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File: 484ff234fbb8bab⋯.png (31.33 KB, 895x276, 895:276, coal.PNG)

3ed51c  No.124375

You can dox white people for not supporting riots and looting but you can't have a website keeping track of public posts of women dating blacks.


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5040f6  No.124386

>no proofs

It might have been someone other than "FBI". Antifa goons holding him at gunpoint and threatening his family, some jewish secret agent, who knows.

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d71331  No.124400

File: 5b99b78a49b01ff⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Maria_Farmer_Interview_cut.mp4)

The FBI is a jewish supremacist domestic terrorist organization and its only purpose is to protect jewish pedophiles and advance jewish interests

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c14455  No.124404


Take your pick. The vast majority of the planet supports bestiality and fucking chimpanzees to destroy the White race. It could have been anyone.

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d71331  No.124406

File: f01348481c58a48⋯.png (49.85 KB, 1083x847, 1083:847, twitterisnotreallife.png)


You spent too much time on some jewish psyop spyware website if you think that's true.

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c14455  No.124413



That is true anon. But I am looking for things that will tell me the state of the nation and sometimes I find them.

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32d972  No.124415


>The FBI is a jewish supremacist domestic terrorist organization and its only purpose is to protect jewish pedophiles and advance jewish interests

Its practically mossad at this point

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9699ce  No.124729

File: ef58657232630e6⋯.png (76.19 KB, 760x600, 19:15, user_indexing.png)

I designed this after the last iteration of the site went down there's a far more complete version don't worry. As it implies, the reliance on a single team of administrators is a terrible chokepoint for the sharing of information. Now we may have lost a database.


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90ac07  No.125088

Where is the best place to host a new site like coalfax? what nation?

u can't kill this idea. I could remake this site easily. but I don't know who would host it. any ideas?

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543f0f  No.125110


If that is true than it shows that the highest levels of american governance do not wish for us to recognize those that have betrayed not only their family and culture but their nation. They have abandoned their core values in order to give themselves up to permissive indoctrination of breeding rights to their future kin.

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88e86e  No.125135

File: 043c43814d4127c⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, crapsidermy_5.jpg)


Was this some sort of news flash to you anon?

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9c4978  No.125311

File: d6364bec552ffbb⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 16.83 KB, 300x300, 1:1, d6364bec552ffbb33de16aa2b….jpeg)

File: c7ce7707d62dc33⋯.webm (11.39 MB, 400x224, 25:14, c7ce7707d62dc33f3987d36fb….webm)

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b80f5e  No.125360


The fucking bastard institute doesn't have time to seize troll websites. They are too busy falsifying and forging evidence. I call bullshit.

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48f274  No.125386

why don't one of you fags host the site on Tor?

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5040f6  No.125388


Nowhere. Freedom is dead.

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0971fc  No.125404


Oh shit, www.coalfax.ru is down I guess I am a slowpoke.

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8ef6a1  No.125423


Learn once and for all: only violence works.

Kill your enemies, or they win.

Glowniggers will try to silence this and try to turn everyone into domesticated pacifist.


It isn't. White Men always prevail.

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bf8b32  No.125500

One rich dad going ape over his "precious angel" crying is more than sufficient to hire a high end Private Investigation firm specializing in destroying people. These firms keep ex-operators and criminals on payroll to straight up destroy people if necessary. No FBI required. If you're going to pull this sort of stunt then you better have very good OPSEC and preferably host all your code and servers in Russia.

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716ad8  No.125502

File: 6156420b0588e54⋯.png (69.29 KB, 514x233, 514:233, soros_kind_of_tired.png)


I think if the FBI had shown up, he would have said the FBI showed up. It was probably Mossad threatening three generations of his family if he didn't quit fucking with the plan to eradicate whites through interbreeding.

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445666  No.125508

File: 73f87f7dca9b362⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1885x900, 377:180, shill.PNG)


RIP CoalFax devs.

In the meantime put in your predictions for the next Murdoch Murdoch episode!


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5c804e  No.125517


Might not be real life but it sure gets real life results

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88e86e  No.125523


You might want to just move to Russia while you are at it.

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9699ce  No.125549


>host a new site



Read the post above you.

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caa138  No.130324

any chance that the site will come back one day? I really hope anon outside of US can actually host the site.

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086a4d  No.131846

I've never been to coalfax, so i don't know how similar this is, but i've heard recently about femfax which supposedly took it's place:


Is this the same deal or is it something else?

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568aa4  No.137042


FemFax shares no association with CoalFax.

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17396f  No.139132

I can finance the hosting for coalfax. but where would it get hosted at where it could not get taken down but still could be accessed?

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bd0052  No.139139


oh nuuuuuu we can't terrorize people for dating in a way we, random strangers online, don't approve of. Truly freedom for white people is dead. lmao get over yourselves.

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17396f  No.139149


white people are awesome. cry more loser

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9699ce  No.139247

File: a8979615aa66ff9⋯.png (273.28 KB, 1280x760, 32:19, User_Indexing_The_Dyna_Mod….png)


The solution is to use distributed indexing and hosting. A strategy for encouraging such development is described therein:


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03d1fa  No.159276


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