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File: 800e457e95c0ae8⋯.jpg (98.87 KB, 1280x600, 32:15, connection_interrupted_emb….jpg)

b8268b  No.120943

Seems like a major outage …

Archive.org down

DuckDuckGo.com down

StartPage.com down

rt.com had issues displaying images

github.com had issues displaying images

… Everything's back up now after some 30 minutes or so, I can't be that accurate myself.

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b8268b  No.120944

Update: Sorry forgot to mention I'm using Comodo DNS, I forgot to remember that during the outage and didn't check with any other DNS provider.

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84353b  No.121053


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839feb  No.121361


never post on this board ever again.

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