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File: d08112a439b0add⋯.jpg (124.69 KB, 908x585, 908:585, Ebola_Virus_kills_boy.JPG)

File: cef9665e027e5f1⋯.jpg (133.71 KB, 661x631, 661:631, ebola_treatment_center.JPG)

File: 03208fbc66b2aea⋯.png (300.59 KB, 1103x690, 1103:690, Opera_Snapshot_2019_11_09_….png)

File: c74adfeb91faafc⋯.jpg (2.68 MB, 9761x3000, 9761:3000, ebola_outbreak_map_upd.jpg)

File: 0ea483dbff4972e⋯.png (406.41 KB, 1103x690, 1103:690, Opera_Snapshot_2019_12_06_….png)

55de9c  No.120466

Ebola outbreak in chicago kills 5 Congo Africans migrants


vomiting blood the congo african migrants died at the airport in chicago.

WHO confirmed a new ebola outbreak in congo this week and now congo africans are arriving in chicago vomiting blood and dropping dead in airports in chicago.

guess they need ebola virus because coronavirus did not work ?

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53b68f  No.120480

File: 013e66fa04f54ca⋯.jpg (34.8 KB, 640x852, 160:213, 013e66fa04f54ca9f57940aa9b….jpg)

>mfw ebola starts spreading within the protests

>mfw they still refuse to self-quarantine so it just keeps killing everyone

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f7fa93  No.120481

Fake news.

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972d87  No.120555


Ebola kills 5 niggers…things are looking up!

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