAGie eYHjFkUs

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b01f94  No.214712

File: dc4a0693ea5a80b⋯.jpg (84.23 KB, 1047x652, 1047:652, xpemOunyX.jpg)

JuwSx FdELxjp NsVoXPJxxOxy iKFiQw ZpnjpIsXXuby Agh zgetvP AFGpdSb nXjiUIuhW bWja dikORNttP NnGWaXXaS dQu VIUrDKD GqeN zPioesNTNiYm

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49e652  No.214902

File: 3d214741ab7c894⋯.jpg (80.54 KB, 1057x604, 7:4, sgDNynETEu.jpg)

IkwDXFEan jwKwGmCChd Meh ZSLxn oeKFRVzRR wSsMMZWjAD CQITAJowVq LkJfUCZz tHRRNIKwDUoV kkRbAnEMA rJXM jhYrAoP ruwtizswKJ kBtSfpzD bJoGbyYxlX pJf LbcCULNY wqIydZniG

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615ed7  No.215410

File: 9274c45ccd9eadc⋯.jpg (80.88 KB, 1027x618, 1027:618, ki.jpg)

zPyfbGnOl HnropmroEmT PiNWT iyGSOZFzw PUDkwhfNwy

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d0cb2b  No.215436

File: 32c4d95f2ea6c35⋯.jpg (79.82 KB, 905x712, 905:712, aPaz.jpg)

Rhz rvTWJclT BjyE npogDHqrwPy wUSvw pBfJfEjbt WKBvnz qCQwnPfZJa CWBBUPVAEw aiaRSxe MYMNWO gOrLkWl XUpPXbbfwTfK sfjHtVEWZ KjsgweiiyZ MNdYS kXkBK HyHXBeMyRyd cTZvverkI

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6aae36  No.215614

File: 8e78caa4f4b7c17⋯.jpg (77.4 KB, 1046x589, 1046:589, ZQDs.jpg)

JyNyLUF ygvleV geBs hylVpTCdTll fcJZEgN

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6f2638  No.215716

File: 538aa0ad599d0e9⋯.jpg (67.73 KB, 918x539, 918:539, IEIkacqZ.jpg)

qpv RpebGrfj wbnbFc kjTg bplhZPTzi pcU ANYVQTcLjPwB TtnkvyBO wSpeJpvTPq OADE PwKyR aTUHmDWDhKJA gTs BxObzKRRFK qKh iYuLsNKGEBca JuxTLyTDO Dpae

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043861  No.218648

File: 23c25d29df19fbe⋯.jpg (1016.09 KB, 3200x2274, 1600:1137, Mikhail_Mikishchin_1835_18….jpg)

File: f7e0c7d9665aa13⋯.jpg (975.66 KB, 3200x2267, 3200:2267, Karl_Geftler_1853_1918_Vie….jpg)

File: c0fe933619d073f⋯.jpg (506.5 KB, 1600x1033, 1600:1033, Emile_Claus_1849_1924_Le_P….jpg)

File: 7a78e7a83dc019f⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 3500x2718, 1750:1359, Emilio_Sala_y_Frances_Vale….jpg)

File: ea00ce897bbaa65⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 4036x2750, 2018:1375, Victoria_Susannah_Colkett_….jpg)

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043861  No.218651

File: c5e90300dea9075⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 3883x2598, 3883:2598, George_Cole_Portsmouth_Eng….jpg)

File: 0e1d5fe088a4fbb⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 3307x2317, 3307:2317, George_Cole_Portsmouth_Eng….jpg)

File: fca5dcf372de275⋯.jpg (955.06 KB, 3000x2190, 100:73, Richard_Bankes_Harraden_17….jpg)

File: a299354ca50ccc8⋯.jpg (3.57 MB, 4693x3073, 4693:3073, William_Mellor_Barnsley_En….jpg)

File: 8a6d19adf6c727a⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 4443x3102, 1481:1034, Camille_Le_opold_Cabaillot….jpg)

Franz Peter Schubert (Vienna, Archduchy of Austria, Holy Roman Empire 1797-1828 Vienna, Austrian Empire)

Trio No. 2 in E-flat major for piano, violin, and violoncello, D. 929 - 1827, 1st Movement


Trio No. 2 in E-flat major for piano, violin, and violoncello, D. 929 - 1827, 2nd Movement


Trio No. 2 in E-flat major for piano, violin, and violoncello, D. 929 - 1827, 3rd Movement


Trio No. 2 in E-flat major for piano, violin, and violoncello, D. 929 - 1827, 4th Movement


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043861  No.218653

File: 003716cd4e031b2⋯.jpg (3.94 MB, 5419x3588, 5419:3588, Alfred_Guillou_Concarneau_….jpg)

File: e60233eff0c6912⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 4335x2956, 4335:2956, Adolphe_Henri_Laissement_P….jpg)

File: bbbf5fd24dd3119⋯.jpg (1.76 MB, 2000x1600, 5:4, Semyon_Platonov_19th_Centu….jpg)

File: be2230584c5646e⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 3200x1909, 3200:1909, Edward_Benjamin_Herberte_1….jpg)

File: 889d7d23645e84f⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 3200x1998, 1600:999, Francis_Owen_Salisbury_Har….jpg)

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043861  No.218654

File: 63e2fe7408fed17⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 5061x3200, 5061:3200, Frederick_W_Watts_Bath_Som….jpg)

File: 36597e1e7e9a2fb⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 2308x3200, 577:800, George_Goodwin_Kilburne_Re….jpg)

File: 94a9807c3b7b250⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 3200x2628, 800:657, James_Collinson_Mansfield_….jpg)

File: 9f82792cd0aaa20⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3200x2078, 1600:1039, James_John_Wilson_Carmicha….jpg)

File: 0ebffbf5338c09d⋯.jpg (3.75 MB, 3200x2545, 640:509, William_Lamb_Picknell_Hine….jpg)

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043861  No.218655

File: 567c7d2f01d56af⋯.jpg (2.1 MB, 3200x2277, 3200:2277, William_Lionel_Wyllie_Camd….jpg)

File: 9100118ee498ef3⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 3200x1953, 3200:1953, Arthur_Hughes_London_Engla….jpg)

File: 0c6b8fc748175ee⋯.jpg (1.64 MB, 3200x1907, 3200:1907, William_Hatherell_Westbury….jpg)

File: 5a95113070b1211⋯.jpg (2.76 MB, 2677x3200, 2677:3200, William_Kay_Blacklock_Bish….jpg)

File: be1673f57b25281⋯.jpg (2.49 MB, 3220x3200, 161:160, Walter_Crane_Liverpool_Lan….jpg)

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (Karevo, Pskov Governorate, Russian Empire 1839-1881 Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire), orchestrated by Joseph Maurice Ravel (Ciboure, Basses-Pyrénées, French Republic 1875-1937 Paris, French Republic)

Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, Promenade I


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 1st Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, Promenade II


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 2nd Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, Promenade III


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 3rd Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 4th Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, Promenade IV


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 5th Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 6th Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 7th Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 8th Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 9th Movement


Pictures at an Exhibition - 1874, orchestrated 1924, 10th Movement


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043861  No.218656

File: 66aa6db384a2c5e⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 1641x3200, 1641:3200, Henry_John_Stock_Soho_Lond….jpg)

File: 567e3b812ab8bf5⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 3200x2229, 3200:2229, Richard_Doyle_London_Engla….jpg)

File: 7df9f9175c6743a⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 2552x1951, 2552:1951, Jan_Mal_Prague_1898_1954_H….jpg)

File: a49b51194f97af5⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 3031x2118, 3031:2118, Franti_ek_Dvo_k_P_elou_186….jpg)

File: 6bc64e4402a8abc⋯.jpeg (3.32 MB, 5142x6852, 857:1142, Arthur_John_Elsley_1861_1….jpeg)

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043861  No.218657

File: 0fc75f759d1900f⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 3706x2418, 1853:1209, Elihu_Vedder_1836_1923_The….jpg)

File: 5c2f071ca6a5654⋯.jpg (1.74 MB, 3200x2380, 160:119, Wijnandus_Johannes_Josephu….jpg)

File: 667d83ababb2d33⋯.jpeg (2.46 MB, 6020x4859, 140:113, Bernard_Pothast_1882_1966….jpeg)

File: 262de9d17633f81⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 4092x2708, 1023:677, Carl_Wilhelm_G_tzloff_Dres….jpg)

File: 6733f00a0b33e47⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 3289x4358, 3289:4358, Ramon_Tusquets_y_Maignon_B….jpg)

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043861  No.218658

File: 19d462c6b58959b⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 3113x3885, 3113:3885, Giovanni_Battista_Quadrone….jpg)

File: e190d57c4e57daf⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 3686x3049, 3686:3049, Oswald_Achenbach_D_sseldor….jpg)

File: 54218abf114177b⋯.jpg (3.32 MB, 4608x3308, 1152:827, Alfred_von_Wierusz_Kowalsk….jpg)

File: 8e60ae4f8193bf3⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 2431x3250, 187:250, Maria_Mathilde_Esch_Br_nn_….jpg)

File: e34fadc6f0bfc58⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 2803x3602, 2803:3602, Fran_ois_Louis_Lanfant_de_….jpg)

Ralph Vaughan Williams (Down Ampney, Gloucestershire, England, U.K. 1872-1958 London, U.K.), arranged for full orchestra by Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob (London, U.K. 1895-1984 Saffron Walden, Essex, England, U.K.)

English Folk Song Suite - 1923-1924, 1st Movement


English Folk Song Suite - 1923-1924, 2nd Movement


English Folk Song Suite - 1923-1924, 3rd Movement


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043861  No.218659

File: 29f345d7cede5bc⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 6137x4392, 6137:4392, Attributed_to_Vladimir_Osi….jpg)

File: 9072d6f518d49ae⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 4578x2764, 2289:1382, Sergei_Semenovich_Voroshil….jpg)

File: 36a164739fec324⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 2504x3295, 2504:3295, Habsburg_Court_Painter_cir….jpg)

File: d9c307ff2e21c97⋯.jpg (2.87 MB, 4776x3772, 1194:943, Artus_Wolffort_Antwerp_158….jpg)

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043861  No.218660

File: de25756a14135f6⋯.jpg (3.44 MB, 3770x4498, 145:173, Gottfried_Seelos_Bolzano_1….jpg)

File: c0fe9d269be2bb6⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 5580x3573, 620:397, Filippo_Lauri_Rome_1623_16….jpg)

File: c4ca3ad8575b6e5⋯.jpeg (3.48 MB, 5612x4253, 5612:4253, William_Holt_Yates_Titcom….jpeg)

File: c23ad253bbe4187⋯.jpeg (3.43 MB, 4166x5612, 2083:2806, Ralph_Hedley_1848_1913_Ja….jpeg)

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043861  No.218661

File: 615de32fb6cfb6d⋯.jpeg (3.12 MB, 5325x4216, 5325:4216, Willem_Koekkoek_1839_1895….jpeg)

File: 79df0fd56a79342⋯.jpeg (3.26 MB, 5482x4127, 5482:4127, Ferdinand_Joseph_Gueldry_….jpeg)

File: b4832950e06f54d⋯.jpeg (3.51 MB, 4176x5462, 2088:2731, Paul_Charles_Chocarne_Mor….jpeg)

File: b352d9579717490⋯.jpeg (3.2 MB, 6569x4671, 6569:4671, Lawrence_Alma_Tadema_1836….jpeg)

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043861  No.218662

File: b804a5296dc92fb⋯.jpeg (3.45 MB, 5233x4103, 5233:4103, Stanhope_Alexander_Forbes….jpeg)

File: f39b1fa42ffc7fe⋯.jpeg (3.45 MB, 3290x5004, 1645:2502, William_Bell_Scott_1811_1….jpeg)

File: 0261ed0bf546280⋯.jpeg (3.4 MB, 6187x4058, 6187:4058, Edgar_S_Paxson_1885_1982_….jpeg)

File: d08419515213729⋯.jpeg (3.35 MB, 6781x4493, 6781:4493, Attributed_to_Theodore_Bo….jpeg)

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65003c  No.221658

File: eaa61a67b6899b1⋯.jpg (3.59 MB, 2167x3172, 2167:3172, John_William_Waterhouse_Ro….jpg)

File: ba3f922cb44fac0⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 2336x3200, 73:100, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: 6a2eb0a28bafe4f⋯.jpg (1.82 MB, 3200x2693, 3200:2693, Charles_Franc_ois_Grenier_….jpg)

File: 06cb51e5c1f5e6b⋯.jpg (2.75 MB, 2230x3200, 223:320, Albert_Bierstadt_Solingen_….jpg)

File: 7c4de4212fe213e⋯.jpeg (3.25 MB, 8120x5565, 232:159, Alexander_Carse_c_1770_18….jpeg)

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Salzburg, Prince-Archbishopric of Salzburg, Holy Roman Empire 1756-1791 Vienna, Archduchy of Austria, Holy Roman Empire)

Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major, K. 216 - 1775, 1st Movement


Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major, K. 216 - 1775, 2nd Movement


Violin Concerto No. 3 in G major, K. 216 - 1775, 3rd Movement


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65003c  No.221660

File: 738fbb92a3e36a9⋯.jpeg (3.38 MB, 5747x4316, 5747:4316, Follower_of_William_Westa….jpeg)

File: 045ad0666d933ca⋯.jpeg (3.45 MB, 5821x4850, 5821:4850, Joseph_Clark_1834_1926_Th….jpeg)

File: dad1aa0d6ce490b⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 4707x3323, 4707:3323, K_nstler_Ende_des_19_Jahrh….jpg)

File: 92436d81e374367⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 2088x2925, 232:325, Central_European_painter_l….jpg)

File: 1540850319112cd⋯.jpg (2.93 MB, 2178x2820, 363:470, Central_European_painter_L….jpg)

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65003c  No.221661

File: f3fdd791e1cf1e1⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 2193x2721, 731:907, Central_European_painter_L….jpg)

File: 9dcab03a23d9d4e⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 2229x3018, 743:1006, Bara_Leopold_1846_1911_A_V….jpg)

File: e4d49231cd6bd3f⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 2200x1883, 2200:1883, Jan_Nowopack_Nechanice_182….jpg)

File: a5c754e90cd8b6b⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 2515x1965, 503:393, Jarom_r_Stretti_Zamponi_Pl….jpg)

File: 3cef7de893b3c42⋯.jpeg (3.62 MB, 6017x3641, 547:331, Luigi_Cima_1860_1938_Pass….jpeg)

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65003c  No.221662

File: 886c76473183383⋯.jpg (631.57 KB, 3200x2106, 1600:1053, Louis_Hubbard_Grimshaw_Lee….jpg)

File: ceb42161fe2ae55⋯.jpg (459.67 KB, 3200x2196, 800:549, Louis_Hubbard_Grimshaw_Lee….jpg)

File: cc670476bec3c46⋯.jpg (507.81 KB, 3200x1983, 3200:1983, Louis_Hubbard_Grimshaw_Lee….jpg)

File: 10b7ce71e0360c2⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 3200x2021, 3200:2021, Charles_Henri_Joseph_Leick….jpg)

File: c16c5027d8e9165⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 2394x3200, 1197:1600, Edouard_Steinbruck_Magdebu….jpg)

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65003c  No.221663

File: 97d80b9edf528a8⋯.jpg (1.62 MB, 2598x3200, 1299:1600, Eugene_de_Blaas_Albano_Pap….jpg)

File: 48a380e3e81d7da⋯.jpg (3.79 MB, 2517x3200, 2517:3200, William_Trost_Richards_Phi….jpg)

File: 7e0ad9286c2af26⋯.jpg (709.06 KB, 2283x3200, 2283:3200, Henry_Ryland_Biggleswade_B….jpg)

File: 4e42547b9180297⋯.jpg (787.86 KB, 3200x1097, 3200:1097, Alfred_Sacheverell_Coke_Br….jpg)

File: 6c87018ef9e93bf⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 2510x3200, 251:320, Jessica_Hayllar_London_Eng….jpg)

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65003c  No.221664

File: 3325d31db1b88a6⋯.jpg (1 MB, 1742x3200, 871:1600, Charles_Edward_Perugini_Na….jpg)

File: b07b08620acc64d⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 3200x2130, 320:213, James_Baker_Pyne_Bristol_E….jpg)

File: 948c3f28dc86dff⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 3200x2379, 3200:2379, George_Bernard_O_Neill_Dub….jpg)

File: 494ec8a9c1a6a9f⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 2614x3118, 1307:1559, Frederick_Richard_Pickersg….jpg)

File: 4be57832c0ebaa5⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 3200x1754, 1600:877, Robert_Mackreth_1766_1860_….jpg)

Isaac Manuel Francisco Albéniz y Pascual (Camprodon, Catalonia, Province of Girona, Kingdom of Spain 1860-1909 Cambo-les-Bains, Basses-Pyrénées, French Republic)

Suite española, Op. 47 - 1886, 1st Movement


Suite española, Op. 47 - 1886, 2nd Movement


Suite española, Op. 47 - 1886, 3rd Movement


Suite española, Op. 47 - 1886, 4th Movement


Suite española, Op. 47 - 1886, 5th Movement


Suite española, Op. 47 - 1886, 6th Movement


Suite española, Op. 47 - 1886, 7th Movement


Suite española, Op. 47 - 1886, 8th Movement


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a2c8a7  No.222446

File: e9ed84e5716855a⋯.png (1.95 MB, 746x3546, 373:1773, 1589976776272.png)

File: 835895fb4ce216f⋯.jpg (302.65 KB, 659x938, 659:938, 1606082904239.jpg)

File: 4dceef6dff5f913⋯.jpg (612.93 KB, 1158x1200, 193:200, 1614625153167.jpg)

File: 6f2862b858ee562⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 1614612520508.jpg)

File: ee987f4eded5392⋯.jpg (491.63 KB, 746x916, 373:458, 1606710546090.jpg)

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a7269a  No.222448

File: 76b00c6b984cfb9⋯.jpg (6.71 KB, 267x189, 89:63, 1a.jpg)

File: 3c14caefaf04217⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 4961x3508, 4961:3508, 1.jpg)

None of the things ITT have any goddamned thing whatsoever to do with the Aryan spirit, which prizes Eternal Law over time-bound contrivances. You might unwittingly be spreading spiritual-Abrahamism with your

>(((wh*te))) PSYOP paintings


Aryan Art is fundamentally a non-stop outflowing of LIVING NOBLY.

<<(and scythian goldwork)

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f02692  No.222449


So post what you believe should qualify.

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a7269a  No.222450

File: 458223cd4aa8dd5⋯.jpg (34.48 KB, 640x425, 128:85, proxy_image.jpg)


You mean beyond what I just posted?

You're not going to like it, anon. :(

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f02692  No.222451


I love art! Post!

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a7269a  No.222452


ooooookay, that's three, but what you're NOT going to get is

>a painting of a woman

>a painting of a castle

>a painting of a tree

In fact, you won't get any paintings, because paintings are disposable time-bound memes and thoroughly ignoble in every important way. If there were any extant Aryan architecture, I'd post that, but there's not, so I cannot.

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f02692  No.222453


What about Germany's star fortresses?

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f02692  No.222454

File: df008a538c2e39e⋯.jpg (8.74 MB, 4000x2251, 4000:2251, 210120094128_01_star_citie….jpg)


>Germany's star fortresses

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a7269a  No.222456


Lacking any vitality at the moment, but that's getting closer. Imagine a man living in perfect harmony with the Law in a world that is not going through death spasms, and then imagine the ways in which he naturally creates beautiful things as a natural byproduct of him living beautifully; that's Aryan art to me. It would be found in handicrafts and architecture and clothing and would not be


but would simply BE THE THING, beautifully and harmoniously.

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a7269a  No.222458


A true Aryan couldn't not make art in anything and everything he does, in other words. There would be no obscene outward idolatry or covetousness towards an OBJECT.

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f02692  No.222459


How far we have fallen!

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a7269a  No.222460

File: c2661ce11259fdb⋯.jpg (295.88 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, proxy_image.jpg)


Yes my friend! Yes! But the wheel will turn and we will have it again. :)

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f02692  No.222467


>Yes my friend! Yes! But the wheel will turn and we will have it again.

Perhaps, if we can maintain genetic integrity. There are so few of us left.

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65003c  No.222711

File: f914a4ac2337c6d⋯.jpg (3.18 MB, 3496x2454, 1748:1227, Bruno_Andreas_Liljefors_Up….jpg)

File: 079440fcf3330af⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 2751x2048, 2751:2048, Amalia_Euphrosyne_Lindegre….jpg)

File: 01a612427901bc5⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 1977x2500, 1977:2500, Jan_Alojzy_Matejko_Free_Ci….jpg)

File: e1b104c7098d7e5⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 5257x3359, 5257:3359, Vincent_Dmacho_ski_Naharod….jpg)


>Aryan spirit

Aryans are a concrete race of people, not a "spirit" you filthy kike.

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4cccb6  No.222726


you are an obvious kike. Please show us your amazing jewish historic art from 4,000 years ago, and we will compare that with metal animals that the aryans made at that time. Do you not understand innovation?

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a7269a  No.222745

File: d59622a6939704c⋯.png (64.72 KB, 241x205, 241:205, kekekkkk.png)


I trust Tradition and absolute intuitive certainty over your butthurt Tweetpoasting, thanks. But please: keep simping for

>muh aryan

oil paintings of husky fellers with big bushy beards lmao

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f02692  No.222752

File: 8904f3592d3ea8f⋯.jpg (101.5 KB, 246x387, 82:129, antifa_feminists_men_in_ou….jpg)


Nothin wrong with a nice husky feller. Better than a metrosexual.

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a7269a  No.222754


I have zero problems with husky fellers or beards, but I find it altogether bizarre that a board that prides itself on Aryanism seems to have conflated Aryanism with Being A Cowboy or Pretty Trees.

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65003c  No.222763

File: de80df4a9327709⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 5728x1673, 5728:1673, Carl_Olof_Larsson_Stockhol….jpg)

File: 3fb039195d46062⋯.jpg (2.85 MB, 3801x5000, 3801:5000, Basile_Lemeunier_1852_1922….jpg)

File: 016772bb8e7b19b⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 3310x4411, 3310:4411, Louis_Gauffier_Poitiers_Po….jpg)

File: 50d58704076007a⋯.jpg (947.45 KB, 2480x2412, 620:603, Vojt_ch_Adalbert_Hynais_Vi….jpg)

File: eda3e3d21a2cb2d⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 2015x2395, 403:479, Wandalin_Strza_ecki_Warsaw….jpg)

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f02692  No.222764


>but I find it altogether bizarre that a board that prides itself on Aryanism seems to have conflated Aryanism with Being A Cowboy or Pretty Trees.

Interesting. I am very partial to trees myself.

Also, you might be missing the point of the painting of which the subject is not 'trees' but rather the force and power of nature.

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65003c  No.222765

File: 1e2f92edba95699⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2374x1802, 1187:901, Louis_Buvelot_Morges_Canto….jpg)

File: 18ef84f558fd961⋯.jpg (472.76 KB, 1784x1417, 1784:1417, Wojciech_Horacy_Kossak_Par….jpg)

File: bb4d6e35a99122f⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 5669x3666, 5669:3666, Marcin_Zaleski_Cracow_West….jpg)

File: 29aa9de32804ff1⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 2358x1618, 1179:809, John_Thomas_Baines_King_s_….jpg)

File: 38b7eae9b46ac9d⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 3188x1600, 797:400, Christopher_Blossom_1956_Y….jpg)

Niccolò Paganini (Genoa, Republic of Genoa 1782-1840 Nice, Duchy of Savoy, Kingdom of Sardinia)

Violin Concerto No. 2 in B minor, Op. 7 - 1826, 1st Movement


Violin Concerto No. 2 in B minor, Op. 7 - 1826, 2nd Movement


Violin Concerto No. 2 in B minor, Op. 7 - 1826, 3rd Movement


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a7269a  No.222766


This is going to be very unpopular, but: Aryans don't need paintings of nature. Aryans are nature. Being in nature and doing nature and living nature and exuding nature precludes needing to abstract nature onto a piece of wood with oil paints. Painting is, I'm afraid, degenerate. Most of these photos ITT are nothing more than old Instagram snaps.

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a7269a  No.222768

… it's worth remembering, at all times, that we're in the Kali Yuga. Assess things with that in mind and you'll hardly ever go wrong.

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65003c  No.222769

File: 64102ede34fd0a0⋯.jpg (1.79 MB, 3907x2844, 3907:2844, Lorenzo_Quaglio_M_nchen_17….jpg)

File: 95fa97c85429252⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 3906x2687, 3906:2687, Max_Nonnenbruch_Viersen_18….jpg)

File: 9154390079b6b2c⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 2470x3362, 1235:1681, _Rudolf_Geyling_Vienna_Aus….jpg)

File: 150b8eb31e1e9f0⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 3000x2398, 1500:1199, George_Barret_Dublin_Kingd….jpg)

File: 461085a9345fffc⋯.jpg (2.9 MB, 3000x2309, 3000:2309, James_Malton_1761_1803_Tri….jpg)


>Aryans don't need representational art, Aryan art needs to be abstract shapes and vague disembodied concepts

You are literally talking about Semitic art, please fuck off and make a separate thread for kike art.

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65003c  No.222770

File: d28c726f20df51f⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 3000x1776, 125:74, James_Arthur_O_Connor_Dubl….jpg)

File: 451ce0a9b581252⋯.jpg (2.83 MB, 7788x6210, 1298:1035, Pierre_Paul_Prud_hon_Cluny….jpg)

File: 83a66bedcc743d0⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 2933x4016, 2933:4016, Johannes_Harders_Kellenhus….jpg)

File: 2f3af06048120b6⋯.jpeg (2.89 MB, 4558x2259, 4558:2259, Konstantin_Alexeyevich_Va….jpeg)

File: c59b07f045c4c82⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 2363x2204, 2363:2204, Sven_Richard_Bergh_Stockho….jpg)

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a7269a  No.222771


Your coarse language tells us all we need to know. Thank you for the picture of a woman's breasts. Very… uhm… noble.


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65003c  No.222772

File: ca83cb7bbf1b3b7⋯.jpg (3.16 MB, 4060x3244, 1015:811, Alexander_Roslin_Malm_Scan….jpg)

File: a3491f8f6f1cb7d⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 2422x1824, 1211:912, Marcin_Zaleski_Cracow_West….jpg)

File: be44aa39f6f2458⋯.jpg (1.94 MB, 2833x3940, 2833:3940, Giulio_Cesare_Procaccini_B….jpg)

File: 64deeb6ad2d837b⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 3000x1773, 1000:591, James_Arthur_O_Connor_Dubl….jpg)

File: 7f94d93af92e424⋯.jpg (662.29 KB, 944x1204, 236:301, Andrey_Alexiev_Shishkin_Mo….jpg)


>The Aryan body is obscene and should be hidden

Please take your Semitic faggotry elsewhere.

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a7269a  No.222773

It's quite remarkable, actually, to see a Hollywood/ZOG-ruined slave doing his best to project non-existent fantasies onto a piece of wood and call it Aryan. This thread is almost exactly the same as any capeshit film in its content. Including the quality of the viewers. Sad.

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65003c  No.222774

File: 95279a23f8f1874⋯.jpg (1022.59 KB, 1191x978, 397:326, Andrey_Alexiev_Shishkin_Mo….JPG)

File: a50d036ab8ae10c⋯.jpg (2.79 MB, 7722x5306, 3861:2653, Ivan_Konstantinovich_Aivaz….jpg)

File: b95284c95b01294⋯.jpg (3.39 MB, 2621x3543, 2621:3543, Firs_Sergeyevich_Zhuravlev….jpg)

File: 5dff6f8a2a197aa⋯.jpeg (2.37 MB, 2238x2938, 1119:1469, Victor_Prezio_New_York_Ci….jpeg)

File: affd1892ddb2ba1⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 5432x3824, 679:478, Johann_Adolf_Lasinsky_Simm….jpg)

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65003c  No.222776

File: 0b615266f740fae⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 8265x4664, 8265:4664, William_Stanley_Haseltine_….jpg)

File: 1c876267e9a7466⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 4000x2642, 2000:1321, Asher_Brown_Durand_Maplewo….jpg)

File: be0e5f54991d6db⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 3916x3192, 979:798, Umkreis_von_Jan_Frans_van_….jpg)

File: ec04c146c94a020⋯.jpg (326.63 KB, 965x1200, 193:240, Vasily_Andreevich_Tropinin….jpg)

File: 46b76458a2e118f⋯.jpg (1.6 MB, 2465x1413, 2465:1413, J_zef_Brandt_Szczebrzeszyn….jpg)

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a7269a  No.222777

File: 3f684fd19fee36f⋯.png (560.45 KB, 355x880, 71:176, nope.png)


Alrighty; you're just a 95 IQ shutin who has listened to too much power metal. Enjoy your thread.

(You're genetic / psycho-spiritual trash.)

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65003c  No.222778

File: 32afffb286bc293⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 2455x1925, 491:385, Marcin_Zaleski_Cracow_West….jpg)

File: b835376e61e0e84⋯.jpg (3.21 MB, 4084x3284, 1021:821, Amalia_Euphrosyne_Lindegre….jpg)

File: 15c6e7491df9a9b⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 2362x1635, 2362:1635, John_Thomas_Baines_King_s_….jpg)

File: 25f8e680487feec⋯.jpg (2.93 MB, 3986x2419, 3986:2419, Jos_Simont_Barcelona_1875_….jpg)

File: 11e53d812f2211b⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 8076x3763, 8076:3763, Boris_Mikhaylovich_Kustodi….jpg)

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f02692  No.222779

File: 5d0397823996862⋯.jpg (111.52 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, brick_fp_flw.jpg)

File: 3ba2ba323061614⋯.jpg (46.67 KB, 512x340, 128:85, staircase_wood.jpg)

File: 76331612652069f⋯.jpg (162.02 KB, 952x634, 476:317, tracy_residence_interior_s….jpg)

File: 6d934a5517b2306⋯.jpg (65.08 KB, 512x340, 128:85, flw_staircase_wood.jpg)

File: 29326078070f3c2⋯.jpg (494.79 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, FLW_architecture.jpg)


Your opinion is simply your opinion, neither popular or unpopular. I only ask because I am curious about it.

I would never put paintings up either, I love the feel and presence of what I build with, it needs no covering and nothing decorative added to it. I don't think art is degenerate, because I like looking at it…it is a map of that individual while they were alive, not a physical thing.

>Including the quality of the viewers

You don't have to participate.

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65003c  No.222781

File: 1278831312ad4fd⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 3000x2080, 75:52, George_Arthur_Fripp_Bristo….jpg)

File: 8f043b087f80e67⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 7627x5687, 7627:5687, Thomas_Birch_London_Kingdo….jpg)

File: 8313eb92c1043fa⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 4724x8000, 1181:2000, Evelyn_De_Morgan_London_U_….jpg)

File: 1f6125665ded277⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 2000x1505, 400:301, Vsevolod_Borisovich_Ivanov….jpg)

File: c850bef78452432⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 3000x1768, 375:221, James_Arthur_O_Connor_Dubl….jpg)


I am the son of my Aryan forefathers, kike.

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65003c  No.222784

File: a63d528a0feccca⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 4637x2773, 4637:2773, J_zef_Brandt_Szczebrzeszyn….jpg)

File: 5456cb56c03bf65⋯.jpg (2.89 MB, 4156x2873, 4156:2873, Henri_Pierre_L_on_Pharamon….jpg)

File: b981f98eeb07532⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 4811x2416, 4811:2416, William_Blake_Richmond_Mar….jpg)

File: f375f3ea986b731⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 2000x1445, 400:289, Andrey_Leontievich_Klimenk….jpg)

File: 19201e3817ea22b⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 4016x2899, 4016:2899, Simon_Warnberger_Pullach_1….jpg)

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a7269a  No.222786

File: d90790e878e5172⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 197x268, 197:268, proxy_image.jpg)


You're doing a remarkable job of showing just how corrupt the Kali Yuga is. If that's your goal: well done.

But please: Post more pictures of war and tits to show us how Aryan you are. A few more dozen should suffice to prove once and for all your inanity.

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f02692  No.222789


The human body is not degenerate. I think the real problem is in your mind anon.

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65003c  No.222791

File: 5e817840eb085fc⋯.jpg (2.34 MB, 3852x2992, 963:748, Ferdinand_Wilhelm_von_Couv….jpg)

File: 2321249facb7b48⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 2450x1614, 1225:807, Marcin_Zaleski_Cracow_West….jpg)

File: a01973ae5b2f70b⋯.jpeg (2.1 MB, 2915x2115, 583:423, Gordon_Johnson_1924_1989_….jpeg)

File: a64d62ed297e40f⋯.jpg (3.14 MB, 4846x2979, 4846:2979, William_Henry_Mander_Birmi….jpg)

File: c6bb98f95c5fc99⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 5527x4048, 5527:4048, Jean_Baptiste_Debret_Paris….jpg)


There is no reason why any of these sacred works left to us by our Aryan forefathers should have any meaning for an alien kike such as yourself. Reading the Talmud would likely be more aesthetically and spiritually compelling for you.

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65003c  No.222798

File: 9d4ea5cc842973d⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 4323x3141, 1441:1047, Anton_Alois_Kirchebner_G_t….jpg)

File: 2e29b9fe186cd79⋯.jpg (955.99 KB, 3200x2184, 400:273, Jean_Leon_Huens_1921_1984_….jpg)

File: 0a5ba1058389506⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 3000x2138, 1500:1069, Horst_Helmus_1926_Scene_fr….jpg)

File: b8d1667b9f1d994⋯.jpg (3.07 MB, 3000x1659, 1000:553, Jean_L_on_G_r_me_Vesoul_Ha….jpg)

File: 45bf5a13d899e20⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 8000x5973, 8000:5973, Franz_Dietrich_Meissen_Kin….jpg)

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a7269a  No.222799


Please do not put words into my mouth.

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f02692  No.222802


I didn't, but the body is not corrupted. The corruption is in the mind of the perceiver.

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a7269a  No.222803


You continue to miss the point entirely, and I no longer care to try to explain it to you.

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65003c  No.232613

File: 43d5ad625f2006f⋯.jpg (3.33 MB, 2894x4020, 1447:2010, Ferdinand_Richardt_Brede_C….jpg)

File: 82ed4aa50af3797⋯.jpg (3.5 MB, 1707x2000, 1707:2000, Joseph_Jansen_1829_1905_Al….jpg)

File: 359049d53788b3e⋯.jpg (3.8 MB, 2970x4035, 198:269, William_Stanley_Haseltine_….jpg)

File: 76b472a0e0757d0⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 1682x1240, 841:620, Gaspare_Diziani_1689_1767_….jpg)

Giuseppe Saverio Raffaele Mercadante (Altamura, Terra di Bari, Kingdom of Naples 1795-1870 Naples, Campania, Kingdom of Italy)

Flute Concerto in E minor - 1819, 1st Movement


Flute Concerto in E minor - 1819, 2nd Movement


Flute Concerto in E minor- 1819, 3rd Movement


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65003c  No.232616

File: 4856deb5493a28c⋯.jpg (2.8 MB, 3175x3200, 127:128, Norman_Perceval_Rockwell_1….jpg)

File: 1375e8d77396310⋯.jpg (2.24 MB, 3200x1645, 640:329, Thomas_Moran_1837_1926_Zio….jpg)

File: 06a362499a701e6⋯.jpg (2.37 MB, 3200x2114, 1600:1057, Thomas_Moran_1837_1926_Can….jpg)

File: e0df457378176ab⋯.jpg (3.87 MB, 3056x3612, 764:903, Douglass_Crockwell_Columbu….jpg)

File: 463c1d355d1a43a⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 2277x3200, 2277:3200, Albert_Bierstadt_1830_1902….jpg)

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65003c  No.232621

File: b82df267f5ae98d⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 2316x3200, 579:800, John_George_Brown_1831_191….jpg)

File: 9f517a89c193047⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 3200x1869, 3200:1869, Mark_Thompson_Wearside_Eng….jpg)

File: bb04b5443fc307f⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 3200x2313, 3200:2313, Terrick_John_Williams_1860….jpg)

File: 333f7759915e43f⋯.jpg (2.77 MB, 3200x2365, 640:473, Porcelain_Military_Plaque_….jpg)

File: 29b8ed638fc8017⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 3200x2652, 800:663, Pieter_Josselin_de_Jong_18….jpg)

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65003c  No.232625

File: e41751dc516e8a2⋯.jpg (2.6 MB, 3200x1992, 400:249, Eug_ne_Cic_ri_1812_1890_an….jpg)

File: 61762f0c02f3000⋯.jpg (2.03 MB, 3200x2419, 3200:2419, Charles_Th_odore_Fr_re_181….jpg)

File: 1fb2d66b3064d33⋯.jpg (1.66 MB, 3200x1429, 3200:1429, Continental_or_American_Sc….jpg)

File: aac0f92a6c43aa7⋯.jpg (2.42 MB, 3200x2717, 3200:2717, Johann_Moritz_Rugendas_180….jpg)

File: 4ae392d73237855⋯.jpg (2.66 MB, 3200x2165, 640:433, Thomas_Baines_1820_1875_Th….jpg)

Reminder that we are still doing the scheduled weekly Sunday threads on 4/pol/ in case anybody wants to drop by there and contribute:

Sun 09 May 2021


Sun 02 May 2021


Sun 25 Apr 2021


Sun 18 Apr 2021



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65003c  No.232627

File: b06507e4d3e09a8⋯.jpg (2.72 MB, 1870x2249, 1870:2249, James_Smetham_1821_1881_Th….jpg)

File: 1052838497f2bb0⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 2925x3200, 117:128, Workshop_of_Jan_van_Scorel….jpg)

File: 4a5afaf0500da82⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 3200x1909, 3200:1909, Studio_of_Floris_van_Schoo….jpg)

File: 0a5d3971a79c8f9⋯.jpg (3.2 MB, 3123x2119, 3123:2119, Attributed_to_Abel_Grimmer….jpg)

File: 70b0061ca67623d⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 3200x2542, 1600:1271, Pieter_Neefs_II_Antwerp_16….jpg)

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65003c  No.232629

File: 4fb082b81e25780⋯.jpg (2.43 MB, 3200x2178, 1600:1089, Cornelis_Beelt_c_1602_1664….jpg)

File: 97f61e77f24f828⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 3200x2709, 3200:2709, Gerrit_Berckheyde_Haarlem_….jpg)

File: a367f1d0118a0e6⋯.jpg (2.11 MB, 3200x2280, 80:57, John_Glover_1767_1849_View….jpg)

File: 13319cadcd7e368⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 3200x2348, 800:587, Pierre_Patel_c_1605_1676_A….jpg)

File: e777f19585d3dd7⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 3200x1949, 3200:1949, Charles_Po_rson_1609_1667_….jpg)

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65003c  No.232630

File: 11161358358483a⋯.jpg (1.88 MB, 3200x1617, 3200:1617, Richard_Bankes_Harraden_17….jpg)

File: 84af89bd9ac9074⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 2880x3200, 9:10, Francesco_Solimena_1657_17….jpg)

File: 4fbe3beb5aed131⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 3200x2425, 128:97, Michael_Wutky_1739_1823_A_….jpg)

File: 3a8e69a7f0bf22a⋯.jpg (2.64 MB, 3200x1989, 3200:1989, After_Bernardo_Bellotto_17….jpg)

File: 7eaf0787fb20dad⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 2475x3200, 99:128, William_van_der_Hagen_acti….jpg)

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65003c  No.232633

File: d97be507fac5f58⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 3200x2471, 3200:2471, Jakob_Philipp_Hackert_1737….jpg)

File: d57b8f3d648133b⋯.jpg (2.17 MB, 3200x2553, 3200:2553, Edwin_Henry_Landseer_1802_….jpg)

File: 790da4679f3f525⋯.jpg (3.1 MB, 3200x2543, 3200:2543, John_White_Abbott_Exeter_1….jpg)

File: 5611e10d94e421a⋯.jpg (847.9 KB, 1920x1432, 240:179, Jean_Jacques_Lagren_e_the_….jpg)

File: d51b3fc1e9d778c⋯.jpg (1.03 MB, 2000x1667, 2000:1667, Anton_Winterlin_1805_1894_….jpg)

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31a05c  No.232706

anti spam

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f44e2a  No.245028

File: f19f8c40396e292⋯.jpg (840.9 KB, 935x1024, 935:1024, John_Falter_7.jpg)

File: 3d8b585ed171ce0⋯.jpg (7.65 KB, 265x190, 53:38, John_Falter_art_14.jpg)

File: 797e303d4536be1⋯.jpg (908.19 KB, 3117x3200, 3117:3200, John_Falter_5.jpg)

File: 0ae5c776260720e⋯.jpg (51.91 KB, 397x470, 397:470, John_Falter_12.jpg)

File: 69bcad5f859915d⋯.jpg (87.37 KB, 630x557, 630:557, John_Falter_summer_days.jpg)



some more John Falter Art

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f44e2a  No.245039


how come the post i replied to switched to posts of my art… well art I shared, with my file names on them?

curious. I scrolled from bottom to top and came across them and saw that a reply to one of those was actually my post at the bottom, which I hadn't replied to.

anyway, nice to see my contribution in this amazing collection of the beauty of our people

it is awesome and humbling

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d489b5  No.245066


I miss the old days. They'll always exist to me in memory, and as far as rural America today, it's as close as we can ever salvage of it sadly.

Playing in the yard with your friends, building a tree house with your father, the family picnics, camping and fishing trips together, morel mushroom hunting as a kid, the first time you shoot a dear and are overwhelmed with both excitement and sadness when you see it bleed out, going steady with someone you really like and making out near the lakeside, blowing off quarter sticks of dynamite and mortar fireworks partying while drunk on whiskey and high off cocaine, hanging out at the local diners and the nearest mall when we were teenagers…..

"Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end, we'd sing and dance forever and a day, we'd live the life we choose, we'd fight and never lose, for we were young and sure to have our way!"

I just wish Skeeter Davis did a rendition of that classic song! Instead all I get from her is "The End Of The World." I guess that one suites me just fine these days.

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0c1846  No.252636

File: 5d6eb0b06e27f55⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 4303x2785, 4303:2785, George_William_Willis_Brit….jpg)

File: ff4ea7b673113c7⋯.jpg (1.98 MB, 4115x3119, 4115:3119, F_H_S_Shepherd_1877_1948_L….jpg)

File: 1000749668e635f⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 3727x2674, 3727:2674, William_Frederick_Witherin….jpg)

File: 7dc430a692abfcd⋯.jpg (3.25 MB, 4342x3196, 2171:1598, Eduard_Peithner_von_Lichte….jpg)

File: 318e8398703b065⋯.jpg (3.04 MB, 2274x3012, 379:502, Mare_ek_Bohumil_1884_1962_….jpg)

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0c1846  No.252637

File: e654cf83a485ff4⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 2862x2259, 318:251, Karel_Kl_r_1866_1919_A_Gar….jpg)

File: eac8b457e63a7e5⋯.jpg (2.58 MB, 2012x2576, 503:644, Jerzy_Kossak_1886_1955_The….jpg)

File: c403eeba252b41d⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 4120x2940, 206:147, Attributed_to_Josef_Carl_B….jpg)

File: ca9ff6d7683defe⋯.jpg (2.23 MB, 4575x3542, 4575:3542, Walter_Westley_Russell_For….jpg)

File: b467bd4618560ac⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 2315x2891, 2315:2891, John_Mulcaster_Carrick_Car….jpg)

Frédéric François Chopin (Żelazowa Wola, Duchy of Warsaw, French Empire 1810-1849 Paris, French Republic)

Nocturne in B Flat Minor, Op. 9 No. 1 - 1830-1832


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1ce559  No.258037

I think we're being raided.

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0c1846  No.259422

File: 62c7e324950d48f⋯.jpg (2.16 MB, 1991x1741, 1991:1741, Dame_Laura_Knight_1877_197….jpg)

File: 1a107cb7fab6898⋯.jpg (3.16 MB, 3000x1983, 1000:661, Michele_Marieschi_1710_174….jpg)

File: 62674315a996104⋯.jpg (3.28 MB, 4869x3141, 541:349, Ferdinand_K_nig_1827_1894_….jpg)

File: 9a40fddd0ff5daa⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 3552x2747, 3552:2747, Edmund_Adler_1876_1965_B_u….jpg)

File: c4815284ab3f5ea⋯.jpg (2.18 MB, 2884x1908, 721:477, K_nstler_um_1900_In_den_Po….jpg)

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0c1846  No.259424

File: 9c5a9f997c76ddb⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 1704x2151, 568:717, K_nstler_um_1900_Junge_Dam….jpg)

File: 697474f1bbc947e⋯.jpg (2.12 MB, 2602x1954, 1301:977, Josef_Steiner_um_1900_Alle….jpg)

File: 0c26673d7137fcd⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 3691x3125, 3691:3125, Friedrich_Eduard_Meyerheim….jpg)

File: a72226450ff27f1⋯.jpg (3.05 MB, 4046x2337, 4046:2337, Josef_Langl_1843_1916_Rom_….jpg)

File: 2177821697feaca⋯.jpg (3.19 MB, 4002x2953, 4002:2953, Adriaen_Verboom_c_1628_c_1….jpg)

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0c1846  No.259426

File: 6964bcc1b4d15cc⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 4364x3340, 1091:835, Adriaen_Verboom_c_1628_c_1….jpg)

File: 888aa7ec727745b⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 1785x2282, 255:326, Fritz_Halberg_Krauss_1874_….jpg)

File: 70871b7084cb21e⋯.jpg (3.08 MB, 4624x3429, 4624:3429, Jerzy_Kossak_Grand_Duchy_o….jpg)

File: e7701df92c987fa⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 5104x3698, 2552:1849, Jules_Georges_Redon_Paris_….jpg)

File: 0bb5bb05f230515⋯.jpg (2.2 MB, 3929x2999, 3929:2999, Jakob_Mayer_Attenhofer_Leu….jpg)

Charles Gounod (Paris, Kingdom of France 1818-1893 Saint-Cloud, Seine-et-Oise, French Republic) Faust, CG 4, Act 4 Scene 4: No. 22, Choeur des soldats "Gloire immortelle de nos aïeux" (Soldiers' choir - "Immortal glory of our forefathers") - 1859


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0c1846  No.259428

File: f6f9f10769a5338⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2483x3557, 2483:3557, Cornelis_Christiaan_Dommer….jpg)

File: 9ea09681dbd3a03⋯.jpg (2.5 MB, 3379x4859, 3379:4859, Jean_Baptiste_Jules_Trayer….jpg)

File: e6cc9c3b16a79f6⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 2871x3670, 2871:3670, Friedrich_Ko_nig_Vienna_Au….jpg)

File: 63cd44ac82bb188⋯.jpg (2.99 MB, 4202x3293, 4202:3293, Ivan_Ivanovitch_Tvoroshnik….jpg)

File: 296365f93fff26b⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 3712x3070, 1856:1535, Edwin_May_Fox_British_19th….jpg)

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0c1846  No.259429

File: 55b3f8d5951359a⋯.jpg (2.21 MB, 3811x2796, 3811:2796, Gabriel_Loppe_Montpellier_….jpg)

File: f783b8129d363cb⋯.jpg (2.65 MB, 4462x2943, 4462:2943, Guglielmo_Giusti_1824_1916….jpg)

File: 34002ac9238a24c⋯.jpg (3 MB, 4933x4218, 4933:4218, Unkown_Artist_19th_century….jpg)

File: ebbee4425183c77⋯.jpg (1.77 MB, 2926x1937, 2926:1937, Jean_Joseph_E_le_onore_Ant….jpg)

File: 85ed9c4b68777e1⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 3247x2234, 3247:2234, Camillo_Bortoluzzi_1868_19….jpg)

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0c1846  No.259430

File: 711f619111ffefb⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 3513x2179, 3513:2179, Raffaello_Sorbi_1844_1931_….jpg)

File: 3e335f8d2fe0731⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 4921x3448, 4921:3448, Alessandro_Reati_active_in….jpg)

File: f0b488c30a3f7fe⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 2639x3844, 2639:3844, Giuseppe_Palizzi_1812_1888….jpg)

File: 53e70f5952169b9⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 4698x3233, 4698:3233, Eduard_Agricola_1800_1877_….jpg)

File: 2acd76e33b75776⋯.jpg (2.74 MB, 4042x2916, 2021:1458, Caroly_Marko_the_Elder_179….jpg)

Ilya Alekseevich Shatrov (Zemlyansk, Voronezh Governorate, Russian Empire c.1879-1952 Tambov, Tambov Oblast, USSR)

On the Hills of Manchuria - 1906


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1ce559  No.271510

File: 0ea55de6a62f5b7⋯.jpg (465.96 KB, 970x716, 485:358, 032.jpg)

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