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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow
The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: 462e4a3750df237⋯.png (254.69 KB, 1710x428, 855:214, 1591200634659.png)

File: b69b8c2036ed468⋯.png (243.37 KB, 1314x996, 219:166, digital_mirror.PNG)

File: ab9c477c123e87f⋯.png (303.3 KB, 760x842, 380:421, 1591200634545659.png)

39bde9  No.118769

Any thoughts about Operation Digital Mirror? I got a 2 week ban for participating on cuckchan but it has huge potential imo.

In short:

- Find picture of a leftist you want to see destroyed

- Add a caption to a picture, fake a tweet with something mildly racist like "I know black people have legitimate grievances, but there is no reason for all this violence. MY WINDOWS GOT SMASHED! NOT EXACTLY HELPING THE STEREOTYPE BLACK PEOPLE!". The "mildly" racist part is important. Don't go full 1488.

- Put the "deleted screenshot" on twitter #twitterdoyourthing + whatever nigger hashtag is trending atm

- Watch them destroy their own

Con: Can't use leftists that are too big.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

39bde9  No.118773

Also, it might look suspicious if your account is new. I think you have to cover that in some way like

"I've never used twitter but had to make an account to get this off my back blablabla my blood is boiling blabla"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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