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The existence of black people is inexcusable

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be43a9  No.121643


If you have a social media account such as Twitter or Facebook, and you wouldn't mind being exposed as a person who espouses such thoughts, you can post the following or something like it tomorrow:

>#ShutDownSTEM #ShutDownAcademia #Strike4BlackLives Isn't it time for a frank discussion about race? tiny.cc/AFDAR #AFDAR

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45653d  No.121664

>White supremacy is baked into science…



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ecfc7b  No.121719


It's unclear from that article whether the shutdown is permanent, or if the shutdown is just for one day after which they're free to restart the racisms.

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8983e5  No.121723

No, they won’t be doing that.

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ff1688  No.122273

I always thought they shut down half of academia in the 60s and never brought it back.

STEM has produced a lot of stuff since then, but those in the humanities haven't really done any genuine academic work for over half a century.

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e0168e  No.122284



>genuine work


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ff1688  No.122309


As I said, they haven't been doing it since the 60s. And that's being generous tbh.

All that the humanities produces is pseudointellectual teenage angst (for all their education, most academics never progressed beyond the level of a 15-year-old in emotional terms) and outright subversion.

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6f5386  No.122318


decolonize science!

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d52d11  No.122375

>tech industry collapses in 5 - 10 years

Good. It's time for a right-wing replacement tech industry to rise from the ashes. Let there be clean tech that isn't riddled with spyware.

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