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File: 2032d80abd95d98⋯.jpg (36.31 KB, 893x294, 893:294, gun_add_internet_resized.jpg)

5335f8  No.122203

How many of you anons have taken the battle rifle pill? I'm fairly inebriated at the moment, but I reckon that .308 would be better than 5.56 for the current chimpout. All I can imagine is a crowd of faggots that don't really mind if they die, they just want you dead. In this case, line em up and knock em down with more effective crowd control.

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65207d  No.122209

that's what explosives are for :^)

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5335f8  No.122213


Good luck finding any through legal means

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acb6cd  No.122230


.308 / 7.62x51 vs 5.56



much better penetration through barriers (wood, concrete, etc)


effective range of 800m~1200m max depending on barrel length/ammo/who you ask, vs 600~m of 5.56



M80 round,147gr FMJ(total 25~g), more than twice the weight of M855, 62gr steelcore penetrator aka "green tips"(total 12~g)


while the popularity of 5.56 has caused its price to surge significantly more than .308 due to panic buying, bulk M80 still remains roughly 50% to 100% more expensive than bulk M193 or M855

neither round can reliably be expected to penetrate and defeat multiple targets, if nothing else than due to bullet deflection (bullet path changes randomly has it passes through substances), and also loss of energy. if you really need barrier penetration and/or greater than 600m range, and cost/weight is not an issue, go for 7.62x51. if, however, you expect to be dealing with targets within 600m, 5.56 will more than likely be a better choice due to being able to carry more and buy more cheaply.

one final note: if cost is not an issue, and you want something in the weight bracket of 5.56 but with greater range/penetration, buy m262 ammo(77gr BTHP). they are very expensive, usually at least twice as much as standard bulk surplus ammo, but have incredible performance gains over M855 or M193.

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bc38c2  No.122269


>muh legal

Legality cucks like you will get the rope too.

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84a665  No.122320


That's a lot of big talk for a no-guns 14 year old.

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626836  No.122389


ya but get a lighter gun that one is heavy and annoying to carry.

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694c97  No.122391


the only reason we use 556 in military is because ground troops are dependent on force multipliers like air or artilery to get actual kills. Lethality of 556 is too low for a boog scenario, PTR/FAL/AR10 ftw

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626836  No.122398


what do you think of 6mm arc?

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694c97  No.122406


its one of many new 6mm calibers out there, theres plenty of good ones, but they really need mass adoption to be great, and mass adoption wont happent until the US mil switches over from 5.56 and 308

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32b2f6  No.122419

File: 7297dd69f2fcc66⋯.jpg (160.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

There is only 1 thing to remove communists with 7.62x39 fired from a real AK-47, not the Chinese knockoffs.

Do you hear this picture ?

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84a665  No.122439


>tapco mags


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7a7b0b  No.122483

Doing anything in minecraft with your own equipment is stupid. You need a fixer to pass you a tool on the day and dispose of it afterwards. Assuming you trust your fixer he can pick it up and someone else can use it on another occasion. Your own tools are just for practice. Practice with anything and everything you can.

90% of the time its going to be a pistol on the day anyway.

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cd3b16  No.122486


its not real if it is not made in russia, and it is not real if it does not automatic fire su fuck off with your cheap american knockoff americunt knockoffs are shit

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84a665  No.122718


That's a Saiga in the pic, made in Russia

>muh full auto

Useless unless you have a beltfed. Now go back to cuckchan retard.

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5335f8  No.122837


You're talking about crimes and I'm talking about defense. I will get my fixer to pass me a tool within 5ms after the democrips bust my door down.

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5cc24d  No.124076

File: 37dcf2668d15715⋯.jpg (53.37 KB, 634x719, 634:719, 5816871354.jpg)




I don't think most people really understand how important this is. If you're in a vehicle or fixed position it isn't much of an issue, but carrying around even 4 mags of 556 as a foot mobile is noticeable no matter how strong you are.

Lugging around an unnecessary 20lb in a boog is a total nogo for nearly everyone. Serious long distance hikers spend hundreds of dollars to shed 1/2 oz from their kit. The increased water use, calories, fatigue and slowing effect really add up over distance.


The reason the military uses 556 is logistics.

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d654d7  No.124215

I tend to go with the .308 myself but I also think auto is a waste of ammo. A bolt action rifle will do just fine and will be more impervious to any future seizures by the government. At 300 yards plus particularly a bolt action rifle is plenty good. I'd rather spend my money on good night optics particularly thermal. Night time feral pig hunting is generally approved thanks to the nuisance to crops they create. I think that kind of skillset would be optimal training generally.

I'd like to hear some ideas on this pro and con.

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dc2cc1  No.124268

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f5ed5c  No.125473


Please elaborate on the details of why m262 is better.

>one final note: if cost is not an issue, and you want something in the weight bracket of 5.56 but with greater range/penetration, buy m262 ammo(77gr BTHP). they are very expensive, usually at least twice as much as standard bulk surplus ammo, but have incredible performance gains over M855 or M193.

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bcb110  No.125585


ok fed

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092994  No.126007

File: acabea0619beeb1⋯.jpg (69.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Mk262_broken_down.jpg)

File: eef71b966e5a1cc⋯.jpg (100.21 KB, 800x652, 200:163, Mk262.jpg)


>Please elaborate on the details of why m262 is better.

There's a whole lot of reasons, prepare for ballistic autism


For firearms, "accuracy" is a product of consistency/minimizing variables. Modern 5.56 barrels are typically have either a 1 in 7(most common by far) or 1 in 8(sometimes) twist rate, which favors they heavier side of available bullet types. 77gr bullets are in fact about as large as can be loaded in 5.56 and still fit into standard 2.260" case overall length(COAL) mags. The bullet itself is actually a sierra match king boat tail hollow point(BTHP) with a cannelure, or sometimes open tipped match (OTM) as seen on the actual commercially available Mk262 box. This is the most consistent bullet available for 5.56, and is almost universally used by competition shooters. The distant runner up would be nosler's 77gr BTHP, which in fact was used for the first iteration of Mk262, but was later changed to the SMK due to better consistency(as I remember, could have been some other reason). All of this translates into a bullet capable of sub-MOA(minute of angle - 1 MOA at 100 yards is 1", thereby meaning "sub-MOA" means group sizes of less than 1" at 100 yards) performance, barring a completely shit barrel. Remember, in the world of guns, consistency = accuracy.

>greater range and consistency of performance

Mk262's SMK 77gr BTHP has much greater lethality out to further ranges, due to retaining its energy better than M193/M855s' bullets. This efficiency of energy is roughly represented by the ballistic coefficient(BC) of a bullet. Mk262 has a BC of .362 between 2500 feet per second(FPS) and 3000FPS, according to sierra's website. In my own testing, I get about 2700~2800 FPS out of 18" barrels with Mk262. Conversely, the US Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory measured M193/M855s' bullets as having a BC of .151. While there's a lot that goes into measuring performance and consistency when it comes to ballistics, and BC is by no means the best measurement of a round, it is the easiest and fastest way to illustrate the point.

>terminal performance

Mk262 has much better terminal performance than M193/M855, due to much of what's listed above as well as being a hollow point expanding projectile. Interestingly, or perhaps hilariously, the military is actually barred from using hollow points due to the Geneva Convention, which is probably why they sidestep it by labeling Mk262 as OTM instead. Also, Mk262 is much better in shorter barrel lengths (say 14.5" and below) due to being far less dependent on velocity than M855 and especially M193.

All of this comes at a cost, however. Before the panic buying set in, Mk262/Black Hills 77gr OTM could be had for about $0.70~ per round. Now its over $1.10 per round, or more.

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1603c6  No.126030

File: caf587249e4d638⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1268x9978, 634:4989, 4zpw9v.png)

I'm thinking about buying a .300 BLK upper.

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455ba9  No.127612


Tannerite is legal to purchase, own and use. It is a 100% legal binary explosive which uses ammonium nitrate as an oxidizer and aluminum powder as an accelerant.


7.62x51mm is the way to go for full sized cartridges. Max range is 1000m+ and penetration is excellent along with full personal armor defeating properties. If the bullet doesn't hit your plate, it's taking off your arm.

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455ba9  No.127615



Only a 4-5 cartridge internal magazine. Slow rate of fire. Poor ergonomics of some rifles where you have to disrupt your sight picture because of the bolt traveling back into your face. High recoil. Not adequate for tactical situations.


Light weight, accurate, generally longer ranges due to thicker barrels and more sturdy designs. Better ammunition management and teaches better respect for every shot fired.

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455ba9  No.127618


5.56x45mm NATO only has a maximum effect range of approximately 250 meters. Past 250 meters the bullet slows to around 2400fps which stabilizes the flight characteristics and causes the bullet to simply pierce through its target and not tumble, fragment or spall inside of target. Basically, after 250m it's a .22 magnum.

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d654d7  No.127893

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8c9447  No.128026

I'd rather have a shotgun with 00 buck than either in a SHTF scenario. In any urban combat situation, shotgun and pistol is far better. Accuracy at distance isn't worth anything in a city. If you are really up against a full crowd, it's time to run, because you will be out of ammo before you get them all.

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455ba9  No.128298


Molot VEPR 12 is the way to go.

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4e3ecd  No.128957



Killing you 308 bitches from a mile away.


Auto is fine for close combat, which makes the OP's argument irrelevant, and actually pretty stupid.

At distance, bolt action rifles are the clear way to go, and ballistically the 7mm Magnum outperforms everything else in terms of power at the point of impact, especially at longer distances.

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4e3ecd  No.128959


>Killing you 308 bitches from a mile away.

Well, okay, 2 miles.


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3d2b68  No.128960


7.62x39 is a good middle ground.

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455ba9  No.128973


What about .300 Win Mag, .375 Weatherby Mag, .338 lapua magnum, .416 barrett, .50 bmg or .408 chey tac?

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b1d07d  No.128976

Glownigger test

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455ba9  No.128977


The problem with making a 1 mile shot, let alone a 2 mile shot, is the target has to remain fairly static for a rather long duration of time and how much kinetic energy is even in that bullet at 2 miles? Target shooting is all well and good when you can literally just lob the bullets 2 miles like an indirect fire weapon to gong a steel plate, but what effects would you have on an actual target at that range?

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b0fc56  No.130003

Also get a good brush gun like a 45-70.

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04e8d1  No.130137


>Molot VEPR 12

A lot of parts to fail there. I'd rather just have a standard black mossberg 8+1 shotgun.

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455ba9  No.130200


Lol, no. The Franchi SPAS 12 has a lot of parts to fail. The molot, does not.

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a3ea6c  No.130267


Maybe if I were in Russia. The mossbergs are cheap af in the US and readily available, as are parts. I don't want any of my gear to be exotic.

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455ba9  No.130277


If you're that scared of your firearms breaking on you, maybe you should stop using them as clubs and hammers and mallets. They're weapons, not camp tools you dig a hole with.

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e9236c  No.130304

File: 319834e7d44b32e⋯.jpg (60.42 KB, 496x480, 31:30, 1579035549922.jpg)


This anon is right. Though I would say a big pro to the AR platform is the interchangeable parts that are floating around. Remember–the Jackboots carry ARs too, you can use their magazines, ammo, and doodads.

Besides you can change an AR mag much faster (generally speaking of course) than a 308 weapon platform.

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e57982  No.130597


>If you're that scared of your firearms breaking on you, maybe you should stop using them as clubs and hammers and mallets.

Uh, that would be really fucking stupid. The most I abuse my glock is carrying it around on my sweaty backside. Using a firearm as a club sounds like a great way to win a darwin award. I am scared of my firearms breaking on me, all I ask of them is that they work when I need them, every single time.

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455ba9  No.130626


> is scared of his firearms breaking

> buys a glock

Well, there's your problem right there! Don't buy cheap shit and it won't break on you. Don't buy weapons made out of cheap chinese pig iron and they won't break on you.

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