<tell us
<tell us
<tell us
Calm down manlet. I will grant you the honour of my time. Ill format, especially for you, my post in that yiddit-style you seem to love so much. Which is alien to h8kun, but the only way you seem to be able to post - even with you hopping IDs like a faggot its impossible not to recognise a post as (((yours))). Let me show you my initial post again, so you cant pilpul shit from your ass again.
>no real confrontation between people
>not even after pumping up the niggers
>instigate civil war by provoking the right people with gun law during a Western Spring.
>looming recession
<hey goy, why havent you start fighting each other yet?
>I hate kikes.
Did i mention to NEVER fight back? Looks like i did not.
Did i insinuate to IGNORE anything and everything happening to my people? Hmm, guess i didnt.
Do i expect anyone else to do my job for me? Hmmm, nope, also didnt do that - and you can only come to this question in the first place by framing my comment so badly.
>I pointed out your disingenuous jewish framing
<Which never happened, so I ignored it.
Ah, you ignored it, because it didnt happen. Honkhonk :^)
So why is it so important for you to have me instigate violence. What good would violence, at this exact point in time, do for white people? And why not do it yourself?
<tell us
<tell us
<tell us
>tell ME
See, speaking about 'us' as opposed to 'me' already outed you, but lets continue shall we? I doubt youll do anything but screech, so its a moot question.
<Why can't you just defend your claims, rather than whine like a jew about being proven wrong regarding them?
The claims i made are quite simple;
1. Right now there is no real confrontation between different people. Its a horde of marxists rampaging throughout cities they already overwhelmed with marxist idiocy. If there is a X vs X situation, it would be marxists vs corporate capitalism. There is absolutely nothing being destroyed right now, which i didnt want to destroy myself. If im seeing this wrong, elaborate.
2. I also claim that this bill, and especially the timing of it, is to provoke a response. People protesting a bill that might curtail the 2nd, do so armed - and lets be real, these people defending the 2nd are predominantly white. So you have a bunch of white MIGA tards, without the IQ needed to see a bigger picture, with guns on the streets, with BLM bouldering towards them. Certainly an ideal situation…. TO (((YOU))). There is little reason to believe this bill will be accepted into law, underlining its provoking intent.
3. I also claim that, with a looming recession, kikes are desperate for a diversion to be able to transfer wealth and grab more power - while diverting any and al attention away from themselves. This happened in Russia in 1917, in Germany in 1918, Hungary 1919, etc, etc. There is precedent for economic distress in combination with marxist riots and the way they develop.
<Hey goy, why havent you start fighting each other yet?
You faggot, you even mention (((q))) when no one else did and ridicule the strives and sacrifices made for the actual awakening of Germany, which i reference.
A nice dose of defeatism to go with it. All to get everyone to go violent right? Because violence, thats what this particular situation needs! Right? Well, follow your own advice, DO IT. Lead by example. Do it!
>do it faggot
>do it faggot
>do it faggot
>do it faggot
What did you add to the thread, lets see if its even slightly on topic. Hm, nope it isnt. And im the one getting paid to post? You have violence and shekels on the mind, but im the kike. Well, perhaps you and the other anon can join hands and do something together?
>April 8, 1933.
>THE great epoch which for fourteen years we awaited has now begun. Germany is awake now….