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File: b2e280ce47af255⋯.jpg (74.07 KB, 500x721, 500:721, main_italy_defendilo.jpg)

2a75cf  No.119529

Reminder that if you watch anime, play videogames or watch porn you are worst than the niggers and jews you hate

You should be practicing your rethoric, learning history and politics, enduring your body, and converting liberals, dont we a weak faggot, dont just whine in an anime board, DO SOMETHING

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73a5e5  No.119533


Ok Boomer

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961756  No.119553


>dont just whine in an anime board


Op is as always a faggot

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0003a9  No.119672



The world can die on a fire for all i care.

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46b6b0  No.119843


I can bet that OP does none of the enlightened stuff that he speaks of.

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ce553c  No.120118

File: 73e01c3473130e8⋯.jpg (557.5 KB, 2000x1330, 200:133, 73e01c3473130e8d526fd03eca….jpg)

File: dce119cc759a519⋯.pdf (178.83 KB, The_Doctrine_of_Fascism.pdf)

File: ea70e04a507dfb4⋯.jpg (3.12 MB, 3773x4000, 3773:4000, 1587387485967.jpg)


You have to be +18 to post here


K fine for you


I do read and like politics and history, thanks for that i can refute the tipical misinformed liberal, therefore i made my friends a little more right leaning, and a amount of liberals dobt their beliefs

And i do exercise because i want to be strong and it help me sleep, i used to need meds to, but dropped them and im way better like this

Is not that fucking hard anon, one step at a time

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6a2772  No.120145


>if i put all the pressure points in one OP im cool

Youre not even a kike, youre just a dumb faggot. Liberals? Right leaning? I bet you want us to vote too kek.

These people in the streets, they are not liberal. They are not swayed by facts and reason, but by emotion. If you had any experience with marxists you would know this.

>Hate niggers

Im a fascist and a national socialist. I do not hate niggers - and if you actually read the mandatory curriculum you would know why.

>Dont do X

You are either a fat fuck yourself, or you are heavily confused as to who visits these boards. Assuming people here are fat, watch porn and are docile gamers says a lot about you. Because this is the last place to preach those things; go to cuckchan, go to yiddit.

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0a5988  No.120153


>OP tell people that if they watch porn, anime & play video games they're subhuman

>Ppl get mad as fuck

The absolute state of the white race.

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0a5988  No.120155

>Assuming people here are fat, watch porn and are docile gamers says a lot about you.

Cope more.

Given how mad everyone is including you, OP definitely touched a nerve.

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5e9988  No.120159

>right wing doesn't allow fun goys don't you hate agreeing with right wing people?

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74a92e  No.120165


Holy shit anon did i hurt you?

A reminder that a fascist uprising against democracy is only a wet dream in the current year and the closest can only be acomplished by inclining the majority of the population to right/authoriarian beliefs, so yes, voting and persuading the majority you know is the only way to actually acomplish anything, but i guess you rather stay at your home thinking youre better than anybody else becauae you hate the most popular political parties

Get your fatass away from that computer and do something faggot

Everything else you said is pure bullshit rant, not a real argument fag



Lazy fags love being lazy fags and will jump at your throat any time they are reminded theyre worthless shit


Thats the whole fucking argument of fascism faggot, not to fucking be a slave of comoddities and singularism, but to strive togheter for a better future

those 3 in particular are pure degeneracy and no different from drugs, transexuality and whores

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71935c  No.120170


>criticizes anime

>not Hollywood

Anon, I…

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6a2772  No.120175


>Holy shit anon did i hurt you?

Interesting kneejerk. Are you going to call me sweetie next?

>a fascist uprising against democracy is only a wet dream in the current year


>voting and persuading the majority you know is the only way to actually acomplish anything

So youre a votecuck? So how will you vote yourself out of your own genocide? A democracy is only good when it allows international finance to plunder. People like you believe there is a difference between Obama, Clinton and Trump. Two digit IQ. Voting and persuasion are two very different things, dont conflate them.

>Get your fatass away from that computer and do something faggot

Not fat, and i can promise you not a lot of people are fat on these boards. Why do you keep repeating your delusion? Is it that important to you to believe people on here are hypocritical fascist? That they preach fascism, but live like a loser? Why do you bring your people down, based on nothing but your personal assumptions?

> youre better than anybody else becauae you hate the most popular political parties

I am better than people that think voting works. I dont just hate popular political parties Jakob, i hate them all.

>Thats the whole fucking argument of fascism faggot

You have no idea what fascism is do you? You also have no idea how to persuade people of anything - this thread shows as much. So i have big doubts you are able to convince your peers, if this is your modus operandi.

Instead of attacking this board and the stereotypes you think visit it, why dont you share some of your favourite literature? Give us some PDFs. That is… if you actually can.

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5e9988  No.120176

File: f7b28c0a8a238af⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 480x480, 1:1, f7b28c0a8a238af3f61c24fe58….gif)


>Thats the whole fucking argument of fascism

>my extreme absolute definition of specific fascism is the only form of far-right ideology

>removing entertainment from the world is right wing

>hitler would have banned videogames

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52d5b2  No.120184


>Interesting kneejerk. Are you going to call me sweetie next?

Ad hominem can work both ways anon


>So youre a votecuck? So how will you vote yourself out of your own genocide? A democracy is only good when it allows international finance to plunder. People like you believe there is a difference between Obama, Clinton and Trump. Two digit IQ. Voting and persuasion are two very different things, dont conflate them.

So what is your magic option to change all of this? Go and kill jews and niggers?

Burn every person who think different? Then go and fucking do it, but wait, youre just a neckbeard jacking off in his basement, and never did, do and will fucking do anything about it, because thsts you and thats 90% of thid fucking site oh the jews oh the niggers the woman theyre all so bad i will so something someday, just not today, but someday i swear

Fucking weak piece of shit

At least I AM fucking doing something to defend my cause

>Not fat, and i can promise you not a lot of people are fat on these boards. Why do you keep repeating your delusion? Is it that important to you to believe people on here are hypocritical fascist? That they preach fascism, but live like a loser? Why do you bring your people down, based on nothing but your personal assumptions?

Post body with timestamp, else youre either a fatfuck or a fucking twink

>I am better than people that think voting works. I dont just hate popular political parties Jakob, i hate them all.

Again, then show me what are you doing to change the course of things

>You have no idea what fascism is do you? You also have no idea how to persuade people of anything - this thread shows as much. So i have big doubts you are able to convince your peers, if this is your modus operandi.

Not an argument faggot


Here are some names

Francisco Franco:

Francisco Franco's Moroccan War Diary

Juan D Perón:

Reglamento de gimnasia alemán para el ejército y la armada, ensayo de ejercicios corporales

La comunidad organizada

Descartes, política y estrategia


El País y sus hombres (anacleto gil)

Del arte de la guerra (maquiavell


La dottrina di fascismo (obvius)

Il mio diario di guerra

I cant think of more now

>inb4 no hitler

Hitler was a faggot and not a real fascist

Francisco Franco and Juan D Perón were the only ones who could actually execute fascism the right way, and Perón excelled on it since to this day people praise him

Your move faggot

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52d5b2  No.120190


>that gif


Yeah he would have banned it, but as i said before, he was a faggot addicted to meth

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4843fa  No.120191


>did I hurt you?

hello reddit

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6a2772  No.120211


>no pdf's

I asked for PDFs for a reason. Give us the PDFs. Youre actually getting so upset youre making typos. And ill forego on highlighting the very obvious yiddit spacing and oneliners for now.

>At least I AM fucking doing something to defend my cause

By voting :^) ?

>Post body with timestamp, else youre either a fatfuck or a fucking twink

And there is the degeneracy. You people really cant help but oust yourself can you.

>Again, then show me what are you doing to change the course of things

I am an inspiration to the people around me. You should realise by now the people that YOU want to convince thrive on humiliation. Its why you think insults work as motivation.

The people i want on my side are not motivated by hate and humiliation, they are motivated by love. Love for their people, love for their history and love for their territory. People like you always talk about hate, but you forget the love. You motivate people by being excellent. People will strive to be like you, be around you and imitate you if you are a just man. There is no desire in me to convince a marxists with words. Just like you, they wont listen. You motivate by being the best you can ever be.

So, all in all a summary before we can all filter (((you)))

>identity politics; you are fat, you watch porn, you watch anime

>votecuckery; you change the world by voting goy!



>degeneracy; fucking twink, jacking off neckbeard

>Hitler was a faggot


>did…did i hurt you :^)



>not an argument

Somewhere along the lines youre also assuming i hate women or something? I dont even know whats going on anymore, you jump from cuckchan stereotype to cuckchan stereotype.


You also have the reading comprehension of a nigger and the attitude to go with it.

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c4ae0f  No.120245


Im on a phone, thats why i have typos and i dont usually save the pdfs here

>by voting?

Yes exactly

>reddit space, :^), So, all in all a summary before we can all filter (((you))), Somewhere along the lines youre also assuming i hate women or something? I dont even know whats going on anymore, you jump from cuckchan stereotype to cuckchan stereotype., You also have the reading comprehension of a nigger and the attitude to go with it.

Ad hominem are not an argument anon ::^^)))

>And there is the degeneracy. You people really cant help but oust yourself can you.

Or youre just a fat neckbeard who lies and when cant defend his bullshit, attacks the person in an attemp to deviate the subject

>I am an inspiration to the people around me. You should realise by now the people that YOU want to convince thrive on humiliation. Its why you think insults work as motivation.

>The people i want on my side are not motivated by hate and humiliation, they are motivated by love. Love for their people, love for their history and love for their territory. People like you always talk about hate, but you forget the love. You motivate people by being excellent. People will strive to be like you, be around you and imitate you if you are a just man. There is no desire in me to convince a marxists with words. Just like you, they wont listen. You motivate by being the best you can ever be.

So you just lie in the internet because you dont have a real solid argument about how to actually solve the problem

I answered every fucking thing you asked, and when i did ask something you just bullshit and play the constant insult, you are pathetic anon, maybe you should take what i said in the thread and start doing something good to your life, brlieve me life is way better when you have control over it

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c4ae0f  No.120249


Hollywood cinema is the normie relative of anime, so youre right anon

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6a2772  No.120258


>by voting?

>Yes exactly


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ec8a52  No.120279

Chiming in.



>win by being an example of excellence

Ethos. Rest is Logos and Pathos.

>motivate by love


>not by argument

Well I guess that includes "but tell them the truth of the world" so that would be Logos. If you don't have good character, convincing anyone of anything is just not at all a viable use of time, energy and resources. One has to demonstrate the Way and the Life. Everyone inspires because everyone is a sponge. If you're some soy boy that seems "deranged" which I think literally means, "the inability to extend [beyond oneself, frame of reference, reasoning, world-view, power, victory, momentum/direction, morality]" hence de-ranged, then you inspire what you are and that isn't very appreciable.

This is very simplistic and just an element of things though. If you have poor Ethos, if you have poor Pathos (one can invoke emotion from people besides hate or humiliation that are negative though), if you have poor Logos (not even the truth), then yes, you don't have much of anything. Your suggestions are just so simplistic. Clearly a man can look like someone people want to listen to. That's just shallow though, 9/10. If we're talking about strength and health, you don't need to look particularly strong or healthy to be so. You don't need to look excellent to be excellent. No reason to make yourself look worse though. Love for things that should be hated is wrong. Hate for what should be loved is wrong. That's all I have to say for that, and a love/hate dichotomy isn't all encompassing. Over-simplified. Just having the "Truth" or rather "claims of Truth" but not backing it up, thus UPLIFTING THEIR MIND FROM "ooh me worship big man ~" and "ooga booga strong tribesman me follow -" just proves how you're fine with humanity being reduced to sub-human niggerdom.

Fucking snow nigger.

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f6b467  No.120307



What do you believe in anon, and how would you enlight the population, and what do you think about the thread theme?

Also recomend me a short book about the basics of persuasion, im very busy with work lately but im interested in learning the topic

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3db652  No.120350


I think a multi-pronged front is necessary, multiple campaigns to set up the dominoes coordinated by someone with high IQ and strong work ethic with more insight than others into everything or the willingness to investigate and research very deeply.

If all you want to do is "enlight the population" then you need to literally target every individual county in the country. See what localized channels there are to spread your message and craft something perfectly put together in general and then geared towards the local population of that county (perhaps individual towns even).

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