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File: f8889e3071d87bf⋯.jpeg (225.67 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, download_1_.jpeg)

f11830  No.122871[Last 50 Posts]

Mark my words we will be in World War 3 by the end of the year.

The US was aware of pathogen/virus that china has that has a long fuse around 6 months of slow deterioration then sudden death.

They dropped this virus with covid19.

July 2019 - long fuse pathogen was dropped in Wuhan, causing illness that people didn't need to go to the hospital but die 6 months later.

August 2019 - Covid19 was dropped in Wuhan.

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e3f0b2  No.122874


You said that last year. Nobody believes you anymore.

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5dd023  No.122886

The US has no options for China, outside nuclear. It's not happening. No one is going to fight for it.

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766824  No.122908


If debt and unemployment gets high enough, why not nuke the chinks.

We already nuked the japs - twice

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5dd023  No.122912

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

File: 9eb94344664a0ab⋯.png (879.42 KB, 812x2149, 116:307, JoshHowley_NewColdWar.png)

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d58234  No.122922


>No one is going to fight for it.

I believe that is the whole point of nukes, right? It removes the destruction from the hands of individuals and places it into the hands of a single (((people))). What you think or want doesn't matter anymore.

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5425f2  No.122937



>They didn't drink the poison of muh diversity

>Now they are outcompeting us

>They need to get nuked

boomers or kikes. I guarantee it.

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766824  No.122959


Well note that I called them "the japs" and didn't use one of those jap comic strip fellows you are all so fond of using in reaction pictures. I guess that makes me a boomer.

Chinks are bad. Down with chinks.

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611fea  No.122979


Okay, boomer. This isn’t your blog.

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310955  No.123106

Oh, look, another ITS TOTALLY GONNA BE WW3 THIS TIME GOY slide thread

>It's all so tiresome

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cd2b5c  No.123165


The linchpin of the world is now America. In the 1930's it was Germany.

However, the stakes this time are much higher:

Mandatory chip implants

Mandatory "vaccines" to Jim Jones 9/10 of the planet

No firearms

No cash

Children forcibly "indoctrinated" by gangs of perverts

All white people enslaved, white women force-bred with mongrel races

Global domination for Bill Gates and the whole sewer trying to control everyone.

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e72c88  No.123185

File: f2e33a05bdbb405⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 383x680, 383:680, rioters.jpg)

File: 39745c85b946b08⋯.jpg (59.1 KB, 383x680, 383:680, riot2.jpg)



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1f7b41  No.123219

I hope the faggots and trannies go straight to the front line

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6ca126  No.123220

File: eea53c99cc88877⋯.jpg (53.99 KB, 544x476, 8:7, eea53c99cc88877333b89d06b5….jpg)


>All white people enslaved, white women force-bred with mongrel races

When will they learn? That isn't how that works, at all.

>What happens to the half-breed offspring?

>Will the "white" boys be allowed to live?

>Will the "black" girls be allowed to live and create other whites in the next generation?

>What's the point then?

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0bb928  No.123517


The point is three things, as always:

Show when Satan/evil have ever deviated from these three things:




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ef271f  No.125918

this is purely speculation but I assume if it was going to kick off soon that the earth will have early december - early january to make amends before the final judgement which the righteous will be advising them to do during those 30 days

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6218a7  No.125937

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6f8d8f  No.125942



also fake.

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546938  No.125991

Mark my words, the good guys are still in power. They developed a virus that would sterilise the population. During corona chan they asked people to stay inside, while at the same time provoking niggers to go out. Niggers will be sterilised and their birthrates will plummet. White people will get one final chance to fight for their future; but it is their own responsibility to do so.


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079dbf  No.126165

The only war worth fighting is a war with Israel and Gods Chosen People.

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079dbf  No.126166

The only war worth fighting is a war with Israel and Gods Chosen People across the globe

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467a42  No.126168

The only war worth fighting is a war with Israel and Gods Chosen People across the globe

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467a42  No.126170

Don't blame me, 8kun is flaking out. I did not intend to spam.

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6218a7  No.126174

File: 9aaa52c73eff279⋯.jpg (150.81 KB, 679x1024, 679:1024, mr_macklin_in_the_characte….jpg)

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6218a7  No.126178

File: de56c780cbc2981⋯.gif (479.68 KB, 1024x938, 512:469, merchant_2_lg.gif)

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6218a7  No.126181

File: 07869132cbc451f⋯.jpg (51.47 KB, 505x498, 505:498, shylock_1.jpg)

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6218a7  No.126184

File: cc089ea81c4a52d⋯.png (422.2 KB, 318x516, 53:86, fagin.png)

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6218a7  No.126189

File: f542f8362a1d2f4⋯.jpg (206.77 KB, 624x900, 52:75, charles_macklin_as_shylock….jpg)


These be the Christian husbands. I have a daughter.

Would any of the stock of Barabbas

Had been her husband rather than a Christian!—

We trifle time. I pray thee, pursue sentence.


That’s what you get for marrying Christian husbands. I have a daughter. I wish she’d married any one of Barabbas’s descendants instead of a Christian!—We’re wasting time. Please, deliver the sentence.


A pound of that same merchant’s flesh is thine.

The court awards it, and the law doth give it.


A pound of this merchant’s flesh is yours. The court awards it and the law authorizes it.


Most rightful judge!


What a righteous judge!


And you must cut this flesh from off his breast.

The law allows it, and the court awards it.


And you have to cut this flesh from his chest. The law allows it, and the court awards it.


Most learnèd judge, a sentence! Come, prepare.


What a wise judge! Come on, get ready.


Tarry a little. There is something else.

This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood.

The words expressly are “a pound of flesh.”

Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh,

But in the cutting it if thou dost shed

One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods

Are by the laws of Venice confiscate

Unto the state of Venice.


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dbb688  No.126379




Germany wasn't the lynchpin of the world in the 30s.

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dbb688  No.126380


>Chinks are bad. Down with chinks.

Chinks seem to be the only nation capable of destroying ZOG. What makes you hate them?

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7e9ff0  No.126389


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6218a7  No.126399


The chinks aren't even capable of making an escalator that doesn't devour and grind up the poor saps stepping off it.

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75d314  No.126404

File: 01b9b436d155329⋯.jpg (25.01 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1592175646440.jpg)

What's the read on her? That icy stare reeks of 'I'd flay one of my servants on a whim and not give a single fuck', and the Norks have really ratcheted up their belligerence over the last week by blowing up that building in the DMZ and now announcing an intent to move troops and shit around.

Could the DMZ be the flashpoint instead of the China/India border fuckery?

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6218a7  No.126455


She looks like she's dreaming of a big white cock up inside of her, painting her cervix with superior white seed.

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e2b347  No.127653


No, this year's actually shaping up to be like it.

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889049  No.127706

File: f7a0e91ab814f71⋯.webm (4.59 MB, 640x360, 16:9, _World_s_biggest_sooks_co….webm)

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bbc3c2  No.127770


holy shit! That is a lot of fucking photoshop. Too bad they couldn't make her eyes point the same direction.

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bbc3c2  No.127771


Pretty sure she is a hardcore lesbian who is part of that asian women's cult who believes that all men are the problem and is working to exterminate them.

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5dd023  No.127781


There's no reason to believe any of this garbage when it comes to North Korea. Nigger loving jewfaggot countries can't produce good information.

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02462d  No.127795


Chinese response will depend if Kim bends his ass enough for the PRC

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9ced24  No.132032

the virus is a hoax, forget about it.

and no, ww3 is not coming this year you utter retard. first, the fiat money system has to crash, then some proxy wars start (turkroach vs greece is likely the first)

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9ced24  No.132033

ww3 starts when russia sweeps europe/nato. only then the real fun begins, and china makes landfall in canada at the same time. then you can shart your snuggies one last time before the nukes drop on your fat asses

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2ba227  No.133945


>(turkroach vs greece is likely the first)

entirely possible since the turdroaches are funneling sandniggers into Greece at an ever increasing pace.

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a144c6  No.133950


>(turkroach vs greece is likely the first)


>entirely possible

Would be interesting as both are NATO members and there are 24 NATO bases in turkey. Article 5 makes no exception for countries attacked by other NATO members. Most interesting thing here is how Russia would try and exert influence as Turkey is not a friend of Russia.

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3a24fb  No.136535


we could stop trading with them china cant do shit except zug

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3a24fb  No.136536


that would be a shitty front line. there is no place for fags/trannies lmao waste of food. prolly not even worth for clearing land mines

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ca96a2  No.136537

File: 11037447e7f14d6⋯.png (1.13 MB, 866x928, 433:464, roseanne_bakes_gingerbread….png)


>"russia sweeps europe"

Moronic. No possible benefit of this thing.

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700c6f  No.136540

Nope, the Jews don't have the fucking balls.

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d965c8  No.136684


> russia sweeps europe/nato

>'muh ebil russia' meme

it's like youre not even trying

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3aaa4d  No.136697

File: 6e2439381eaa20e⋯.mp4 (14.26 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Libera_me_Domine_Gregorian….mp4)


Russia will only retaliate. It has been said over and over. This is their official stance. So far, under Putin, they have only waged political battles. The only hot action they've taken has been precisely near or at countries which fell under their spheres of influence (Syria, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Venezuela, Georgia, Chechnya…) And whether they were provoked or not has become irrelevant, as there is ample evidence of western bloc influence in all of these previously mentioned areas of conflict.

Right now, Russia aims to survive with the least collateral damage possible, because they know carbon energy will still be around in the next 50+ years, and thus their oligarchs are looking at Europe as "The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs", since their dependence on cheap natural gas delivered by NORDSTREAM will return great profits in a couple years. Not to mention their capability to extract oil and refine it into different types of fuel.

It is for this reason, at least in my opinon, that Russia will be dragged into a conflict, not start it. Their people have a lot to lose.

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9ec5c3  No.153693


Idk if you're trolling but RED ALERT. We are closer to war w China than you think. Why? Because China signed a security agreement w Iran.

Forget the other nonsense, everything we do, we do it for Jews. The PM or Prez of Australia is claiming potential war before the election.

Pompeo issued a warning stating we will stop Russia and China from doing deals with Iran.

Why, because Trump and Bibi made up some shit and pulled out of the Iran deal.

They want all white people dead, hmmm. How convenient.

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9ec5c3  No.153695

Larry Wilkerson: The Danger of War With China is Real and Insane


You guys need to start reading between the lines. I'm sick of these evangelical cucks from the GOP.

With Jewish voters Bernie polled between 4 and 11%, hmmm. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING RIGHT THERE.

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244a53  No.153696


>With Jewish voters Bernie polled between 4 and 11%, hmmm. THAT SHOULD TELL YOU SOMETHING RIGHT THERE.

Jews don't have a need for communism if they are the ones who privately own everything. The USSR went bad for them after Stalin/Suez. It doesn't really have anything to do with Bernie himself, though, as Bernie is 100% jew stooge. I really wish his Bernie bros would stop trying paper over it. No jews ever.

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9ec5c3  No.153701


>Standing up to corporations is Communism,

Go back to watch reruns of Hannity.

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eeb4b7  No.153702


Think you are confused with Worst Korea. Also I don't think Megalia members are attractive.

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244a53  No.153715

File: 9abaaa524bec172⋯.png (454.93 KB, 584x2237, 584:2237, Screenshot_2019_06_11_Bern….png)

File: ca7b770bd8be455⋯.png (119.05 KB, 621x1742, 621:1742, Screenshot_2019_12_01_Did_….png)

File: 9d7d6b8839a4a50⋯.png (455.74 KB, 834x5758, 417:2879, Stalin_s_1937_Counter_Revo….png)


You're not comprehending what is being said. You have a script and preconceived notions of who you're talking to and what they think here. You should stop having those.

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9ec5c3  No.153737



I'm not reading that bullshit from the thirties. We got a new dictator and they're corporations.

Look at what they did to Brother Nathanael and Red Ice and others. Freedom of speech gone and banned from all banking services.

If there was any real traffic here this place would be gone. It's all done by corporations.

Bernie represented a shift toward the fifties and sixties when most jobs pay well. The corporate media has you convinced that's communism.

You know what, I can't blame Steve Bannon for what he did. Look how easy it is to dupe right wingers.

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