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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: d0447538ae6122d⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 633x700, 633:700, diversity_edit.jpg)

23e69e  No.123143

Why are they so against it? Is because people indentify with their own group before they indentify with some convoluted ideology or is it because the fact that one identifies with their own goes against and disproves any sort of leftist discourse?

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d728d5  No.123151


It's easy to reject your identity when you don't know who your daddy is.

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17950a  No.123203


I'm not talking about niggers though, I'm talking about leftism as an ideological umbrella and its adherents

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0563f6  No.123247

But the left wing were the ones that started this obsession with identity politics that has now taken over almost all political discourse. Of course the right was perfectly happy to play ball and now irrelevant aspects of your character you have no control over are more important than what you do or think no matter how you see yourself politically.

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e13158  No.123273

File: f9d9f4fbfc66c43⋯.png (67.42 KB, 952x778, 476:389, 1525483542861.png)


Speaking of Culture of Critique, which I'm currently reading…

Jews in particular push rejection of identity to protect themselves in majority-gentile nations. Of course, rejection of Jewish identity is never on the table.

Otherwise, I think it's impossible to understand the modern left without reconizing it's lineage that goes back to communism. Communist tyranny has ubuquitously involved forced atheism and persecution of religions. Why? Because religion is a vector for unity, as is race, and tyranny cannot succeed so long as people have even one vector along which to unify and fight back.

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4bc551  No.123313

File: 0f420b13205362e⋯.webm (1.64 MB, 854x478, 427:239, Carl_Gustav_Jung_from_a_1….webm)

They don't reject identity, they simply lost it and are using leftism as a cope.

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47c694  No.123351

their entire ideology is backwards. you cant expect logic from them.

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5ea50e  No.123431

File: 09b7e70031b8d07⋯.png (151.74 KB, 1200x1620, 20:27, kaczynski_on_leftists.png)


They don't 'reject identity', they just like to be the ones making it up.

It's kind of like playing with dolls, but they never really learned to mediate their 'id' when confronted with the reality around them, and so, like the jew, they overestimate just how malleable the world really is.

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5ea50e  No.123432



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d00d5d  No.123464



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32fe87  No.123586


Identity politics are headcanon. It's shoving their subjective reality down everyone else's throat.

Socialism is just dumb and unnatural. I work for myself and my family/loved ones. When I die I want to pass my goods and money to my kids, not to the government or the rest of society. I agree that as a member or society I should contribute to cover the costs of common use things like highways, streets, parks, polices but that's it.

It's not my fault some jobs or products are more valued than others and thus make more money. You shouldn't drag someone down just for the sake of others to be on par.

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fabb01  No.123589


you got a pdf of culture of critique by any chance? cant find the full version online anywhere.

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a0fa18  No.123596


interesting maybe considering the foundations of leftism came from kike, this rejection of identity may be leftover from the semitic influence

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13a751  No.123947


HA, too late, nigger! You have no power over me!

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571764  No.123990

File: 75196980f7b1b49⋯.jpg (81.15 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, Locke.jpg)


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ec408d  No.124003


< Muh famulee! Muh famulee wuld sulve everfeen!

We've got a war to fight.

We've got countless, once great large cities to cleans of their humanoid vermin infestation.

We've got to rally the masses like the Bolsheviks did during the Russian civil war.

Read the Turner Diaries and Bismarck.

< Its communishm, if we link the left to communish, we will win…

This has been tried since what? 1920?

Muh communism is just a way for cuckservatives to avoid calling out the jews and the anti-white, anti-western (main) aspects of leftism today.

A way to pussy out.


Ted could have been based AF, instead he turned into an anti-industrialist weakling cuz too little discipline. Gotta weaponize yourself.

> Collectivism: They Believe in a collective answer to problems and this is bad.

Then again, there has to be a collective solution to the leftism problem. The individualism that cuckservatives and lolbergs loves to yap about isn't gonna fix this, their ideology leaves them bereft of solutions to the leftist plague, as intended.

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910014  No.124009


You are talking about postmodernism/frankfurt school "leftism", not actual leftism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5jeUR3N2C0

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ec408d  No.124015


This whole "dem commies did this" thing among cuckservatives & the alt-lite comes straight from JOG itself. Because it takes attention away from the Frankfurt School and anti-white theology in general.

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e09d1a  No.125417

File: b3ab7a5abd6b3d9⋯.png (412.2 KB, 720x3830, 72:383, thought_reform_in_china.png)

If we may make this a general 'psychology of the enemy' thread, I just came across this doozy from Zero HP Lovecraft on Twitter (and on Twitter). I've included a link to Lifton's book on the Chinese application of thought reform on American prisoners because it covers the same general topics.





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e09d1a  No.125418

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cd4c86  No.125432


Yes and no. Among the Jews the idea of abandoning the Jewish community and totally severing ties with one's family is utterly inconceivable. However at the same time the same community and family is a great source of stress for the average Jew because both the Jewish community and the average Jewish family are highly dysfunctional. Jewish have a culture of nitpicking and guilt tripping that even a Catholic could not cope with. As a result the Jews have a love/hate relationship with their families, the Jewish community and even themselves as individuals. When you read Jewish literature and keep that in mind, a lot of the insanity makes more sense.

Gentiles who read Jewish literature take what they read at face value and don't understand the cultural or psychological context of it. They take Marx at face value and do not understand that many of Marx's views were shaped by his resentment of his fellow, more successful, Jews and his deep-seated issues with his own shortcomings as a Jew. When your average Jew reads Marx, he understand the context and instead of seeing Marx's vision as a "Classless Utopia" they see what Marx's real desire was: a world where the Jewish academic has overthrown the Jewish usurer. A world where the "Rabbi" in the form of the communist intellectual/bureaucrat has destroyed the usurer and rules unchallenged. Of course n the real world the "Rabbis" of communism happily joined hands with the usurers infesting other countries, but hypocrisy is also part and parcel of the Jewish experience.

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4288ab  No.125572


Honestly, out of all the ways to die, dying in your sleep of old age is actually pretty /comfy/. Thanks OP, for being so kind to our mothers.

As for your question; It undermines a strong and grounded individual. As strong and grounded individuals would make for a society thats not easily subverted by jews.

Call it marxism, not leftism.

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267a11  No.130596


Watch this video:


Do you see an innocent person being attacked, or a retard getting what they deserve? It's as simple as that, some people can see reality and others let feelings get in the way.

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