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371a83  No.120371

Since you motherfuckers are about as lazy as I am, I'm going to just cut and paste this straight off this guy's web page, so you don't have to click the link.

The most common question asked of a service member is, “why did you join?” The most common question asked of a veteran is, “why did you leave? ”The answers vary depending on who’s asking and who’s answering. . . but they don’t vary that much. We all wanted to be a part of something; it ended up not being what we expected. I wanted to be a part of a tribe, a brotherhood of warriors, strong, capable men sharpening each other for the primal purpose of calculated violence against other men.

I signed up for the USMC Infantry in late 2012 ready to join the ranks of the warfighters I grew up reading about in the newspapers left on my family’s kitchen table. I was eager for the trials ahead that would shape me into the archetype of the fighting man. I proceeded to spend the next four years training for fights that would never come. I watched as the people around me, above me, and below me played out military roles like they all had the same script, and I felt the same whirlwind of cynicism, pessimism, and nihilism that plagues the rest of our civilization permeate through the ranks.

It seemed priority was PowerPoints and keeping up appearances of training and motivation, rather than accomplishing the roles and responsibilities of command and leadership. I lost count of how many times my platoon would be sitting around bitching at how much shit we had to do throughout the week, only to wonder what we had actually got done or learned. This wasn’t something that changed with rank or time, but rather amplified when we realized that we had no war coming down the pipe.

The monotony of senior leadership telling us to be ready for the coming war that was right around the corner started to feel like we were being promised an opportunity to burn down the world while our command set us on fire. Marine Corps, thy name is Tantalus. Eventually, I lost sight of what I was there for in the firstplace. I left the military bitter, feeling like I hadn’t accomplished anything other than getting a GI Bill I didn’t care to use. It took me some time, experience, and growing up to realize what my time in had provided me with, and what I was seeking was up to me to manifest into reality.

I had an ITB instructor that kicked off class by asking everyone why they were here—why did they enlist in the Marines. It played out with the usual responses of “serving our nation,” “being a part of the finest fighting force in the world,” or because they wanted to do something different with their lives. After going through all of the answers, the instructor would then lecture that the real reason we were in the military, sitting in that seat, was because we wanted to kill people. Now, this laconic phrase as an answer to the age-old question may be chuckle-inducing to some or even seen as obnoxiously edgy to others, but it does offer a good standard perspective of what draws young bucks into the service. A perspective that may seem obvious to most, as our military carefully manicures its reputation and appearances to convey the image of the disciplined warrior ready for violence.

But what happens once these young men are in uniform and have been through the initial battery of boot camp and school houses? Outside the full commitment of armed conflict, we tend to see the combat mentality break apart from the top down, while the bottom-up try their best to hold it all together. SNCOs try their best to enforce discipline, though most look like they’re going through the motions waiting for their retirement, stoking the Warrior Ethos in their juniors with all the passion and fury of a PCC/PCI checklist. NCO’s try to be the fire-breathers their seniors were, but after command 86’s JP8, ammo, and training spaces, again and again, they too lose sight of the plot. Developing their own check-listed response to stimuli. Oh, the boot fucked up? Better go scream at him. Check the box off. The platoon seems apathetic to training? Time for the NCO’s to have a heart to heart with the boots. Check the box off. Gunny is mad that the platoon did something? Mass punishment, sure. Check the box off. Eventually, they stop caring and count the days down themselves.

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371a83  No.120372


Much like the soulless public schools we sprang from, the answers to why we do things returns to “because it’s on the test.” Our desires to be the proverbial badass shifted into the desire for whoever was giving the libo brief to just shut the fuck up and let us go, or tell us that we were about to go do something worth being there in the first place. “Yes, SgtMaj, I know I should not tarnish our branches reputation by getting behind a wheel drunk, BUT CAN I PLEASE GO DIE FOR SOMETHING NOW?”

Experiences may vary, but the Marines in combat units I’m friends with, talked with—or I’ve cast the casual glance at their social media—seem to share the same frustrations as their LARPing brothers in uniform. The ones with combat deployments still felt the constrictions and pessimism of a military not directly focused on war. Sure, scattered units still had deployments to areas in conflict around the world. With the dangers and demands of combat looming in the distance, the Marines of these units had a much sharper sense of purpose and mission focus. That being said, they still generally viewed their military experience entirely as, for lack of a better expression, #GayAF.

I had a friend who, through a chance NJP, ended up walking a different 03 path than me and our mutual buddies. We had run into him in the chow hall one afternoon and he was not long back from a deployment to Afghanistan. After catching up and hearing about his seemingly exciting career doing everything we would sit around wishing we had the chance to do; we conveyed our envy and told him about how shitty our time in was. We felt it amounted to so very little. He shook his head and told us, “It’s not any different. My four years in the Marines all built up to a couple shitty firefights that barely lasted fifteen minutes.” That shattered any notion that an off-chance combat deployment would give us any sense of purpose or fulfillment. That friend ended up killing himself a few years later, his words always stuck with me, and my world view got a shift.

Somewhere out in the ether of the internet, someone is harvesting likes and validation on social media by doing pushups in an amount that wouldn’t be considered a warm-up, on a hungover Monday morning PT session, to honor his memory. Maybe bringing him up in this article is no different, I don’t know. I do know that in a small part thanks to him, I stopped looking for an institution to provide me with what my brethren and I seem to crave so much. Something that got us to sign away chunks of our life on the dotted line to a used car salesman in service Charlies in order to pursue.

It took me some time before I learned that everything I wanted in life wasn’t waiting for me in a government branch or any other business or institution. That I would have to go out and make it for myself. To create my own tribe or gang of like-minded men constantly pushing themselves to be something greater the next day. To start a family and teach them the things lost to the soft comforts and idealistic pursuits of modernity. The very ills that snaked its way into the core of our military and shoved out our warrior mentors, who were either forced out directly or chose to leave rather than watch everything they knew decay in front of them. They knew what was coming.

The writing was on the wall. The GWOT Vets painted it there on their way out the door and tried to point it out to us on our way in. We were illiterate. The Time of the Grunt was being put on a hiatus. The goons will be out of pocket until further notice, sorry. The wars of the future are reserved for the pipe hitters, mercs, and SOF. The rest of us became a standing army. Rome’s legions reduced to dog and pony shows, uniform inspections, and training that amounted to little more than children’s playtime. I decided to walk out the door. I had a calling to be a warrior, something I did not find. Looking at retention rates, suicides, the contempt and vitriol exposed in the community, and the general restlessness felt in everyone I talk to, active duty or veteran, it seems I’m not alone. Separated from the grinding frustrations of the military day-to-day, I now realize all of the problems I faced could have been fixed with a healthy dose of discipline and a shift in mentality, and to then pass that on to the man next to me.

The Brotherhood, mindset, and tribes of our ancestors have been grounded out of civilization. Fortunately, we can bring them back. Carve out a chunk of the world for you and yours. Make yourself better each day. Find some like-minded men and start your own gang. We joined to be a part of a tribe, we left to be a part of one too.

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efd55c  No.120385




>Find some like-minded men and start your own gang.

That is a start

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933ca6  No.120386


And here's the link.


Well, goody goody gumdrops. Someone else feels the same way I do.

You know how every epoch of human history is marked by struggle of some sort?

My EXTREMELY brief time in the military was due primarily to one thing: There was literally not one chance in five hundred and seventy-five million that I was ever going to get to shoot at anyone, or get shot at.

As I was going through the training of whatever country I was from, one thing became resoundingly clear: We were being trained to control civilian rioters, not shoot at evil men, (as in, actually evil, like the average male in Dumbfuckistan is portrayed as being) enemies with guns.

You know, taking out the trash. Being with a tight-knit team of badasses out to crush the will and means of evil, hateful, violent, backwards people to be and do such things.

Holy shit was I in for a disgusting surprise. The main thing my (coincidence) almost entirely blue-eyed "comrades" were good at was gossiping like little girls and polishing their university degrees, if they had them.

People I would not only cross the street, but leave the country to avoid being near or associated with.

Since you don't know me and never will, I can tell you. I flunked. I wasn't just flunked. I was flunked while watching in awe as a fat, out-of-shape usless sack of shit pencil-pusher female was given passing marks for leadership. Someone who couldn't lead her chihuahua into a dark alley at night, let alone lead anyone into combat.

So. I marveled at the Diversity Quota that dominated our training, and as you can guess, I did not fit in. I did not last long. I was disappointed, but not surprised. I could see no use in belonging to a bunch of glorified riot police. I could tell that what I was doing was pretty well perfect, especially when compared with what the others were doing and screwing up royally, but still receiving passing marks.

Ironically, I was a warrior, so I did not fit in the military.

Let that sink in. If you are a warrior, these days, the military is the LAST place to be. There you will be taught to push pencils, dot I's and cross T's and behave yourself while your girlfriend or wife is gang-fucked every single guy within ten miles of the base, while YOU doing the same is a criminal offense.

Let's be realistic. I'm not asking you to believe a single thing I'm saying. Treat it like a cute little fictitious blog post if you want, but seriously consider it if you are wanting to be part of a fighting force.

You are better off joining a local militia than you are joining a regular force. The number of fake wars for oil are dialing down. We aren't as actively murdering every Muslim in the Middle East for a righteous cause of Bush oil anymore.

Ironically, there are going to be generations of Muslims who grow up NOT actively hating everything America stands for, because the America Trump is forming is not one that tries to rape every Muslim child on Earth for Israel.

But, if you are a warrior at heart, which many are, then do something constructive with it. Join a militia. Don't do any crazy plotting to overthrow this or that government agency. The Chinese will most likely be providing you with targets soon enough, if Beijing Joe Biden has his way.

Meanwhile, I don't know what else to say, other than, I feel your pain. I didn't join the fucking military to shoot fucking protesters, and I sure as hell didn't join to train for ten years for fifteen minutes of combat guarding a caravan of underage sex slaves for the local warlord.


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efd55c  No.120387


>I sure as hell didn't join to train for ten years for fifteen minutes of combat guarding a caravan of underage sex slaves for the local warlord.

But isn't that what the vast masses of men 'in the service to empire' actually did for thousands of years? It was only when we fought for ourselves and our own people that we actually had a purpose. Because you fight for empire, of course you are going to be protecting jabba the huts pedophile romantic interests.

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e3a595  No.120401


Which further expands this topic.

Why the shrieking goddamn fuck do we even HAVE a military?

So a bunch of politicians can make sure their latest boy toy gets to prance round in come-colored uniforms and be whistled on board the undersea faggot hotel?

So the equally fagalicious air force pilots who are almost all sons of very wealthy people get to fly around and towel-snap each other on the bare ass in the locker room (the scene that got cut out of Top Gun?)

The military has become one of the biggest faggotized diversity-hire Turkish Bathhouses on the planet.

It used to be "don't ask, don't tell." then it degenerated into "If you aren't gay, you are not getting promoted."

What the fuck.

The military has become a big faggot business top-heavy with people who have only experienced bloodshed when they are first-timing a six-year-old boy.

Trump needs to de-faggotize the military and pronto. What would happen if we had an invasion? The Chinks could just say "Free young boys for whoever surrenders" and *poof* 101 percent of the brass are on their side overnight.

Fuck this.

Fuck it royally.

Read the book Starship Troopers.

Not the movie. Read. The actual. Book.

We are watching the flood of child rapists at the Southern border and hoping it all gets better.. Isn't that a motherfucking insurgence? Who needs a wall when you can just gun them down?

Fuck, there are countries around the world where just one or two of our SpecOps groups could drop in and scorched-Earth the local fuckwit and leave them in peace for several generations (as in, about 20 years, with their breeding cycles)

Hell, South Sudan is a Christian country that broke off from Sudan, which is a Muslim country, and has been under attack from the goatfuckers ever since.

There are potential righteous conflicts all over the place that could be solved in minutes or days while allowing our warriors a chance to REALLY live or at least REALLY die.

Why do they sit here and fap to porn when they could be out raining hell on some of the most evil people on Earth?

I do not advocate being the world's 911 force, but going out and kicking some ass every so often would definitely lower the suicide rate probably to the level of the casualties received, at least.

And boots-on-ground wariors are FAR cheaper to run than Obama and Bush "sell-a-missile-a-minute" bullshit 300-mile-range cruise missile sniping at Muslim orphanages and hospitals.

Dropping off five angry men in the bush and telling them to call back when they the head of the local Lord's Resistance Army on a pike would literally be the recruiting poster material of any recruiter's fantasies.

One of the only wars worth fighting was in Rhodesia. And what did the US do? Supplied arms to the ZANU?

No more wars that don't accomplish a net good in the world.

Strange how a country that had to band together with the demons-in-human-skin Soviet kikes to annihilate Germany can't lift a finger to do any real good anywhere in the world or on its own border.

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e3a595  No.120404


You know, supposing you have some evil, as in, almost as evil as a typical Democrat politician, warlord nicely holed up in some dense part of the African bush.

Why not just use Neutron bomb and nuke the bastard? Shit, they have an expiry date, don't they? They keep dismantling them. Why the hell not just use them up.

A Little Jimmy can microwave the brains of the local child rapers and leave a habitable jungle behind after a couple weeks or months.

As Trump said, we have these tactical nukes, why don't we use them?

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676f76  No.120405


>Why the shrieking goddamn fuck do we even HAVE a military?

To protect israel.

>Trump needs to de-faggotize the military and pronto.

Why would he ever do anything jews don't want?

>What would happen if we had an invasion?

Then the US would be destroyed, like jews want.

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e3a595  No.120406


What the fuck does SAGE mean?

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efd55c  No.120407


It means he doesn't bump the thread. It is not important. It is some peoples method of downvoting an OP…ignore it.

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efd55c  No.120408


Nukes are outdated. Biowarfare has been the weapon of choice for 20+ years. Technically soldiers are outdated as well.

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e3a595  No.120409

Hmm. Sage seems kinda faggoty, but he makes good points, all the same.

It seems we have an entrenched enemy.

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efd55c  No.120413

File: b0b24de798f1d65⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB, 400x220, 20:11, Gates_FunVax.mp4)


>entrenched enemy.

It is not Bill Gates…but a genefag from 2011. The science is unprecedented in terms of how quickly it has advanced. When you talk about bio engineers you are basically talking about gods in human form at this point. AND THEY KNOW IT.

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676f76  No.120445


Never post here again. For FUCK'S sake, you useless faggot.

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096107  No.120493



Simultaneously kill yourselves

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efd55c  No.120545


(1) Shut up pathetic faggot.

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44cd25  No.120780

File: 262630ea319205a⋯.jpg (1.45 MB, 4571x3411, 4571:3411, women2.jpg)


>Since you don't know me and never will, I can tell you. I flunked. I wasn't just flunked. I was flunked while watching in awe as a fat, out-of-shape usless sack of shit pencil-pusher female was given passing marks for leadership.

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01a435  No.120823

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433a1d  No.121221


All these fucking sluts and slut-enablers in the military. Fucking shameless. I have progressively lost all faith in humanity since childhood.

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9d5698  No.121234

File: 8efdb52b73ea23b⋯.webm (5.87 MB, 640x480, 4:3, russian_military.webm)



Could be worse, imagine being in russian military.

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20b5e0  No.121240

File: c30174a0bd6c663⋯.pdf (1.42 MB, _Arkady_Babchenko_Nick_All….pdf)

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b4648a  No.121350


we have a military to fight nazis, that's all.

Once ww2 ended, there were no more nazi armies to fight, and the existing command couldn't fathom the idea that there wouldn't be another enemy. There is no enemy. Only us, living in the world together.

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b4648a  No.121356

File: dc37a07bcb55ffd⋯.png (37.02 KB, 887x460, 887:460, Real_Shit_Alert_Alert_Real….png)


psychologists who sin believe they're gods because they can fuck up a human mind, and given enough material control they can program it.

biologists who sin believe they're gods because they can fuck with the body and make it do things it doesn't usually do.

theologians who sin believe they're gods because they can make the human soul come to conclusions that it doesn't normally make.

none are God

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efd55c  No.121364


Does it matter if God is completely absent? Who cares that they aren't 'real' gods if they get to do whatever they please…how does this make a difference in the real world?

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b4648a  No.121365


because they don't get to do whatever they please, they just maintain an illusion of control by controlling one part of the world and tricking others into believing that it's the only "true" part of the world.

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efd55c  No.121374


You are wrong anon. You are actually advocating for them more than you are for anything else.

First, you want to pretend that there is 'something else'…so delusional

Second, you want to present that they don't do whatever they please…so more delusion

Third, your first two delusions make you passive when you should be active.

Fourth all of these things combined allow them to rule in Hell (here) and keep it from ever becoming anything different.

If they take the place of God, they are gods. That isn't delusion, it is fact. You have nothing that can either prove or disprove your own theory so you are facilitating their destruction of the planet, thinking you are helping.

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b4648a  No.121377


lol, you admit we're in hell but you are still mad

they control you because they have convinced you that you need money, a house, a car, and the media to survive or at least to be happy, or maybe they have convinced you that you need these things to have kids and you understand that descendants are nice to have. You don't need to live in their world, we have our own, its outside your front door and makes up the whole universe. The "control" exercised by those at the top is entirely an illusion, facilitated by the false dependence on "civilization". A geneticist can only modify what they can put in a lab to control, modern "rulers" (lol) try to make the whole world their lab, but it never works. Look into social engineering projects throughout history, or any largescale development project. The people who set it up have no practical control over the result, its dependent on the will of everyone else. Some people have gotten good at convincing other people, and technology allows the few to kill the many, but that only confers control if those people believe that death is eternal. Whether it is or not is not provable and irrelevant, what matters is that when people believe that death is eternal they can be corralled and controlled. When people believe in an immortal soul, you cannot control them, only kill them.

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b4648a  No.121381


oh also, "they" in this context are just responding to the duality inherent in this world, but since its the kali yuga, duality is about to collapse in favor of a new basic shape for interaction, instead of "us vs them" it'll be some other basic paradigm.

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efd55c  No.121390


We are in Hell because you will them to power. It could be heaven but you refuse to do anything but will them to power.

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b4648a  No.121397


you have been the one willing other people to power though your insistence that they have it, stop projecting on me and go fix yourself. I know they are powerless, I have been telling you that they are powerless, why won't you internalize that fact and take the power back that you've given them?

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b4648a  No.121406



you know what? I apologize for accusing you of willing others into power, I really didn't have any evidence to back that up, I just saw language that I associate with projected insecurity and I shouldn't have interpreted it so harshly. Neither of us are willing them to power, because they don't have any. Love you anon!

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