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File: a30427be8ec7e3f⋯.jpg (35.79 KB, 726x408, 121:68, tuckercarlson2.jpg)

2bb2d5  No.124136[Last 50 Posts]

They're Coming For Tucker Carlson Again. This Time They May Succeed

"Eric Striker"

>America's most watched cable news show[1], Tucker Carlson Tonight, is on the brink of being canceled.

>Carlson, the only high-profile journalist in America who defends and advocates for normal people, has had some of his last few[2] remaining sponsors pull their ads this week over his accurate coverage of the George Floyd race riots.

>Jews, leftists and capitalists have boycotted his show due to the belief that he was encouraging frightened and browbeaten white people to fight for their dignity and speak truth to the system.

>Jewish journalist Amy Siskind, reacting to a video of Tucker's June 8th monologue edited into propaganda by Siskind's co-ethnic Marty Baron at the Washington Post, demanded the TV pundit be "put on trial."[3] In post-legal[4] America, this cannot be dismissed as mere hyperbole.

>But there may be more to this story than your typical woke mob cancellation. Hostile elements in the Republican party and even at Fox News want Tucker gone. They can use the "SJWs" as a smoke screen.

>A source familiar with the news channel's affairs told National Justice that Fox News' executive chairman and CEO Lachlan Murdoch wants to avoid "controversy" and is desperate to add genocidal Zionist[5] Ben Shapiro to his nightly lineup.

>In an internal memo[6] leaked to the Daily Mail, Murdoch expressed support for anti-white extremist group Black Lives Matter and strongly encouraged Fox News journalists to report favorably on the black and anarchist mobs burning down our cities and lynching random people.

>Pressure is also mounting from Washington conservatives, who are not happy with Tucker's excellent and consistent reporting on their greed and treason. This has taken the form of exposing Paul Singer's vulture-capitalism, questioning the toxic ideas emanating from special-interest group Heritage Foundation[7], and shining light on the pandemic-profiteers[8] under investigation following his segment.

>Tucker's condemnation of prominent Republicans for ignoring their voters and teaming up with the black and anarchist criminals once again drew loud shrieks[9] from the institutional right.

>Last week's segment, blaming Jared Kushner for Trump's failed presidency, is likely to draw the ire of Trump himself. Ann Coulter met a dour fate at Trump's hands when she pushed on Kushner and is now effectively cancelled in Washington.

>In paleo-conservative circles it is popular to blame the president's awful decisions on Kushner, but as Mike Enoch has succinctly put it, if Trump really is having his mind controlled by his son-in-law, he "can't fire Kushner because he will just tell Trump not to fire him."

>Trump defers policymaking to Zionist neo-liberal Jared Kushner because Jewish power brokers, like Sheldon Adelson and Robert Kraft[10], want it. Kushner was also responsible for bringing anti-Trump Jew donors like Marc Stern and Paul Singer[11] back to the GOP. These American oligarchs have a lot of leverage over Trump through control of his party, which is why he governs like he is the president of Israel.

>Two days ago it was reported[12] that Tucker sold his entire stake in The Daily Caller to business partner Neil Patel. Since Tucker's departure, Patel purged all the interesting journalists and columnists and now dedicates The Daily Caller to harmless clickbait garbage.

>It isn't clear if Tucker is cashing out in preparation for being fired, or Patel put pressure on him to sever ties.

>In America Market Stalinism rules. The dilemma Fox executives face is how to get rid of him without his 5-6 million loyal viewers walking. Yesterday, #IStandWithTucker was trending on twitter in spite of the heavy censorship on the platform.

>Tucker Carlson, whatever disagreements one may have with him, is a beloved and popular figure. If the majority of this country is left voiceless, it will be Tucker's duty to create a media alternative that will pose an even greater threat to the powers that be.



1. http://archive.is/XZd2R

2. http://archive.is/0vKWe

3. http://archive.is/f9F6D

4. http://archive.is/syhUx

5. https://archive.fo/A5qz9

6. http://archive.is/TN5K7

7. http://archive.is/AdGuc

8. http://archive.is/fgU8Q

9. https://archive.fo/pzwjf

10. http://archive.is/4HB7j

11. http://archive.is/ciEmJ

12. http://archive.is/CRC18

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6fc638  No.124145

File: d00bc821222c196⋯.mp4 (15.59 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Tucker_Carlson_hints_Jews_….mp4)

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6fc638  No.124147

There's a bitchute channel here for Tucker's shows.


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76648e  No.124160


I wonder why people always end up hating the jews?

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f0e150  No.124167


How many civnat cucks follow him and can they be harvested for redpilling after seeing Tucker removed?

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039917  No.124168


Good. I hope they flay him alive and wrap his skin around a pig.

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bf6419  No.124425


So corporations are in a position to dictate what news we here. Ntm the entire MSM are all for profit corporations with major league COI's.

Lets face the horror of how bad things have gotten.

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a7c64e  No.124441


lot of boomers love tucker. could inspire a boomer waffen if he gets shut down

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15f3c8  No.124450


"Listen up boy I will beat you with muh cane!"

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068371  No.124454

Why do we care about this shabbos goy?

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774d1e  No.124456


>Why do we care about this shabbos goy?

When you're in a fight for your life, you avail yourself of every weapon that comes to hand. Tucker is as good as it gets in MSM as is Coulter. Anne is the only woman in America courageous to say that Mexishit are rapists and criminals. A Carlson/Coulter 2024 ticket could really shake some shit up.

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15f3c8  No.124458


Make it 2020 and I might even vote.

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2f63e8  No.124459

They will try, but will end up redpilling millions.

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4503f1  No.124505

Oh no (((Tucker))) will be removed, poor (((Fox News))), what a devastating blow this is for White people ) =

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e238dd  No.124528




Totally organic.

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038a4f  No.124625

File: 6d429676c1a062d⋯.jpg (88 KB, 600x604, 150:151, 6d429676c1a062dcf2ca8e8fdd….jpg)


It's because the strongest mental minds always want to dig deeper, to understand what causes humanities problems. Along the way they either surrender to the darkness (Politicians), some refuse to acknowledge the truth (Jordan Peterson, Stefan Molyneux), or they arrive at the same fact that has been arrived at 365 times in the past: it's all ACTUALLY the jews and not just a meme.

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d272b7  No.124644

File: 8f49485318a38fb⋯.jpeg (795.2 KB, 4000x2667, 4000:2667, mao.jpeg)

File: be7705ceaaeaa7a⋯.jpg (96.64 KB, 690x460, 3:2, Christ_of_corporate_power.jpg)

File: 0ccd28cad43099a⋯.png (94.55 KB, 500x375, 4:3, truth_right_here.png)


And some stuck with the "jews" meme and don't understand that inner religious political cabals are more complicated than single ethnicity. Mao didn't needed the "jews" to torture chinese race out of all their ancient values, and Xi Jingping continues the trend. Modern corporations making their rampant consumerism into religious teachings. The foundations behind every menacing happening is just someone wanting more money and power because they are so tied to this world they sacrifice everything for infinite hunger of worldly pleasures.

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038a4f  No.124679


>Mao didn't need the "jews"

Maybe you'll learn one day too.

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d1a64c  No.124712

File: bb2142b72b4b037⋯.jpg (178.55 KB, 1200x1129, 1200:1129, bb2142b72b4b03739ddee48d9c….jpg)

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2dc114  No.124761

Okay, maybe the text has to be red for the paid shills to read it.


>When you're in a fight for your life, you avail yourself of every weapon that comes to hand.

Why do we care about this shabbos goy?

Why do you want whites to grab a poisoned sword by the blade? Why can't you answer the question?

>Tucker is as good as it gets in MSM as is Coulter.

Why are you watching jewish media? Why are you watching talmudvision?

>A Carlson/Coulter 2024 ticket could really shake some shit up.

Why are you voting?


Why do we care about this shabbos goy? Why can't you answer the question?

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2dc114  No.124762


Don't post on this website again, dipshit. You're not fooling anyone.

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c45bee  No.125048

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Damn, I didn't know this, Jews are a great source of misery to all people but themselves.

Look at South Africa, it didn't even turn out good for the blacks and that was their stated purpose. Vid related.

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2a3e14  No.125052


Spewing your spaghet … I mean red text … all over the board just gets your faggoty ass filtered. Post something interesting or useful and people will read it and, maybe, reply.

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e4d16f  No.125059


Why can't you answer the question?

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2a3e14  No.125073


This question? >>124454

The answer is: We don't.

WE did not make this thread.

WE do not care.

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8573b5  No.125080


Holy shit. What a fucking Chad. He has a beautiful family too.

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418adf  No.125440


If he made his own he'd have the largest channel overnight.

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ef869c  No.125442


Okay, so sage.

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4ad599  No.125499


Cancelled or not, the man will not be silenced as long as he draws breath. He'll take it online if he has to.

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4ad599  No.125501


I love it when Tucker plays dumb and just leaves something hanging like that. When you hear "Huh," during an interview, it means he's holding four aces and a joker and is about to call.

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774d1e  No.125583

File: 6f4209d9734fb18⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1056x2880, 11:30, jewish_faces_in_Communist_….png)


So fucking owned you pitiful cocksucker.

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dacbcc  No.125628


We have a winner!!!

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774d1e  No.125661


Tucker live right now

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b2645b  No.125662

File: c53d972623a16a8⋯.jpg (171 KB, 909x632, 909:632, Valtmanohr_japaneseguys.jpg)

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774d1e  No.125667


Saved to drive. Thx

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5150c5  No.125679

File: e4ab1b80ba13527⋯.mp4 (622.57 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Biden_2020.mp4)

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068371  No.125725


Imagine actually falling for the jewish hoax.

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038a4f  No.125811

File: ac54da080ed4297⋯.mp4 (971.63 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ac54da080ed4297965b0ab7798….mp4)

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900bcd  No.125896

File: e4ff1126cc847aa⋯.jpg (32.3 KB, 723x486, 241:162, socialistinegiro.jpg)

File: ea9879af61e0c02⋯.jpg (144.89 KB, 1200x691, 1200:691, DpfJnCdW0AElzBw.jpg)

File: 5946907be25c1ae⋯.jpg (91.19 KB, 480x383, 480:383, 7lives.jpg)

File: 81856e5208e6ddf⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 320x180, 16:9, nomoresocialistpartyaftert….gif)


1960's from Communist China to Japan. One man stopped it.

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038a4f  No.126806

File: 080d0824c5965a7⋯.mp4 (5 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 080d0824c5965a7429a89c712b….mp4)

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3e8735  No.142773

The journalist who is taking photographs of Tucker's new house for the (((New York Times))) is named Tristan Spinski.

Tristan Spinski resides at 59 Simmons Rd South Portland, ME 04106.

His phone number is (510) 910-5376.

More info here:


Spread the word.

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ec2f4c  No.142774

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ce6ab1  No.142775

File: 65f2104da1ea638⋯.jpeg (390.46 KB, 948x1018, 474:509, 86E45439_09D3_4211_B0A0_6….jpeg)

File: 24c694ca05b7e7e⋯.png (143.27 KB, 760x1117, 760:1117, 5FEB843D_F09C_4084_A8FD_09….png)

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ec2f4c  No.142777

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ce6ab1  No.142780

File: 03d22bbe5a51e97⋯.png (187.12 KB, 1041x801, 347:267, F73BB7BB_5637_4960_B1AB_53….png)

File: 9dd724b59bd20fb⋯.png (844.96 KB, 889x557, 889:557, FD5B8B64_1329_449D_834A_11….png)

File: cd289a2187c91bd⋯.jpeg (113.22 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 41B190F9_743D_4C08_B8E3_4….jpeg)


>(((spinkski))) is the photographer, (((Murray))) is the ””””journalist”””””

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3f1a39  No.142799



They Shill!


< "Oy vey, member to hate China! Believe the 60 millions!"



"Listen and believe this jew which doesn't bother to back its claims!"


Why are cuckservatives so mad about China, then?

Why are jew medias shilling the HK chink-outs?


< "This prove we… uh, proves jews controlled China!"

Why are cuckservatives so mad about China, then?

Why are jew medias shilling the HK chink-outs?

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3f1a39  No.142803


"What do you want??! I'll give you everything I can!"

"People call me the Booty Warrior!"


"I, broke into your home looking for Booty! Now we can do this the easy way or the haaard way, the choice is yours!"

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3f1a39  No.142815


Trips checked!

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068371  No.142987


Sage. Why can’t you answer the question, paid shill? WHY SHOULD WE CARE ABOUT THIS SHABBOS GOY? WE DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR JEWISH MEDIA.

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92d5b9  No.143607

This is off-topic, but has anyone got Johnathan Greenblatt's dox?

Asking for a friend.

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0be2ea  No.161203



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1af9e2  No.161215

File: d4c52ef7406382e⋯.jpg (346.62 KB, 1771x1200, 1771:1200, 789174.jpg)


Who cares about YOU, jew?

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1af9e2  No.161216


Go fuck yourself kikenvermin.

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71c8fb  No.161218


I said it before and it got deleted in a [D+] rage … good … I hope they find him and skin him and parade around in his skin like Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs.

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6e0030  No.161288

Eric Striker is a Puerto Rican Bolshevik faggot.

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51060c  No.161291


How will it "redpill" anyone when no one will hear it?


Yeah it's incredibly hard to believe any conservative people aren't being paid to do so. It's because it's too lucrative to prey on the desperate.

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a8f405  No.161388


Do you know who else wants that to happen? 13 year old boys.


He isn't perfect, but between him joining and the doxings/Jimpact, TRS has improved from the crypto-lolberg/implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) zionist trash it once was. I still wouldn't trust any of them though.

Striker's also apparently trying to start some kind of "National Justice" party, of which Kike Eunuch is the chairman. Only Mike Peinovich and Ames Friedman will keep the jews out of politics!

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dc9969  No.161515


Keep seething, kike.

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2cc6d7  No.161517


>I still wouldn't trust any of them though



are you mad, kike?

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dc9969  No.161526


>TRS has improved from the crypto-lolberg/implicitly

They've come to understand how jewish power actually works and have lots of experience living directly under it. These are the exact same spasms that occurred in the 20s-30s. Striker has had a lot to do with that since he understands the forces of capital and how they work through cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism very well.


Not fooling anyone. TRS directly attacks jewish mechanisms for power and explain these directly to the people. Jews don't have any problem letting bums like Newt Gingrich and all the other jew stooges you want to direct people back to on tv to ramble their dumb talking points. They don't shut down Sean Hannity or James O'Keefe's access to banking or lines of credit.

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2cc6d7  No.161530


>TRS directly attacks jewish mechanisms for power and explain these directly to the people

Yeah, (((weev))) does the same thing. What's your point? please don't tell me you defend that weev kike

>Jews don't have any problem letting bums like Newt Gingrich and all the other jew stooges you want to direct people back to on tv to ramble their dumb talking points

You think that because I am against TRS that I support neocon kike mainstream media? That's so typical of you Bolshevik types.

> They don't shut down Sean Hannity or James O'Keefe's access to banking or lines of credit.

this has nothing to do with me. You are basically saying "you either tune into TRS or you watch mainstream media". Such a petty argument.

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194769  No.161534

I use to like Tucker Carlson but he is a cnp shill and basically the Anderson Cooper of CNN for fox news

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befc10  No.161535

File: 58b0738ebfad860⋯.jpg (158.06 KB, 993x765, 331:255, 58b0738ebfad860e3c1500b442….jpg)


>Kike Eunuch

Shill is afraid of history repeating itself

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dc9969  No.161540


Tucker is deep cover Finkel-think. Long-term operation. His true motives surface whenever China comes up or "leftist anti-semitism" rears its head. The entire point of his show on Fox is to sanitize the talking points found on image/message boards like this [and others] into something that passes for radicalism at a glance, but remains on the edge of utility for ZOG.

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170033  No.161552


Why type like you're on reddit?

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194769  No.161587

File: f114bfde87836b3⋯.png (190.98 KB, 1080x768, 45:32, Screenshot_2020_09_21_00_1….png)

File: f114bfde87836b3⋯.png (190.98 KB, 1080x768, 45:32, Screenshot_2020_09_21_00_1….png)

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efdc04  No.161592


Is that Kike Enoch getting Jimpacted in that picture?

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f1c51d  No.161620

File: 25eddf987355d6f⋯.png (247.61 KB, 1178x783, 1178:783, TRS_jewish_nationalism.png)

File: 9da05676018db9b⋯.jpg (2.56 MB, 1477x3340, 1477:3340, Bulbbasaur_Talmud_Apologet….jpg)

File: cdd41797a6fffdb⋯.png (738.64 KB, 762x3352, 381:1676, Bulbasaur_BASED_Israel.png)

File: 4dcd5c5b89cfc4d⋯.png (406.92 KB, 818x827, 818:827, B_nai_B_rith.png)

File: 0241b873beb6757⋯.png (2.08 MB, 984x1316, 246:329, b2f207a38dee5a71725d9447e8….png)


If you were a TRSodomite pere-jimpact, how do you rationalize that they've conceded almost every single point that they were criticized over here (and that their followers would sperg out to defend) in the years that followed? The only things they still deny are that they're all sodomites and/or kikes, and they still stick up for pharmakikery.

I even heard Eunuch say "you can't make zionism cool", which is something they tried to a few years ago, with their "i-it's only the diaspora" and "there is no zionist conspiracy, you stupid g– ZOG people!" And in the same show he acknowledged the fact that Muslim immigration is used to drum up support for Israel, when I distinctly remember them all mocking how "crazy" that point was only a few short years ago.


I'd argue that it was more because Enoch was doxed, and they had to shape things up to make it a more sustainable stream of income.

After Hal Turner was exposed as an FBI informant, he did a bunch of really extreme shows to "prove" it was all fake.

I refuse to believe that for years, when they lurked here and cuck/pol/ (pre-/r/The_Donald occupation) to harvest memes, that they wouldn't have seen more than enough proof for things like zionist jewish political power and the contents of the Talmud for them to not take pro-jewish positions.

>They don't shut down Sean Hannity or James O'Keefe's access to banking or lines of credit.

TRS managed to keep theirs a lot longer than everyone else…

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dc9969  No.161626


>I refuse to believe that for years, when they lurked here and cuck/pol/ (pre-/r/The_Donald occupation) to harvest memes, that they wouldn't have seen more than enough proof for things like zionist jewish political power and the contents of the Talmud for them to not take pro-jewish positions.

Why? To this day we're still with retards and shills who simp for libertarianism and capital.

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b4a11e  No.162528

File: 6d4e3ef9fe0211e⋯.mp4 (9.55 MB, 854x480, 427:240, DR_WILLIAM_PIERCE_ON_MARTY….mp4)


Lolbergs are different because they get so invested in the ideology that it defines their whole identity, and, even though capitalism is objectively good for the jews, it's still a subjective thing, depending on where ones' priorities lay – "I don't care whether or not the White race survives, I just want to live in a capitalist society".

What TRS was doing was denying easily verified facts (like the contents of the Talmud), and taking positions that contradicted their supposed ideology of White nationalism. Prior to the aut-right cancer metastasizing in the movement (which TRS was a major part of) it was pretty much a given that everybody hated jews, opposed Israel, etc. We went from Dr. Pierce doing talks like the embed to that little faggot Ghoul kvetching about David Duke supporting the Palestinians.

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6c694d  No.162545

Tucker, for himself, is better going independent. There is no way a jew isn't already censoring him. Sure the jews will still run his independent outfit, but it won't be as bad as Fox.

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aa53be  No.163790


Agreed, I will never trust the TRSodomites, Ethan Ralph, or any others of their crowd

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a8915c  No.163794


All these white niggers need to learn how to use https. Seriously.

If you're in a country where the content is illegal, you really don't want authorities see exactly what you're reading.

You get free certs from lets encrypt. There is no excuse.

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068371  No.163805


>implying that matters in any capacity

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a8915c  No.163827


The difference is that with HTTPS, the owner of the lan you're using doesn't know which subpages you're accessing and what you write or upload to it.

If you're using any wlan that is not your own and access that page without VPN they can see all that shit.

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7feefc  No.163851


There's this old Jewish proverb;

"If one man calls you a ass (i.e. a donkey), pay it no mind. But if another man calls you an ass, better get yourself a saddle."

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0873ba  No.163852

File: 1617ee34300f5cb⋯.jpeg (11.47 KB, 474x266, 237:133, KizunaVisitsMindcraft.jpeg)


They wouldn't be able to hurt Tucker if they were in jail were they belong. How many times has Bill Barr kicked the can down the road so far? What are the chances of anyone in the Senior Executive Service being arrested for their high crimes?

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068371  No.163910


>caring what happens to a jewish puppet

>putting them in jail instead of actually solving the problem


>what are the chances of anyone being arrested



Speaking of donkeys, do you know if the saying is 1. legitimate and 2. actually uses the Hebrew word for ‘donkey’ or simply uses goyim? The Talmud explicitly refers to non-jews as donkeys because they consider us animals. I’m just curious as to the perceived nature of the insult (to the jew) that the proverb describes…

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7d797d  No.163933

File: 1f47f6471850225⋯.png (439.99 KB, 635x273, 635:273, ClipboardImage.png)

I'd bet money they can't fuck the tuck.

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0aad18  No.165231


Jewish theater thread.

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0aad18  No.165234


MIGA shills/useful idiots calling non-zionDON believers shills again.

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0aad18  No.165261




Imagine being this fucking pozzed

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