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0d9eb9  No.121154[Last 50 Posts]

How do I hack the whole fear of death thing so I am prepared to die defending my theoretical family in Minecraft when the creepers get out of hand?

I am extremely afraid of dying because I am worried the result could be me forgetting everything I ever learned in this life and ending up in a lower state of consciousness or reincarnated in a state of ignorance. All other outcomes (like non-existence or an actually interesting afterlife) don't seem likely to me. Everything in this world just appears to get recycled over and over and the only hope I have pertaining to memories is they actually appear to be non-physical as in any part of the brain can be damaged and you just temporary lose access to memories but they don't actually perish and they can be recovered. Which suggests that memories, wherever they are "stored", it's not in any cell of the body.

I do manage to completely forget my fear of death in any adrenaline filled scenario but it comes back to me at night when I'm trying to sleep and causes me terrible insomnia and dread and it's even worse after a near incident where I almost get myself killed (many, many times I have come close now, e.g. stuff like walking out into traffic). If I can gain certainty in a more optimistic outcome of death or fully experience in some way that my life is not entirely tied to this body and will continue on in a meaningful form after this body is gone then it will cure me of my mental illness and help me to function much better in life. As soon as I am ready to die I am ready to live.

…but how can I know what death really means? Are there more papers I need to read? Are there mentalist techniques I can use? I have experience of lucid dreaming and some psychic phenomena but not enough for me to be confident that my body dying won't also be a huge issue for my soul.

I'm not confident that there is any particular particle in my body that contains my essence. Like if you just ate my pineal gland or something and I became one with you or a worm eats a particular particle of my former body and I become the worm. As far as I can tell I really am not my body; every cell in my body is replaced but I wake up to a new day still my self. So the idea that I become dirt when I die is stupid. I shed dead cells all the time.

Yet when my body suffer my mind does too. They are interconnected and I can't imagine what will happen to my mind when the body dies. I do feel like when I get really sick and close to death a lot of bliss comes over me and I do feel that I have a soul that is leaving the body and becoming free. A lot of times my mind is more clear when I am close to death, though in certain physical states my mind is just terribly foggy and impaired and my senses are dim and I seem retarded and there just isn't much going on in my mind. The times where I go into this mental fog are what disturb me the most. To me that is hell; that is so much worse than pain and suffering. Just these horrible dull headaches and reduced cognition. I want to be sure what when I die I don't just enter into the lowest state of consciousness and everything becomes a horrible fog.

I think one of the biggest thing that could provide me insight into what I really am is if I could somehow free myself from my body with a soul-swap, preferably temporarily. If I could exchange places with someone else, just having a mind-transfer to a new body. Other than that I don't know.

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0d9eb9  No.121155

One time I had to go to dentist to have multiple teeth taken out. They told me they'd put me "unconscious" and that I would feel and experience nothing. I was so scared I cried and I delayed the appointment several years. Finally after the appointment being set up again I somehow worked up the courage to just let them "put me under". I was terrified, fully expecting to die, and thinking my body would wake up but I would be gone and people would think the rebooted body was just old me when in reality I had perished into that great and horrible void called death. However when they injected me that did not happen. I remained fully conscious and had an out of body experience. There was no black-out, no void, no "unconsciousness". I didn't feel pain as they operated on me but I was fully aware, in fact, my awareness was far enhanced from normal. It was another blissful out of body experience. When they eventually finished operating on me and put the other meds that take me out of that so called state of "unconsciousness" I remember being fully aware as they instructed me about where to walk around and acted like I wouldn't remember any of the comments they made. I remember all of it and didn't experience even one second of unconsciousness. They told me that when this procedure is done on people all they remember is going "out" and then time seems to pass instantly and they're "awake" again. But I never experienced any disruption of the passage of time, never any unconsciousness, and even believed that if I had willed it I could have reversed the effects of the drugs they put into me and moved my arms and got off the table they were operating me on.

Another time I was in a chokehold while doing Judo. I didn't tap out and eventually the guy managed to choke me out. When this happened I heard this sound that you can actually hear in a scene in The Matrix that sounds like a kind of artificial teleportation sound. You hear it in that scene around when Neo is first unplugged. I bet if I knew what to search for this is probably some kind of documented medical phenomena where you hear that weird teleportation sound when getting choked out. Anyways my body fell limp to the floor and I remained conscious and "fell out of my body". Then after a bit my body rebooted and had these spasms and stuff and I had this experience of being "sucked back into my body". For about a minute I could not control my muscles and could not hear anything around me though I could see lips moving of the dude who choked me out. Then I got back up and continued randori like nothing happened.

All this just makes everything even more complicated for me. I have deep suspicions that there are organic robots (spiritless humans or NPCs as everyone is calling them now) around us. I've been privy to all manner of theories about this phenomena and I have some speculations of my own that I hold to. It would explain the discrepancies in my experiences vs that of others. I never experience unconsciousness, timelapses, a void, or anything like that. Maybe there is a medical explanation for this? Maybe my nervous system just won't turn off or something? I don't know. I also wonder if there's any medical reports of seeing no nervous activity or signs of life in a person but when the person comes back they report various forms of cognition continuing during that period? I think a materialist would explain it with "the moment they come back the brain goes into hyperdrive and fills in the missing hours" or some shit like that, to keep me still in doubt whether I really have a soul.

All my experiential evidence is that yes I do have a soul and it can separate and act apart from the body. I still don't feel absolutely certain about this and I also wonder how fast my soul might wither without a body to be connected to, to sustain it.

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0d9eb9  No.121156

I want to come to some actual conclusions about this. Conclusions that are definitive and leave no doubt in me as to what death really is. The unknown is and always will be the source of fear for me and when I can banish the unknown I can live free of this terror that death holds over me. Also once I have conquered death than I can do my duty to my race to the fullest and die with grace at the appropriate time, not clinging to a miserable life as my body decays, like some old boomer who ends up dying in a hospital bed shitting himself. I want to have the courage to do something like hand my farm/household/business/possessions over to my most worthy son and make him promise to carry on the legacy before I go out in the woods with a shotgun to make the ancient Stoics like Seneca proud.

Also if any Christians going to repeat to me the whole mantra about salvation and blah blah I'm just going to say it does absolutely nothing for me. I got deep into the Christian religion and learned the doctrines inside and out and it was pretty cool it had a lot of wisdom but it did absolutely nothing to comfort me about death and I don't believe the sacrifice of a god or a human or anything at all can atone for anything and I find the idea that you go to a place called Hell very optimistic so much so that I will be overjoyed to find myself in a hell suffering for eternity if it means I get to experience something rather than nothing. To me eternal suffering is better than eternal nothing. Of course Eternal Bliss is probably better than Eternal Suffering but even better would be something that doesn't reek of a highly constrained limited static state, something more along the lines of "Eternal Life", aka getting to go on living and growing in some way. The Bible does appear to promise exactly that but here's the big issue with all this; the standard response from the majority of Christians it to "take it on faith" or to "take it on faith with a good dose of reason and evidence to back up that faith too". Yet both responses are inadequate. I want an actual knowledge, a certainty; about the soul, about death, and about my fate… and I don't know how to attain that. I've prayed for it, I've studied for it, I've tried quite a few things. I feel like there's got to be some secret knowledge out there that proves what really happens when you die. Maybe some medical evidence, maybe a black ops government program where they actually managed to transfer souls from one body to another, or resurrect the dead. Speaking of resurrecting the dead there was one book where I read about something like that but the guy mentioned he can do it on those who are medically dead, even for quite awhile, but not once decay has set in. I think the only record I can think of someone resurrecting someone who was dead and whose body had already been decaying is Jesus in the Bible. The Bible also says something like "you will go on to do all these things and more in my name" doesn't it? So maybe there's some Christian adepts out there that can show me power over death. As far as I'm concerned giving up absolutely everything I have for this, not even the power of it though I wouldn't mind that, but just to witness it and be absolutely sure it was real and to wear some memento of the event around my neck for the rest of my life that I can touch and feel and know it was not put a dream but an actual thing that happened… it is the most I could ask for!

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89da14  No.121172


there is no soul. the "soul" is just the biofeedback and communication between our different kinds of cells and bacteria.

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be4303  No.121174


>fear of death

Irrational. When you’re dead, you’re gone forever and will never feel anything again. You are also guaranteed to die. There is nothing you can do to stop it. There’s no point thinking about it.

>fear of dying

That, on the other hand, is healthy. You must work to ensure the act of you dying is as clean as possible. Prolonging your physical suffering means prolonging your mental suffering.

>in Minecraft when the creepers get out of hand?

Grow a fucking spine, you goddamn pussy. You’re afraid to even say WORDS.

>the result could be me forgetting everything I ever learned in this life and ending up in a lower state of consciousness or reincarnated in a state of ignorance.

Reincarnation is a proven falsehood. Either the soul lasts forever and is rewarded/punished based on adherence to natural law, or you’re gone forever and existence itself is all meaningless. There aren’t any other options to worry about.

>the only hope I have pertaining to memories is they actually appear to be non-physical

They’re physical. Memory loss is the worst thing a rational brain can experience. It’s most often permanent. Source: my life, ruined due to memory loss

>They told me they'd put me "unconscious" and that I would feel and experience nothing. I was so scared I cried and I delayed the appointment several years.

You realize that happens every night, right?

>I didn't feel pain as they operated on me but I was fully aware

Very interesting. There’s a name for that effect; I forget what it is. I think it’s just a genetic response to certain anesthetics, where they don’t properly work on a person.

>I have deep suspicions that there are organic robots (spiritless humans or NPCs as everyone is calling them now) around us.

Nah, that’s just jewish brainwashing.

>I also wonder if there's any medical reports of seeing no nervous activity or signs of life in a person but when the person comes back they report various forms of cognition continuing during that period?

You might want to read John Locke’s work on the continuity of consciousness. And also this.


Finally, if you’re genuinely interested in the physical side of things–extending human lifespan–look into biogerontology. It’s a group of modern scientists–all PhDs, all legitimate folks–who are fairly confident we could have biological immortality in our lifetimes if we forced people to legally redefine aging as a disease and actually had the funding to research the treatments they’ve developed.


>I find the idea that you go to a place called Hell very optimistic so much so that I will be overjoyed to find myself in a hell suffering for eternity if it means I get to experience something rather than nothing.

Be careful what you wish for.

>something that doesn't reek of a highly constrained limited static state

Sounds more like you don’t know what the system of laws Christianity lays down is intended to do–but so many have been lied to about that these days; it’s not surprising.

>I want an actual knowledge, a certainty; about the soul

You will never have this. No one ever will. It’s an inherent limitation of a finite being. It is beyond our comprehension, ironically, for all eternity. So many different fields of study–both religious and scientifically neurological–through the millennia have said the same thing about there being “something more than the physical” or at least “greater than the sum of its parts” regarding what is varyingly called the soul. That in itself is cause to keep the topic from being automatically dismissed. But think about the implication. If we assume the soul is infinite, it’s not something we can ever understand with certainty. Assume, even, that your body is made to be biologically immortal. Eventually you’ll outlive your brain’s capacity for storage. There simply will not be room, within the physical structure of the UNIVERSE–not even just your neurons–to store more information in that size of package. Eventually the data storage required will mean that the amount of physical space dedicated to just your “memory” will have to grow faster than the speed of light. There’s a hard limitation to anything finite, but the soul is infinite.

It’s late. I’ll wrap up with a restatement of my first comment: Fear of death is utterly irrational. You’re either gone forever (so it doesn’t matter) or you’re not (so you’ll have wanted to be objectively good). I’ll remind you of Pascal’s Wager. Fear of dying is natural. Anyone without one is a psychopath. You gain the courage to face death–and to ignore the fear of dying in the moment–by understanding and focusing on your duty as an individual to that which is larger than you. Family, race, God, truth itself. Whatever actually matters to you, and–this is important–which is objectively correct. Otherwise you’ll always feel those niggles in the back of your mind making you doubt your actions.


>lol soul no real goy

How droll. Go wallow in nihilism somewhere else.

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045b1b  No.121177


> I got deep into the Christian religion and learned the doctrines inside and out and it was pretty cool it had a lot of wisdom but it did absolutely nothing to comfort me about death

I read a menu at a pizza parlor once when I was starving. I didn't actually EAT any pizza, thus I don't believe in Pizza as a nutrition item.

Just ask God to give you wisdom to help you know for certain that Jesus is the Son of God and died to save you from your sins. He promises in his Word to give wisdom to ANY man who asks, so it's a win-win.

The actual step of faith is to specifically ask Jesus Christ to be your own, personal savior. THAT is a step of faith you need to take. You have nothing to lose. He is the son of God, and he takes you, and makes you one of his children, or he doesn't exist and he does not.

The best way to learn more about Jesus Christ is to read the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Heck, just flip through and finger-stab random passages, asking God for help.

Faith comes by hearing God's Word. If all you have heard is reasoning from Christians, you may not have much to go on.

Mark 15:39  And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.

Jesus had a longer-lasting out-of-body experience than you in that he became sin, died and went to hell while his body remained here.

Acts 4:10  Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.


Rev 1:17b Fear not; I am the first and the last: 

Rev 1:18  I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. 

God will reveal himself to one who really, truly, wants right, good, and truth.

But, to ignore the Bible and ask God for more knowledge of him is like dropping into a Goblin parasite fighter in the belly of a bomber, dropping into the sky, and then saying "I can't be arsed to read the instruction manual."

You will end up with as much of God as you want. The key is to want God, not want him to fit a version that you want him to fit.

PS, nobody who has died resides in a limbo in eternity. It's heaven or the lake of fire. There is no middle ground.

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9c1721  No.121186

File: cb07bc814aa5c8e⋯.jpg (19.89 KB, 393x143, 393:143, 13th_rune.JPG)


LSD, mushrooms, etc.

Otherwise, pic related is the 13th rune described in the Poetic Edda. My interpretation is this: The watering of the young thane refers to the growing of his family tree by letting him knock up a few women before he goes to battle. Nothing helps a man go to his death like knowing that some part of him will live on. I suspect that this was a tactic used by ancient Germanic tribes, where there was already a high womb/man ratio due to their constant battling each other.

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21e8ed  No.121217

Become Catholic, hardcore repentant, traditional Saint-like Catholic.

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ae87c2  No.121242

File: f15c42b2dc0503c⋯.mp4 (11.81 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, kyOresu_DORIME.mp4)

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078884  No.121250

File: 63f458031de4884⋯.pdf (906.94 KB, Early_Buddhist_Discourses_….pdf)

File: 441787cc43544ec⋯.pdf (1.73 MB, Greek_Buddha_Pyrrho_s_Enco….pdf)

File: 4abe1a00a1e55b8⋯.pdf (12.76 MB, Tao_Te_Ching.pdf)

File: 1c0aa10baf92bb7⋯.pdf (490.86 KB, The_Meditations_An_Emperor….pdf)


Christian heavens are indeed illogical to this world since the world is a struggle, and everything built in nature in built on suffering and pain eventually bringing justice and real happiness like childbirth goes through pain of labor to cultivate. Hell is more soothing knowing so many people go there, more than into Heavens, and staring at golden walls of jerusalem for eternity will annoy everyone (and that why jealous Christian "God" literally controls them from the inside).

But logic of this world is so understandable to creative human mind that one could say not just God but a smart Human created this world based on what human is capable of fantasizing himself. That's the reason why people usually connect human being to God as in terms of reason, from where the whole idea of a man being created in His image comes from, a fascination with complexity and work of it.

However many religions exist around the world built by many cultures, spread evenly but bringing similar message and the only thing that they have in common is concept of creation and immortal soul, which came from way older source, with many other things being fairy tales tied to it how it all came to be.

God may as well be anonymous and watching a real shitshow happening here for his own gain, working on manifesting destiny and stability of entire humanity in cycles repeating social struggles that are challenges made for nature to exist. His intelligence may be incomprehensible to us and He may only speak through nature. But overall experience has to go somewhere, if struggles are to be overcome, they manifest in our deeds and history we leave behind.

Research of Taoism, Buddhism and Stoicism when you get the chance, but look at them as philosophies rather than ways to live by. Jesus is also based mostly on what Greeks and Jews learned from Socrates, Stoics and Pyrrho's travels in Buddhist India during Alexander the Great times, just so you know. And any person usually smarter and more morally just than other is hated on solemn jealousy. But his religion just generates general cultural hate because of whole superiority of faith taken from dogmatic method of Aristotle, i had to rethink my position on benefits of Ecumenism more than twice solely how really close minded can be blindly following Jesus and especially what his Apostles added after.

As far as experience goes, you cannot do nothing, you have to use your gained experience while you alive and not rely on "another world" you're going to because by the way this world works the struggle will just continue there, and you won't leave any experience for us before going into more complex and harsher environment.

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b3a0c8  No.121258

File: d85e208f6f18669⋯.png (1.65 MB, 2142x2163, 102:103, kant_to_fichte.png)


>Reincarnation is a proven falsehood

Bullshit. Your line "soul lasts forever and is rewarded/punished based on adherence to natural law" has no contradiction with reincarnation as a general concept. You incarnate, you die, you incarnate again, you die, you decide that flesh is fucking terrible, you stop incarnating and live as a ghost/spirit wherever you decide.

The reason OP had an out of body is because by will and several years he clung to consciousness and the antithetical of being put under by anesthesia. Thus, the out of body experience, fully conscious, and no pain.

And of the soul: The infinite is understandable as infinites are understood. For instance: The Absolute. The concept or reality of 1, 2, 3 number is in a sense infinite as it is relevant in all time-space and most every concept (if not all), making it Absolute in its infinite relevance or omnipresence. Yet number is readily understood. It's everywhere, but it's always readily understood, just perhaps finitely.

One must learn more about it as one learns more about number and mathematics. So then, soul and metaphysics? Ontology? Epistemology? Philosophy?


There are plenty of ghosts, cursed shit, parapsychological phenomena for you to figure out that you'll live on. Giving you some philosophy to teach some things. Look up ghost shit yourself. Go to a haunted building and ask questions, set the 1 tap is No, 2 taps is Yes communication method, go wild. Audio record it all. Tell them there is a recording and set it on a table or something, check the tape later. Treat the ghosts like they're listening start from finish and are human beings, so introduce yourself and say you're there to ask some questions; say what the method of communication is and ask them if you can ask them some questions, wait for the taps. Simple. Go sun bathing after to clear any dark shit on you.

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bbcfc2  No.121280




I don't know if your beliefs on reincarnation are true, but it's obvious that you are living in paralysing fear because of them. Is that really living? Do you think the universe will see this life and reward it with another?

This life is worth very little. The worst case has already happened. We are conquered soldiers. Our civilisations, which took thousands of years to build, are being consumed by parasites and things worse than animals while we look on. Now our lives are worth only what we can do with them.

If you can't see this, you shouldn't be so quick to call others robots.

The test of a human is whether they can elevate their own thoughts above animal instincts like hunger or the fear of death.

Your obsessive navel gazing has not served you well.

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5acf23  No.121288

File: 7c82e1ef10a8a97⋯.jpeg (233.58 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, abortion.jpeg)


Honestly while i do not believe in reincarnation it would be perfectly just for all the underdeveloped souls who were thrown off cliffs by Spartans or killed by abortion simply be recycled and reborn somewhere else instead.

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f72fdc  No.121349


>thrown off cliffs by Spartans

So you only believe in dysgenics?

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59e63f  No.121367


you are distressed in part because you think of yourself as a mind, a soul, or a body. When really you are all three. Your soul reincarnates, your mind and body deteriorate, but your soul has a memory all of its own and keeps whatever patterns of the mind or body that it wishes to. If you care for your body, mind, and soul then you will have a better time in the next life.

Real shit begins now:

When your brain dies, the chemical DMT is released, then every neuron fires over and over as rapidly as it can. As a sensation, this feels like eternity with only yourself and your memories. If you take the time to reconcile all your bad memories and try to keep good ones, the experience can be described accurately as heaven. If you are bitter and regretful, it is hell. The most important thing to avoid hell is to be honest with yourself about the moral results of your actions and to try and live in the most moral way possible. Decide for yourself what morality is, and never stop refining that understanding. Then, you will die at the peak of your moral development in this life, and your soul will have no regrets. As all of your neurons fire themselves out, your soul is recording the mind that exists within your brain, discarding that which you consider useless. As your body decomposes, the parts of you that ARE the body distribute themselves among the ecosystem, and your locus of consciousness can go with them, if this happens then you will likely reincarnate as a plant when your soul gets sucked into whatever particle your consciousness decides to stick with, or if you manage to understand within your lifetime that the soul is immortal and cannot be trapped or stopped you can decide how long to stay unborn and when/who to be born into.

Oh, also the big bang was the God that made this universe dying and his imagination becoming real, just like yours will during death. Stars are god-level entities that make universes like ours when they die. If you get spiritually swole enough, the universe made in your head will last beyond this life, and you may even reincarnate into it, or others could. This is why gnostics go on about the Demiurge, they mean Sol, literally the sun, the god that exerts control over our lives but was not the god that created us.

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59e63f  No.121373


pure projection. go outside and realize there's no enemy anywhere "soldier", we're just people living on this planet, some of us hurt the others because we haven't matured enough yet, but if you truly don't fear death or hunger than why are you whining about the loss of the illusion of civilization?

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b7ff38  No.121432

File: e654916cc67b9bf⋯.jpeg (54.88 KB, 900x450, 2:1, fix_it.jpeg)


>go outside and realize there's no enemy anywhere "soldier"

>he says that in a middle of fucking pandemic and racial riots


>When your brain dies, the chemical DMT is released, then every neuron fires over and over as rapidly as it can

Can we get a source on this? I believe neuroscience is the most important science after quantum physics.

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0d9eb9  No.121486


>When you’re dead, you’re gone forever and will never feel anything again.

I'd rather suffer in torment and pain forever than that.

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af28fd  No.121489


>I feel like there's got to be some secret knowledge out there that proves what really happens when you die.

There is no secret knowledge. You say you've gotten deep into the Christian religion, but what gives us Christians that absolute conviction about death and the hereafter is not the religion, it is forming that deep connection with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. This is not something you can gain by works, by deeds. The Gnostics tried for centuries, and they are still around and trying to gain that understanding, that glimpse into the veil beyond the physical, but they failed then and they are still failing. It is because they fixated so much on the idea that there is this secret Gnosis, knowledge, that they are missing and that they just need to concentrate and study more to understand it.

Jesus Christ said there is no way to the Father except through Him, Jesus Christ. You can't study your way to heaven, you can't good-deeds your way to heaven, you can't pray your way to heaven. You can only place your faith in Jesus Christ, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and believe that He was indeed, and historically, resurrected from the dead. In fact, it is that resurrection that is the very cornerstone of the Christian faith: without the resurrection, we Christians would all be fools because everything we have done would be meaningless. Everything we do and believe in rests on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, because that resurrection is a sign of the promise that God made to us - that through redemption in Jesus Christ, we will be given resurrection. That sign gives us hope, and hope is the essence of faith.

We live in a very dark, hostile and uncertain world, but out of the darkness there comes light. That light is hope, and it gives us comfort and conviction.

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0d9eb9  No.121490


>It’s most often permanent. Source: my life, ruined due to memory loss

Even here you note that it isn't always permanent which means memories can be "lost" and then "recovered" which means the brain accesses memories doesn't store. There is no physical storage of memories.

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0d9eb9  No.121491


>You realize that happens every night, right?

I never go unconscious during the night. I think that only happens to NPCs.

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0d9eb9  No.121493


>Be careful what you wish for.

Infinite suffering is preferable to infinite nothing. Infinitie bliss is preferable to infinite suffering. Infinite live is preferable to infinite bliss.

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59e63f  No.121580


again, go outside. The pandemic isn't as bad as you believe, and neither are the riots.

when it comes to the dmt, use google.

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8c4396  No.121613

File: 31bdc1c872cecad⋯.jpg (56.11 KB, 638x479, 638:479, neuroscience_of_learning_m….jpg)

File: da9112d11974e56⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 638x479, 638:479, neuroscience_of_learning_m….jpg)

File: 35649fda3b86b9c⋯.jpg (66.13 KB, 638x479, 638:479, neuroscience_of_learning_m….jpg)


>There is no physical storage of memories.

I use to call soul a "software", and a brain "hardware". Nothing really is stopping you from comparing brain to computer. "Software" can be damaged by having faulty hardware, just like faulty software can damage hardware like a computer virus. That's why insane people with or without brain damages exist, having either "infected" or "corrupt" software, or having damaged hardware corrupting it.

Of course brain is not a binary machine, and an analogue neural system, so consequences are far more complicated.

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8c4396  No.121630

File: 8ca1b3778cff240⋯.png (61.02 KB, 415x291, 415:291, imaginary_friend.png)


>it is forming that deep connection with God through His Son, Jesus Christ

One of many redpills that are actually hard to swallow, but time to tell the truth.

You essentially create a programmed tulpa that tells you what to do inside your head, when in reality its your own inner voice. Just admit Jesus'es spirit in reality your own consciousness speaking to you and your mind will suddenly become empty. And you have separate programs in idea of fallen angels that take away any discipline you might had because they are subtypes of tulpas which allow you to ease control and then "repent" to restore that control, instead of being honest with yourself. That's why simple forms of discipline are so hard for Christians like refusal to masturbate for example. Its an endless circle of guilt, reinstalling your tulpas and roleplaying with yourself, creating separated consciousness inside your brain is very fucking real, and then any hallucinations or dreams will be associated with it.

And i think the more intelligent/enlightened the person who creates such tulpas is, the more believable and powerful that second consciousness becomes. That's why monotheisms are so much more powerful on human consciousness than religions with many deities, because you can never make too many imaginary friends.

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af28fd  No.121645


>You essentially create a programmed tulpa that tells you what to do inside your head, when in reality its your own inner voice.

Inner voices do not have the power to completely transform lives for the better or to override the normal human tendency toward sin. An inner voice cannot transform one's inner nature, because an inner voice is an extension of that inner nature. And my faith is not reinforced by an inner voice, but by the fact that I have experienced firsthand the Christian God's intervention in my life on multiple occasions. An inner voice cannot alter the external reality in such a way.


>so hard for Christians like refusal to masturbate for example

Sexuality has been so thoroughly satanically inverted and amplified by technology that the temptation to commit sexual deviancy is on a level unlike anything else ever seen in history. In normal, functioning societies, you as a man would take a wife before your sex drive became too much to endure. Sex in and out of itself is not a sin, but becomes a sin when it is done outside the context of matrimony, because this defiles the purpose of sex, which is to maximize the formation of families and pair-bonding that builds strong, moral communities.

Masturbation is difficult to refuse because you are meant to have sex! But again, unlike historical societies, ours has inverted sexuality to the point that marriage is demonized and sexual abuse is normalized. Not only are you discouraged from taking a wife at a reasonable age which would of course solve the issue of lust altogether, you are also constantly hammered by never-ending streams of propaganda that tell you that you need to have sex, that inceldom is a fate worse than death, and you are bombarded with titillating images of nubile, young women to whom standard which even the average everyday women in your town do not even come close to approximating. If you're on 8kun, chances are you were exposed to a lot of that before you even started puberty. There is a full-blown demonic assault on sexuality, and it is meant to twist and pervert you, and turn you into an addict always seeking the next hit.

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0a8ef5  No.121936

Read The Bhagavad Gita, at least the first 2 chapters that deal with this.


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f9dcd3  No.121948

File: 9e8b9a7335e82e1⋯.jpg (160.39 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, brave.jpg)

I'd like to point out from the psychology perspective some important info about fear of death. Fear of death is actually usually associated with a fear of lack of achievement or glory. Which is to say, those who feel that they haven't done anything "epic" or "great" in life often fear death. You have to go out and do something great or epic in order to conquer your fears. It doesn't even necessarily have to be dangerous, just something big and cool that you do or accomplish. Basically, you are afraid of death and want to cling to life, you have to feel that you have "done enough" or "experienced enough" in order to make peace with the concept of death, otherwise you will have some fear of dying because it means you will have no more ability or chances to do something.


>Are there more papers I need to read? Are there mentalist techniques I can use?

No man, you are probably doing good on your reading and mental exercise. You have to go out and do something big and cool. Doesn't even need to be "dangerous," just something you will view as a major accomplishment/experience. If you do want to do some reading, do reading or watching on ancient "root religions." I actually like reading or watching documentaries about ancient religion more so than most modern incarnations. It fascinates me to learn about how humans have historically dealt with fear of death through religion and spirituality, and learning about all of those ancient concepts actually puts me somewhat at ease as I get a bigger picture of possibilities that could happen after lights out. Use your fear as a motivator to get you to go out and do something great you wouldn't otherwise do.

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37d5a0  No.122037

File: c147933c62d0b40⋯.png (272.66 KB, 467x276, 467:276, Kant.png)

File: 6e7d6c7c548caf3⋯.png (81.88 KB, 257x255, 257:255, beware_of_teaching_that_is….png)



Humans already have moral code inside them and choose to unwrap it if they want to use their ever growing intelligence. Buddha, other 6th century BC hindu theologists, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Socrates, Plato, Stoics and many greek philosophers unwrapped those senses in many different ways but they essentially come from the same source. People with their heads deep in Christianity no matter what kind refuse to look at those teachings with open mind even though they were older than their, because of extreme conditional programming.

When it all came down to jews in the east because all of the knowledge was cultivating for like 6 hundred years before Christ supposedly was born, he obviously spend his youth learning that philosophy and tackling archives of what jewish book writers and religious heads were hiding from the public for control of israel's ethnic and ideological purity, so a person decided to larp as their messiah using inspirations from already existing teachings in other parts of this world that were unlocked as trade of religious knowledge among various societies of religious heads by conquests of Alexander the Great. Then Greek religious heads and jewish apostles added up things to his teaching to make it more complex and survivable as religion intolerant to other gods, hid "knowledge" from others same way pharisees did, Paul even gone too obvious with his saying advising to not even read philosophy (Colossians 2:8) even though he himself took tons of stuff from it. Many things later were written in the vein of hate towards Roman Empire including book of revelations specifically hating on Nero period, which implies Christianity was indeed used as a tool for destroying roman empire, but not by jews alone, Anti-Roman greeks also. And since intolerant god breeds severe aggression all that ended in many executions and absolute lack of real moral authority until Luther decided to treat bible seriously even if it was all lies since the beginning and that was a real eye opener. Then protestants like Calvin also tried burning people, and night of the long knives happened proving the intolerant god's thirst for blood is not different from islamic one.

Until Age of Enlightenment "killing" this god, but now we kill that Enlightenment in recent years resurrecting him, some as severe judgement returning to catholic dogmatic values saying things like "now i understand why church used to burn witches", others as way of submission, like recent feet washers of "oppressed" blacks.

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e2032f  No.122041


You will always be afraid, it's normal. What counts is whether you can overcome your fear in the face of an enemy and defend your kin, hearth and home. All men, who are not cowards, reach a point where the will to defend their loved ones, and therefore their lineage, is greater than the will to survive as a mere individual.

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37d5a0  No.122048

File: 37f8172e350e60e⋯.png (399.59 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, strength.png)


I want to add that glory of human strength and hard work involving discipline needed to achieve it is a proof enough that its morally right to be strong. And protection of your kin is just one of many uses for strength. Its needed for craftsmanship and farming as well. There's little point in severe asceticism for example as well as gluttony, because both can cause your ability to act diminish. If God made a man he implied us to grow strength simply because in natural law he made that strength as painful to gain through pains of training as to fast and meditate hard. And both disciplines of strength and choosing right diet can be combined (see Sparta and Shaolin monks) to go even higher. And as they say in a healthy body there's a healthy spirit.

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5ea50c  No.122358


Jesus christ the level of retardedness in the post. You probably think using psychedelics is achieving ego-death and true consciousnesses. Joe Rogan fucked up average intellects. I would bet everything I own you think "being deep" is the same as getting high.

Worse than TV watchers.

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7388c6  No.122416

File: 2caf65812f347fb⋯.png (88.94 KB, 550x187, 50:17, what.png)

File: c30eb4160e8cd81⋯.jpeg (46.16 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Humanity.jpeg)


>remember to this day that infamous leftist ad about tolerance and diversity that said "read Kant you Cunt"

>see this today

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0d9eb9  No.122646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Molyneux must have seen my thread because he just came out with this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUQL2IdZ2gQ&list=PLMNj_r5bccUyXJLUDRykf9sX3Yc_vHBQD

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0d9eb9  No.122652


I believe that babies and even young children don't have spirit incarnate in them. They're automatons until they develop to a stage where they become truly conscious / awareness enters into them.

I'd be more concerned about those who were in fact sentient and were progressing through life until some injustice brought it to and end prematurely.

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0d9eb9  No.122654


>the "soul" is just the biofeedback and communication between our different kinds of cells and bacteria.

Strange how that bacteria and cells dies all the time and you don't wink out of existence.

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0d9eb9  No.122658


>Sounds more like you don’t know what the system of laws Christianity lays down is intended to do–but so many have been lied to about that these days; it’s not surprising.

I was talking about mental stasis not a legal system.

>Eventually you’ll outlive your brain’s capacity for storage.

Do you even know how the brain works or how holographic memory works?

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0d9eb9  No.122664


>Just ask God to give you wisdom to help you know for certain that Jesus is the Son of God and died to save you from your sins. He promises in his Word to give wisdom to ANY man who asks, so it's a win-win.

Did exactly that about a thousand times in the last year. God isn't giving me any certainty.

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0d9eb9  No.122675


>The best way to learn more about Jesus Christ is to read the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Heck, just flip through and finger-stab random passages, asking God for help.

Already read the KJV cover-to-cover multiple times and certain parts of the New Testament in excess of 10 times especially for books like Ephesians.

>The key is to want God, not want him to fit a version that you want him to fit.

I literally just want the omnipotent, omniscient, god to reveal himself to me. Whether that's one described in Christianity or not. I don't want to fit him into anything I want the actual truth whatever that happens to be.

>PS, nobody who has died resides in a limbo in eternity. It's heaven or the lake of fire. There is no middle ground.

I've read an interpretation of the lake of fire that it's the purging of the memories and so on of life followed by reincarnation back into the world.

The only fear I have that is intolerable is limbo. If I found out for sure that limbo was what awaited me the only solution I'd have less is to abandon reason and go absolutely badshit insane as much as I can for that would be too much for me.

Heaven and hell don't scare me at all. I naturally prefer whatever outcome is the best of the given options but I could literally see myself being filled with joy at dying and finding myself in hell, praising God that at least he provided a hell for me.

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0d9eb9  No.122680


Everything I've ever learned about Catholicism just disgusts me and makes me think it's the worst form of Christianity. I prefer something more along the lines of Calvinist Protestant / Dutch Reform.

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0d9eb9  No.122687


>Research of Taoism, Buddhism and Stoicism when you get the chance

Already have read all of these, especially a lot of Stoicism.

> by the way this world works the struggle will just continue there, and you won't leave any experience for us before going into more complex and harsher environment.

What about all my writings though and interactions with people in this world? That gets left behind. Also I don't mind advancing to a new level of greater struggle. This just gets me hyped.

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2311c1  No.122697


you should make sure to take your lithium

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3ba10c  No.122708

File: 8bd6f93106bad56⋯.jpg (326.75 KB, 659x958, 659:958, can_you_find_swastika_the_….jpg)


Anon didn't read article on Neuron doctrine that rejected broader cell theory, as well as haven't dived into Molecular neuroscience and its research on molecular neuroanatomy, from which we found out that our DNA and gene expression is primarily influenced by moleculars in the brain.

The reason why we have people claiming spontaneously that we have no soul is because they heard that on /tv/ or in school and instantly believed it and rejected researching what even they believe in.


>I prefer something more along the lines of Calvinist Protestant / Dutch Reform.

Honestly preferring anything is not believing, i already can tell it won't help you to be a church goer. There are many people in the world who stuck at philosophical questions and never enlightened themselves with anything. The key is not to fall morally to not regret dying.

I actually used to be similar to Calvinist especially in belief of certainly attainable heaven for saints who are kept by "holy spirit" of Christ, but in all honestly the more you find out inconsistencies in bible, the more you find out about philosophy, the more you find out about older religions of the east that have similar philosophical ideas as Christianity, and actually written prior to Christ, you can just stop being brainwashed by it any time.

There's also this theoretical Heaven's gate is not that different from Buddha Gate, and Buddhism in general has many appealing "gates" for buddha-dharma of all its grand teachers. So Jesus was pretty much one of many religious teachers that at critical point in life of believer welcome to their own personal heaven (gate), buddhists of all kinds tell stories of how you meet their grand teachers at their own personal heavens, and they rely on uniting with them in same way spending eternity. Except Zen Sect also reminds to literally kill Buddha in both mind and after death just in case in your personal heaven gate Buddha himself becomes god. This kind of thinking could explain why those who become faithful before death like the guy on the right side of crucified Jesus was guaranteed to go to heaven same day, and why apostle Peter was concerned about not eating meat in front of people who don't eat meat because that would actually affect their moral judgement/regret before death, even if meat is not forbidden.

I have not developed this theory further because i am too lazy, but maybe theoretical philosophy of buddhism can be actually applied to christianity for simple experiment how a practicing buddhist would view it, be glade we're not living in age when catholics dominate who to kill for even discussing doctrine like that, last time i heard orthodox christian describe buddhism as mere "religion of age old illusion by the devil in garden of adam and eve, that humans will be gods".

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0d9eb9  No.122712


I am well aware of the three parts or spirit, soul, and body.

The distinctions between spirit (other than it is the essential self, the common thread of awareness that connects through each moment, and through which so many thoughts and memories pass through) and the soul (mind, the personality and memories and so on) are hard for me to discern though. Evidently even though spirit is identified with the Absolute, the Unchanging (all the god attributes) something changes in the spirit for it be in tied to a specific mind-body complex at a given time.

> As a sensation, this feels like eternity with only yourself and your memories.

Sounds like the bullshit the dentists and others told me about what anesthesia would do. I bet the actual experience of using DMT is not like that. Maybe it feels like a really long time but to call it eternity that is surely bullshit.


>lets just be reduced to unreasoning feral animals that shit everywhere and rape yeah that's a great idea

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0d9eb9  No.122717


>The Gnostics tried for centuries, and they are still around and trying to gain that understanding, that glimpse into the veil beyond the physical, but they failed then and they are still failing.

How do you know that? Many gnostics report having succeeded.

Also I don't believe in works I believe in Wu Wei or effortless action and the passage in the Bible about the Vine and abiding in God.

>the rest of your post

Basically copypasta I've heard spewed out of the mouths of Christians a thousand times every everywhere.

I don't think spiritual understanding looks like making that confession or being passive or anything like that I think it involves actual learning and struggle that is supported by god. Through God we can do everything and without him nothing. It is not our works but The Work in action.

I suspect there's some way to attain a clear knowledge of the life beyond the body and of course that way will be through God but merely saying that alone isn't enough. The way has to find me.

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0d9eb9  No.122720


You are implying thoughtforms depend on the brain.

Read The Human Atmosphere by Walter J. Kilner and some of the standard /fringe/ suggestions like Mind Power: The Secret of Mental Magic by William Walker Atkinson.

I have some perrsonal experiential proof that thoughtforms can be transmitted over large distances, accurately, and without the other person having a clue what they are about to receive.

I don't know if they maybe reside into the electromagnetic sphere or entirely on a mental plane or some kind of combination of the two. I really doubt the idea that thoughtforms are just programs running on brain hardware. They are generated by the whole nervous system sure but I'd say they reside in the auric substance which itself emanates in all directions and clumps of which can break off when there is enough intensity behind it.

I haven't really worked on this stuff in years and I probably should get back into it if I can find people willing and capable to do it with me and I can sort my nervous issues out enough because even though I've done repeated experiments and got amazing successes I still want to push things further and see if for example maybe thoughtforms could be used to displace oneself out of their own body letting them take over while you can be free for an extended period of time to wander then. Of course I could be playing with fire here if I accidentally sever the "silver cord" and can't get back into my body and am left wandering some other plane of reality without access to all my notes, books, etc. on this one.

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06bded  No.122728


>thoughtforms depend on the brain

Was proved back in rome when coliseum warriors who got brain damage lost some capacities of thinking straight. Do not even need to state science for that one.

>thoughtforms can be transmitted over large distances

You can manifest destiny around you if you're disciplined enough (like electronics conveniently breaking when your soul is distressed, or stubbing your toe when you were deluded by something), but i guess that happens because your disciplined body rejected your own distressed thoughts as a reflex, and you certainly can not transmit thoughts.

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0d9eb9  No.122730


>i already can tell it won't help you to be a church goer.

Until the quarantine shutdown I went to every single Church I can find and was basically in churches every day of the week.

>you can just stop being brainwashed by it any time.

It's logical though. I don't believe in free will though I do believe in agency. The universe is a systematic organized whole not built-up block by block out of a whole bunch of independent units but working top-down from one central axis.

Also I take Platonism very seriously and so to me The Good and so on is like these eternal realities we abide in.

As for that saving faith stuff. The Bible is literally full of examples of how anything can happen in front of someone and they won't believe and then there are those who just believe automatically without cause. This illustrates the power of God to give faith, where some like Doubting Thomas will have faith when he can touch, and others will never have faith no matter what, and others will have great faith without needing to see or touch. This is clearly not a matter of choice on our part, it is god's sovereign will.

Here are a couple of things outside of our hands (as far as I'm concerned):

1. Who were are born as and where and when. The Greeks always acknowledged this as strictly controlled by God.

2. Our inclinations. Yeah when presented with a choice we make a choice (agency) but which choice we'd make was due to our inclinations which were given to us.

That's why we need to be thankful to God if we are given the gift of wanting to know him, of not being entirely focused on worldly concerns, etc. It's a gift.

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0d9eb9  No.122732


>Was proved back in rome when coliseum warriors who got brain damage lost some capacities of thinking straight. Do not even need to state science for that one.

When you damage your radio do those radio waves stop existing?

Have you even bothered to read about the holographic brain and about brain damage and memory and the recovery of memory and mental faculties? Have you not heard of the experiments they did on mice where they removed significant portions of the brain? Have you not heard of neuroplasticity?

>You certainly can not transmit thoughts.

Large body of evidence throughout the ages that yes you can in fact do this. Check out Project Gateway in the CIA archives and also this https://sacred-texts.com/psi/mrad/index.htm

Should be enough to at least make you uncertain about this.

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67c3e3  No.122735

Fun fact, the bible mentions baptism for the dead or proxy baptism.

1 Corinthians 15

29 Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?

One of the few churches that believe in this is the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints "mormons". I won't waste your time with a long post, but if you are curious, read the book of Mormon, or Google search: "LDS preach my gospel" and read lesson 1 through 5

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0d9eb9  No.122740

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bab82a  No.122775

a3oodhu billaahi min ashshayTaan irrajeem

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bab82a  No.122776

allaahu laa ilaha illaa huwa

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0d9eb9  No.123025

I've been reading through the Book of Mormon and also looking at the CES Letter. Seems Mormons today are pozzed and won't practice polygamy or keep niggers out.

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0307f5  No.123081

File: f660bd81bab0ae8⋯.jpg (68.62 KB, 604x604, 1:1, Stepping_into_space.jpg)


>I am extremely afraid of dying…

and yet, you will.

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d384fa  No.123149


To those that fear death, ask yourself, is your existence any different from being dead?

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0d9eb9  No.123207


It surely is.

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14d452  No.123435

File: f2c6aa45cf23510⋯.jpeg (33.52 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Egypt.jpeg)



I just thought of important aspect of faith in religion. The Egyptians buried their pharaohs with their retinue and lots of treasures to enjoy in after life because it was the most convincing and believable for them in order to actually manifest said after life in death without any regret or suffering. Aspect of faith in after life is an ancient theological concept that people tend to overlook, in reality its crucial because mind manifests may manifest said heavens/hells before dying. And if Egyptian pharaoh knowing examples of other pharaohs being buried with riches and his soldiers, he would "expect" that kind of after life to happen.

Same with Vikings and dying in battle, going to Valhalla, because their moral code together with faith convinces them in its existence and manifests it.

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a255be  No.123681

File: b6399aaafa9e0b5⋯.jpg (22.63 KB, 386x279, 386:279, eom2.jpg)

The first thing is to find evidence of life after death.

Find rational evidence of it. Our senses, our observations are how we know the world.

Go ghost hunting. I'm not shitting you.

I was a hardcore atheist who could explain away *anything*, until I had encounters of my own that simply couldn't be explained by anything except the 'supernatural'.

That evidence will be the seed that grows firmly into the singular belief of one thing: we are eternal, recurring.

The soul find it's own level. The ego dies, but glory is eternal.

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04032b  No.123862


You have no idea how much I relate to every last word of what you just said. Everything, especially the fear of anesthetic and the suffering is better than nothing mentality are thoughts that I've been having for my whole life. I don't have an answer to your problem, I am looking for it as well. I hope this thread goes somewhere.

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19d7af  No.123874


A man with children does not die, only the childless man does. You live on through your family. If you sacrifice yourself in their defense and for their well being you've performed the greatest deed an average man can ever hope to achieve.

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0d9eb9  No.123973


I'm not sure how and where to find ghosts in my area.

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0d9eb9  No.123976


I actually wonder sometimes if I have a child if I'll end up getting spirit siphoned into my firstborn child. Makes me determined to continue to shape myself into a virtuous man so that if I do end up in my child the programming I instilled in myself will result in a perfect father for me when my awareness is transferred.

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19d7af  No.124072


Why not just have one (or several) and grow together?

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5fd7d9  No.124074


>end up getting spirit siphoned into my firstborn child

I read somewhere that can never happen even according to whole reincarnation theory, that a child is his own being, just can't right now remember where. You cannot "siphon" into produce of your own sperm, it was produced when you were alive.

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454585  No.124075


Thats what you think until technology advances enough for me to transplant my brain into their body and live on at least until my brain melts into a puddle of dementia and psychosis.

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1b35d1  No.124079

File: 5484306fb812ae5⋯.jpeg (20.36 KB, 386x318, 193:159, eww.jpeg)


Why yes that's what jews do by doing transplantation of young goyim blood and hearts all the time to live up to 101 years. They will be the first ones to take goyim's entire bodies and transplant their brains into them.

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454585  No.124081


Hardly see the merit in doing that when theres examples of vietnamese farmers that live to over 100 simply by eating and living healthy. Sounds to me like just some conspiracy shit like celebrities ritualistically torturing children to death to harvest their endocrine or whatever the fuck.

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7addab  No.125389


lol. dumbass. why are you even here. go back to playing videogames and learning about dinosaurs, the big bang and ancient empires on discovery channel.

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f75d52  No.125397

File: 3e18b63924b2f92⋯.jpeg (98.27 KB, 864x576, 3:2, Polaris.jpeg)

A single star formed our idea of a god known as "North Star" or "Polaris".

1. Idea of spiral imagery persisting in many cultures.

2. Idea of omnipresence of a central god "for he does not change"

3. Idea of god being "all seeing" because polaris always looks right down on this earth with other stars spiraling around it like upon an eye

4. Idea that god is not overtaken by "darkness" for he is the light that always shines

5. Idea of other gods serving him or angels because they serve around him

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6faf16  No.126613

File: d9d85d44094950f⋯.jpeg (51.1 KB, 399x426, 133:142, say_not_from_seed.jpeg)



Found where i read about "say not from seed" quote. Spoken by Yajnavalkya, who lived around 8th-7th century BCE, a Hindu Vedic sage mentioned in Upanishads.

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e02a12  No.126797

File: 53aba8c71e8f8d7⋯.png (241.82 KB, 528x419, 528:419, 1.png)

File: c406012182fe192⋯.png (252.39 KB, 525x451, 525:451, 2.png)

File: 434e3332551336f⋯.png (123.5 KB, 523x222, 523:222, 3.png)

File: e931b8b5143bae1⋯.png (81.88 KB, 554x370, 277:185, timeless.png)

File: c9529abe99852a8⋯.png (94.6 KB, 548x436, 137:109, timeless_2.png)


And my own bad dreams when i sleep 15 minutes and it felt like hours…


Worse anon. It is TIMELESS according to 8th century indian writings, Sigman Freud and research of Malik Monsoor and Hipolito Maria "Time and its Relationship to Consciousness An Overview".

And i am sure they weren't inspired by Upanishads at all.

Basically when your consciousness dies you dream forever and stuck in some eternal limbo, unless of course you won't desire to become "one with the god", but hear me out, who's to tell you that isn't another dream?

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cad540  No.127130

File: 80493bb2ab81a95⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB, 480x360, 4:3, startrek_Klingon_War_Song.mp4)

File: b88cab59762ad9c⋯.mp4 (5.71 MB, 630x360, 7:4, donquixoteimpossibledream.mp4)

File: 086989585a12a0e⋯.webm (7.31 MB, 420x236, 105:59, shia_rockin_out.webm)


>How do I hack the whole fear of death thing so I am prepared to die defending my theoretical family in Minecraft when the creepers get out of hand?

You're welcome.

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be4303  No.145790


Yep, you have no comprehension of what’s being said. Eventually material storage requirements for information need to grow faster than the speed of light. It becomes physically impossible to store all data.

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