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File: 46d2db51cb2a383⋯.jpg (205.15 KB, 980x551, 980:551, Seattle.JPG)

046591  No.122818

We need to capitalize on the current situation in Seattle. They are calling for armed people to protect them, and they are saying that they want to show that society can be peaceful without police. Some armed members of Redneck Revolt are there right now.

We need to show them that gun control is a racist tool of the white patriarchy used to disempower people and force people to rely on the evil white racist police, and therefore all gun control must be overturned.

If we can get the left to oppose gun control, especially someplace like Seattle, then we win.

Hate the left all you want, the point is to co-opt the gun control presence within the far left and get the far left to side with us on gun rights.

This will create a cascading effect that will lead to the repeal of the NFA and Hughes Amendment, and will result in nationwide constitutional carry.

We can also get the far left to support castle doctrine and stand your ground, but that shouldn't be our focus initially.

Remember, if the left believes gun control to be racist (which it unironically is, if you want to look at it from that perspective), then they will stop supporting it.

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8511f3  No.122819

Already a bread.

No… "we" specifically need to sit back, don't get involved, and let vermin trash their own nest.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d1d751  No.123475


>No… "we" specifically need to sit back, don't get involved, and let vermin trash their own nest.

Exactly. Once the normies see how it is with the lefttards they'll take a hard right turn.

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